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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

What sort of retarded replies are these? You basically post anything it seems. When I used the term carrier groups, it obviously included the fact they incorporates the above ships etc. That does not change the reality of my comment however.

And once again, I am going in circles with you clown. None of those weapons mean anything when these groups are a sitting duck. They can't fully away Iranian borders otherwise they would be out of their operation range. Within their operation range, they are within the range of Iranians missiles, which would greatly saturate them. Once again, go watch the videos by the experts.
you're retard/jester not me strike package always comes with ECM/Jaming/air superiority jets, and how about this with the strike package, USN/USAF fires hundreds of CM, to cripple Iran military, as for Iranian BMs threats they have layered ABM system both on land and at sea @WinterNights
you're retard/jester not me strike package always comes with ECM/Jaming/air superiority jets,

Repeating debunked statements like a parrot. See above.

and how about this with the strike package, USN/USAF fires hundreds of CM, to cripple Iran military,

Those subsonic cruise missiles might work against a nation with no AD/antiquated AD but never against one with a modern integrated AD.

as for Iranian BMs threats they have layered ABM system both on land and at sea @WinterNights

Another repeated statement that has been dunked. See above again. Their ABM systems cannot stop Iranians missiles. Maybe in Hollywood, but not in real life.
Repeating debunked statements like a parrot. See above.
are you blind with your pathetic patriotism, you don't know jack about war strategies/tactics @WinterNights :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Those subsonic cruise missiles might work against a nation with no AD/antiquated AD but never against one with a modern integrated AD.
then why Iran building about its own CM named Soumar and you have also lots of subsonic anti ship in Iranian arsenal if you think subsonic CM is useless, subsonics CMs is the most lethel weapons of all time and hardiest to intercept @WinterNights :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
Another repeated statement that has been dunked. See above again. Their ABM systems cannot stop Iranians missiles. Maybe in Hollywood, but not in real life.
then why superpowers and rest of the world developing ABM system if you thinks they are useless like USA/Russia/China/India/Israel/EU and then why Iran trying to develop its own ABM system based on Bavar long range SAMs @WinterNights :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
are you blind with your pathetic patriotism, you don't know jack about war strategies/tactics @WinterNights :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Stop putting a million emojis like a 12 year old.

Blind by my "patriotism" because I am reminding you I have already debunked your claim above?

then why Iran building about its own CM named Soumar and you have also lots of subsonic anti ship in Iranian arsenal if you think subsonic CM is useless, subsonics CMs is the most lethel weapons of all time and hardiest to intercept @WinterNights :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:

You need to learn how to read. I said, against a nation with a modern, integrated AD. Most of Iranian enemies do not have potent defence against CMs.

Furthermore, in the case of Iran, the is also another huge factor to consider. Iran also relies on saturation attack. Meaning, even if they could defend, Iran will oversaturate their defences.

then why superpowers and rest of the world developing ABM system if you thinks they are useless like USA/Russia/China/India/Israel/EU and then why Iran trying to develop its own ABM system based on Bavar long range SAMs @WinterNights :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:

1- Nations are developing them but that does not change the fact they are not matured enough yet to be fully reliable
2- Bavar-373's main purpose is not as an ABD, it will have ABD capability, most probably to defend against those Chinese missile saudis have.
Stop putting a million emojis like a 12 year old.

