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Indian election results

Maybe the South Leftists are better. Maybe the WB and Tripura too. But the BD ones really bad for the country. Slight exceptions are the people who ally with Chin
All centrists are better. Down the south, Left maybe better. Even some in WB and Tripura.But they arent that good for BD. When they have presence in Indian lands connected to BD, they will have presence in BD as well. So I detest them around.

What do you have against the Leftists ?? Have they not been good for Russia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Cuba etc ??

I don't know anything about BD Leftists. Are they a significant bloc ?? Are any of the assassinated BD intellectuals associated with the Left ??

CBN must go along with his family.
Otherwise I fear BJP is going to destroy the party.

The current elections, have it on good authority BJP & RSS worked behind scenes to shaft Naidu.
Oh Jagan would have won but the massacre was a result of the top guys in BJP deciding to go after Naidu.
It was personal for the BJP folks with Naidu.
Very true....
I have family afflictions with RSS...

Even the joy of cm post won't be there for jagan for long

I see, i'm not well versed with the regional politics of AP. But in my state Assam, the regional party AGP, time tested ally in NDA failed to secure a single seat. Are you in favour of strong regional governments like in WB, TN or do you seek India coming under an unified political umbrella?
I have no issues with national parties except that their focus is always centered on Hindi belt..
For example Bjp has hardly done anything for AP except boasting...

Won't expect much now also
Haha. Fine, fine, keep your secrets!
So being a senior BJP leader, is there a massive celebration happening at your in laws right now?
What’s the mood? You can at least share that? Lol

And being a Pakistani with “skin in the game” what is your take on the BJP landslide win today? Do you have any insights for us as an insider?


I'm still here in the UK but I believe that the celebrations are ongoing at my in laws' house. The mood is outright jubilation. From my brief discussions with my in-laws and my husband, they were just sick and tired of the corruption and stagnating economy under Congress. BJP was the only alternative to Congress and they in fact claim that the Hindu-Muslim divide and communal tensions have dropped significantly under BJP's rule. My in-laws are in business and their business has done tremendously well since the Modi government was formed. Their business with government has increased with no questions being asked about their religion when they attend government functions. BJP deserved the win in my opinion. As a regular visitor to India since childhood (my father being Indian and mother of Pakistani descent), if the Modi government manages to take India forward socially and economically in the next 5 years, then India is going to rise above expectations. The respect by civil servants when attending to queries is very noticeable. They have become more professional and accountable. Hopefully PM Modi will now pay some attention to mending the relationship with Pakistan and creating stability in the neighborhood.
Message is clear, if you do minority appeasement politics, you will only get the minority vote.

Conversely, if not minority appeasement ( which of course should not exist ) , should majority appeasement be the decider ??

Let's remember that the BJP is the largest vote bank party in the world, with a membership of 110 million ( Wikipedia figure ).
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I have no issues with national parties except that their focus is always centered on Hindi belt..
That is why i asked you in the first place. Erstwhile Andhra, Tamil Nadu, WB, Maharashtra and Assam have always been the champions of regionalism over a pan-Indian identity. Would it help you accept BJP in your state if they were to flavour their party in your regional colour or you would still ponder over their ulterior motives?
Nationalism based on the majority religion

Must have missed it,
We have been independent for over 70 years now,

Can you tell me one policy favouring majority over minority?
I can give you 10 policies simply shafting majority favouring minority that exist even now.

Be specific, these kind of generic statements mean nothing when you can show one thing that favours majority.
And every time an educated person like u speak like this, more and more Hindus would sit back and think 'hmm, we are getting shafted & this guy still cribs on us'.

Look at the results, exactly what do you think is churning on the ground?
Can you tell me one policy favouring majority over minority?

The ban on beef.

But I must say that I am myself a reluctant meat eater though I find meat tasty.

If there is one country which would benefit from artificial meat immensely it is India.

By the way, why has BJP won ??

I can give you 10 policies simply shafting majority favouring minority that exist even now.

Name one.
The ban on beef.

But I must say that I am myself a reluctant meat eater though I find meat tasty.

If there is one country which would benefit from artificial meat immensely it is India.

By the way, why has BJP won ??

Name one.

But BJP did not ban beef.
And there is really no ban on beef but only on COW SLAUGHTER.
Beef from others are openly sold and consumed.

If cow slaughter is an issue, then all western countries are regressive as well,
I mean try eating a dog in any western nation and see the outrage.
And dogs are being consumed by more than 2 billion people in east Asia.

RTE is one,
Endowment act is another,
Concept of minority itself is another - FYI, Hindus although a minority in J&K are not accorded the status.

Can go on but...
That is why i asked you in the first place. Erstwhile Andhra, Tamil Nadu, WB, Maharashtra and Assam have always been the champions of regionalism over a pan-Indian identity. Would it help you accept BJP in your state if they were to flavour their party in your regional colour or you would still ponder over their ulterior motives?
Who ever takes care of state needs
Who ever takes care of state needs
That is a self servient reply, would your accept BJP/NDA draped in your Andhra colour or you seek your state parties in assembly? Are you willing to accept people sitting in Delhi pulling the strings in your state, taking good care of your state via their emissaries?
That is a self servient reply, would your accept BJP/NDA draped in your Andhra colour or you seek your state parties in assembly? Are you willing to accept people sitting in Delhi pulling the strings in your state, taking good care of your state via their emissaries?
Definitely I want a party wether nda up etc which has independency at state level..

We already say congress in United AP and how they rule

I am personally skeptical about national parties
Definitely I want a party wether nda up etc which has independency at state level..

We already say congress in United AP and how they rule

I am personally skeptical about national parties
Thank you and godspeed, for letting me know.

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