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Pak Army Uniform undergoing major redesigning.

How psychologically does this impact Taliban? I want to know...

Taliban :

" Agha Jadeed Jacket Amadad! Khaylay Qashang! Alaka Amreekan! Jacket Raka! "
"Murg ba Kunn!!!" *Shoots NATO soldier!*

This is how it psychologically affects Taliban :D
I want to disagree a little with this thought.
With Bad_*** looks one have to also consider about the reputation.You have to keep up to it.
If you sometime hit hard, it will be a great de moralizing factor.

Good looks gives a professional feeling to the forces and helps to give a strong message to the opposition that 'Okay boss, we are also here to tango and are more than capable enough to match you and beat you'. And that is a big factor, the fear factor is an integral part of military ops. Wonder why India did not try to do any thing after Mumbai, along with other factors, the fear factor was involved. And again, the fear factor includes several things, one of them, the uniform.
Good looks gives a professional feeling to the forces and helps to give a strong message to the opposition that 'Okay boss, we are also here to tango and are more than capable enough to match you and beat you'. And that is a big factor, the fear factor is an integral part of military ops. Wonder why India did not try to do any thing after Mumbai, along with other factors, the fear factor was involved. And again, the fear factor includes several things, one of them, the uniform.

This fear factor works big time as far as civilians are concerned. But my questions is that today's the enemy with which we are confronting are very motivational i.e Taliban. There is no psychological point I see in it.

This thing about self esteem which Chogy is talking about in his previous post I don't understand. This feeling of rolling out which he is talking is only of very short duration when I guess soldiers gear up. I think once your feet hit the ground and you start to taste a little bit of sand in the battle field you start to sweat a little you start to exhaust a little bit all that feeling evaporates and all that remains is your training with you. This psychological part is only self satisfactory not and it not plays any part in the performance of any person.
No Doubt, I'd say Pakistan Army should adorn a Uniform worthy of the Grandeur of the Musim Commanders of our glorious past!

Ofcourse the previous one would look more familiar and hence "better" to the common Pakistani's or the senior army personnel. But it all comes down to what is made famous!

A Practical, Robust, Convenient and Traditional Muslim Design should become the Armour of every soldier now! Pakistan Army is a part of a Sacred Army! May Allah show the world this Truth!

So you want Kalmas and other calligraphy done on it?
I think they look sharp!

Uniforms are more important than people believe. It's a psychological thing. When you and your buddies look sharp, look the same, you feel better about yourself and work better as a team.

When an enemy considers your troops, they form subconscious thoughts... are these guys cohesive, well trained? Good uniforms do help. Especially combat gear. No one cares too much about a dress uniform, but when you see guys like this, you sit up and take notice.




As opposed to Rabble:

Among Pakistani forces , i guess SSW [Special Services Wing -Air Borne wing of PAF] has the best gear and uniform.

Among Pakistani forces , i guess SSW [Special Services Wing -Air Borne wing of PAF] has the best gear and uniform.

i think these LBVs r given to all ss forces along with the new helmets gogggls gun holstera and joint pads but it is the operational requirment in which they wear this gear .
This fear factor works big time as far as civilians are concerned. But my questions is that today's the enemy with which we are confronting are very motivational i.e Taliban. There is no psychological point I see in it.

This thing about self esteem which Chogy is talking about in his previous post I don't understand. This feeling of rolling out which he is talking is only of very short duration when I guess soldiers gear up. I think once your feet hit the ground and you start to taste a little bit of sand in the battle field you start to sweat a little you start to exhaust a little bit all that feeling evaporates and all that remains is your training with you. This psychological part is only self satisfactory not and it not plays any part in the performance of any person.

We all have never seen a real war, where mass genocides take place. Indo-Pak wars are nothing on the scale. Ask a WWII person what was it like to be sleeping in london underground tubes while shells were falling above. Here, lahoriay shor macha rahay hotay hain woh dekho jang ho rahi hai tank ja rahay hain, and they are happy and boys take out motor cycles on the streets. No doubt this nation has also given sacrifices but, we have not seen a true massive war. Ask somebody from Frankfurt or Hamburg who witnessed thousands of planes in the sky and then watched as bombs fell on his lawn and front yard.

Now, in that scenario, when a nation sees a Taliban kind of outfit, it does not exactly fill us up with confidence. 'huh, yeh to koi orgnization hi nhn hai, inhon nay kiya larna hai', that is the general mindset. If you are in good battle gear and some extra gadgetry , which is useful, but it also gets the people behind them and oozes class and gives confidence and a sense of security to the nation behind you.
AG, guud to see you again,where have you been?AG see, there was a time when the soldiers would wear 'sooti' cloth uniform and the officers would wear 'raishmi'. Only soldiers who could afford or the senior NCOs/JCOs would purchase the raishmi cloth, rest all would stick to the sarkari issued uniform. The result, well you could tell apart an officer and soldier by their uniforms.Then came the camo, it didnt change much, officers would buy the cloth and men would b issued readymade unis. The difference in quality, cloth and stiching waa quite large.Then the sarkari issue to men was stopped, they would get paid instead. Officer were purchasing cloth already, now the men could also do it. Now i would buy the cloth from CSD, you would do it from Janjua tailors, others would do it from the local market - all of these would have a different shade. We tried but couldnt prevent it, do numbri everywhere. Also the stiching was varied. The janjua, unit tailor or the local tailor, all would just try to make the uniform right, none were successful though.Now, the same cloth and the same standard of stich for everyone. Today the recruit in the unit wears exactly the same uniform that Gen Kiyani does.As for the cost, well new uniforms are implemented in phases allowing for the expiry of old uniform's life. You know what i mean?


In every business---most of the times the uniform and personal grooming are the most important factor of how the business wants to project itself and how it wants its employees to look---and more so for any millitary that wants to look professional---.

I personally would like to take the total uniform one step further---buzz cut for all millitary personale---can't hold hair between the tip of your fingers and the heel of your palm ----.
^^ Tawanu hun pata lageya jay..??


That is a good one----.

And as for the U S millitary haters---pak millitary should have been based on similiar standards as the u s millitary long time ago---it is progressive---it is professional---it is forward looking---it gives utmost respect to a soldier---where a soldier has confidence to talk to a general without prejudice---.

U S army is such where non comms are doing the jobs of commiossioned officers---and that is not an orinary task.
Don't see any difference what you clothes make but if the gear is light , and you have body armor that is wonderful

In every business---most of the times the uniform and personal grooming are the most important factor of how the business wants to project itself and how it wants its employees to look---and more so for any millitary that wants to look professional---.

I personally would like to take the total uniform one step further---buzz cut for all millitary personale---can't hold hair between the tip of your fingers and the heel of your palm ----.

^^ i agree.

But what about those how would call us 'paid munni'
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