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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

Israeli analyst: The US cant defeat in Iran in a conventional war, absolutely ridiculous (and the pentagon knows it)

It seems only arabs and Pakistanis seem to believe in the super invincible American legend anymore. more catholic then the pope himself LOL
Yeah sure.

Soviets believed that US-led forces will suffer great losses in the Persian Gulf War (1991), but.....

Both S-300 and S-400 flopped in Syria, but this guy failed to take notes; absolutely clueless about the effectiveness of cutting-edge stealthy platforms such as F-22, F-35 and B-2. Even the most powerful radar systems will struggle to identify these birds beyond 30 KM.


2 x F-22 flew very close to Iranian coasts in 2013 and completely surprised 2 x Iranian F-4 jets from beneath which were chasing an American MQ-1 Predator drone, and forced both F-4s to abandon mission.

Link: https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/f-22-maricked-iranian-fighters

Iranian super-duper VHF band radar systems completely failed to pick on F-22 as well - see the graph above for reference.

Other SAM systems are sitting ducks in comparison.

American military bases across the Middle East have BMDS and additional set of defenses to defeat Iranian ballistic missile strikes just in case. And some of these bases are so big that Iran would have to throw 100+ ballistic missiles at each in order to disable each which is impractical.

And good luck with dispatching speed boats to deal with USN in the Arabian Sea, really now. USN have extraordinary situational awareness at its disposal via spy satellites and airborne surveillance platforms. They would have a clear picture of Iranian naval movements, and would take action accordingly. They will also subject Iranian Air Defense infrastructure and centers of power to massive amount of firepower in case war is declared. People should study actual reports of American military operations to understand how they are conducted.

Iran will be admittedly difficult to overcome on land but USAF and USN will make mockery of its defenses from above and from afar.
so because of this holly calability;israhelli fighters used qatar airways planes as cover avoiding russian radars in syria?!........i think we are exagerating stealth capabilities due to our misudrstaning and US propagandas...........
Yeah sure.

Soviets believed that US-led forces will suffer great losses in the Persian Gulf War (1991), but.....

Both S-300 and S-400 flopped in Syria, but this guy failed to take notes; absolutely clueless about the effectiveness of cutting-edge stealthy platforms such as F-22, F-35 and B-2. Even the most powerful radar systems will struggle to identify these birds beyond 30 KM.


2 x F-22 flew very close to Iranian coasts in 2013 and completely surprised 2 x Iranian F-4 jets from beneath which were chasing an American MQ-1 Predator drone, and forced both F-4s to abandon mission.

Link: https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/f-22-maricked-iranian-fighters

Iranian super-duper VHF band radar systems completely failed to pick on F-22 as well - see the graph above for reference.

Other SAM systems are sitting ducks in comparison.

American military bases across the Middle East have BMDS and additional set of defenses to defeat Iranian ballistic missile strikes just in case. And some of these bases are so big that Iran would have to throw 100+ ballistic missiles at each in order to disable each which is impractical.

And good luck with dispatching speed boats to deal with USN in the Arabian Sea, really now. USN have extraordinary situational awareness at its disposal via spy satellites and airborne surveillance platforms. They would have a clear picture of Iranian naval movements, and would take action accordingly. They will also subject Iranian Air Defense infrastructure and centers of power to massive amount of firepower in case war is declared. People should study actual reports of American military operations to understand how they are conducted.

Iran will be admittedly difficult to overcome on land but USAF and USN will make mockery of its defenses from above and from afar.

The bulk of Iranian air and naval forces won't even make it to the fight. That's how fast the US military will gain air and naval superiority.
Israeli analyst: The US cant defeat in Iran in a conventional war, absolutely ridiculous (and the pentagon knows it)

It seems only arabs and Pakistanis seem to believe in the super invincible American legend anymore. more catholic then the pope himself LOL

Not all Pakistanis..

We have our share of mental slaves of West...

A particular poster you may be referring to has a habit of posting all he Google without even comprehending what he is posting sometimes his links negating his own argument
The bulk of Iranian air and naval forces won't even make it to the fight. That's how fast the US military will gain air and naval superiority.

Our defence doctrine is well aware of the lack of survivability for own air and surface naval assets against an American onslaught and have prepared other means to counter your forces. You can take out All Iranian Aircraft and Ships in the first minute of a confrontation and you still would no have achieved anything except for a hollow victory! This is why there is an Open letter sent to Trump urging him not to go to war with Iran signed by 76 U.S ex military and diplomats. The lowest rank of these signatories is Brigadier General so these are definitely not people who do not understand the reality of the situation on the ground!
I am neutral in this coming conflict. Neither do I support Iran nor the US.

