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‘Free Saudi Liberals’ website founder sentenced to 10 years in jail and a thousand lashes

Think of it as barbaric as much as you wish, you know nothing about the issue, and there is nothing you can do but burn. Speaking of barbarism, I think it is fair to say that you've got your own hands full with barbaric acts to keep yourself busy with.

I live in a free country and from a free country and free speech is my right as long as it is not hate speech. We are used to criticizing presidents, prime ministers, other ministers and their policies all the time. Similarly I also have the right to speak on anything that's going on anywhere in the universe. I do consider this punishment as barbaric and I am expressing my opinion. It should not bother you and I am pretty sure you don't care about my opinion.

Why should I bother about the good or the bad things that are taking place in India? There are enough Indians in the world to worry about their own problems. I only wish the best for them and all.

I thank you for that. I also wish only the best for Saudi Arabia and the people of KSA.

Damn 1000 lashes ....guy must have buns of steel...

Can someone actually take that many lashes and be normal? I think he will be either dead or crippled for the rest of his life. :(
I live in a free country and from a free country and free speech is my right as long as it is not hate speech. We are used to criticizing presidents, prime ministers, other ministers and their policies all the time. Similarly I also have the right to speak on anything that's going on anywhere in the universe. I do consider this punishment as barbaric and I am expressing my opinion. It should not bother you and I am pretty sure you don't care about my opinion.

I thank you for that. I also wish only the best for Saudi Arabia and the people of KSA.

Can someone actually take that many lashes and be normal? I think he will be either dead or crippled for the rest of his life. :(

Look at this video after 20 lashes ..lolzz. But if the law is written and known to public then people should try to respect the law.
No body is denying your right to speak as long as you refrain from the troll-ic on-the-down-low statements. I stated twice that Mr. Badawi wasn't convicted of a ridiculous crime such as the foundation of a website. His main issue was facilitating an escape route for his own MINOR sister, and his father took to the court. Of course foreigners like yourself can never find out about the full extension of the story, which I don't blame you for.

I live in a free country and from a free country and free speech is my right as long as it is not hate speech. We are used to criticizing presidents, prime ministers, other ministers and their policies all the time. Similarly I also have the right to speak on anything that's going on anywhere in the universe. I do consider this punishment as barbaric and I am expressing my opinion. It should not bother you and I am pretty sure you don't care about my opinion.

I thank you for that. I also wish only the best for Saudi Arabia and the people of KSA.

Look at this video after 20 lashes ..lolzz. But if the law is written and known to public then people should try to respect the law.

This is a South-east Asian State, not KSA.
No body is denying your right to speak as long as you refrain from the troll-ic on-the-down-low statements. I stated twice that Mr. Badawi wasn't convicted of a ridiculous crime such as the foundation of a website. His main issue was facilitating an escape route for his own MINOR sister, and his father took to the court. Of course foreigners like yourself can never find out about the full extension of the story, which I don't blame you for.

Stop calling others as trolls, it doesn't add any value to your argument. None of my comments here are trolls. I have explained my position clearly.

For the rest of your post, there is always a special cryptic version from you that no one else reports about. I am only commenting on what I have read in the news. Can you share a news report (even if it is Saudi) that supports your version? I am unable to make any connection with what you said ( escape route for minor sister :O) and the reported website.
Look at this video after 20 lashes ..lolzz. But if the law is written and known to public then people should try to respect the law.

LOL, at this video. This is from MALAYSIA. Look at the people. Do they look like Arabs, Middle Eastern or Caucasian people to you?

Lashes in KSA are very mild and are not given at once and rarely executed at all.

I don't know enough about this case but if this Mr. Badawi has been plotting and planning to cause harm to the country and thus people by his actions then he must serve his punishment.

There is nothing wrong with lashes either.

I won't believe it unless I get confirmation from @al-Hasani
Anyway ... every nation has some internal probs. We should look at the positive sides of the country rather than the shortcomings. There have been positive and encouraging news coming out of KSA lately.