Blind by my "patriotism" because I am reminding you I have already debunked your claim above?
And you acting like 4 year, and what have you debunk my solid claims, instead of brain farting @WinterNights
You need to learn how to read. I said, against a nation with a modern, integrated BM. Most of Iranian enemies do not have potent defence against CMs.
And they have THAAD/PAC-3 both tested to Intercepts MRBM/ in real war like simulations @WinterNights
Furthermore, in the case of Iran, the is also another huge factor to consider. Iran also relies on saturation attack. Meaning, even if they could defend, Iran will oversaturate their defences.
And same goes to your enemy they have enough subsonic CM to oversaturate Iran defense, why you think USN/USAF and its allies have only few dozen subsonic CM at their disposal @WinterNights
1- Nations are developing them but that does not change the fact they are not matured enough yet to be fully reliable
That's why i am saying layered ABM systems is far more effective than stand alone system, more chance to intercept the targets @WinterNights
2- Bavar-373's main purpose is not as an ABD, it will have ABD capability, most probably to defend against those Chinese missile saudis have.
My question remains why Iranian developing a version Bavar-373 ABM, if Iranian (especially you ) thinks ABMs is useless bro i am sorry to say you lack knowledge/logic/ commonsene about military tech @WinterNights
And you acting like 4 year, and what have you debunk my solid claims, instead of brain farting @WinterNights

Those "brain farts" are backed by actual military experts. Only thing you're capable off is posting emojis like a 12 year old.

And they have THAAD/PAC-3 both tested to Intercepts MRBM/ in real war like simulations @WinterNights

War simulations :lol: Go back to sleep kid.

And same goes to your enemy they have enough subsonic CM to oversaturate Iran defense, why you think USN/USAF and its allies have only few dozen subsonic CM at their disposal @WinterNights

That is BS. Iran's defences are capable or dealing with 1000's of these low speed missile which will be detected and monitored long before entering it's airspace. Simple AAA guns can deal with them. Point is being able to detect them, which Iran can do.

That's why i am saying layered ABM systems is far more effective than stand alone system, more chance to intercept the targets @WinterNights

This BS has already been debunked a 100 times already.

None of those missile in that so called layered defence are capable of defeating an Iranian missile.

It's like saying, I know foam wont stop a bullet, but that's okay, I have 10 layers of it :lol:

My question remains why Iranian developing a version Bavar-373 ABM, if Iranian (especially you ) thinks ABMs is useless bro i am sorry to say you lack knowledge/logic/ commonsene about military tech @WinterNights

It seems you don't have the brain capacity to read and process information properly.

I said, those technologies are not matured yet, it does not mean nations should stop working on them. All it means is that at this point in time, they're not effective. Seriously man, how much more do I need to dumb things down for you?
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Those "brain fartw" are backed by actual military experts. Only thing you're capable off is posting emojis like a 12 year old.
And you're worst than 4 year old @WinterNights
War simulations :lol: Go back to sleep kid.
They tested with PAC-3/THAAD with their live MRBM over pacific testing ground and successfully intercept these MRBM/IRBM, what for Red flag and other war like military exercise , you're really retard person who believes on fairy tales @WinterNights
That is BS. Iran's defences are capable or dealing with 1000's of these low speed missile which will be detected and monitored long before entering it's airspace. Simple AAA guns can deal with them. Point is being able to detect them, which Iran can do.
So they have ESSM/RAM/Aster-15/CIWS for defense for your invisible/invincible subsonic anti ship CM @WinterNights :p::sick::p:enjoy:
This BS has already been debunked a 100 times already.

None of those missile in that so called layered defence are capable of defeating an Iranian missile.

It's like saying, I know foam wont stop a bullet, but that's okay, I have 10 layers of it :lol:
It seems you don't have the brain capacity to read and process information properly.

I said, those technologies are not matured yet, it does not mean nations should stop working on them. All it means is that at this point in time, they're not effective. Seriously man, how much more do I need to dumb things down for you?
Instead brain you have a dog shit in your head
You're really retard to don't understand simple logic/commonsense, this is not 60s era where ABMs tech at its infancy stages, this is 2019 kid tech for ABM systems have been lots of improving since then @WinterNights
And you're worst than 4 year old @WinterNights

Keep making useless statements and see how far that gets you.