I think if this goes hot, the US will not attempt to occupy Iran. Simply turn Iran into a mess and contain it using naval and aerial forces. Bombing them to the beginning of the iron age basically.
Yeeeah...,that strategy might have possibly worked IF ONLY the persian gulf didnt contain some of the largest and most important us facilities in the region staffed with tens of thousands of us personnel,and most of them easily within range of irans shorter ranged missiles like the fateh 110.Oh,and of course theres the 1/5 to 1/4 of the worlds oil,and even more of its gas,that goes out through the iranian controlled strait of hormuz that would also be shut off as would the pg ports that the gulfies depend on for many of their imports as well as their oil exports.This would leave them only the 2 red sea ports and the one jordanian port of aqaba to bring in all the imports that they would need just to survive,and if iran took out the red sea ports as well that would leave virtually all of the gulf states reliant on that one jordanian port for all of their imports,not to mention all of the problems the us forces would likely have trying to resupply and evacuate their personnel once the shooting started.
So,we can clearly see that any bombing or containment is likely not going to be just one sided.
[this map doesnt include the 10-15,000 additional american forces in afghanistan who could also be targeted]
American drone wasn't near Iranian coasts, but in international waters, our F4 was dispatched to identify it visually, it's a routine interception process which is happening everywhere, but you can believe their fantasies.
also we don't plan to send our F4s to fight against F22, only most delusional or idiot people would think that way.
Based on multiple sources and bits of information, the American drone in question (MQ-1 Predator) was conducting a survelliance flight very close to Iranian coast (16 miles gap) on March 12, 2013, and this is why IRIAF dispatched 2 x F-4 Phantoms (upgraded with Chinese avionics) to intercept it. However, an F-22A Raptor (VLO mode) approached these F-4 Phantoms undetected in this mission and issued a warning to them, and IRIAF jets had no choice but to abort consequently.

FYI: https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/f-22-maricked-iranian-fighters?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1

How about you come to terms with the fact that high-quality stealth works as advertised? Or do you think that IRIAF would intentionally ignore American Jets but go after American drones while operating near Iranian coasts? :rolleyes:

but you forgot to talk about American super duper stealthy RQ170 which actually dared to enter our airspace for the last time!
1.1. Multiple RQ-170 UAV were involved in penetrating Iran's airspace and conducting surveillance operations over the locations of interest since 2009 = high penetration rate. Yes, this is true - just wait for declassified information to surface.

1.2. RQ-170 UAV are LO class but not VLO class = detection possible in daylight conditions.

1.3. Malfunction theory cannot be ruled out in case of the loss of an RQ-170 variant over Iran in 2011. Not the first time an American UAV have suffered malfunction and crash-landed in a hostile region, this have happened over Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

My point is that just because Iran got its hands on an RQ-170 variant in 2011, this incident does not prove that Iranian defenses are foolproof and stealthy technologies are redundant.

Consider the case of Serbia.

On 27 March, 1999, Serbian defenses somehow noticed and shot down an F-117A Nighthawk bird which is really impressive feat, worth boasting about. However, this feat did not make stealthy technologies redundant over Serbia, and NATO wrecked Serbian defenses much like any other since 1991.

12 x F-117A were committed to Operation Noble Anvil (i.e. bombing Serbia to submission) and they collectively recorded 850 sorties over Serbia, delivering heavy blows to Serbian infrastructure in the process.

Details in this link: https://www.f-117a.com/AFMissions.html

Operation Noble Anvil lasted 78 days, and Serbian defenses managed to shoot down only 3 American combat aircraft throughout (F-117A = 1; F-16CG = 1; RQ-1 Predator UAV = 1). The loss of an F-117A occurred on the 3rd day of operation (early on).


B-2 Spirit bomber is VLO across all bands, a marvel of engineering with nothing at par to this day - these monsters conducted 50 sorties over Serbia and terrorized Serbians unlike any other asset. Even the pilot of the ill-fated F-117A over Serbia experienced shockwaves emanating from a bombing raid of a B-2 over Belgrade while taking cover deep inside enemy territory. B-2 is the most expensive aircraft ever built (2 billion USD a piece) but the effort was worth it; B-2 is designed to frustrate even the most capable defensive arrangements anywhere in the world. Obtaining a lock on a B-2 Spirit even in daylight conditions is exceedingly difficult, let alone in nighttime conditions. To this day, in spite of so much publicity, B-2 remains one of the least understood assets in existence (its technologies are among the most concealed in public domain).

Emphasis mine. Do not jump to premature conclusions and do not be under any illusion; American technologies have delivered results before and they will deliver results again and again, mind you. Ever wonder why China is so keen to learn about American technologies, to the point of offering large sums of money to potential agents?

Full-scale war with NATO/US would be unlike YOU have ever experienced before. To this day, Serbia have not fully recovered from the blows it have received from NATO in 1999.

- and neither have Iraq and Libya.

Iran doesn't dispatch boats to deal with U.S navy, for that we have precision radar evading missiles and drones. the same drones which 2 decade older version of them is being operated by houthis and has humiliated all American made junks in Saudi Arabia and UAE; three successful attacks just against Jizan airport in last week, with the last strike being against Patriot system itself. it's obvious who is mocking whom!
number of our precision missiles is equal to American threats, if you think any other thing then you have no clue about Iran's defense strategy, U.S navy isn't a threat to us, just an easy target.

We will turn their ships into underwater museum and let you people visit them as tourists.

Though there is no war, as far as I'm concerned, we made our move and targeted their oil tankers and pipelines and they didn't dare to do anything, but I welcome their response.
Wait, your assets are the radar-evading types but American... :lol:

2.1. Iran is nowhere close to US in the matters of stealth-related sciences even with access to an RQ-170 variant in its hands, mind you. Even Russia, with its technological prowess and access to remains of both F-117A in Serbia and RQ-170 in Iran, still failed to develop anything on par with American VLO aircraft.

