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Will there be a final nuclear agreement? (with poll)

Will there be a settlement?

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I think they will continue to talk with ms. Ashton , until no one, specifically Israel , care about the so called Iranian nuclear program . See the spell mr. zarif has bestowed on ms. ashton , the European union even wanted to sanction Israel , and the European tourists are once again flocking to Iranian territory again , like it was during the reign of mr. Katami , sigh

hussain was killed by a Persian you know, so was omar.
How come? I thought it was an arab "Yazid" who killed hussain for wanting to annex iran ?
Rumour has it the US has softened its position significantly, and will accept Iran operating 6,000 centrifuges (compared to the 10.000 they are operating now).

We may actually get a deal at the November deadline.

@haman10 @Serpentine @kollang @rahi2357 @mohsen @The SiLent crY @New

Don't listen to media rumors, recently they have increased random speculations all of which turned to be false. 6000 is nothing actually, and it's not considered a softening of spot, because for operating even one nuclear plant, more centrifuges are needed, Unless the deal says that the limit will stay for few years, then Iran can both increase its centrifuges and import fuel easily from western countries.
Rumour has it the US has softened its position significantly, and will accept Iran operating 6,000 centrifuges (compared to the 10.000 they are operating now).
We may actually get a deal at the November deadline.
May I ask you a question, Will you be happy if a deal is reached?
Off course. I hope to see the end of sanctions and Iran's isolation from the world.
Then, don't you feel facing a dilemma here?
If a deal is reached, either those demonizing of the west, satanizing of America, Jews running the world, is meant to be wrong or either it shows Iran has stepped down of it's so called legal rights, don't you think?
In neither case I can't find any reason of happiness.
Am just curious to know.
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Then, don't you feel facing a dilemma here?
If a deal is reached, either those demonizing of the west, satanizing of America, Jews running the world, is meant to be wrong or either it shows Iran has stepped down of it's so called legal rights, don't you think?
Am just curious to know.

The deal would probably have, as hinted in the interim accord document, a so called "sunset clause". Meaning after a time-period, Iran would be treated as any other NPT-member and could move ahead with full scale industrial enrichment.
The deal would probably have, as hinted in the interim accord, a so called "sunset clause". Meaning after a time-period, Iran would be treated as any other NPT-member and could move ahead with full scale industrial enrichment.

You're getting too excited about that movie mate. :D

They won't allow anyone(Besides Israel) in the ME those rights.
bros there are three possibilities :

1- we dont reach any deal and sanctions continue

2- we reach a deal on nuclear talk and we start a new chapter on another pretext :lol:

sanctions due to iranian missile industry .... due to military apparatus ..... due to space program ..... due to supporting hezbollah and hamas ..... due to biotech and nanotech industry (after all we are axis of evil and we can develop nano chemical bombs that can be used as WMDs lol ) ..... due to all sorts of shyte .

just pick one !!

this is all a childish game .
Then, don't you feel facing a dilemma here?
If a deal is reached, either those demonizing of the west, satanizing of America, Jews running the world, is meant to be wrong or either it shows Iran has stepped down of it's so called legal rights, don't you think?
In neither case I can't find any reason of happiness.
Am just curious to know.

It depends on ultimate outcome, the fact that neither Iran nor western countries wanna or seek to see the region on the brick of a new war, any failure in the negotiations could slip the initiative into the hands of extremists and radical power centers in both sides which definitely are interested in speedily moving relation to the point of clash. And who says any possible agreement would mean in giving up our absolute right if it covers all our demands under the treaty?

It's what jack Straw had to say yesterday in the house of commons debates in the UK parliament:

"Going back to what I have said, those who have dealings, both diplomatic and business, with Iran say that the Iranians are very hard negotiators—and they are—but when, in the end, they have done a deal, they stick to it. It has to be said that there is no evidence that Iran has resiled from what it agreed on 24 November 2013; the IAEA reports that it has implemented what it has agreed.

If there is no deal and negotiations break down because of unacceptable red lines from some, but not all, of the six countries involved, over time the international consensus will break down. First China and then Russia will peel away, and then we are likely to see a reappraisal of policy within the European Union. That reappraisal will be fuelled in part by a belief that US sanctions against Iran have a greater effect extra-territorially, on European banks and trading entities, than they have within the domestic jurisdiction of the US itself. That belief is well founded, because the US authorities do provide greater certainty, and therefore greater protection from penalty, to US banks and entities trading with Iran than they do to similar banks and entities outside the US; I am talking about legal trade allowed under the sanctions regimes.

That may explain the curious irony about exports in recent years to Iran. Across the EU, such exports have slumped in the past 10 years, whereas in the US they are on a rising trend. Ten years ago, US exports to Iran were one ninth of ours, but now they are double. One reason for the fall in our exports, proportionately greater than any other western country’s, is that the UK is alone in maintaining a policy of not supporting any trade with Iran. I have heard no credible explanation for that, and I ask the Minister to have it revised."
bros there are three possibilities :
1- we dont reach any deal and sanctions continue
2- we reach a deal on nuclear talk and we start a new chapter on another pretext
sanctions due to iranian missile industry .... due to military apparatus ..... due to space program ..... due to supporting hezbollah and hamas ..... due to biotech and nanotech industry (after all we are axis of evil and we can develop nano chemical bombs that can be used as WMDs lol ) ..... due to all sorts of shyte .
just pick one !!
this is all a childish game .
Where is the third one?
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