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Indian election results

Lol. What double standards? I would oppose anyone who is a current terror accused. And someone who denigrates Gandhi and praises Godse entering Parliament is sad.

LOL...no you would not oppose anyone who is a terror accused.

Do you know who was India's First Muslim Home minister ? It was Mufti Muhammed Syeed and 5 days after he was made the Home Minster, his daughter was kidnapped and within 5 days he released 5 Terrorists were freed with great rejoicing and songs on the streets of kashmir. Large crowds raised anti-India slogans, sang and danced in the streets after the militants were released. One slogan was "Jo kare khuda ka khauf, Utha le Kalashnikov." (All Godfearing men should pick up a Kalashnikov.)

Of course the whole thing was a "Fixed match" and JKLF admitted to this as much after a decade. This is the same man who later became the Chief minister of J&K. So spare me you indignation.
I would oppose anyone who is a current terror accused

Why only terror accused?
How about murder accused like Sashi Tharoor?
How about massive financial scamsters like Sonia, Rahul, etc?
How about Kamal Nath who led the massacre of Sikhs in 1983?
Do you know the cases against the current Kerala CM?

This is precisely the kind of forced guilt Hindus are fighting against.
Just think that Sadhvi was an accused but previous Cong govt would not even take the case to court!!
And less talked about what happened to Col Purohit.
Imagine being a Colonel working in MI unit, under cover, jailed!!

Anyway, keep up the same narrative, we need it to win in 2024 :)
Lol. What double standards? I would oppose anyone who is a current terror accused. And someone who denigrates Gandhi and praises Godse entering Parliament is sad.

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION... can we have it as absolute???
Of course the whole thing was a "Fixed match" and JKLF admitted to this as much after a decade. This is the same man who later became the Chief minister of J&K.
Touche, and if i must say you have omitted some other significant names too. We are merely correcting historical blunders, and let this be known to all that we are just getting started.

We are ready
We are, too..
Touche, and if i must say you have omitted some other significant names too. We are merely correcting historical blunders, and let this be known to all that we are just getting started.

I know I have omitted quit a few more incidences and names, I was keeping it in reserve in case he came up with the excuse that it was a one time thing. I know the flow in pdf.
I know I have omitted quit a few more incidences and names, I was keeping it in reserve in case he came up with the excuse that it was a one time thing. I know the flow in pdf.
You do, and have always been doing a heck of a job. Keep giving those (unts a reality check, someone has to.
I gather that you are a INC supporter, do you think that they should stick to RG? Any alternatives that you might want to suggest Doctor Sa'ab?
No way....
I am a supporter of TDP. Andhra
No way....
I am a supporter of TDP. Andhra
I see, i'm not well versed with the regional politics of AP. But in my state Assam, the regional party AGP, time tested ally in NDA failed to secure a single seat. Are you in favour of strong regional governments like in WB, TN or do you seek India coming under an unified political umbrella?
No way....
I am a supporter of TDP. Andhra


CBN must go along with his family.
Otherwise I fear BJP is going to destroy the party.

The current elections, have it on good authority BJP & RSS worked behind scenes to shaft Naidu.
Oh Jagan would have won but the massacre was a result of the top guys in BJP deciding to go after Naidu.
It was personal for the BJP folks with Naidu.

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