That was an advanced Iranian RQ-170 copy, Israeli officials found it to be impressive upon recovering its wreckage.

True VLO class aircraft are exceedingly difficult and expensive to develop, mind you.

2.2. Americans have developed and fielded the most powerful radar systems in the world - 3 decades ahead of anything in Russian and Chinese hands at present, and by extension Iranian. To give you a rough idea, Russia is sitting at 1st generation AESA technology whereas US is sitting at 4th generation AESA technology at present.

AN/SPY-1D(v) sensor system on-board the Arleigh Burke class destroyer can identify and track a target having an RCS of 0.0025 m^2 at ranges in excess of 165 KM on 3.3 GHz frequency (George Lewis and Theodore Postol). And in case you didn't knew, SPY-1D(v) have managed to notice and track ballistic missiles having an RCS of 0.03 m^2 at distances in excess of 1000 KM (heritage.org).


Green highlights = integrated set-of-sensor systems under the Aegis Combat System for collective target search and acquisition capabilities (sensor netting).


Regarding your assertion of Houthi-operated assets humiliating all American made 'junks' in KSA and UAE:-

Please tell me what the Houthi-operated assets have accomplished in KSA and UAE besides publicity stunts/propaganda coups? Did they cripple defensive arrangements of KSA and UAE?


CAPTION: As of April 4, 2019, there have been 133 publicly reported intercepts of missiles fired from Yemen.

Latest development:-

Caught in the act. ;)

Saudi defensive arrangements are taking care of Houthi-operated UAV as well, wherever possible.

For example: https://www.thenational.ae/world/me...wn-drone-aimed-at-kingdom-from-yemen-1.834654

Recent development: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/Ne...epts-two-Houthi-drones-over-Saudi-Arabia.html

Please keep in mind that the defensive arrangements of both KSA and UAE are advanced as per the standards of the Middle East but not at par with USN and USAF, not even close.

Both KSA and UAE mainly operate MIM-104 Patriot batteries armed with 2nd generation interceptors (PAC-2 class) at present, but KSA have acquired and stationed a MIM-104 Patriot battery armed with 3rd generation interceptors (PAC-3 class) in Mecca which have 100% intercept record against Burkan class ballistic missiles near its location.

MIM-104 Patriot (any configuration) is actually a point-defense system, suitable for protecting high-value targets; long-range against aircraft and drones but not against ballistic missiles. Nevertheless, PAC-2 and PAC-3 class interceptors have defeated MRBM class targets as well when they flew overhead at short distances, and this is very very impressive as per the standards of point-defense system worldwide. Please show me Russian-origin S-300 variants in Iranian hands having comparable performance levels, go ahead.

Easy for you to make fun of the defensive arrangements of other countries when your own are largely unproven and mostly hype - reason is that Iranian defenses are not thoroughly tested to this day.

There are gaps in the defensive arrangements of KSA in particular due to its huge geography, and small UAV can slip through unnoticed at times, but this is true for Iran as well.


Regarding you assertion of Houthi being 2 decades behind Iran in terms of war-fighting capabilities:-



Houthi are receiving the very best of Iranian technical input and parts in reality.

Only USN, with its state-of-the-art defenses, was capable of neutralizing these C-802 derivatives near Yemeni coasts.

FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/uss-...ise-missiles-in-yemeni-waters-in-2016.543523/

"U.S navy isn't a threat to us, just an easy target" - yeah sure. :lol:


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Based on multiple sources and bits of information, the American drone in question (MQ-1 Predator) was conducting a survelliance flight very close to Iranian coast (16 miles gap) on March 12, 2013, and this is why IRIAF dispatched 2 x F-4 Phantoms (upgraded with Chinese avionics) to intercept it. However, an F-22A Raptor (VLO mode) approached these F-4 Phantoms undetected in this mission and issued a warning to them, and IRIAF jets had no choice but to abort consequently.

FYI: https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/f-22-maricked-iranian-fighters?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1

How about you come to terms with the fact that high-quality stealth works as advertised? Or do you think that IRIAF would intentionally ignore American Jets but go after American drones while operating near Iranian coasts? :rolleyes:

1.1. Multiple RQ-170 UAV were involved in penetrating Iran's airspace and conducting surveillance operations over the locations of interest since 2009 = high penetration rate. Yes, this is true - just wait for declassified information to surface.

1.2. RQ-170 UAV are LO class but not VLO class = detection possible in daylight conditions.

1.3. Malfunction theory cannot be ruled out in case of the loss of an RQ-170 variant over Iran in 2011. Not the first time an American UAV have suffered malfunction and crash-landed in a hostile region, this have happened over Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

My point is that just because Iran got its hands on an RQ-170 variant in 2011, this incident does not prove that Iranian defenses are foolproof and stealthy technologies are redundant.

Consider the case of Serbia.

On 27 March, 1999, Serbian defenses somehow noticed and shot down an F-117A Nighthawk bird which is really impressive feat, worth boasting about. However, this feat did not make stealthy technologies redundant over Serbia, and NATO wrecked Serbian defenses much like any other since 1991.

