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Women gets 10 years jail for "insulting the Emir of Kuwait on Twitter".

This is pathetic man,these fat cats need to get a thicker skin.

She has the right to an appeal, and hardly do women here end up in jail to begin with. So lets wait for the results of the appeal to come out.

Oh and Aeronaut u messed up the title. missed the whole year in it.

Typical Sunni Arab dictatorship barbarism!

Some thing is happening in Bahrain, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.

(Qatar send a poet to 15 years in jail for a poem criticizing the Emir)

How come no major reaction from democracy loving Americans????

What do the Qataris get? Sanctions?

Instead Fat Shiekh are able to invest in America and soon there will be more Qatari **** like Al Jazeera in America!

You are right bro, the only thing they are missing is motorcycle riding chainsaw flashing nut jobs, oh wait that was in Tehran. lol

All them clowns have lost it.
Sad that West is suporting these modern day dictatorships (SA, Kuwait, Qatar, etc...) and then lecturing others on democracy :tdown: :tdown:
Shame :coffee:

The west does not have a choice. Arabs have proven time and again that they do not do well under democracy. With the world dependent on middle eastern oil, we need a stable government thereand the emir offers it. Things will change when Fracking becomes more popular and countries stop depending on these gulf monarchs for oil.
The west does not have a choice. Arabs have proven time and again that they do not do well under democracy. With the world dependent on middle eastern oil, we need a stable government thereand the emir offers it. Things will change when Fracking becomes more popular and countries stop depending on these gulf monarchs for oil.

To begin with, these countries gain their legitimacy from their own people, aside from that, WhoTF is going to tell us what to do and what not to do? The West itself applies double standards with themselves, if they really can do something them mind me asking you why they keep trading with Communist China? :lol:

Believe it or not, we are no longer interested in doing business with the West ,but with Asian nations like India :cheesy:

yeh and you laughing it off makes it all the more better right? if you went in for 10 years buddy lets just say your little Pokemon reflects your fragile self.

Snap the douche :coffee:
Hehe..i wud be in jail for a 1000 years. .:lol:
Hang her and send her corpse to @Aeronaut, you need to learn to behave, after all both of you share the same rulers.
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What else one can expect from these Arab monarchs.This is the true picture of Arab countries where citizens are put in jail for a decade just because he or she don't like the monarch and don't agree with them.What else we can expect from these people where citizens don't have any right to vote and choose a leader and if someone raised their voice their head is chopped off.I always say that we should stay away from these people and get much closer to Turkey and Iran where we can learn something from them.The only Arab country we can learn something from is Egypt.Nations become strong with stronger institutions not with big buildings,beaches,bars,clubs, casinos to please the white master.I am sure this is no way near the Arab culture.A girl from UAE was in my Organic Chem class and she always used to talk about Dubai and other stuff how good UAE is.I just said one thing UAE will be the best country in the world when you will have the right to vote for your leader and difference of opinion is welcome until then its just trash.Intresting thing is she changed so much after this and was a different person within a year.

Hehe..i wud be in jail for a 1000 years. .:lol:
well, that's possible because you are an Indian.If you were a white master then no problem.

No dude,i need her alive and well. She is actually a bombshell. :cheesy:
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Believe it or not, we are no longer interested in doing business with the West ,but with Asian nations like India :cheesy:

You are exporting more to India because they are cutting supply from Iran. You can take an educated guess why that is so.

offtopic meant at everyone, why is he called "amir" and not "emir"?
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