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Winds of change here at PDF

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Having been around for a considerable length of time I have been privy to all sorts of things & events. I have collected my share of infractions and raps on the knuckles with a few ' shabash' as well.

In the initial years things were downright hostile with no quarters asked and none given. It was an ' all for one and one for all ' type affair when people polarised on reading a thread based on the colour of the flag they flew below their avatar.What was written mattered little - defending a countryman took precedence.

Of late I can feel the winds of change.

Now I feel we are not as rabidly hostile to one another and often take a balanced view of ourselves and our failings.

The major change has been a reduction in hostility levels among the Pak posters and pro active moderation by those at the helm. There are posts which I upon reading I expect mayhem. Good ‘ policing’ practices have helped control flare ups.

Indians too I feel have begun to show restraint yet we need to see ourselves a little more objectively and often through the eyes of another. There is room for more.

The young ‘uns are naturally full of aggression and gusto to have the last word . This is natural & should be expected. I have observed changes in the writings of Indian , Pakistani and some BD and Chinese posters by the time they reach 750+ posts.

The maturing ‘ point’ is after 2500 posts by when a guy starts being able to discern a potential flame from the title of the thread. Exceptions remain.

All in all, thanks to the increased interaction with Think Tanks, Jr TTs, Mods , Webby and the host of other functionaries things here are getting better by the day. The widening of the base by including non Pakistanis as Jr TTs etc has helped in removing that ‘ them’ and ‘ us ‘ syndrome.

Who knows - one day we may even smile at each other !

My views entirely.

This used to be printed under all bills. A sort of disclaimer.

E&OE is an initialism standing for errors and omissions excepted.

The phrase is used in an attempt to reduce legal liability for incorrect or incomplete information supplied in a contractually related document such as a price list, quotation, or specification.

It is often applied as a disclaimer in situations in which the information to which it is applied is relatively fast moving. In legal terms, it seeks to make a statement that information cannot be relied upon, or may have changed by the time of use.

PS. In other words ''' Bhool chook maaf"
One day when i will become fat , lay beside my wife , complaining about life , i'll hit back at pdf . Its so nice to talk to such lovely people who keep deep knowledge about the subjects at hand . Frankly speaking pdf has helped me become a little bit mature mentally and ofcourse it can sometimes act as a social networking sight as well ;)
Really pdf has become a part of my life so much so that before checking my fb notifications I check my pdf's notifications :-)
Sorry for going personal par kya kare thread ke hisaab se chalna padta hai warna Zaki bhai aajaayenge warning leke ;)
E&OE is an initialism standing for errors and omissions excepted.

The phrase is used in an attempt to reduce legal liability for incorrect or incomplete information supplied in a contractually related document such as a price list, quotation, or specification.

It is often applied as a disclaimer in situations in which the information to which it is applied is relatively fast moving. In legal terms, it seeks to make a statement that information cannot be relied upon, or may have changed by the time of use.

Lol- i think only E&OE is better- :tup:
It took a remark by Umair Nawaz on this thread to me to jolt me somewhat and realise what I wrote was not always being appreciated.

Refer Post Nos 47 & 48.

I cannot thank him enough for bringing it to my notice and showing me another POV.


P.S. Whats it today .. all saints day or is an angel passing by ? Why am I writing good things ?
P.S. Whats it today .. all saints day or is an angel passing by ? Why am I writing good things ?

By nature some times this feeling does happen- even i sometimes want to kiss & hug every body- but you will snap out of it soon- Dont worry-
btw i can help you to your senses if you want?- :angel:-
The following days look bright and peaceful.Especially with the presence of two new chinese members whose sensible posts truly represents a powerful and responsible country.
And we need more and more threads like "what do you want to know about India,China,Pakistan" etc.Threads like these really help to know each other and work as a catalyst for peaceful mixing up.
Government relations do have a direct effect on we interact on the PDF. At present the relationship between India and Pakistan is of restraint, hence PDF is calm; hence, IMO it has not do with increased 'maturity' of the posters.
PDF has provided a never before platform for interaction n discussion for various communities n specially South Asians on wide range of subjects....:agree:

It has help me to mature as a person n has really improved my insight about our region as well as increased my tolerance level...:lol:

This site is really addicitive n ur literally compelled to join it...:D
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