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Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

Same as Saudis Arabia / Taliban / Malaysia etc wants women to wear Burkha , dont go without man, dont drink Alcohol

Do same rules also applies to S.A and other countries also??
Apart from Saudi Arabia and Iran, religious dressing is not enforced upon anyone. So congrats, Europe's freedoms are as good as Saudi or Iran :) at best.
Apart from Saudi Arabia and Iran, religious dressing is not enforced upon anyone. So congrats, Europe's freedoms are as good as Saudi or Iran :) at best.

Two are the Epicenter of Muslim Religions , Shia and Sunni , Right?

isn't Malaysia enforce Law, forget when Model get lashes by court on drinking bear in public place ??
If you check them, they are already CLOSED, and the last discussion in 2 of the threads happened one year back.

And yeah we do let religious discussion happen to a limit, just like this one, but if it starts going out of hand, just like one of the above comments by an Indian member, we would have to close or delete this one too.

Your claim would have been valid, if the threads pointed by you had been active and discussions would still be happening.

If possible, give a thread, which is active and still being discussed and members are out of control.

Don't wanna spend more time on it, pointless, as it appears you're right in your assessment. Glad that's the case. Good for the forum. :cheers:
Don’t try to differentiate muslims on being fundamentalist and moderate,a muslim who does not follow the fundamentals of islam is a munafiq.(hypocrate) to be a msulim there are five fundamentals of islam
1)kalma taiba(testimony that there is no lord but ALLAH and
muhammad (s.a.w)is thelast Messenger & prophet.)
2)SALAH (NAMAZ)( the five prayers a day which are compulsory on
every muslim)


4)ZAKAT (CHARITY,alm givings compulsory on wealthy muslims to
deprived muslims)
If there is any muslim who does not believe in any one of these fundamentals he will be anything but a muslim.and if beleiving in these fundamentals will label me a fundamentalist YES THEN I AM A FUNDAMENTALIST.

So sathruvinasakh what are u going to do with half the world population who is fundamentalist.


1st of all its about time we will get back the brain drain that west has carried out for more then 6 decades from our land attracted all our brilliant brains by offering huge sums of income it would be good for us all that they through them out or the conditions for muslims to practise relegion are made so miserable that they final turn back to their homelands.it will benefit us a lot in every field.

Abt the west banning burqas nothing new west has the tendency to suphocate islam in west the best they could and remain politicaly correct,but many time it back fires as it has done in euorope many native euorpeans are intrigued to read about it when they see so much restrictions being imposed on islam and all the media babling,thus many accept islam.this burqa debate thus highlighted in germany will definitely attract many non-muslim german women to find out the story behind it and thus that will lead to increase in our numbers with a few more sisters entering the ummah.
Bros and sisters the more they try to supress islam,the more it spreads so indirectly they are promoting islam.good job guys.
Hijab is compulsory on every muslim women and it should be as such that no body features are visible to opposite sex which might arouse sexual desires,at the time of our messnger the only parts allowed to be visible of women were the feet below ankles,hands uptill wrist and face only.but in the last century with so much sexual content accesble to every one scholars(notmullas) did a ijmaa(unanimous religious verdict)that in these times it is advisable that only eyes be visible.if u keep to the book then no prob but if u adhere to the scholars advice then better.

HIJAB or burqa is to protect women raise their stature from mere sexual objects,u living in west know when u intract with a women u first check out her body structure and then calculate ur possibilities and set ur objectives,u don’t give a dam abt her personality her feelings u don’t think of her as human but mere object u lose one u will find another to play with,islam does not allow that thus islam raises the stature of women to the next level if women abide by islams laid out rules,its not oppression its empowrment of women ,islam gave the universal women rights regulation 1400 years ago which to still today empowersmuslim women.muslim women are respected among their people,if u go to saudi arabia or iran women don’t have to get in a que any where the sales counters will first serve them and the men will have to wait
who have a seprate que won’t mind now that’s empowerment even GORDON brown has to wait for his turn at mcdonalds but not a muslim woman in a muslim country.thats respect and empowerment of women.

