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The Indian election and the lessons the west can take from Narendra Modi's popularity

Hitler too was a very Popular leader and was known for Good Governance and getting things done. Under Hitler German Economy boomed and he accumulated war machinery and prepared Germany for War. But sadly within a decade Germany self destructed under Hitler.

Modi has all the qualities of Hitler. Hitler victimized Jews and Modi wants to ethnically cleanse India of Bangladeshi and Indian Muslims. Just like Hitler Modi is a Nationalist who wants an India for his People only i.e. Hindus.

Typical worthless response from the professional troll Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Perhaps Modi can toilet train you, which the entire line of Gandhis have failed in doing. That alone would be a monumental achievement. He just may get the nobel prize for the special category of " Toliet training the Indians" !!!

He can do anything for India or Indians but what is this BD thingy doing here ??

Do you clean the toilet seat of Madam Hasina with your tongue as a daily routine jamati guy??

ohh I forget like of yours are forced to do that daily.... come again ...lol
Hitler too was a very Popular leader and was known for Good Governance and getting things done. Under Hitler German Economy boomed and he accumulated war machinery and prepared Germany for War. But sadly within a decade Germany self destructed under Hitler.

Modi has all the qualities of Hitler. Hitler victimized Jews and Modi wants to ethnically cleanse India of Bangladeshi and Indian Muslims. Just like Hitler Modi is a Nationalist who wants an India for his People only i.e. Hindus.

And this is why I hate comparisons with Hitler.

Snap comparisons like this are often shoddy emotional appeals that takes into account no facts on the ground.

I get the Hitler rhetoric, it is to justify, and amplify the victimhood narrative.

There has been only one Hitler, and one Stalin in the course of history.

Besides, if you really think Modi is going to implement the final solution, throughout India, where BJP doesn't even have a presence.

A legitimate, realistic criticism would be what the cultural implications are, the bullying tactics of hardcore Modi fans.

Just shouting 'Hitler' cheapens legitimate criticisms of Modi.

Who worships Musharraf ?

Are you crazy or delusional ?

That poor guy is living a most Pathetic life.

If Pakistanis worshipped him, he would not be in this sad state.

You need to wake up and smell the Coffee , Mate. you are delirious....

There is hardly any difference between Modi and Hitler and the similarities are striking.

Both have build their Popularity by hating a minority.

So the Republican Party, UKIP, are Hitlers?

How come no one in this thread is having a conversation about what Jason Burke has said?

He pretty much laid out why the Western media was relentlessly attacking Modi.

Many western journalists use the elite in India as their sources. Anglophile, old moneyed elite in the India media. These tend to be the harshest Modi critics.

Those Indians who seem to be in awe of the western world and feels a desperate longing to be validated by their past colonial masters.

Narendra Modi has made quite clear his contempt for western media, and the western media in return provides the same treatment.

They were used to an English Speaking Anglophone Bureaucrats, and Indian politicians.

Narendra Modi is by all means an outsider. He didn't go to the same colleges they did, can't speak English the same way the Indian Elite can. Majority of Indians can relate to this.

What the article is saying is that the West should be paying closer attention to aspirational lower middle class in Asia rather than the exclusive access they give to the westernized elite.
@Pakistanisage is the Tabdeeli supporter of PTI often nicknamed as the party of Taliban Khan, bizarre to see he is libeling others as Hitler. :omghaha::omghaha:

I don't trust a single word that guy says. He has been a PAF pilot, a professor, a businessman and whatnot. And with such qualification, his posts are of "tapori" standard. He is only good at making tall claims without any basis. And when you question him politely to back it up he gets all abusive. He is only good at trolling. :lol:
I don't trust a single word that guy says. He has been a PAF pilot, a professor, a businessman and whatnot. And with such qualification, his posts are of "tapori" standard. He is only good at making tall claims without any basis. And when you question him politely to back it up he gets all abusive. He is only good at trolling. :lol:

Only two possibilities either he is lying about his career or hiding his age like age-obsessed girl. :lol::lol:
If we can install a govt we will have enough power to ensure the govt does not fall.

I doubt Narendra Modi really cares whether the AL falls or not. He is looking for trouble.

And let us for a moment assume that for a moment the govt falls and BNP comes will they still go to war with India?

Depends on the circumstances

My simple question remains. Is Bangladesh so suicidal that it will go to war with a country that surrounds it on 3 sides with 4th being Bay of Bengal dominated by Indian Navy.

Bangladesh is not the only neighbor that will be affected by Modi's policies.
I doubt Narendra Modi really cares whether the AL falls or not. He is looking for trouble.
True he has other priorities

Depends on the circumstances
Under no circumstance can Bangladesh start a war with India and hope to survive

Bangladesh is not the only neighbor that will be affected by Modi's policies.
True but we can deal with Pakistan on our own. Modi will not mess with China. He needs them and they need him for trade and investment.

Where does it leave Bangladesh? Do you think Pakistan will come to your support? Or are you counting on China?All through History it has not come to support of its deeper than ocean higher than Himalaya friend why will it come to your support ?
True he has other priorities

Under no circumstance can Bangladesh start a war with India and hope to survive

True but we can deal with Pakistan on our own. Modi will not mess with China. He needs them and they need him for trade and investment.

Where does it leave Bangladesh? Do you think Pakistan will come to your support? Or are you counting on China?All through History it has not come to support of its deeper than ocean higher than Himalaya friend why will it come to your support ?

India suffers from hubris as I said before ...
And this is why I hate comparisons with Hitler.

