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He led IDF intel gathering on Iran, was ignored and fears Israel is now paying the price

Guys, forgive Benny..he is emotional...just read his lines...What do U expect from someone who is "Checkmated"...MATT SHODEH..DIVANEH SHODEH....:azn::azn:

@Beny Karachun ..Benny Jan...just look at the "Iran Infrastructure" thread..I made the thread for people like you so U realize few facts about Iran economy with sanction on ..Iran ..We are no 17 on GDP list in the world (highest in the region)..Heading up to be top 10 in the next decade..I deal with facts not one liners..Data is what rules not photos of craters in the sand..If you want to destroy Iran you should get to know us better than western propaganda 🤔🤔

You are an Iranian that migrated to Canada, you're the last guy that has a permission to speak about how good Iranian economy is. Truth is Iran's economy is trash, people are rioting, and that's one of the main reasons Mossad is able to buy out everyone in Iran.


Huge inflation, worthless money, your "infrastructure" is old and irrelevant. Majority of Iran is poor, Iranian GDP per capita is 2,000 dollars annually.
You boasting on Iran being the 17th largest economy is worth as much as some dirt poor malaria ridden African nation boasting on having a large population.

No one cares if they're poor.
Well previously I went in detail about Jericho 3 with another member of the forum by the way do you have any proof of Jericho 3 existence ?
About Popeye isn't it the missile that introduced with a range of around 100 to 150km and then suddenly one not so reputable media announced it has more than 2000km and suddenly it become a 2000km missile.
And what nuke we are talking a megaton one or a tactical one . And it also good to knew if it going to detonate over the earth under the ground or on the surface
Israel is very confidential with such information. Doubting Jericho 3's existence would also be naïve.

There are a few versions of the Popeye missile, and they fall under two categories. The only thing that's common between both categories are the guidance systems and electronics.

There's the air launched versions, and there's the submarine launched versions.
The submarine launched version is the long range one, assumed to have at least 1,500 kilometers range. It's larger in weight, fuel capacity, length, wingspan etc.
Actually you are making the same mistakes that i wrote in my earlier post, the problem with Israel is and what your expert recently admitted, it has no clue on what they are doing. The classic sabotage warfare seems not to work against Iran. You are suffering from a lack of knowledge visavis Iran. If you think by killing a few people and disabling a few centrifuges you are going to stop the vast Iranian nuclear program you are very wrong.

For your information, right now, as i am writing this post, Iranian centrifuges are spinning by the thousands and accumulating more and more uranium. Each day that passes the breakout time is lessening. It is basically like a ticking time bomb for a country that desires to be the sole nuclear power. So i can understand the desperation and false bravado you are trying to show here.

Iran wouldn't have been installing advanced IR-6 generation of centrifuges if it had not been for Israeli attempts to disrupt. Iran would never had the excuse to enrich up to 60% purity if it were not the sabotage attempt at Karaj facility.

Breakout time is becoming less and less.. time is literally ticking away for Israel. Most pessimistic estimates for a breakout time are around 3-6 months. In the coming months with the newer equipment installed this will become around 2 weeks to a month max. Like earlier stated, Iran just needs an excuse from Israel. Just give them an excuse to make the next dramatic step. I wish you do, actually.

Tik tok tik tok......
Just so you know, Stuxnet is just a toy compared to what's going to happen to Iran.
Read about Nitro Zeus.

The thing is, it's gonna happen when it's declared that diplomacy failed. After that an attack must be done, to the point the Iranian government collapses.

Iran wouldn't have been installing newer centrifuges? That's foolish, science never stops. Scientists always search to improve their work. Make things more symmetric.

You do understand that whatever happens to Israel doesn't matter, Iran will cease to exist in case Iran launches ballistic missiles at Israel and US forces, right?
Poor little Beny is getting all worked up!!! Go **** your silly little hat buddy!!!
Actually, no. Fordow is under 70 meters of granite mountains and then multiple layers of reinforced concrete. If you understood anything about the issue, you wouldn't have posted a photo of a crater in sand for comparison. That's ridiculous. Fordow is safe from multiple bunker busters and even tactical nukes. Unless it is hit with more than 3 to 5 bunker busters very accurately and precisely which is a very difficult scenario considering how fortified the place is.

And a megatonne (1,000 kTNT) nuke is not called a tactical nuke. It's a strategic weapon. And usually that kind of yield is achieved by thermonuclear weapons, not just fusion-boosted fission bombs. A one megatonne nuclear bomb would be a declaration of war with strong implications and then you will be targeted back. And I have said this before, any kind of nuclear warfare between Iran and Israel will lead to millions of deaths in Iran, but complete annihilation of the Jewish state due to its lack of strategic depth and size.