Obiously there are certain problems in KSA. No doubt about that.

So what is his status now? Isn't he being tried for apostasy which carries death penalty?

I don't know about any case in recent memory or at all where the crime of apostasy was executed.
To all of us in here, you are a well-known big-time Saudi-Thread-Related Troll. Denying such fact is like deny the Sun raises from the West, sets from the East.
Stop calling others as trolls, it doesn't add any value to your argument. None of my comments here are trolls. I have explained my position clearly.

For the rest of your post, there is always a special cryptic version from you that no one else reports about. I am only commenting on what I have read in the news. Can you share a news report (even if it is Saudi) that supports your version? I am unable to make any connection with what you said ( escape route for minor sister :O) and the reported website.

A saudi source? SURE! In this video, the charges Mr. Al-Badawi's father made against him:

So says the JEW.


this thread is an Indian ego soother :D

But they arent wrong to be honest.

I don't designate people's stands per nationality, but you thought right, they hate us to death.

LOL, at this video. This is from MALAYSIA. Look at the people. Do they look like Arabs, Middle Eastern or Caucasian people to you?

Lashes in KSA are very mild and are not given at once and rarely executed at all.

I don't know enough about this case but if this Mr. Badawi has been plotting and planning to cause harm to the country and thus people by his actions then he must serve his punishment.

There is nothing wrong with lashes either.

Obiously there are certain problems in KSA. No doubt about that.

I don't know about any case in recent memory or at all where the crime of apostasy was executed.

في برنامج "دبوانية الدانة "

الطائف اون لاين : فيصل العتيبي ناقش برنامج " ديوانية الدانة " في قناة الدانة أمس الثلاثاء قضية " ثقافة المواطن السعودي " وأيضا قضية " كشغري " الذي اساء إلى الذات الإلهية في تغريداته واستضاف البرنامج كل من الدكتور ناصر الحنيني والكاتب محمد الهويمل والكاتب عبدالله العلمي وأيضا والد رائف بدوي وإبنه عبدالإله .

وفي بداية البرنامج شكر محمد بدوي معد البرنامج الأستاذ : رياض الودعان على استضافتة و أوضح بأن هذه هي القناة الوحيدة التي ساعدته في إيصال صوته إلى خادم الحرمين الشريفين حفظه الله بعد أن إعتذرت الصحف عن ذلك لإنهاء قضيته ضد إبنه رائف وإبنته " سمر " والتي استمرت لست سنوات دون إتخاذ أي إجراء ضدهم على الرغم من وجود الصكوك الصادرة من محكمة جده والبراهين المثبتة عليهم في التطاول على الذات الإلهية في الشبكة الليبرالية .
وكشف " محمد بدوي " بأن زوجته تحمل الجنسية اللبنانية وكانت ديانتها المسيحية وإنها أسلمت على يده وأصبحت داعية حتى توفاها الله ، كما أسلمت شقيقتها أيضا على يده .

وشهدت الحلقة مداخلة هاتفية لكل من مؤسس الشبكة اللبرالية "رائف بدوي " وزوج شقيقتة " سمر " وليد أبو الخير ، ودخلا في حوار ساخن مع ضيوف البرنامج حيث بدأت مداخلته مع والده وطرح عليه عدد من تغريداته منها التطاول على الذات الإلهية و نفي رمضان وكشف عدد من القضايا المرفوعة ضده في المحكمة ونفى رائف هذه الإتهامات وان إثباتاته غير صحيحة ولو كانت عكس ذلك لتم القبض عليه ولكن والدي يريد الإنتقام مني لأن إبنته سمر قامت بعضله في المحكمة وإصدار صك بذلك ثم تدخل الوكيل الخاص عبدالإله بدوي الوكيل الخاص لوالده ونفى ماذكره أخيه وقال إن وليد ابو الخير إعتدى على عرض اخته سمر واتهم أشخاص معينين من التدخل والتلاعب بالحقائق ومنع والده من إنهاء القضية التي استمرت ست سنوات .