Any ways we all PRAY peace to humanity but not to demonisers of islam.
Isn't it similar to Saudi banning construction of churches?

dude saudi arabia and iran are theocratic states like israel is theocratic can u recall how many mosques have been allowed to be built in israel in last 6 decades no blame there these countries are theocratic,but west claims its not but its actions are more what in line with theocracy then why be hypocrate and wear the cloak of secullarism when ur really a theocracy hypocrite west .:sniper:
Don't wanna spend more time on it, pointless, as it appears you're right in your assessment. Glad that's the case. Good for the forum. :cheers:

Yeah, now it becomes pointless. Good going :cheers:
Yeah, now it becomes pointless. Good going :cheers:

Dude, I said pointless, as in useless, as I agreed with your assessment. I reiterate, you were right. You took it the wrong way, man.
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isn't Malaysia enforce Law, forget when Model get lashes by court on drinking bear in public place

Dear Robo

Sorry to burst your bubble,but the sharia rule only apply to muslims in Malaysia,and not to non-muslims.The model you have stated is a muslim.Muslim knows they are not supposed to drink,then why drink.

Even the girl agrees that she should be cane from the sin she did as from the news said,so who are you to judge what is right and wrong?

Please read this article for your own understanding.

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Dude, I said pointless, as in useless, as I agreed with your assessment. I reiterate, you were right. You took it the wrong way, man.

Don't worry, did not took it in a wrong way, took it in a light humorous way :)
HIJAB or burqa is to protect women raise their stature from mere sexual objects,u living in west know when u intract with a women u first check out her body structure and then calculate ur possibilities and set ur objectives,u don’t give a dam abt her personality her feelings u don’t think of her as human but mere object u lose one u will find another to play with,islam does not allow that thus islam raises the stature of women to the next level if women abide by islams laid out rules,its not oppression its empowrment of women ,islam gave the universal women rights regulation 1400 years ago which to still today empowersmuslim women.muslim women are respected among their people,if u go to saudi arabia or iran women don’t have to get in a que any where the sales counters will first serve them and the men will have to wait
who have a seprate que won’t mind now that’s empowerment even GORDON brown has to wait for his turn at mcdonalds but not a muslim woman in a muslim country.thats respect and empowerment of women.

Any ways we all PRAY peace to humanity but not to demonisers of islam.

Regarding bolded part. If that is the case then how come women in the west don't like to cover their bodies from head to toe while women in Muslim countries (supposedly) like to? :what:
Dear Robo

Sorry to burst your bubble,but the sharia rule only apply to muslims in Malaysia,and not to non-muslims.The model you have stated is a muslim.Muslim knows they are not supposed to drink,then why drink.

Even the girl agrees that she should be cane from the sin she did as from the news said,so who are you to judge what is right and wrong?

Please read this article for your own understanding.

:pakistan::pakistan:Muslim woman to be flogged for drinking beer in nightclub | Mail Online:pakistan::pakistan:

Well first off all , get yourself clear which side you are?

1) Your defending lashes of that girl, then if everyone in Europe dont want burkha , then why you having problem.

2) If Someone born as Muslim want to convert to another religion, do any country allows it. ? NO muslims country allows muslims to convert into another religion , while no such regulation apply in other countries.

The Malaysian Girl challenges the govt., if that courage do it, and govt back off, because they know its wrong. If someone want to drink it then what other have problem, why man can drink and women cant?

First bring democracy under yourself and then criticize others for actions.
Well first off all , get yourself clear which side you are?

1) Your defending lashes of that girl, then if everyone in Europe dont want burkha , then why you having problem.

2) If Someone born as Muslim want to convert to another religion, do any country allows it. ? NO muslims country allows muslims to convert into another religion , while no such regulation apply in other countries.

The Malaysian Girl challenges the govt., if that courage do it, and govt back off, because they know its wrong. If someone want to drink it then what other have problem, why man can drink and women cant?

First bring democracy under yourself and then criticize others for actions.

My point is,that the enforcement on law is only applied to the muslims in the country,and not to the others in the country

Firstly,I am not defending the girl,it was her fault she drink,and she deserved to be punished according to law.Worst off,shes a muslim and drinking alcohol is prohibited.

Secondly, not all women as you percieved are supposed to wear the burkha,some of my friends here in Singapore believe that wearing it will protect their modesty. Thus why should countries such as France ban the burkha,when actually some women want to wear it as it gives a certain kind of freedom to them?

Thirdly,you stated that man can drink?How credible is this statement of yours?As far as I know,neither men nor women are allowed to drink.

Lastly, different country different laws,whether you like it or not,I know that. For example, I do not hate the Singapore Govt for issuing a death penalty for drug trafficking do I,as many people condemn it as being too strict?But the fact remains that wearing burkha is not a threat in anyway to the public,just protecting the modesty,so why?

And for your information, Malaysia, a Muslim country, gives freedom of religion to the people,so please,do not make useless statements around.

Please do not start on the topic of democracy, I can easily show you how "democratic" India is.