They tested with PAC-3/THAAD with their live MRBM over pacific testing ground and successfully intercept these MRBM/IRBM, what for Red flag and other war like military exercise , you're really retard person who believes on fairy tales @WinterNights

Those BS tests were mostly unsuccessful and were in no way representative of what Iran will be sending their way, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

So they have ESSM/RAM/Aster-15/CIWS for defense for your invisible/invincible subsonic anti ship CM @WinterNights :p::sick::p:enjoy:

Good luck trying to detect Iranians sea skimming CMs. Even if they could detect them and destroy 100% of them (pure fantasy) won't do them much good once they get saturated.

Instead brain you have a dog shit in your head
You're really retard to don't understand simple logic/commonsense, this is not 60s era where ABMs tech at its infancy stages, this is 2019 kid tech for ABM systems have been lots of improving since then @WinterNights

Just because they have improved since their inception it does not mean they're highly successful today. They still needs a few more decades to properly mature, but by then who knows what missile Iran will have. It's a cat and mice game in which the ABD will probably never catch up. But of course, your IQ is too small to understand that.
Keep making useless statements and see how far that gets you.
And your whole life is useless/pathetic trying not to understand simple logic/commonsense @WinterNights
Those BS tests were mostly unsuccessful and were in no way representative of what Iran will be sending their way, both qualitatively and quantitatively.[/QUOTE
Mostly successful only few first were unsuccessful because parameter is not met, there are lots of clips/ vidoes of these successful test on YouTube and else where on net @WinterNights
Good luck trying to detect Iranians sea skimming CMs. Even if they could detect them and destroy 100% of them (pure fantasy) won't do them much good once they get saturated.
And your highly integrated air defense system can intercepts all these saturation attacks From USN/USAF and it allies, what a fool you're @WinterNights
Just because they have improved since their inception it does not mean they're highly successful today. They still needs a few more decades to properly mature, but by then who knows what missile Iran will have. It's a cat and mice game in which the ABD will probably never catch up. But of course, your IQ is too small to understand that.
You're to dumb to understand in first gulf war PAC-1 able to intercept 60% of Iraqi scuds which not ABM system and in Yameni war PAC-2 intercept 98% of houthi BM, since the 80 especially Reagan starwar there are lots of technological advancement in ABM tech that you can imagine @WinterNights

Those BS tests were mostly unsuccessful and were in no way representative of what Iran will be sending their way, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Mostly successful, only first few were failure because they were not met test parameters, there are lots of videos of these successful test clips/videos on YouTube and else where in the net @WinterNights
Good luck trying to detect Iranians sea skimming CMs. Even if they could detect them and destroy 100% of them (pure fantasy) won't do them much good once they get saturated.
And your mighty air defense network can intercept all saturation CM attacks from USN/USAF and its allies in Middle East then i have to say you're the most retard person on the planet @WinterNights
Just because they have improved since their inception it does not mean they're highly successful today. They still needs a few more decades to properly mature, but by then who knows what missile Iran will have. It's a cat and mice game in which the ABD will probably never catch up. But of course, your IQ is too small to understand that.
You're too dumb to understand since 80s from Reagan starwars project ABM tech have a massive technical boost that you can imagine and still evolving @WinterNights

So this Israeli expert, who is also a war veteran does not know but you do? You have not even watched his talk.
Stop embarrassing yourself with these Hollywood fantasies. F-18 would get shot down like flies in a real conflict. These ECM would get nowhere near Iran.

Not only he is an Israeli expert---He is a former head of Israeli intelligence service Nativ....he served in the army for a long period of time, participated in wars and he knows all Israeli generals and prime ministers personally.

Also, since Iran has many anti-ship missiles, we can assume that during the first phase of war US carrier battle group will operate from the Sea of Oman---at first they will conduct campaign to destroy Iranian air defenses ---then they will try to destroy guidance radars of anti-ship missiles and anti-ship missiles in the Persian Gulf and then they can bring in forces to clean the Strait of Hormuz from mines---then they will enter the Gulf and conduct sorties deep inside Iran. The problem is that all this takes a lot of time and Persian Gulf oil infrastructure has no time

Also note that F-18 combat radius is short and it can't reach Tehran without refueling

And don't forget about a threat from 25 Ghadir submarines that are perfectly suited for the waters of the Persian Gulf---they can take care not only of oil tankers but also military vessels.