12 x F-117A were committed to Operation Noble Anvil (i.e. bombing Serbia to submission) and they collectively recorded 850 sorties over Serbia, delivering heavy blows to Serbian infrastructure in the process.

Details in this link: https://www.f-117a.com/AFMissions.html

Operation Noble Anvil lasted 78 days, and Serbian defenses managed to shoot down only 3 American combat aircraft throughout (F-117A = 1; F-16CG = 1; RQ-1 Predator UAV = 1). The loss of an F-117A occurred on the 3rd day of operation (early on).


B-2 Spirit bomber is VLO across all bands, a marvel of engineering with nothing at par to this day - these monsters conducted 50 sorties over Serbia and terrorized Serbians unlike any other asset. Even the pilot of the ill-fated F-117A over Serbia experienced shockwaves emanating from a bombing raid of a B-2 over Belgrade while taking cover deep inside enemy territory. B-2 is the most expensive aircraft ever built (2 billion USD a piece) but the effort was worth it; B-2 is designed to frustrate even the most capable defensive arrangements anywhere in the world. Obtaining a lock on a B-2 Spirit even in daylight conditions is exceedingly difficult, let alone in nighttime conditions. To this day, in spite of so much publicity, B-2 remains one of the least understood assets in existence (its technologies are among the most concealed in public domain).

Emphasis mine. Do not jump to premature conclusions and do not be under any illusion; American technologies have delivered results before and they will deliver results again and again, mind you. Ever wonder why China is so keen to learn about American technologies, to the point of offering large sums of money to potential agents?

Full-scale war with NATO/US would be unlike YOU have ever experienced before. To this day, Serbia have not fully recovered from the blows it have received from NATO in 1999.

- and neither have Iraq and Libya.

Wait, your assets are the radar-evading types but American... :lol:

2.1. Iran is nowhere close to US in the matters of stealth-related sciences even with access to an RQ-170 variant in its hands, mind you. Even Russia, with its technological prowess and access to remains of both F-117A in Serbia and RQ-170 in Iran, still failed to develop anything on par with American VLO aircraft.

That was an advanced Iranian RQ-170 copy, Israeli officials found it to be impressive upon recovering its wreckage.

True VLO class aircraft are exceedingly difficult and expensive to develop, mind you.

2.2. Americans have developed and fielded the most powerful radar systems in the world - 3 decades ahead of anything in Russian and Chinese hands at present, and by extension Iranian. To give you a rough idea, Russia is sitting at 1st generation AESA technology whereas US is sitting at 4th generation AESA technology at present.

AN/SPY-1D(v) sensor system on-board the Arleigh Burke class destroyer can identify and track a target having an RCS of 0.0025 m^2 at ranges in excess of 165 KM on 3.3 GHz frequency (George Lewis and Theodore Postol). And in case you didn't knew, SPY-1D(v) have managed to notice and track ballistic missiles having an RCS of 0.03 m^2 at distances in excess of 1000 KM (heritage.org).


Green highlights = integrated set-of-sensor systems under the Aegis Combat System for collective target search and acquisition capabilities (sensor netting).


Regarding your assertion of Houthi-operated assets humiliating all American made 'junks' in KSA and UAE:-

Please tell me what the Houthi-operated assets have accomplished in KSA and UAE besides publicity stunts/propaganda coups? Did they cripple defensive arrangements of KSA and UAE?


CAPTION: As of April 4, 2019, there have been 133 publicly reported intercepts of missiles fired from Yemen.

Latest development:-

Caught in the act. ;)

Saudi defensive arrangements are taking care of Houthi-operated UAV as well, wherever possible.

For example: https://www.thenational.ae/world/me...wn-drone-aimed-at-kingdom-from-yemen-1.834654

Recent development: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/Ne...epts-two-Houthi-drones-over-Saudi-Arabia.html

Please keep in mind that the defensive arrangements of both KSA and UAE are advanced as per the standards of the Middle East but not at par with USN and USAF, not even close.

Both KSA and UAE mainly operate MIM-104 Patriot batteries armed with 2nd generation interceptors (PAC-2 class) at present, but KSA have acquired and stationed a MIM-104 Patriot battery armed with 3rd generation interceptors (PAC-3 class) in Mecca which have 100% intercept record against Burkan class ballistic missiles near its location.

MIM-104 Patriot (any configuration) is actually a point-defense system, suitable for protecting high-value targets; long-range against aircraft and drones but not against ballistic missiles. Nevertheless, PAC-2 and PAC-3 class interceptors have defeated MRBM class targets as well when they flew overhead at short distances, and this is very very impressive as per the standards of point-defense system worldwide. Please show me Russian-origin S-300 variants in Iranian hands having comparable performance levels, go ahead.

Easy for you to make fun of the defensive arrangements of other countries when your own are largely unproven and mostly hype - reason is that Iranian defenses are not thoroughly tested to this day.

There are gaps in the defensive arrangements of KSA in particular due to its huge geography, and small UAV can slip through unnoticed at times, but this is true for Iran as well.


Regarding you assertion of Houthi being 2 decades behind Iran in terms of war-fighting capabilities:-



Houthi are receiving the very best of Iranian technical input and parts in reality.

Only USN, with its state-of-the-art defenses, was capable of neutralizing these C-802 derivatives near Yemeni coasts.

FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/uss-...ise-missiles-in-yemeni-waters-in-2016.543523/

"U.S navy isn't a threat to us, just an easy target" - yeah sure. :lol:


Oh the ever praising @LeGenD is at it again you knew I wonder why you you remind me of Mr William Collins in Jane austen Novell "pride and prejudice"

I wonder how one F4 become two F-4 and how it concluded that those planes are upgraded with Chinese avionic .

Houthi are receiving the very best of Iranian technical input and parts in reality.

Only USN, with its state-of-the-art defenses, was capable of neutralizing these C-802 derivatives near Yemeni coasts.
We even didn't gave those C-802 deviate to Hezbollah of lebanon how come you believe we will give them to Ansar-o-Allah ?
Legend may be a biased atheist/agnostic type that is a typical US supporter and may suffer from the "brown sahib" syndrome, but that doesn't mean you folks aren't an equally biased bunch who will do anything to prop up some propaganda for Iran.

Truth still remains that Iran will be destroyed utterly if the US goes through with this.
Oh the ever praising @LeGenD is at it again you knew I wonder why you you remind me of Mr William Collins in Jane austen Novell "pride and prejudice"

I wonder how one F4 become two F-4 and how it concluded that those planes are upgraded with Chinese avionic .
Keeping in mind the fact that 2 x Su-25 aircraft of IRIAF failed to shoot down an MQ-1 Predator drone operating near Iranian coast on November 1, 2012: https://theaviationist.com/2012/11/12/iran-su25-photo/

- IRIAF dispatched 2 x F-4 Phantoms to intercept and shoot down another MQ-1 Predator drone found to operating near Iranian coast on March 12, 2013 but 1 x F-22A Raptor surprised them and forced them to abort mission: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/b...lew-under-iranian-air-force-f-4-phantom-59522

"He [the Raptor pilot] flew under their aircraft [the F-4s] to check out their weapons load without them knowing that he was there, and then pulled up on their left wing and then called them and said ‘you really ought to go home.'" - Gen. Mark Welsh

The overhauling of IRIAF F-4 Phantoms began way back in 2010:

"In March 2010 the state-owned Iranian Aircraft Industries began upgrade work on the first F-4D, replacing the wiring and, with the help of Chinese technicians, adding new Chinese-made radar, radios, flat-screen displays and moving map with embedded GPS.

The updated F-4D flew for the first time in February; testing of the new systems is ongoing. Further planned updates include a new Chinese Head-Up Display, radar warning receiver, chaff and flare dispensers and PL-7 infrared- and PL-12 radar-guided air-to-air missiles."

Link: https://www.offiziere.ch/?p=10774


"The following image depics an Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) F-4E Phantom landing at Tehran – Mehrabad International airport at the end of its test flight over overhaul activity conducted at the local Mehrabad center.

"Noteworthy, the image was taken in March 2013, hence in the same days of the weird, Top Gun-like intercept of two F-4s that were getting a bit too close to an American MQ-1 Predator drone flying an intelligence gathering mission in international airspace some 16 miles off Iran: as already reported, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh explained that an F-22 stealth fighter escorting the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) silently flew next to the two Iranian Phantoms, checked their armament, popped up on their left wing and then radioed: “you really ought to go home!”

Link: https://theaviationist.com/2013/09/20/iriaf-f-4/

General information: https://www.byronhartshorn.com/2014/12/03/a-very-busy-aircraft-the-f-4-phantom-in-the-21st-century/

Didn't they teach you to piece together bits of information from multiple sources to construct a more comprehensive picture of a particular event in time in the university, assuming you went to one? Ever heard about LITERATURE REVIEWS?

We even didn't gave those C-802 deviate to Hezbollah of lebanon how come you believe we will give them to Ansar-o-Allah ?
And I have to take your word at face value?

"It's coming from somewhere, and the propagation of the selling of this stuff – I mean Iran is trying to get more advanced stuff from Russia and they’re selling it on the secondary market. So what is amazing is, in the next few years, everywhere the Navy goes, if you’re not in a submarine, you better watch out because every crappy country will be able to launch high-speed missiles at you and the propagation of that is going to be amazing.

"What it indicates is, if you want to be there initially to check what's going on, you better either have a fabulous set of radar and missiles, or you better be a submarine and be able to watch what’s going on," he said.

Over the course of a week this month, Mason operating near the Bab el-Mandeb strait came under attack at least on two separate occasions from guided anti-ship cruise missiles that were widely believed to be provided to Houthi rebels by Iranian forces.

Specifically, naval analysts have told USNI News the missiles are likely Chinese-built C-802 (NATO reporting name CSS-N-8 Saccade) missiles based on the widely exported French Exocet missile. The attacks are the first time a U.S. warship has fired SM-2 missiles to ward off the attack from an anti-ship cruise missile threat. Following a retaliation strike by the U.S. after the second attack, Houthi forces are also suspected to have attacked Mason a third time. The Navy is still studying radar tracks to determine if the radar tracks to which the crew reacted were actually missile threats."

Link: https://news.usni.org/2016/10/27/22246


HSV-2 Swift is a high speed logistics vessel, not easy to engage.




