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Why Iran wouldn't last a few days against US

How would any of these systems get anywhere close to Iran to work?

The point is, they don't have the capability to do these things you're dreaming of.
Oh! their ships in Parisian gulf have all these system on board, how cute you're @WinterNights :kiss3::flirt:
and they have these system in their armed forces and they are don't have capability to use these system how to use it what the fcuk you talking about @WinterNights :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:
Oh! their ships in Parisian gulf have all these system on board, how cute you're @WinterNights :kiss3::flirt:
and they have these system in their armed forces and they are don't have capability to use these system how to use it what the fcuk you talking about @WinterNights :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:

It seems I have to keep going in circles with you. Their numbers in Persian are not jack. They too tiny to mean anything.
Once again, go watch that Israeli expert and learn a thing or two.
It seems I have to keep going in circles with you. Their numbers in Persian are not jack. They too tiny to mean anything.
Once again, go watch that Israeli expert and learn a thing or two.
Israeli expert don't know what is the strategy if US gonna attack, they were just speculating, Carrier battle groups in parsian gulf are tiny ECM/Jaming capability for Iran, wow just wow on every USN carriers their is a squadron F/A-18 E/F growler on board specialized jets for dealing SAMs, and USAF has its own ECM/Jaming/spy wings based on Qatar/Bahrain/Suadi arabia @WinterNights
Israeli expert don't know what is the strategy if US gonna attack, they were just speculating, Carrier battle groups in parsian gulf are tiny ECM/Jaming capability for Iran, wow just wow on every USN carriers their is a squadron F/A-18 E/F growler on board specialized jets for dealing SAMs, and USAF has its own ECM/Jaming/spy wings based on Qatar/Bahrain/Suadi arabia @WinterNights


So this Israeli expert, who is also a war veteran does not know but you do? You have not even watched his talk.
Stop embarrassing yourself with these Hollywood fantasies. F-18 would get shot down like flies in a real conflict. These ECM would get nowhere near Iran.

So this Israeli expert, who is also a war veteran does not know but you do? You have not even watched his talk.
Stop embarrassing yourself with these Hollywood fantasies. F-18 would get shot down like flies in a real conflict. These ECM would get nowhere near Iran.
War veteran for his country not from US war veteran, he just speculating, Stop embarrassing to your LA LA land, i am taking reality kid not fairy tales/ fantasy world that you live in, your false ego that US armed forces can't do Jack about Iran, go lives your fantasy world and sleep well before reading your fairy tales @WinterNights :lol::rofl::sarcastic:;):enjoy:
I think Afghanistan should co operate fully with USA/NATO in case of an attack on Iranian sectarian regime. Iran offered support to USA when they were preparing their 2001 invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Afghan regime. I guess it's time to repay the favour.
I dare you to show us evidence of that support .

I wonder why you guys won't get tired of that lie that you repeat on daily bases
War veteran for his country not from US war veteran, he just speculating, Stop embarrassing to your LA LA land,

You're getting dumber by the minute, he is a military expert, not just an expert on Israeli military. Seriously, how thick are you?

i am taking reality kid not fairy tales/ fantasy world that you live in, your false ego that US armed forces can't do Jack about Iran, go lives your fantasy world and sleep well before reading your fairy tales @WinterNights :lol::rofl::sarcastic:;):enjoy:

If my comments were fantasy, these jokers would have had the balls to attack Iran in the real world. Go back to watching your Ironman.
You're getting dumber by the minute, he is a military expert, not just an expert on Israeli military. Seriously, how thick are you?
lesser than you're kid, he just speculating, now tell me that he know what strategy/tactics used by USA if USA will attack Iran, i know you're ultra national patriot and i appreciate that, but you can ignore the reality kid @WinterNights
If my comments were fantasy, these jokers would have had the balls to attack Iran in the real world. Go back to watching your Ironman.
In technological terms US armed forces are way way ahead from you armed forces at every sense, admit it kid its a reality @WinterNights
lesser than you're kid, he just speculating, now tell me that he know what strategy/tactics used by USA if USA will attack Iran, i know you're ultra national patriot and i appreciate that, but you can ignore the reality kid @WinterNights

An expert speculating is worth much more than your horse manure of comments kid. His analysis is spot on and based on sound logic.

In technological terms US armed forces are way way ahead from you armed forces at every sense, admit it kid its a reality @WinterNights


In reality, their technology is almost practically useless in defending against what Iran will be using such as anti ship ballistic missiles, hight speed stealth UAVs'. How many times have Iranian UAV's flown over their ships? :lol:
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An expert speculating is worth much more your horse manure of comments kid. His analysis is spot on and based on sound logic.

In reality, their technology is almost practically useless in defending against what Iran will be using such as anti ship ballistic missiles, hight speed stealth UAVs'. How many times have Iranian UAV's flown over their ships?
And they have not these system, in fact they have more then that @WinterNights
And they have not these system, in fact they have more then that @WinterNights

I am talking about the main source of power projection which is their carriers. What ever else they have is not as significant.

Their generals are not as stupid to underestimate Iran the way you're doing.

Like I said, Iran cannot defeat the US, nor can the US defeat Iran.
I am talking about the main source of power projection which is their carriers. What ever else they have is not as significant.

Their generals are not as stupid to underestimate Iran the way you're doing.

Like I said, Iran cannot defeat the US, nor can the US defeat Iran.
Carrier are not come alone you shit head they always comes with battle groups, they have huge weapons capability at its disposal, from air to sub surface @WinterNights
Carrier are not come alone you shit head they always comes with battle groups, [/USER]

If you were not braindead you'd put 2 + 2 together and know I was talking about their carrier battle groups when I talk about their carriers being used as power projection.

they have huge weapons capability at its disposal, from air to sub surface

Most of which are part of these carrier groups. The carrier groups are not the threat your Hollywood fantasy wants us to believe. In reality, they'd mostly be sitting ducks. Don't believe me? listen to the experts.
If you were not braindead you'd put 2 + 2 together and know I was talking about their carrier battle groups when I talk about their carriers being used as power projection.

Most of which are part of these carrier groups. The carrier groups are not the threat your Hollywood fantasy wants us to believe. In reality, they'd mostly be sitting ducks. Don't believe me? listen to the experts.
why don't you understand simple carrier battle groups, 12 destroyers, 6 cruiser, 6 nuke subs under water they have also every kind of weapons on these battle groups, from ABM to cruise missiles and to underwater long range torpedoes And land version of these system also in Iran neighboring countries, they have also lots ECM/jaming SEAD DEAD jets both in their arsenal @WinterNights
why don't you understand simple carrier battle groups, 12 destroyers, 6 cruiser, 6 nuke subs under water

What sort of retarded replies are these? You basically post anything it seems. When I used the term carrier groups, it obviously included the fact they incorporates the above ships etc. That does not change the reality of my comment however.

they have also every kind of weapons on these battle groups, from ABM to cruise missiles and to underwater long range torpedoes And land version of these system also in Iran neighboring countries, they have also lots ECM/jaming SEAD DEAD jets both in their arsenal @WinterNights

And once again, I am going in circles with you clown. None of those weapons mean anything when these groups are a sitting duck. They can't fully away Iranian borders otherwise they would be out of their operation range. Within their operation range, they are within the range of Iranians missiles, which would greatly saturate them. Once again, go watch the videos by the experts.
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