Regarding US cruise missiles---Iran is a big country with many targets and these tomohawks will do little damage---just recent example of how Trump launched 100 Tomohawks against Syria and how little damage they done....Obviously, portion of US Tomohawks will fail, others will be intercepted and others will do little damage just like in Syria

Also, even 6 aircraft carriers have just 360 F-18s-----no big deal when it comes to Iran that has air defenses and air force----for real war they will have to employ tactical air force --1600 fighters deployed in Saudi Arabia---but since there are no hardened shelters for these aircrafts in SA, these fighters will become vulnerable to precise Iranian ballistic missiles with cluster munitions like Khorramshahr 2

Also, never forget that during the war with Iraq in 2003, Russia provided Saddam with information about the movements and deployment of US forces .....We can assume that in the event of war with Iran, China and Russia will not lose their chance to shit on US military and they will happily provide Iran with precise information about movements of US forces---including information about precise location of US Navy vessels in the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman and tactical aircrafts in the airfields of Saudi Arabia.

If anything and Iran loses situation awareness, Russia will also be happy to provide precise information about location of oil tankers so Iran could target them with missiles (like Khalije Fars with its TV guidance)---- increase of oil prices is good for Russia
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Offcourse i read it.

The article i posted from FOX NEWs basically said the US is stalling from sending its AC INTO the Persian Gulf. Pentagon told us the AC was "headed to the PErsian Gulf", but its as though it doesnt actually want to arrive. Pentagon knows Iran can damage the Aircraft carriers. The fact that fox news said this blew my mind because they are right wing and hawkish.
no its about team red iran and team blue usa force .in that mock war the blue team defeated badly general 4 stars said in pentagon not only in prersian gulf in all mock war but they reduce red team capability lol to win the mock war in past but now we have very stronger than that. usa can not win this war if its happen i dont like war but if happen we all go take weapon and go to war we are not soudi animallya who have not man and ball to go themselves to war
Who’s to say war is bad entirely? (Obviously much to explain to this) If it weren’t for Iraq war Iran would be like libya today.
US does not have the stomach for a major war and the dotard sitting in the White House is himself saying that.
I agree,but its hard for some egotistical, narcissistic men to have a big stick, get frustrated and not use it,despite that being unwise.

This is the truth. If Iranians are thinking of fighting the war in the streets of Tehran then Iran has already lost the war.
You actually dont understand this issue either. Asymmetrical warfare does not only mean asymmetrical ground warfare. Asymmetrical warfare is primarily a philosophy or ideology, NOT A CIRCUMSTANCE like "Iranian troops fighting in Tehran". 2nd of all, US cant even get troops itno Tehran in the 1st place, so which US troops will they be fighting? sounds like a hypothetical. You started your thread good but you eventually started spewing BS like the people u also criticized. lets continue.

Iranians should visit Mosul to see what happens when you use this sort of tactics to fight your enemy.
Shut up with your irrelevant hypotheticals. Iran is too smart to end up in the unrealistic, misunderstood scenarios you expect and assume Iran will end up in.

What is the next bright idea? Fighting the US army in their bedroom? :woot:
Iranian military and leadership knows and obviously you dont. The joke is on you. US hasnt send 1 aircraft carrier into the Persian gulf yet and you're here thinking the world is just your brain's ideas? Open your mind and read on the internet.

Iraq has been smashed into oblivion and US is humming along even if the war in Iraq took more than two weeks. This is how it all turned out. :woot:
1)Iran is not Iraq
2) World and regional context are different now- US is an insecure super power who has to mainly focus on containing China vs managing Iran in PG.

