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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

Go introduce yourself to divone khone
you need doctor immediately


From first day I said Trump is gambler, and Americans are bluffing about war.....
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Get the fvck out you stvpid delusional moron...
hey stupid fat pig ur fat pig FM PAMPEO lik u in his body beg for talk to he like u have no ball to do anything go eat our shit lol .u r not iranian deck even .have no manhood go in mirror see ur self between ur leg waybe see hull ex 2 holl hehehehe u have no manhood go fu ck ur self with pelastic one
You will be saying that 'For the last time' many more times. :lol:

It is funny that these guys believes it is US who are 'rigid' in our war planning and yet they consistently posit an invasion as the only way the US will go to war against Iran. Because this is not Iraq, who actually invaded another country with a formal armed force, we just need to defeat the Iranian military on Iranian home soil and let the consequences do the rest.

Americans talking consequences! LOL!

You wanna talk consequences take a good look at Lebanon and the result of Israel's 2006 war and how Hezbullah within a decade came back stronger politically and 10x stronger militarily.

And if anyone wants any evidence about how deluded the U.S. policy making is when it comes to consequences of their action then Iran and our region is a prime example!

1.In the 50's the U.S. is deluded enough into thinking they can overthrow Iran's 1st democracy without consequences all to make a little more Oil money but within ~25 years the consequences of U.S. actions results into the U.S. getting completely kicked out of Iran and remaining kicked out for the past 40 years to this very day to a point that you haven't been able to properly profit from selling your Coca cola's or Car's or Fast food chains.... to Iranians for 4 decades.

2.After the U.S. is kicked out of Iran they start supporting Saddam's invasion of Iran and 8 years later Saddam backed by every major power in the world, equipped with an armored battalion 4-5 times Iran's and the use of WMD's still can't hold an inch of Iranian territory so the war ends and within 2 years the nut job U.S. supported starts invading a U.S. ally to try to take Kuwaiti Oil fields which results in the U.S. spending trillions for decades. (Which was a war Iran could have ended by 1983 if the U.S. & It's allies hadn't picked sides)

3. After the U.S. is kicked out of Iran out of anger they place sanctions on Iran to prevent Iran from purchasing weapons which continue to this very day but due to the war Iran had no choice but to invest in domestic weapons productions starting from small arms to eventually missiles, subs,…..
And the direct consequence of U.S. sanctions on Iran's Air Force is Iran's Missile program and UAV program because for the longest time Iranian missiles lacked the accuracy to be of much value against military targets so if left alone, like most other nations most of the budget would have gone towards procuring fighter jets. Which makes Iran's Missile Program & UAV program the direct consequences of US sanctions on Iran's Air Force.

4.And the direct consequences of decades of U.S. bombing of Iraq has resulted in Iran getting another regional ally and that friendship was further cemented when the U.S. and it's allies started supporting ISIS while Iran instead backed the Iraqi government....

5.And lets not forget the consequences of U.S. actions in Afghanistan to use the Taliban to counter 1st USSR and then later Iran is what led to the very nut jobs that the U.S. and it's so called allies supported attacking U.S. soil on 9/11!

So HISTORY is prof that American policy makers have repeatedly miscalculated the consequences of their own action in our region especially when it comes to Iran or anything that is Iran related.

And the truth is American Policy makers still don't have the slightest clue what the consequences of the U.S. threatening Iran with Military action and building military bases around Iran for almost 2 decades have been.
Those facts dont mean anything much without the proper context- US is now the most watchful of how it operates in the Persian Gulf than its ever been. facts. US currently doesnt have stamina for any serious conflict also. I am seeing that. Like that Israeli military analyst said in that Youtube video, the moment US "focuses" militarily on Iran, China will take over SCS for good.

China won't take over SCS for good. You think 1 carrier group in the ME is just the whole navy? China has to contend with the 7th fleet and other assets like submarines and bombers from Guam, Hawaii, and Japan.
China won't take over SCS for good. You think 1 carrier group in the ME is just the whole navy? China has to contend with the 7th fleet and other assets like submarines and bombers from Guam, Hawaii, and Japan.
Doesn't your 7th fleet have fire power compared to the rest of your fleet ?
China won't take over SCS for good. You think 1 carrier group in the ME is just the whole navy? China has to contend with the 7th fleet and other assets like submarines and bombers from Guam, Hawaii, and Japan.
There will be no hot war between china and USA, none of them can bare the loss, it will only benefit the others

But it is still high possibility for iran war
It is not only the inevitable development of the strategic layout of the United States in the Middle East and the world , but also the inevitable development of the historical inertia driven by the interests of the American military consortium,as well as the background of the dramatic change of the global pattern in the past century.
There will be no hot war between china and USA, none of them can bare the loss, it will only benefit the others

But it is still high possibility for iran war
It is not only the inevitable development of the strategic layout of the United States in the Middle East and the world , but also the inevitable development of the historical inertia driven by the interests of the American military consortium,as well as the background of the dramatic change of the global pattern in the past century.

Many countries have interests in the ME.
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