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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

Keep blabbering, this military experts opinion worth nothing may be gets pay from Mullah (Iran) @WinterNights

So that Israeli war veteran, that was also the ex head of their intelligence, who also lives in Israel is paid by Iran.
You showed what an absolute retard you are.

His analysis is infinitely more valuable than your braindead nonsense.

Keep pathetic logic by yourself, they can easily tackle Iranian BM @WinterNights

Based on your fantasies only.

And they are not, what a lame and bogus/retard logic you have, they have most advance tech on the planet @WinterNights

This BS is getting old. Their technologies can't defeat Iranian missile. Even they don't claim otherwise.

You're too thin to understand they developing ABM system since 60s technology for ABMs already mature enough to tackle SRBM/MRBM and going toward intercepting IRBM (THAAD), in first gulf war PAC-1 shot down 60% Iraqi's BM which have no ABM capability, and PAC-2 that Saudi Arabia used intercepted 98% BMs fired by houthies, you know nothing but blabbering baseles, you ultra national brainless pathetic shit @WinterNights :blah::blah::blah::blah:

1- Like I said, that technology is still not matured enough to be truly effective.
2- PAC failed epicly in Iraq
3- saudi arabia's claim regarding their interception rates are un-substantiated BS.

Your nonsenses are only believed by braindead US fanboys like you.
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So that Israeli war veteran, that was also the ex head of their intelligence, who also lives in Israel is paid by Iran.
You showed what an absolute retard you are.

His analysis is infinitely more valuable than your braindead nonsense.

Based on your fantasies only.


This BS is getting old. Their technologies can't defeat Iranian missile. Even they don't claim otherwise.

1- Like I said, that technology is still not matured enough to be truly effective.
2- PAC failed epicly in Iraq
3- saudi arabia's claim regarding their interception rates are un-substantiated BS.

Your nonsenses are only believed by braindead US fanboys like you.
You're whole life is BS, so you will assumingif you attack CVN and destroyed then you will survive @WinterNights Trident D5 and Minuteman will destroyed Iran within mintues @WinterNights :crazy::crazy::hitwall::hitwall:
You're whole life is BS, so you will assumingif you attack CVN and destroyed then you will survive @WinterNights Trident D5 and Minuteman will destroyed Iran within mintues @WinterNights :crazy::crazy::hitwall::hitwall:

We're not talking about nuclear weapons here. We can't really go that far. Who knows if Iran has nukes or not. Americans call this is an "known unkown".
Iran over the years have build proxies. Hezbollah launching war on Israel would be one way. Secondly if Iran manages to fire hundreds of cruise Missiles on USA bases and ships in one go. It would decimate USA Military installations in Middle East and ships at Sea.
If you attack/threaten their CVN with anti ship missiles they definitely go nuclear @WinterNights


Iranian commander said in the past, there is no need to sink their CVN, but taking them out of service will do. Like you said, sinking them could force them to go nuclear. Iran would not sink them unless absolutely necessary.
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Possibly, but Iranian commander said in the past, there is no need to sink their CVN, but taking them out of service will do. Like you said, sinking them could force them to go nuclear. Iran would not sink them unless absolutely necessary.
sinking or disabling CVN for US will go nuclear, it doesn't matter you disable it or sink it, its equal to US to go nuclear whether Iran disable CVN or sink it

You have a IQ of = -10 @WinterNights
According to your monkey analysis maybe.
You have a donkey brain you shit head @WinterNights now tell me what the difference between sinking and disabling a CVN both are almost same and same consequences for Iran @WinterNights
Going by your comment, I genuinely believe you're retarded. You probably lived in slums as a child and did not get enough nutrition, as a consequence, you're now retarded.
Better then your slum country, i thinks the whole Iran retard like you lives in your fantasy world wet dream, wishful thinking fairy tales, you're reported @WinterNights

Sinking an AC for example could kill all on board whereas taking it out of service does not in anyway suggest that.
A hit from anti ship missiles can't kill single sailors on board, what a ridiculous logic you have @WinterNights
This is your country:

You search in sewage for your meals.
and Same goes to Iran

you're also eating sewage as a meals @WinterNights, again you're reported @WinterNights
So what's holding the U.S back? I thought the U.S has been waging a War on terror for the past 18 years? They call Iran the leading State Sponsor of Terror and they even designated the IRGC as a terror organization, so again why don't they attack the leading state sponsor of Terror with its paper military? It would be a walk in the park right?

You can't separate war with politics

right now there is a large Anti-War movement in America amongst both sides of the political spectrum - left/right. They can't launch a war that makes them (in the public eyes) look like the aggressor.

Trump and Bin Salman are patiently biding their time and waiting for Iran to Snap. Once that happens we will reach the point of No Return and Mullah regime will be gone in less than a month.