In short, this is BS because its false equivalence. try better.

When the Shia militias in Iraq don't get their payments on time, they will turn to Baghdad or CIA who will once again deliver money to them in briefcases to keep the oil flowing.
PROVIDE EVIDENCE. for one, you are giving no context, so this opinion willlikely get proven to be BS. If Iraqi militias took $ from the CIA, its either extortion money or ransom payment. stop manipulating information to convince us of false crap.

This won't be the first time they have taken money from the CIA. :woot:
we are waiting for evidence of this.

Iran is not Vietnam. Vietnam was divided at 17th parallel. This allowed Viet Cong leadership complete operational freedom which they put to good use by crisscrossing into Laos and Cambodia (Ho Chi Minh Trail) to attack South Vietnam where the US Army was based. Similar arrangement is in place on the Korean peninsula which is divided at 38th parallel and allows Kim dynasty to survive. In Afghanistan, the Taliban leadership hid in Pakistan. Which country will shelter Iranian leadership? Iraq? Syria? Lebanon? Turkey? Afghanistan? China? Russia? India? Pakistan? France?
Because Iran is not Vietnam that doesnt mean Iran is at a disadvantage. You are using a fallacy here where you tell us the answer is either A or B, but in reality we could have C, D, X or Z. This is a completely different scenario, and so who has the right to say how it will turn out? surely not you because you have low or no military understanding. so once again, this is a nice theory, with 0% reality.

With Iraq and Libya, there were no such arrangements in place and in both cases the leadership was eliminated. Iran falls into this latter camp.
iran doesnt fall into any camp because in the 1st place US is too afraid to attack, so THERE GOES YOUR argument again, down the drain.

There will be no North-South Iran which will allow the regime to survive and what happened to Iraq and Libya will be Iran's fate.
Offcourse there will only be 1 Iran and Iran wont have Libya or Iraq's fates because there are too many differences, main one being Iraq and Libya did not have good, coherent, well adapted military strategies and weapons. Gaddafi barely had a decent AD over such a huge country, so once again, false equivalence here. Iraq's military was a real paper tiger due to effective US/UN sanctions that Saddam stupidly didnt adapt to.

If Iran fought like Taliban for decades then Iran will become another Afghanistan. :woot:
Another useless hypothetical.

US has been in Afghanistan for two decades which shares a border with China. What has China done?
1) buy up Afghanistan's huge mineral wealth and mines
2) Allow NATO do the dirty fighting blood work, while China rests, and prepares to take over economically.
3) Patrol and monitor the border with Afghanistan with the PLA.
4) Allow/facilitate Russia and Iran in bogging down the US(in addition to Pakistan)in Afghanistan- An America focused on other countries cant focus as much or as well on China.

Practically nothing. China and its military are paper tigers.
Is this why China now has more naval ships than US military? And working on its 3rd aircraft carrier? Another useless commment by someone with obviously low military knowledge. Because CHina isnt fighting any active wars doesnt mean its a paper tiger. Like i said before, this comment says everyhing about you and nothing about China's military.

You're welcome.
And your whole life is useless/pathetic trying not to understand simple logic/commonsense @WinterNights

At least I am actually quoting military experts to back what I am saying. All you're capable of is posting emojis like a braindead 12 year old.

Mostly successful, only first few were failure because they were not met test parameters, there are lots of videos of these successful test clips/videos on YouTube and else where in the net @WinterNights

Keep posting pathetic excuses. Fact remains these systems are not proven to be succesful minus some claimed success in some simulations :lol:

And your mighty air defense network can intercept all saturation CM attacks from USN/USAF and its allies in Middle East then i have to say you're the most retard person on the planet @WinterNights

Answer is a simple yes. Iran has been preparing it's air defence for such scenarios for decades. CM are nothing for Iran.

