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The Militarization of Post-Khomeini Iran: Praetorianism 2.0

Your English language skills are lacking. You barely understand what he's trying to say and your response is not understandable. I think it's better for everybody involved if you refrain from debates that require a solid grasp of the English language.

Again, your response makes absolutely no sense.
You know what I say
That's why you're angry.:-)
well guys. i think as long as u want to make a ideologic battle frontline in here. we cant underestand any think of this topic. so first bring your anger down and relax...
i mean when your brain is full with the information that u think its 100% right, u will not listen to others anymore...

first i wana say that iran is a country with religious peoples. so this peoples decide for their fate to have a religious goverment and system. peoples inside of Iran, respect revolutionary gourd SPECIALY AFTER SYRIAN AND IRAQI WAR WITH ISIS,because they saw what become of the other countries in the past years... even i see less religious peoples that say after this two wars : god bless revolutionary gourd cause we have safty and peace,the thing that peoples of other countries dont have...

dont u see? if Iran is a secure and safe country in the middle east, i mean the ONE OF FEW SAFE COUNTRRIES ! its aaaaaaaaallllllllllll because of the great revolutionary gourd. and QUDS forces...

i dont blame some of u guys for what u say,,, its because u dont underestand the meaning of leader and leadership in iran.

sorry if my English sucks ;)
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first i wana say that iran is a country with religious peoples. so this peoples decide for their fate to have a religious goverment and system.
May I ask:
پدران ما چه حقي داشتند كه سی سال قبل براي ما تعيين تكليف كنند امروز نسل جديد مقتضيات زندگي جديدي دارد.
امام خمینی 12بهمن 57 بهشت زهرا
May i ask too?
پدران ما چه حقی داشتند که 20 سال پیش از ایران دفاع کر دند و با عراق جنگیدند؟ .
چرا تو خونه هاشون ننشستند و منتظر صدام نشدند؟
ما نسلی صلح جو هستیم .چه کار با جنگ داشتیم؟
واقعا چه حقی داشتند؟؟؟؟


امام شهریار هدایتی (مد الظله العالی ) سنه 1393 .
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Your English language skills are lacking
His first , second , and third official language is FARSI .

So its completely normal if he is not a mullah in english as u r .

But on a interesting note , you live in a country whose first language is english and as u have probably noted yourself , your eng, skills are not promising too .

U might be able to make 2 sentences , but does that give u the right to mock @Shahryar Hedayati ?

I assume NO .

Hell no
May I ask:
پدران ما چه حقي داشتند كه سی سال قبل براي ما تعيين تكليف كنند امروز نسل جديد مقتضيات زندگي جديدي دارد.
امام خمینی 12بهمن 57 بهشت زهرا
And now you wanna make decision for the next generation?
پدران ما چه حقي داشتند كه سی سال قبل براي ما تعيين تكليف كنند امروز نسل جديد مقتضيات زندگي جديدي دارد.
bro o_O

that might be the MOST illogical sentence you have ever typed in this forum o_O

so referendums are being carried out in 30yr intervals recently ? nasl jadid hich moghtaziati nadare ke dar chahrchoob IRI pasookh dade nashe .

if they have such demands (and heck i am one of those ppl [nasl jadid] and they dont have ) they are illegit .

And now you wanna make decision for the next generation?
the next gen. asks the same question from @New !!

his future son and daughter ask him the same question and the battle continues :lol:

thats how u become libya / afghanistan .....

Very interesting read that I would recommend. I may not agree with everything in it, but I do agree with the main theme that Iran has almost become a full fledged praetorian-style military state.
After Khamenei's death the transformation will be complete.

@haman10 @rahi2357 @SOHEIL @Serpentine @New @MTN1917 @Gilamard @S00R3NA @raptor22 @mohsen @kollang @JEskandari @Surenas @jack 86000 @ای ایران @Abii @Hussein @iranigirl2 @Chak Bamu @Desert Fox @Shapur Zol Aktaf

Your thoughts

An excellent article indeed. May thanks for sharing. That what happens with third world militaries any way. In sum, the article says that the IRGC through gradual steps and sequence of achievements, has become the de-facto ruler of Iran with constantly diminishing control by the clergy (including the Supreme Leader). That should also explain the intentional limitation by our Royal family of the Saudi land forces, irrespective of what goes on in the region, and their focus on air-force and air-defense instead.

It has been somehow a consensus among our Royals that big army with many Generals will eventually lead sooner or later to a military coupe. Lessons have been learned, the hard way, from the fall of Egyptian, Iraqi, and Libyan Royal families, in addition to the constant military coupes in Syria that eventually brought Asad (the father) into power.