ثم جاءت مداخلة وليد أبو الخير مع والد " سمر " حيث أتهمه والد سمر أبو الخير بتحريض ابنته على الهروب و أعانها على عقوقها و تمردها على والدها وساعدها على الهرب وتم إيداعها دار الرعاية الإجتماعية وبقيت لمدة ثمانية أشهر .

ونفى ابو الخير هذه التهم وقال وقال إنه تزوج إبنته عن طريق المحكمة بعد رفض والدها ذلك وقال أيضا أفضل أن لا أتحدث عن أمورنا العائلية الخاصة أمام الإعلام وأمام الملأ فيما رد أبو سمر هل لديك غيره على عرضك ؟ أين أنت عندما ذهب للشيخ الصفار في القطيف وأين أنت من إستضافتها في عدد من القنوات الفضائية.

وطالب أبو رائف بالقبض عليه بعد أن وجه إليه عدد من التهم منها تشويه القضاء السعودي وتأليب الرأي العام في الداخل و الخارج في عدد من القنوات الفضائية من " حوار " و " العربية "

ثم دخل الشيخ ناصر الحنيني في مداخله مع رائف بدوي وقال له الشيخ اتهمت الشيخ " عبدالرحمن البراك " بأنه كاهن في إحدى تغريداتك وقال رائف نعم هو كذلك ورد عليه الشيخ بعبارة " خسئت والله أن تتجرأ على علمائنا "

يذكر بأن معد البرنامج رياض الودعان قام بالتنسيق مع رائف البدوي لإستضافته في الحلقة القادمة يوم الثلاثاء القادم ووافق على ذلك فيما اعتذر وليد ابو الخير عن المشاركة في البرنامج .


" Raef Badawi " denies the charges against him and his father and accuse him of revenge from him because of his son Samar muscle in his court, " Video "

In the program , " Dana Dboanah "

Taif Online: Faisal Al-Otaibi discussed the program of " bureaucracy Dana " in the channel Dana on Tuesday, the issue of " the culture of the Saudi citizen ," and also the issue of " Kchgra " which offended to the divine in Ngredath and program hosted by Dr. Nasser nostalgic and writer Mohammed Howaimel and writer Abdullah scientific and also the father of Raef Badawi and his son Elah .

At the beginning of the program thanked Mohammed Badawi contagious Program Professor: Riad Alodaan for hosting and explained that this is the only channel that helped him give a voice to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques after he apologized newspapers for that to end the case against his son Raef and his son "Summer" , which lasted 'm not years without taking any action against them, in spite of the presence of the instruments issued by the court of his grandfather and evidence installed them in insulting the divine in the liberal network .
He revealed: " Mohammed Badawi " that his wife carry the Lebanese nationality and religion was Christianity, and she converted to Islam on his hand and became an advocate even Tovaha God, as her sister, also converted to Islam on his hand .

And witnessed the episode intervention telephone for each of the founder of the network liberal " Raef Badawi " and the husband of his sister's "Summer" Walid Abu al-Khair , and entered into a heated discussion with the guests of the program where began his speech with his father and asked him a number of Ngredath including insulting the divine and denied Ramadan and revealed a number of cases filed against him in court and denied Raef these accusations and Athbatadth incorrect even if the opposite would have been arrested , but my dad wants to take revenge from me because his son Samar has muscle in the court and the issuance of an instrument so and then enter your proxy Elah Badawi proxy for his father denied the sentiments of his brother , he said Walid Abu goodness assaulted his sister Samar to view certain people accused of interference and manipulation of the facts and prevent his father from the termination of the case , which lasted six years .