"Earlier this week on October 9th and 12th, two United States Naval Ships – in international waters in the Bab al-Mandab Strait between Arabia and Africa – were attacked by multiple anti-ship cruise missiles by Houthi rebels (Learn more about the Houthi rebels here) in Yemen who are supplied and supported by Iran. The C-802 anti-ship cruise missile which was also used to destroy a United Arab Emirates (UAE) ship, the HSV-2 Swift on October 1st (Click here to read an article and watch video of the attack) also in the Bab al-Mandab Strait. The Houthi attained C-802 is an upgraded export version of the Chinese YJ-82 anti-ship cruise missile that was exported to Iran."

Link: http://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/alert/12685/

"Photos released by the Emirates News Agency showed the riddled, burned catamaran with a massive hole in its starboard bow. A Houthi rebel group allied with Iran claimed its fighters targeted the vessel with a C-802 anti-ship missile, a weapon of Chinese design."

Link: https://www.workboat.com/news/bluewater/hsv-2-swift-wrecked-yemen-missile-attack/


Link: https://militaryedge.org/armaments/c-802yj-82css-n-8-saccade/

As for the incident with INS Hanit back in 2006:-

"Testimony by an eyewitness and photography of the ship during repairs confirms the hypothesis that a C802/Noor ASCM struck the large crane located on the aft port side of INS Hanit."

Comprehensive analysis: http://www.admiraltytrilogy.com/cic/HarpoonAnalysis/Hanit_Analysis.pdf

You're welcome.
Acc to panel of experts of UN, Houthis uses original Chinese C-802 missiles with French TRI-60 engines and acc to Yemeni government they was bought early by Yemen and fell under Houthi's control in 2015.
Keeping in mind the fact that 2 x Su-25 aircraft of IRIAF failed to shoot down an MQ-1 Predator drone operating near Iranian coast on November 1, 2012: https://theaviationist.com/2012/11/12/iran-su25-photo/

- IRIAF dispatched 2 x F-4 Phantoms to intercept and shoot down another MQ-1 Predator drone found to operating near Iranian coast on March 12, 2013 but 1 x F-22A Raptor surprised them and forced them to abort mission: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/b...lew-under-iranian-air-force-f-4-phantom-59522

"He [the Raptor pilot] flew under their aircraft [the F-4s] to check out their weapons load without them knowing that he was there, and then pulled up on their left wing and then called them and said ‘you really ought to go home.'" - Gen. Mark Welsh

The overhauling of IRIAF F-4 Phantoms began way back in 2010:

"In March 2010 the state-owned Iranian Aircraft Industries began upgrade work on the first F-4D, replacing the wiring and, with the help of Chinese technicians, adding new Chinese-made radar, radios, flat-screen displays and moving map with embedded GPS.

The updated F-4D flew for the first time in February; testing of the new systems is ongoing. Further planned updates include a new Chinese Head-Up Display, radar warning receiver, chaff and flare dispensers and PL-7 infrared- and PL-12 radar-guided air-to-air missiles."

Link: https://www.offiziere.ch/?p=10774


"The following image depics an Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) F-4E Phantom landing at Tehran – Mehrabad International airport at the end of its test flight over overhaul activity conducted at the local Mehrabad center.

"Noteworthy, the image was taken in March 2013, hence in the same days of the weird, Top Gun-like intercept of two F-4s that were getting a bit too close to an American MQ-1 Predator drone flying an intelligence gathering mission in international airspace some 16 miles off Iran: as already reported, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh explained that an F-22 stealth fighter escorting the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) silently flew next to the two Iranian Phantoms, checked their armament, popped up on their left wing and then radioed: “you really ought to go home!”

Link: https://theaviationist.com/2013/09/20/iriaf-f-4/

General information: https://www.byronhartshorn.com/2014/12/03/a-very-busy-aircraft-the-f-4-phantom-in-the-21st-century/

Didn't they teach you to piece together bits of information from multiple sources to construct a more comprehensive picture of a particular event in time in the university, assuming you went to one? Ever heard about LITERATURE REVIEWS?

And I have to take your word at face value?

"It's coming from somewhere, and the propagation of the selling of this stuff – I mean Iran is trying to get more advanced stuff from Russia and they’re selling it on the secondary market. So what is amazing is, in the next few years, everywhere the Navy goes, if you’re not in a submarine, you better watch out because every crappy country will be able to launch high-speed missiles at you and the propagation of that is going to be amazing.

"What it indicates is, if you want to be there initially to check what's going on, you better either have a fabulous set of radar and missiles, or you better be a submarine and be able to watch what’s going on," he said.

Over the course of a week this month, Mason operating near the Bab el-Mandeb strait came under attack at least on two separate occasions from guided anti-ship cruise missiles that were widely believed to be provided to Houthi rebels by Iranian forces.

Specifically, naval analysts have told USNI News the missiles are likely Chinese-built C-802 (NATO reporting name CSS-N-8 Saccade) missiles based on the widely exported French Exocet missile. The attacks are the first time a U.S. warship has fired SM-2 missiles to ward off the attack from an anti-ship cruise missile threat. Following a retaliation strike by the U.S. after the second attack, Houthi forces are also suspected to have attacked Mason a third time. The Navy is still studying radar tracks to determine if the radar tracks to which the crew reacted were actually missile threats."

