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Will there be a final nuclear agreement? (with poll)

Will there be a settlement?

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I have read that a final deal will include lifting of all sanctions !! this means all UN sanctions (including weapons embargo) all EU sanctions and American presidential and congressional sanctions !

If this is the case then it is a huge triumph for Iranian diplomats. Its unbelievable if they can lift all the sanctions that has been built up in the last 35 years . Meaning Iran will acces the modern civilian and military market and buy whatever it wants.

Not gonna happen ...
I have read that a final deal will include lifting of all sanctions !! this means all UN sanctions (including weapons embargo) all EU sanctions and American presidential and congressional sanctions !

If this is the case then it is a huge triumph for Iranian diplomats. Its unbelievable if they can lift all the sanctions that has been built up in the last 35 years . Meaning Iran will acces the modern civilian and military market and buy whatever it wants.
People say you shouldn't eat too much before bed or you'll have weird dreams. You must have been to an all you can eat buffet from the looks of it.
People say you shouldn't eat too much before bed or you'll have weird dreams. You must have been to an all you can eat buffet from the looks of it.

Learn to read. This applies to the guy who thanked you as wel.

Not gonna happen ...
Thats why i said ''If they can.... it will be a huge achievement''
Not all sanctions are going to be lifted, if there is a deal. Which is a big if.
They are not even going to be lifted to begin with. That requires congressional approval, and sorry, but that just aint happening right now.
Obama can SUSPEND them for a certain duration. But that is not the same as lifting.
That is not an optimal economic or political climate for foreign investors. However I believe Iran is such lucrative and large market, that we will see some companies take some risk anyway.

Then after some years, the political climate may have changed in the US so that congress can perhaps permanently lift them, but its doubtful.
I think you all have to prepare yourselves for a grinding process and bumpy road. Just as the implementing of sanctions against Iran, was quite a long process, likewise Iran's integration to the world economy is something that is going to take at least a decade, if not more.
There are other factors too. The economic center of power is shifting away from the west, towards the east (in particular China).
Meaning the US is not going to have as much weight, as it once did, in the world economy.
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