You can't separate war with politics

right now there is a large Anti-War movement in America amongst both sides of the political spectrum - left/right. They can't launch a war that makes them (in the public eyes) look like the aggressor.

Trump and Bin Salman are patiently biding their time and waiting for Iran to Snap. Once that happens we will reach the point of No Return and Mullah regime will be gone in less than a month.

Good,they can go die from old age!
Not sure of posted already

Yeah sure.

Soviets believed that US-led forces will suffer great losses in the Persian Gulf War (1991), but.....

Both S-300 and S-400 flopped in Syria, but this guy failed to take notes; absolutely clueless about the effectiveness of cutting-edge stealthy platforms such as F-22, F-35 and B-2. Even the most powerful radar systems will struggle to identify these birds beyond 30 KM.


2 x F-22 flew very close to Iranian coasts in 2013 and completely surprised 2 x Iranian F-4 jets from beneath which were chasing an American MQ-1 Predator drone, and forced both F-4s to abandon mission.

Link: https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/f-22-maricked-iranian-fighters

Iranian super-duper VHF band radar systems completely failed to pick on F-22 as well - see the graph above for reference.

Other SAM systems are sitting ducks in comparison.

American military bases across the Middle East have BMDS and additional set of defenses to defeat Iranian ballistic missile strikes just in case. And some of these bases are so big that Iran would have to throw 100+ ballistic missiles at each in order to disable each which is impractical.

And good luck with dispatching speed boats to deal with USN in the Arabian Sea, really now. USN have extraordinary situational awareness at its disposal via spy satellites and airborne surveillance platforms. They would have a clear picture of Iranian naval movements, and would take action accordingly. They will also subject Iranian Air Defense infrastructure and centers of power to massive amount of firepower in case war is declared. People should study actual reports of American military operations to understand how they are conducted.

Iran will be admittedly difficult to overcome on land but USAF and USN will make mockery of its defenses from above and from afar.
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I am neutral in this coming conflict. Neither do I support Iran nor the US.

I think if this goes hot, the US will not attempt to occupy Iran. Simply turn Iran into a mess and contain it using naval and aerial forces. Bombing them to the beginning of the iron age basically.
Yeah sure.

Soviets believed that US-led forces will suffer great losses in the Persian Gulf War (1991), but.....

Both S-300 and S-400 flopped in Syria, but this guy failed to take notes; absolutely clueless about the effectiveness of cutting-edge stealthy platforms such as F-22, F-35 and B-2. Even the most powerful radar systems will struggle to identify these birds beyond 30 KM.


2 x F-22 flew very close to Iranian coasts in 2013 and completely surprised 2 x Iranian F-4 jets from beneath which were chasing an American MQ-1 Predator drone, and forced both F-4s to abandon mission.

Link: https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/f-22-maricked-iranian-fighters

Iranian super-duper VHF band radar systems completely failed to pick on F-22 as well - see the graph above for reference.

Other SAM systems are sitting ducks in comparison.

American military bases across the Middle East have BMDS and additional set of defenses to defeat Iranian ballistic missile strikes just in case. And some of these bases are so big that Iran would have to throw 100+ ballistic missiles at each in order to disable each which is impractical.

And good luck with dispatching speed boats to deal with USN in the Arabian Sea, really now. USN have extraordinary situational awareness at its disposal via spy satellites and airborne surveillance platforms. They would have a clear picture of Iranian naval movements, and would take action accordingly. They will also subject Iranian Air Defense infrastructure and centers of power to massive amount of firepower in case war is declared. People should study actual reports of American military operations to understand how they are conducted.

Iran will be admittedly difficult to overcome on land but USAF and USN will make mockery of its defenses from above and from afar.
American drone wasn't near Iranian coasts, but in international waters, our F4 was dispatched to identify it visually, it's a routine interception process which is happening everywhere, but you can believe their fantasies.
also we don't plan to send our F4s to fight against F22, only most delusional or idiot people would think that way.
but you forgot to talk about American super duper stealthy RQ170 which actually dared to enter our airspace for the last time!

Iran doesn't dispatch boats to deal with U.S navy, for that we have precision radar evading missiles and drones. the same drones which 2 decade older version of them is being operated by houthis and has humiliated all American made junks in Saudi Arabia and UAE; three successful attacks just against Jizan airport in last week, with the last strike being against Patriot system itself. it's obvious who is mocking whom!
number of our precision missiles is equal to American threats, if you think any other thing then you have no clue about Iran's defense strategy, U.S navy isn't a threat to us, just an easy target.

We will turn their ships into underwater museum and let you people visit them as tourists.

Though there is no war, as far as I'm concerned, we made our move and targeted their oil tankers and pipelines and they didn't dare to do anything, but I welcome their response.
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