No matter how small the chance may be, if the IRGC continues to abuse power as it is doing right now, and gamble with Iranians' only proven source of cash (oil and gas revenues), it may then need to face the people themselves not other imaginary enemies. One may wonder, would the Syrian or Libyan scenario repeat itself in Iran? Would the abuse of power lead people to revolt militarily, in which case part of the military might side with the people and another part may not?
پدران ما چه حقي داشتند كه سی سال قبل براي ما تعيين تكليف كنند امروز نسل جديد مقتضيات زندگي جديدي دارد.
امام خمینی 12بهمن 57 بهشت زهرا

that might be the MOST illogical sentence you have ever typed in this forum

@haman10 bro. azize del..
in harfe khode emame. harfe emamo ghabol dari ya na? man dige harfi nadaram.
An excellent article indeed. May thanks for sharing. That what happens with third world militaries any way. In sum, the article says that the IRGC through gradual steps and sequence of achievements, has become the de-facto ruler of Iran with constantly diminishing control by the clergy (including the Supreme Leader). That should also explain the intentional limitation by our Royal family of the Saudi land forces, irrespective of what goes on in the region, and their focus on air-force and air-defense instead.

It has been somehow a consensus among our Royals that big army with many Generals will eventually lead sooner or later to a military coupe. Lessons have been learned, the hard way, from the fall of Egyptian, Iraqi, and Libyan Royal families, in addition to the constant military coupes in Syria that eventually brought Asad (the father) into power.

No matter how small the chance may be, if the IRGC continues to abuse power as it is doing right now, and gamble with Iranians' only proven source of cash (oil and gas revenues), it may then need to face the people themselves not other imaginary enemies. One may wonder, would the Syrian or Libyan scenario repeat itself in Iran? Would the abuse of power lead people to revolt militarily, in which case part of the military might side with the people and another part may not?

Feck off.
May i ask too?
پدران ما چه حقی داشتند که 20 سال پیش از ایران دفاع کر دند و با عراق جنگیدند؟ .
چرا تو خونه هاشون ننشستند و منتظر صدام نشدند؟
ما نسلی صلح جو هستیم .چه کار با جنگ داشتیم؟
واقعا چه حقی داشتند؟؟؟؟
امام شهریار هدایتی (مد الظله العالی ) سنه 1393 .

And now you wanna make decision for the next generation?

that might be the MOST illogical sentence you have ever typed in this forum
so referendums are being carried out in 30yr intervals recently ? nasl jadid hich moghtaziati nadare ke dar chahrchoob IRI pasookh dade nashe .
if they have such demands (and heck i am one of those ppl [nasl jadid] and they dont have ) they are illegit .
raptor22 said: ↑
And now you wanna make decision for the next generation?
the next gen. asks the same question from @New !!
his future son and daughter ask him the same question and the battle continues
thats how u become libya / afghanistan .....
Hey dudes, I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but that's not my word at all, as I have mentioned that's a quote from the khomeini's speach on bahman's 12th in 1357.
@haman10 I don't know that shahriar guy but I expected more of you, if that's logical or not, that's not my word.
فارس منتشر کرد متن کامل سخنرانی تاریخی حضرت امام خمینی(ره) در بهشت ‌زهرا(س)
Hey dudes, I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but that's not my word at all, as I have mentioned that's a quote from the khomeini's speach on bahman's 12th in 1357.
maybe this is all a misunderstanding :lol:

i thought u r mocking the quote :lol:

Feck off.
that was so awesome :lol:
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Very interesting read that I would recommend. I may not agree with everything in it, but I do agree with the main theme that Iran has almost become a full fledged praetorian-style military state.
After Khamenei's death the transformation will be complete.

@haman10 @rahi2357 @SOHEIL @Serpentine @New @MTN1917 @Gilamard @S00R3NA @raptor22 @mohsen @kollang @JEskandari @Surenas @jack 86000 @ای ایران @Abii @Hussein @iranigirl2 @Chak Bamu @Desert Fox @Shapur Zol Aktaf

Your thoughts
I have read it but because i am not home i can't give you a thorough answer, as you know the article is from 3 years ago when every so called western experts was calling iran a military dictatorship, aftr rouhani came to power, he removed most former IRGC personnel from ministries.

This article was not as biased as the most i have read but it suffers from the same western prejudiced view point that IRGC wants to take over, they fail to notice that IRGC is the manifestation of iran's islamic revolution and it is charged with defending it but it is completely faithful supreme leader, if leader ever denounce IRGC(which is very unlikely) IRGC will collapse because most of its cadres and basijis are loyal to him.

But they are right in the regard that IRGC will guard the revolution so it is a praetorian institution for pretecting the revolution and its achievements.
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