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Saudi Arabian gets 8 years for Twitter protest call

So two Saudis get severe sentences, not just one but two.
10 years in prison for a twitter tweet...lol


The Special Criminal Court in Riyadh awarded jail terms to two Saudis on a handful of charges, including inciting protests and mocking the country’s rulers and scholars on Twitter.

Justice Ministry spokesman Fahd al-Bakran said that one of them was sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of SR100,000. A travel ban for a similar period was also imposed on him, in addition to confiscating his mobile phone. Al-Bakran said the defendant was convicted of posting tweets against rulers, scholars and government agencies, offensive pictures of the grand mufti, inciting anti-government protests especially against labor offices, taking part in anti-government protest and posting the photos on Twitter, associating with the self-styled reformers and keeping banned data on a mobile phone.

The court also jailed another Saudi for eight years and fined SR30,000, while also imposing a travel ban for an equal period. The charges against him included association with a wanted terrorist, searching for doctors to treat those injured in anti-government demonstrations in the area of Qatif, and not informing authorities about those who provided treatment to the injured protesters. He was also convicted of supporting those accused in Qatif rioting, and posting anti-government content on the Internet.

Meanwhile, a total of 222 university teachers and academics are suspected to be associated with the outfits that are banned in the kingdom.

Scholars condemn violence
Ten Saudi Arabia- based scholars have issued a statement condemning the use of violence and weapons in riots against the government.

The scholars, all from the al-Qatif and al-Ahsa governorates, warned young people against listening to those who call for using violence and extremism as a tool to express certain opinions.

“Taking up violence as a tool will not solve the problem nor will it achieve anything; on the contrary, it will make things more complicated and will benefit the enemies of this country,” the statement said.

The statement, issued Sunday evening, went viral on all social media websites.

The majority of Muslim scholars and society members denounced actions that resort to violence and use of weapons against the state.

Nothing in religion or politics justifies violence of any form, the scholar agreed.

The most important for society is to be secure and stable, they said, citing the current turmoil in some Arab countries.

The statement noted that Islam rejects any form of domestic violence and calls for solidarity and protection of unity as well as safeguarding of public interests.

Do you have that law in Saudi whereby the family can make a payment to reduce sentence or free him?

I think that's only if you kill somebody, then you can pay the family of the victim (if they decide to take it) and walk scott free.
@kalu_miah @Saiful Islam

Esteemed brothers. Could you please escort your deranged compatriot or possible false flagger? He needs urgent help. It would please us all.

Thank you wholeheartedly.

Salaam. He is a false flagger I am 100 percent sure of it, this person talks about selling his 'own' country off. He cherry picks news articles he likes to see and then posts in the forum, whether it be a year old article, or 10 years old. Luckily he is on the internet, or with his slave mentality, he would get hurt in BD.
You stupid fucking Saudi Arabians and Iranians millions of people have been killed because of your stupid war when you both should be pointing your guns at Israel, foreign military bases and military dictators in our region it's about time both of you work together and free the rest of Muslims from oppression but you're both doing the opposite supporting mercenaries and insurgencies everywhere in the Middle East.

Shias are claiming to be followers of Imam Husayn but support a oppressive dictator and Saudi Arabian Sunni Muslims claim to be followers of Muhammad but are in bed with current enemies of Islam because they support killing other Muslims and support the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Yet haven't done crap about these majors issues that should concern all Muslim males it's time to free ourselves from this European/Jewish Nazi/American/arab stooge hegemony on our region we are prevented from having any freedom or self determination, no, not liberties but actual freedom from this imperialism terrorism shit.

Both of you will be burnt by God just already find a solution to Syria you sick idiots your people want freedom and the liberation of Palestine and look what you two are doing.
He violated the anti cyber crime law in the country twice. I thought people would learn from their mistakes instead of recommitting the same again. 8 years isn't that a bit harsh, the law says four years max if i'm not mistaken.
Says a wahabit calling for terrorism in Syria

Freedom for the sunnis oppressed by the zionist wahabit sect

You are drunk today my friend. Iran is made artificially by your logic. Look at all those minorities it consists of, the majority non-Persian and non-Iranian. The Kurds and Baluch people are actively fighting for autonomy. At least significant elements in those two populations. There are separatism movements amongst the Azeris and Arabs as well. KSA was never a colony and the borders of KSA were as drawn by outsiders as those of Iran since every country that borders both countries were an colony at one point.

What is now KSA correspondents fully to ancient Arabia and all its citizens are Arabs. The only non-Arabs are the Afro-Arabs who have partial Arab blood in them and who are fully Arabized and consider themselves as nothing other than Arabs.

There is no chance of any breakup and never where. There is a bigger chance of all of the Arabian Peninsula merging.

KSA never a colony...
You're still a colony and made by the brits

Iran is the only country who don't have US bases

You are humiliated with US bases and make Islam look inferior to christianism

You give billions for americans in exchange of their protection
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Are you drunk? Read the article and not only the misleading title.

This person was jailed for promoting terrorism and for instigating violence. The first time he did it he escaped scotch free under the condition that he would not engage in such unlawful matters again. Yet the idiot did not listen and the hammer fell on him.
Tell me, what does India do when people are supporting terrorism and instigating violence against the state for the second time after they got a warning the first time?

India is full of crime, rapes etc. while KSA has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Which population do you think is most pleased about their judicial system? Make a wild guess.
We know how you call terrorism freedom and freedom terrorism

People want to throw you because Saud destroys Islam and givse all the money for his zionists that he worships
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