PS:please lets just stick to the topic on the title above and just discuss on it
My point is,that the enforcement on law is only applied to the muslims in the country,and not to the others in the country

Firstly,I am not defending the girl,it was her fault she drink,and she deserved to be punished according to law.Worst off,shes a muslim and drinking alcohol is prohibited.

Secondly, not all women as you perceived are supposed to wear the burkha,some of my friends here in Singapore believe that wearing it will protect their modesty. Thus why should countries such as France ban the burkha,when actually some women want to wear it as it gives a certain kind of freedom to them?

Thirdly,you stated that man can drink?How credible is this statement of yours?As far as I know,neither men nor women are allowed to drink.

Lastly, different country different laws,whether you like it or not,I know that. For example, I do not hate the Singapore Govt for issuing a death penalty for drug trafficking do I,as many people condemn it as being too strict?But the fact remains that wearing burkha is not a threat in anyway to the public,just protecting the modesty,so why?

And for your information, Malaysia, a Muslim country, gives freedom of religion to the people,so please,do not make useless statements around.

Please do not start on the topic of democracy, I can easily show you how "democratic" India is.

PS:please lets just stick to the topic on the title above and just discuss on it

OK suppose that women want to change to another religion let say christian, then malaysia will allow women to convert into another religion ? Do women has option to chose it freedom of choosing religion? NO , then why other you expect other one to open when you not free within yourself.

Like in Europe , a Muslim can convert to Christan or Christan can convert to Islam no issue, can one can do same in Malaysia or any other Muslim country? In Malaysia , only other can convert to Muslims some people misuse this law in body snatching. and no Muslim can convert to other. This is the LAW their and one has to live with it.

What happen to right of the Muslim women in your Muslim country?
France or European country dont want Burkha and if Muslims want to live their they they should follow their laws or move out from their......

Burkha is a threat , In Burkha a terrorist can hide, in Burkha a women who is terrorist can hide weapons and travel easily.... and so on......

Agree, Some women want to wear Burkha , but some Muslim women also do other things in Muslims country which Muslims country laws dont allow it.

I am not changing the topic just telling you how hypocrite you people are, apply same principle within yourself, before applying to others. As far as we are concerned we dont criticize Pak like you criticize India as such.

Respect Others people law other will automatically respect you.

As far as Muslims are concerned , if they dont like the law then move from that country and go to their native country, why making hue and cry on other countries law.
OK suppose that women want to change to another religion let say christian, then malaysia will allow women to convert into another religion ? Do women has option to chose it freedom of choosing religion? NO , then why other you expect other one to open when you not free within yourself.

Ok now what is with the changing of question?I just proved to you that an islamic country has allowed conversion of religion and now you are bringing in whether muslim women are allowed to convert. So I have not heard of such a case,but there is news around that a woman converted to Islam was allowed to convert back to Buddhism in Malaysia.

So far,according to my opinion, Malaysia is the only country who have allowed conversion to another religion,which has proved you wrong when you have stated that no muslim countries have not allowed any conversion. So I guess,this case is closed.

What happen to right of the Muslim women in your Muslim country?
France or European country dont want Burkha and if Muslims want to live their they they should follow their laws or move out from their......

That is unfair. Islam is the 2nd largest religion in France for your information and France is ranked 24th on Democracy Index with Full democracy according to 2008 statistics.What happened to that democracy?So if thats the case,for example should the Lebanese Govt disallow the Christians to practice their rights to practice their religion?
Burkha is a threat , In Burkha a terrorist can hide, in Burkha a women who is terrorist can hide weapons and travel easily.... and so on......

Agree, Some women want to wear Burkha , but some Muslim women also do other things in Muslims country which Muslims country laws dont allow it

I have to agree with you that some people you Burkha in a wrong way.But,there are many ways a person can suicide bomb,or smuggle weapons than just wearing a burkha.

I am not changing the topic just telling you how hypocrite you people are, apply same principle within yourself, before applying to others. As far as we are concerned we dont criticize Pak like you criticize India as such.

Sorry sir,but do not judge an action of one person as a whole and please leave both Pakistan and India out of this.They have nothing to do with this burkha ban.

Respect Others people law other will automatically respect you

Its not about respecting other people's law sir. In this case,its how reasonable this law is. The reason France gave was unreasonable if it just want to say that "France is a free country and thus burkha is prohibited".

As far as Muslims are concerned , if they dont like the law then move from that country and go to their native country, why making hue and cry on other countries law

Again Sir,its very unfair,if everyone had thought like you do,then all the Hindus in Malaysia would have migrated back to India after the Malaysian Government decided to demolish the Hindu temples.
Keep the discussion to the topic, don't drag in Religion & other topics to derail the original topic under discussion.
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