You're too dumb to understand since 80s from Reagan starwars project ABM tech have a massive technical boost that you can imagine and still evolving @WinterNights

Look here moron, I am basing my comment on actual facts.
I have already stated they will be maturing, I also stated at this point in time they're not mature enough to be significant in a conflict with Iran.

How much more can I dumb this down for you understand? Are you seriously this thick?

Not only he is an Israeli expert---He is a former head of Israeli intelligence service Nativ....he served in the army for a long period of time, participated in wars and he knows all Israeli generals and prime ministers personally.

Also, since Iran has many anti-ship missiles, we can assume that during the first phase of war US carrier battle group will operate from the Sea of Oman---at first they will conduct campaign to destroy Iranian air defenses ---then they will try to destroy guidance radars of anti-ship missiles and anti-ship missiles in the Persian Gulf and then they can bring in forces to clean the Strait of Hormuz from mines---then they will enter the Gulf and conduct sorties deep inside Iran. The problem is that all this takes a lot of time and Persian Gulf oil infrastructure has no time

Also note that F-18 combat radius is short and it can't reach Tehran without refueling

And don't forget about a threat from 25 Ghadir submarines that are perfectly suited for the waters of the Persian Gulf---they can take care not only of oil tankers but also military vessels.

Regarding US cruise missiles---Iran is a big country with many targets and these tomohawks will do little damage---just recent example of how Trump launched 100 Tomohawks against Syria and how little damage they done....Obviously, portion of US Tomohawks will fail, others will be intercepted and others will do little damage just like in Syria

Also, even 6 aircraft carriers have just 360 F-18s-----no big deal when it comes to Iran that has air defenses and air force----for real war they will have to employ tactical air force --1600 fighters deployed in Saudi Arabia---but since there are no hardened shelters for these aircrafts in SA, these fighters will become vulnerable to precise Iranian ballistic missiles with cluster munitions like Khorramshahr 2

Also, never forget that during the war with Iraq in 2003, Russia provided Saddam with information about the movements and deployment of US forces .....We can assume that in the event of war with Iran, China and Russia will not lose their chance to shit on US military and they will happily provide Iran with precise information about movements of US forces---including information about precise location of US Navy vessels in the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman and tactical aircrafts in the airfields of Saudi Arabia.

If anything and Iran loses situation awareness, Russia will also be happy to provide precise information about location of oil tankers so Iran could target them with missiles (like Khalije Fars with its TV guidance)---- increase of oil prices is good for Russia

Great comment bro. Sadly as you can see, this forum is filled with bunch of braindead kids that think 2 carrier groups will be enough to deal with Iran. :lol:

Like Hajizadeh said, the IRGC see them as a sitting duck.
At least I am actually quoting military experts to back what I am saying. All you're capable of is posting emojis like a braindead 12 year old.
Keep blabbering, this military experts opinion worth nothing may be gets pay from Mullah (Iran) @WinterNights
Keep posting pathetic excuses. Fact remains these systems are not proven to be succesful minus some claimed success in some simulations :lol:
Keep pathetic logic by yourself, they can easily tackle Iranian BM @WinterNights
Answer is a simple yes. Iran has been preparing it's air defence for such scenarios for decades. CM are nothing for Iran.
And they are not, what a lame and bogus/retard logic you have, they have most advance tech on the planet @WinterNights
Look here moron, I am basing my comment on actual facts.
I have already stated they will be maturing, I also stated at this point in time they're not mature enough to be significant in a conflict with Iran.

How much more can I dumb this down for you understand? Are you seriously this thick?
You're too thin to understand they developing ABM system since 60s technology for ABMs already mature enough to tackle SRBM/MRBM and going toward intercepting IRBM (THAAD), in first gulf war PAC-1 shot down 60% Iraqi's BM which have no ABM capability, and PAC-2 that Saudi Arabia used intercepted 98% BMs fired by houthies, you know nothing but blabbering baseles, you ultra national brainless pathetic shit @WinterNights :blah::blah::blah::blah:
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