Then came the intervention Walid Abu al-Khair with the father of "Summer" and accuse him as the father of Samar Abu al-Khair at the instigation of his daughter to escape and Oaanha on Akogaha and rebelling against her father and helped her escape was deposited Dar Social Welfare and stayed for eight months.

He denied Abu goodness these charges and said he married his son by the court after her father refused and said it is also best not to talk about our issues special family in front of the media and in public in response Abu Samar Do you have others to offer ? Where are you when he went to Sheikh Saffar in Qatif and where you are in the hosting of a number of satellite channels.

He called Abu Raef arrest him after that face him a number of charges including female Saudi justice and inciting public opinion at home and abroad in a number of satellite channels of " dialogue " and " Arab "

Then entered the Sheikh Nasser nostalgic in its approaches with Raef Badawi said Sheikh accused Sheikh " Abdul Rahman al-Barrak " as a priest in one of the Tweets said yes Raef is also reported by Sheikh words " Khosit God that dare to scientists "

Mentions that the program is intended Riad Alodaan the coordination with Raef Badawi for hosting in the next episode next Tuesday and agreed that while he apologized Walid Abu al-Khair from participating in the program.
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LOL, at this video. This is from MALAYSIA. Look at the people. Do they look like Arabs, Middle Eastern or Caucasian people to you?

Lashes in KSA are very mild and are not given at once and rarely executed at all.

I don't know enough about this case but if this Mr. Badawi has been plotting and planning to cause harm to the country and thus people by his actions then he must serve his punishment.

There is nothing wrong with lashes either.

Obiously there are certain problems in KSA. No doubt about that.

I don't know about any case in recent memory or at all where the crime of apostasy was executed.
Every nation has problems bruv .... but generalization is even a bigger prob people like me commit. I am in no position to preach but ... it's glad to have sane voices from KSA to present the real situation.
Every nation has problems bruv .... but generalization is even a bigger prob people like me commit. I am in no position to preach but ... it's glad to have sane voices from KSA to present the real situation.

Mr. Badawi is in deep shit due to the fact that the lawsuit was filed by his father, and the attorney who Badawi's Father as I understood happens to be his elder brother. The thing wasn't accepted, and gained a massive support by the public was the act of facilitating an escape for his MINOR sister.
Mr. Badawi is in deep shit due to the fact that the lawsuit was filed by his father, and the attorney who Badawi's Father as I understood happens to be his elder brother. The thing wasn't accepted, and gained a massive support by the public was the act of facilitating an escape for his MINOR sister.
bro ... you don't have to explain it to me. I know how news are reported in the media. I just wanted you guys to present you side of the story. but unfortunately some people are too judgmental to wait to listen to the other side before making a decision.
Won't be as hurting as these (;

I absolutely hate this shia tradition. You don't have to mutilate yourself to express sorrow. I have seen this live in Mumbai, horrifying scenes for public.

To all of us in here, you are a well-known big-time Saudi-Thread-Related Troll. Denying such fact is like deny the Sun raises from the West, sets from the East.

A saudi source? SURE! In this video, the charges Mr. Al-Badawi's father made against him:

I don't designate people's stands per nationality, but you thought right, they hate us to death.


Still he was convicted for the crimes of opening the website. Accusation and conviction are two separate issues.
I absolutely hate this shia tradition. You don't have to mutilate yourself to express sorrow. I have seen this live in Mumbai, horrifying scenes for public.

Still he was convicted for the crimes of opening the website. Accusation and conviction are two separate issues.

This is a self-lashing by their own freewill. We don't allow it in our country, your country should for its own good.

I absolutely hate this shia tradition. You don't have to mutilate yourself to express sorrow. I have seen this live in Mumbai, horrifying scenes for public.

Still he was convicted for the crimes of opening the website. Accusation and conviction are two separate issues.

The site exists no more. There are no tangible pieces of evidence that could be prsented against him before the court. I think the whole family thing has gone out of control. Thanks to the Liberals - Oh well, just a few with them - the ultra-Conservatives are stomping us all.
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