Link: https://news.usni.org/2016/10/27/22246


HSV-2 Swift is a high speed logistics vessel, not easy to engage.




"Earlier this week on October 9th and 12th, two United States Naval Ships – in international waters in the Bab al-Mandab Strait between Arabia and Africa – were attacked by multiple anti-ship cruise missiles by Houthi rebels (Learn more about the Houthi rebels here) in Yemen who are supplied and supported by Iran. The C-802 anti-ship cruise missile which was also used to destroy a United Arab Emirates (UAE) ship, the HSV-2 Swift on October 1st (Click here to read an article and watch video of the attack) also in the Bab al-Mandab Strait. The Houthi attained C-802 is an upgraded export version of the Chinese YJ-82 anti-ship cruise missile that was exported to Iran."

Link: http://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/alert/12685/

"Photos released by the Emirates News Agency showed the riddled, burned catamaran with a massive hole in its starboard bow. A Houthi rebel group allied with Iran claimed its fighters targeted the vessel with a C-802 anti-ship missile, a weapon of Chinese design."

Link: https://www.workboat.com/news/bluewater/hsv-2-swift-wrecked-yemen-missile-attack/


Link: https://militaryedge.org/armaments/c-802yj-82css-n-8-saccade/

As for the incident with INS Hanit back in 2006:-

"Testimony by an eyewitness and photography of the ship during repairs confirms the hypothesis that a C802/Noor ASCM struck the large crane located on the aft port side of INS Hanit."

Comprehensive analysis: http://www.admiraltytrilogy.com/cic/HarpoonAnalysis/Hanit_Analysis.pdf

You're welcome.
you take all these nonsense as truth , b the way yemen used two thing sooner than us , 1- Balistic missiles
2- Antiship cruise missiles.
the missile comes from Yemen army not Iran and is not C-802 , Ansar-Allah showed Al-Mandab 1 AShm


look at the side of the missiles and you see the difference C-802/Noor/Qader have a line on their side but al-Mandabonly have some pain

and about F-4 incident I wonder why USA force forget to take some photo of the incident or release the radio transaction and honestly what equipment a Su-25 has for air to air combat or you are like KSA who think Iran have an Airfield packed by F-22 and send Su-25 to intercept their F-15
you take all these nonsense as truth , b the way yemen used two thing sooner than us , 1- Balistic missiles
2- Antiship cruise missiles.
the missile comes from Yemen army not Iran and is not C-802 , Ansar-Allah showed Al-Mandab 1 AShm


look at the side of the missiles and you see the difference C-802/Noor/Qader have a line on their side but al-Mandabonly have some pain
You are the one who is posting nonsense and in denial.

Take a good look at the post right above yours; Houthi had acquired C-802 variants through whatever channels they could and used these to attack coalition naval assets operating near Yemen's coast in 2016; independent damage assessment of the UAE-owned HSV-2 Swift logistics vessel also established as much (I provided citations in my posts, to let you know that I am not making this stuff up).

and about F-4 incident I wonder why USA force forget to take some photo of the incident or release the radio transaction and honestly what equipment a Su-25 has for air to air combat or you are like KSA who think Iran have an Airfield packed by F-22 and send Su-25 to intercept their F-15
Details of a large number of military-related events/developments are not provided to the public around the world; does this imply that these are all ghost stories? Being in denial, is not a quality but stupidity.

F-22A Raptors are so stealthy in VLO operational configuration (uniform RCS reportedly in the 0.0001 - 0.0002 m^2 range) that they can surprise jets far more capable than IRIAF F-4 variants during the course of operations, and these developments are not only apparent from the reports of incredibly complex RED FLAG practice sessions but also from high-stakes events in Syria.

[1] https://aviationweek.com/defense/how-f-22-deconflicting-us-russia-operations-over-syria

[2] https://www.businessinsider.com/f-2...rcraft-in-first-combat-surge-in-syria-2018-10

Under normalized operational conditions, sorties are conducted with 'radar reflectors' in order to make F-22A Raptors visible to even commercial infrastructure on the ground but the 'radar reflectors' are removed for operations over contested spaces under very tense situations as in [1] and [2].

IRIAF is a poorly equipped Air Force as per Western standards, and its failures are not openly advertised in Iran because your leaders are mostly selling YOU propaganda via inflated/staged events in many cases.

ANALOGY: They (Americans) haven't posted a single live footage of a drone strike inside Pakistan on the web, or a live footage of clashes with Pakistan Army on the borders on the web, but the lack of footage does not imply that these events did not occur; WE figured out through the scenes of post-strike 'damage assessment' at times, through 'news items' at times, and through independent reports at times.

Now if you anything constructive to share, go ahead, but stop quoting me if your intentions are mere denials. I will not entertain your denials any further.