Stuxnet had little to no effect on Iran's nuclear program. Only 3% to 5% of Iranian centrifuges were destroyed, all of them were IR-1 centrifuges and all of them were replaced immediately from storage. Whatever else they told you is fantasy. In fact, the BBC created a documentary about Stuxnet where a person imitating to be a US security agent appeared and said that the NSA and the CIA wanted to use Stuxnet as a surveillance backdoor (as they were doing it for years successfully) to monitor Iran's activities, but the stupidity of the Israelis and the Israeli eagerness to puff up at any cost made them go for destroying the centrifuges which very soon led to the detection of the attack and cost them a valuable asset that was the result of a multi-national cooperation with the Germans, IAEA inspectors and Russian spies.

You know, last night I was having a look at the "stolen documents" about the AMAD project. I was literally rolling on the floor about how you had been trolled for years. For 15 years, they had made you believe that Marivan site was in a city in Kurdistan near the Iraq border. The United States requested the IAEA to visit the city several times. Finally, they visited there and found nothing. It took 15 years for the US and Israeli intelligence services to realize that the actual location of the Marivan site was not Marivan, but Abadeh, a city in central Iran. And how? By a couple of documents that can very well be forged to misguide you again. If you can't locate a building correctly for 15 years, I doubt you actually know anything of value. The majority of information you are fed could very well be carefully manipulated by the Ministry of Intelligence to divert your attention from other important places and developments.


Let me tell you something. There's nothing enough tactical nukes won't penetrate. A single B-2 bomber can carry dozens of them, and deliver them very accurately.

And again, it's enough to merely shake the centrifuges to destroy them totally. I assure you that a nuke will do more than just shake it.

Another possibility would be to drop chemical/biological bombs inside the site's ventilation shafts.

If tacticals nuke are used, strategic ones might as well be used. Our strategists and scientists know what needs to be done better than I do. If tactical nukes aren't enough, strategic ones will be used.

Any attack on Iran would be declaration of war with Iran, nuclear or not. If you claim Iran can destroy Israel, then that's what it's going to try to do regardless if Israel nukes them or not.
I doubt Israel will nuke Iranian cities, unless Iran does something to really anger Israel. Israel will likely stick to destroying Iranian military bases and nuclear sites.

If Israel nukes Iran to the point millions of people in Iran die, it's over for Iran. Lebanon almost collapsed from the much smaller Beirut explosion.

Japan, a pride and honor filled nation, with military rivalling the world's superpowers, which would send pilots to kamikaze into American ships and had its citizens commit mass suicide instead of getting captured by American forces, was brought to its knees by 2 laughful yield nukes relative to todays nuclear weapons.

You really think Iran will last a second after nukes kill millions of Iranians? Same poor nation with riots and citizens betraying their government for a few dollars from the Mossad?

Iran cannot destroy Israel with ballistic missiles. First of all, most of Iran's ballistic missiles can't reach Israel. Most of the ones that can reach Israel will miss their targets, malfunction, get intercepted, or get blown up before they get launched. Second of all, you really overestimate conventional weapons, and underestimate the amount of infrastructure Israel has.

Stuxnet was never intended to completely destroy the Iranian nuclear program. It's merely a technological demonstrator for greater things to come. One of many tests.
Aside from Stuxnet, there was another virus that attempted to destroy Iranian centrifuges by overpressuring them with uranium hexafluoride gas.
Another virus just aimed at recording information inside those facilities.


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Lack of HEU, plutonium-only means 200-400kt max.

Fordow can take that. It may be just 80m deep, but its 80m hardest granite
Funny. the US actually studied that.

FIGURE 4.7 Earth-penetrator weapon (EPW) needs to be of sufficient yield to be effective against targets of interest. Note: CEP = circular error probable (i.e., accuracy).
Figures 4.5 through 4.7 are plots of the probability of (severe) damage of deeply buried targets in granite, as a function of the target depth. (For purposes of the calculations the targets are considered as points.) Figure 4.5 compares a 250 kiloton and a 1 megaton weapon, both of which are contact burst on the surface, for 100 meter and 10 meter CEP. Figures 4.6 and 4.7 are similar, but for 10 kiloton, 300 kiloton, and 1 megaton earth-penetrator weapons at 3 meters’ depth of burst. Examining these figures, one observes the following:

  • The effectiveness of a 250 kiloton contact burst is about the same as that of a 10 kiloton EPW, as expected from the analysis earlier in the chapter showing the 15 to 25 yield factor for equivalent ground shock.
  • Accuracy (i.e., CEP) is a critical parameter, for contact weapons, and at low yields for penetrating weapons.
  • For the target depths of interest, the most effective options examined are the 300 kiloton EPW and the 1 megaton EPW.
Included in Attachment 4.1 are additional figures and associated discussion on the influence of target hardness and CEP as well as information on nonsurface bursts.


