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Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

It is to be noted that although the burkah is not specifically mentioned in the Qur'an, some do interpret the passages Ejaz sahib has presented to mean the Burkah, and this includes Ibn Abbas RA (Only Muslims will know the significance of this).

However, the overwhelming majority of scholars and companions RA did not interpret it this way; almost every Muslim acknowledges the validity of the modest dress presented in the post above.

However, to call the Burkah as completely against Islam and purely traditional is also unfounded.

We as Muslims should further note that the security concerns with the burkah are valid, as it clearly hides ones identity. This needs to be addressed, rather than a knee jerk reaction.

Personally, I believe some monkey business is going on in the west especially if we consider the minaret ban in Sweden alsho (or is that dutch accent).....These policies are Muslim centric.
in this case it took them so long to realise this.
Was it written in immigration rules that one must give up its identity and values? and if mosque and burqa represnt such foreign values than so do temples and red spot on fore head.

I said that first phase was intellectual struggle and they tried through secular schools, media and culture but only after failing to 'integrate' the migrants they are bringing in draconian laws.

It was not written because they never thought they would need it, they were convinced with supremacy of their enlightenment and thought to influence rest of the world cultures.

If one observes today then he/she can find new requirements on naturalization in EU. Now they want to force muslims to agree on their value system or else forget about obtaining nationality.


Hmm, now I see why they want to ban it. Security issues most likely. I mean how the hell is anyone supposed to know if shes just fat or there are bombs under there? Remember the Russian theater hostage crisis? There were like 18 women and all of them were wearing burka.

Or if its for human rights, and we say that a woman can wear what she wants then how do we know that all women in the burka are wearing it on their own decision? I highly doubt that the majority of them wear it on their own decision.
Hmm, now I see why they want to ban it. Security issues most likely. I mean how the hell is anyone supposed to know if shes just fat or there are bombs under there? Remember the Russian theater hostage crisis? There were like 18 women and all of them were wearing burka.

So no more freedom of whatever they opt to wear? Now flag bearers of freedom should release a list of dresses that comply with their bogus war of error.
Hmm, now I see why they want to ban it. Security issues most likely. I mean how the hell is anyone supposed to know if shes just fat or there are bombs under there? Remember the Russian theater hostage crisis? There were like 18 women and all of them were wearing burka.

Or if its for human rights, and we say that a woman can wear what she wants then how do we know that all women in the burka are wearing it on their own decision? I highly doubt that the majority of them wear it on their own decision.
Security issues are valid, but then again, are you going to ban all lose clothing? The same can be done with a simple trench coat or do I have to remind you the lobby scene from the movie, the matrix?
According to Zaid Hamid, there will be a Gazwa-e-Hind as well. According to him Muslims can never be friends with Yahood and Hanood. Do you believe all that he says?

I can't say anything about Ghazwa-e-Hind as i have not much knowledge.
But Muslims can never be friends with Yahood and Hanood , I believe it 100%.
Muslims believe in Ghazwa-e-Hind because of 6 Ahadith of Muhamamd PBUH. Google it up and you can read those ahadith.
So no more freedom of whatever they opt to wear? Now flag bearers of freedom should release a list of dresses that comply with their bogus war of error.

Well if these terrorists would just stop taking civilian hostages maybe it wouldn't be necessary.

Security issues are valid, but then again, are you going to ban all lose clothing? The same can be done with a simple trench coat or do I have to remind you the lobby scene from the movie, the matrix?

They're most likely just going ban muslim related clothing that is loose enough to have arms stuck underneath. And I really doubt looking at a ninja [lol] is going to make anyone feel any safer. Better safe then sorry.
Pls anyone anyone tell me what is Ghazwa-e-Hind

I have asked this question many times but no body answers.
An advice for Indian members, that if they don't like anything being talked about their religion or its concepts, then they should also keep it shut and not poke their noses in Islam and its concepts.

You mean Hindu Indian members, right? So EjazR and Garbnawaz are free to post here? Fair enough.

Just hope the same diktat applies to topics of every religion.
Lo kr lo Gal

so much for Freedom of Expression, so Now Europeans will dictate what to wear :disagree:

Leave it to women, its their problem wether they want to wear it or not..
I can't say anything about Ghazwa-e-Hind as i have not much knowledge.
But Muslims can never be friends with Yahood and Hanood , I believe it 100%.

But if I remember correctly, one of the very senior members posted the other day on some thread about the good relations that Jews and Muslims had in Muslim Spain during the middle ages. And if I remember correctly the Arabs ruled the Iberian peninsula for a good 300 years or so. So you see, Yahood and Hanood did have good relations for quite some time. How would you explain that?

And not to forget, in present times Turkey and Egypt have cordial relations with Israel.
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