Hitler "Modi-fied"

By Shehzad Poonawalla

12 May, 2014


My dear Indian voters,

Here is a simple exercise. Try it out. For the next five minutes please read the following few character, personality and political-traits and do try to guess which prominent politician is being referred to. Trust me, the answer will surprise many of you.

Hint 1: One-Man Party
He establishes full control over his party, creates a personality cult surrounding him & forces the hands of his party's Executive Committee, many of who believe he is too overbearing, into electing him as their undisputed leader. In the process, he completely sidelines, his mentor & founder of the party to a symbolic post who ultimately resigns.

Hint 2: Emergence as a panacea for all ills
This is the reason often attributed to his rise....
"Of crucial significance is the widespread feeling that the political system and leadership is utterly bankrupt. In such conditions, the image of a dynamic, energetic, 'youthful' leader offering a decisive change of direction and backed by an army of fanatical followers is not altogether unattractive. Many with grave doubts are prepared to give him a chance. "
Hint 3: Anti-meat eating propaganda
A die-hard vegetarian, he believes more than ever that meat-eating is harmful to humanity and intends to tackle this problem also. Plans to introduce policies to cut back meat-consumption.
Hint 4: Invoking his "humble" origins
He was surely the poorest of us all. For lunch, he chose the cheapest item on the menu. But I never heard him complain, he never spoke of his poverty. Yet he had known poverty since his youth. As the others thought about their families, about their possessions and their money, he preached the battle for freedom.

Hint 5: Using speeches with catchy phrases
His inordinate use of trigger words helps him to maintain the support and attention of his audiences and allows them to get exceedingly excited about his speeches. These words add to his tactics of persuasion by creating word association. When referring to his country, he uses words that convey strength. When speaking about his opponents, he uses words that allude to weakness.

Hint 6: Controlling free-media
Some independent newspapers, particularly conservative newspapers and non-political illustrated weeklies, accommodated themselves to the leadership through self-censorship or initiative in dealing with approved topics. Journalists or editors who failed to follow these instructions are fired. Rather than suppressing news, the propaganda apparatus instead seeks to tightly control its flow and interpretation and to deny access to alternative sources of news.

Hint 7: Believing he is chosen by God for a "divine" mission
He says "I carry out the commands that Providence has laid upon me."

Hint 8 : His wealthy friends fund his political campaign Prominent businessmen and industrialists financed his campaign and ascendency to power. See the whose-who of the capitalist class that funds his activities.

Hint 9: Makes promises galore
He promises riddance from inflation, corruption and unemployment, higher prices to farmers, profits to businessmen, economic development to the middle-class and restoration of the nation to its "rightful" place in the world. T he master speech maker offers them what they need most, encouragement. He gives them heaps of vague promises while avoiding the details. He uses simple catchphrases, repeated over and over.
Hint 10: Suffers from Fatal Narcissism
"It depends essentially on me, on my being, on my political skills," he says to his supporters.

Hint 11: His election posters & manifesto carry overt religious symbols and are centred only around himself, with only his picture appearing prominently. What was your answer? It wasn't Adolf Hitler? Who were you thinking about?

Well, all I can say is that you clearly read too much in-between the lines. For those who are inclined towards research, I am quoting the various sources from which I have culled out Hitler's traits.

For the rest, let me just leave you with this one theme Hitler often employed while dishing out his speeches to a hypnotised Germany while campaigning for power - " Besser morgen " which roughly means "better tomorrow" or as we in India like to say "Ache Din Aane wale hain" Source 1: Hitler had sidelined his mentor Anton Drexler

Source 2: Ian Kershaw in "The Hitler Myth" published in History Today describes how h istoric attachments to heroic leadership combined with a mastery of propaganda techniques were used to mesmerise Germany into acceptance of the charismatic authority offered by the Nazi 'Fuhrer'.

Source 3: In a diary entry dated April 26, 1942, Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a committed vegetarian, writing,
"An extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Führer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat-eating is harmful to humanity. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also. Maybe he is right. Certainly the arguments that he adduces in favor of his standpoint are very compelling."


Source 4: A quote from the archives of Hitler's propaganda

Source 5: Hitler's persuasive methods uncovered


Source 7: " Hitler As he believes himself to be" compiled by Dr Stein
Hitler As he believes himself to be: OSS Psychological Profile

Source 8: "Who financed Hitler" by Antony Sutton http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_07.htm

Source 9:

Source 10: " The Führer Myth: How Hitler Won Over the German People" By Ian Kershaw http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/the-fuehrer-myth-how-hitler-won-over-the-german-people-a-531909-5.html

Source 11: Posters of Hitler during his election campaign http://www.bytwerk.com/gpa/posters/dragon.jpg

I dedicate this article to Shri Mukul Sinha, whose loss will leave a great void in the avenue of civil rights and human rights activism. May his soul rest in peace.May his ultimate goal of Justice for victims of 2002 Gujarat riots be fulfilled.

Shehzad Poonawalla is a 1st generation, self-made, 26 year old, lawyer-activist engaged in politics and civil rights movement. Muslim by faith, Indian by conviction, Secularist by ideology and a committed Constitutionalist. Youngest Additional Private Secretary to Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt of India. Always ready to fight a battle, on the streets or in theTV studios. Fear nothing and nobody.

Tweet @Shehzad_Ind

Instead of one liner refute my point if you can

And give away my game plan. I don't think so.
Perhaps Modi can toilet train you, which the entire line of Gandhis have failed in doing. That alone would be a monumental achievement. He just may get the nobel prize for the special category of " Toliet training the Indians" !!!
Ja na lungi tule Aazidane er samne ektu lungi dance kor giye oshikhito bangaldeshi:rofl:
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