Anyways, as you can see in that graph, the probability of severe damage to something buried under 80 meters of granite, by nuclear weapons, even tactical ones, is pretty much guaranteed.
I'll remind once again you that merely shaking Iranian centrifuges will destroy them.
And about supporting iron in war with Iraq you very well knew that's not the case at all.
It is.
Actually, no. Fordow is under 70 meters of granite mountains and then multiple layers of reinforced concrete. If you understood anything about the issue, you wouldn't have posted a photo of a crater in sand for comparison. That's ridiculous. Fordow is safe from multiple bunker busters and even tactical nukes. Unless it is hit with more than 3 to 5 bunker busters very accurately and precisely which is a very difficult scenario considering how fortified the place is.

Read this.

Anyways, as you can see in that graph, the probability of severe damage to something buried under 80 meters of granite, by nuclear weapons, even tactical ones, is pretty much guaranteed.
I'll remind once again you that merely shaking Iranian centrifuges will destroy them.

There are different qualities of granite. This can make a huge difference

Also if you believe an F-35 with a nuclear EPW can make it to Irans nuclear sites, drop the bomb and the bomb also hit without intercepted... You are greatly overestimating such 2000km distant airpower campaign and how powerful Irans point airdefense has become

Irans centrifuges have ground damping system and dont get instabile if not slowed down or speed up. They can handle vibrations and are self centring

If Fordow is of the hardest type of granite and well built, it could even handle megaton impacts. As said, Israels thermonuclear plutonium weapons have yields of 200-400kt for more you would need to as HEU
If Fordow is of the hardest type of granite and well built, it could even handle megaton impacts. As said, Israels thermonuclear plutonium weapons have yields of 200-400kt for more you would need to as HEU
Baseless wishful thinking against my scientifically proven facts.

Granite hardness relative to other granite type hardness is irrelevant, they all range between 6-7 on Mohs scale. The difference between 6-7 is negligible, and would not barely even dent the curves of that graph, which assures severe damage, which probably means complete destruction, at 70 meters depth.
Israel is very confidential with such information. Doubting Jericho 3's existence would also be naïve.
have you counted the number of its believed in that article .
what about I also add an its believed Jericho III is nothing but a chimney ?

a question , who Israel want to attack with That Jericho III
There's the air launched versions, and there's the submarine launched versions.
The submarine launched version is the long range one, assumed to have at least 1,500 kilometers range. It's larger in weight, fuel capacity, length, wingspan etc.
the submarine launched version is 30cm longer but have more than 7 time the range and it all started with an article in a not well respected news outlet
You do understand that whatever happens to Israel doesn't matter, Iran will cease to exist in case Iran launches ballistic missiles at Israel and US forces, right?
not exactly , depend on how it happen and what is the context of it. and we always said what will happen with Israel is the exact thing happened to South Africa
Other than that, Fordow is Iran's most protected nuclear site.
Other nuclear sites are much less protected and could easily be destroyed by conventional bombs.

Also if you believe an F-35 with a nuclear EPW can make it to Irans nuclear sites, drop the bomb and the bomb also hit without intercepted... You are greatly overestimating such 2000km distant airpower campaign and how powerful Irans point airdefense has become
If you believe an airstrike would begin without a massive cyberattack and electronic warfare you are underestimating Israel.
F-35s won't be detected by Iranian radars even without such an attack anyways.
The thing is, it's gonna happen when it's declared that diplomacy failed. After that an attack must be done, to the point the Iranian government collapses.

Iran wouldn't have been installing newer centrifuges? That's foolish, science never stops. Scientists always search to improve their work. Make things more symmetric.

You do understand that whatever happens to Israel doesn't matter, Iran will cease to exist in case Iran launches ballistic missiles at Israel and US forces, right?
just like when they claimed they destroy the Iranian uav after we hit RQ-4 and disabled Iranian airdefence but when asked to show evidence they could not even show a video of the drone falling from the sky or their other claims
the submarine launched version is 30cm longer but have more than 7 time the range and it all started with an article in a not well respected news outlet
The SLCM version doesn't officially exist.
No one knows the size or the dimensions, no one knows the real range or payload.
What is known, is that the US refused to sell SLCM Tomahawks, and after some time rumours started on the Popeye Turbo, and the US observed a test of a cruise missile in the Indian ocean, with a range of at least 1,500 kilometers.
just like when they claimed they destroy the Iranian uav after we hit RQ-4 and disabled Iranian airdefence but when asked to show evidence they could not even show a video of the drone falling from the sky or their other claims
You hit the RQ-4 but it isn't an achievement. It's just a huge, relatively slow, unstealthy drone intended for recon.

I don't remember about that, I only remember they cyber attacked Iran. Iran can deny. The damage has been done.
The SLCM version doesn't officially exist.
No one knows the size or the dimensions, no one knows the real range or payload.
What is known, is that the US refused to sell SLCM Tomahawks, and after some time rumours started on the Popeye Turbo, and the US observed a test of a cruise missile in the Indian ocean, with a range of at least 1,500 kilometers.
yeah all said but that news outlet and anybody who want point to a source or evidence for it reach that article . every one point to that article for reference
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