Acc to panel of experts of UN, Houthis uses original Chinese C-802 missiles with French TRI-60 engines and acc to Yemeni government they was bought early by Yemen and fell under Houthi's control in 2015.
View attachment 562052 View attachment 562053
Thank you, really appreciated.
Keeping in mind the fact that 2 x Su-25 aircraft of IRIAF failed to shoot down an MQ-1 Predator drone operating near Iranian coast on November 1, 2012: https://theaviationist.com/2012/11/12/iran-su25-photo/

- IRIAF dispatched 2 x F-4 Phantoms to intercept and shoot down another MQ-1 Predator drone found to operating near Iranian coast on March 12, 2013 but 1 x F-22A Raptor surprised them and forced them to abort mission: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/b...lew-under-iranian-air-force-f-4-phantom-59522

"He [the Raptor pilot] flew under their aircraft [the F-4s] to check out their weapons load without them knowing that he was there, and then pulled up on their left wing and then called them and said ‘you really ought to go home.'" - Gen. Mark Welsh

The overhauling of IRIAF F-4 Phantoms began way back in 2010:

"In March 2010 the state-owned Iranian Aircraft Industries began upgrade work on the first F-4D, replacing the wiring and, with the help of Chinese technicians, adding new Chinese-made radar, radios, flat-screen displays and moving map with embedded GPS.

The updated F-4D flew for the first time in February; testing of the new systems is ongoing. Further planned updates include a new Chinese Head-Up Display, radar warning receiver, chaff and flare dispensers and PL-7 infrared- and PL-12 radar-guided air-to-air missiles."

Link: https://www.offiziere.ch/?p=10774


"The following image depics an Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) F-4E Phantom landing at Tehran – Mehrabad International airport at the end of its test flight over overhaul activity conducted at the local Mehrabad center.

"Noteworthy, the image was taken in March 2013, hence in the same days of the weird, Top Gun-like intercept of two F-4s that were getting a bit too close to an American MQ-1 Predator drone flying an intelligence gathering mission in international airspace some 16 miles off Iran: as already reported, Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh explained that an F-22 stealth fighter escorting the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) silently flew next to the two Iranian Phantoms, checked their armament, popped up on their left wing and then radioed: “you really ought to go home!”

Link: https://theaviationist.com/2013/09/20/iriaf-f-4/

General information: https://www.byronhartshorn.com/2014/12/03/a-very-busy-aircraft-the-f-4-phantom-in-the-21st-century/

Didn't they teach you to piece together bits of information from multiple sources to construct a more comprehensive picture of a particular event in time in the university, assuming you went to one? Ever heard about LITERATURE REVIEWS?

And I have to take your word at face value?

"It's coming from somewhere, and the propagation of the selling of this stuff – I mean Iran is trying to get more advanced stuff from Russia and they’re selling it on the secondary market. So what is amazing is, in the next few years, everywhere the Navy goes, if you’re not in a submarine, you better watch out because every crappy country will be able to launch high-speed missiles at you and the propagation of that is going to be amazing.

"What it indicates is, if you want to be there initially to check what's going on, you better either have a fabulous set of radar and missiles, or you better be a submarine and be able to watch what’s going on," he said.

Over the course of a week this month, Mason operating near the Bab el-Mandeb strait came under attack at least on two separate occasions from guided anti-ship cruise missiles that were widely believed to be provided to Houthi rebels by Iranian forces.

Specifically, naval analysts have told USNI News the missiles are likely Chinese-built C-802 (NATO reporting name CSS-N-8 Saccade) missiles based on the widely exported French Exocet missile. The attacks are the first time a U.S. warship has fired SM-2 missiles to ward off the attack from an anti-ship cruise missile threat. Following a retaliation strike by the U.S. after the second attack, Houthi forces are also suspected to have attacked Mason a third time. The Navy is still studying radar tracks to determine if the radar tracks to which the crew reacted were actually missile threats."

Link: https://news.usni.org/2016/10/27/22246


HSV-2 Swift is a high speed logistics vessel, not easy to engage.




"Earlier this week on October 9th and 12th, two United States Naval Ships – in international waters in the Bab al-Mandab Strait between Arabia and Africa – were attacked by multiple anti-ship cruise missiles by Houthi rebels (Learn more about the Houthi rebels here) in Yemen who are supplied and supported by Iran. The C-802 anti-ship cruise missile which was also used to destroy a United Arab Emirates (UAE) ship, the HSV-2 Swift on October 1st (Click here to read an article and watch video of the attack) also in the Bab al-Mandab Strait. The Houthi attained C-802 is an upgraded export version of the Chinese YJ-82 anti-ship cruise missile that was exported to Iran."

Link: http://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/alert/12685/

"Photos released by the Emirates News Agency showed the riddled, burned catamaran with a massive hole in its starboard bow. A Houthi rebel group allied with Iran claimed its fighters targeted the vessel with a C-802 anti-ship missile, a weapon of Chinese design."

Link: https://www.workboat.com/news/bluewater/hsv-2-swift-wrecked-yemen-missile-attack/


Link: https://militaryedge.org/armaments/c-802yj-82css-n-8-saccade/

As for the incident with INS Hanit back in 2006:-

"Testimony by an eyewitness and photography of the ship during repairs confirms the hypothesis that a C802/Noor ASCM struck the large crane located on the aft port side of INS Hanit."

Comprehensive analysis: http://www.admiraltytrilogy.com/cic/HarpoonAnalysis/Hanit_Analysis.pdf

You're welcome.


the image in the right corner depicts an IRIAF f-5 that dodged two RIM-66, the funny part is our f-5s did not had RWR or other approaching warning system and the pilot identified missiles visually. that is why thee f-22 story is US propaganda because f-22 is a black big *** plane and it's way slower compared to RIM-66.
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