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Why cant we just mind our own business??

This may be the worst strategical mistake Pakistan would ever make. Positioning yourself in the middle of a civil war you have nothing to do with, is a recipe for more trouble. In such case, I even can see Iran retaliating by propping up its proxy presence in Pakistan.
@Armstrong : What's your take on this mate? Evil Iran at it again? :P

I think the news is BS !

For one where would we get the men from ?

Non-State-Actors/Terrorists within the country or Army Personnel ?

If the former were as amenable as we make them out to be we wouldn't be fighting for our lives here for the past 10 or so years or at the very least we could've used them - our so-called 'assets' - to clear out the bordering areas with Afghanistan instead of sending in our Army to do the job & be terribly bogged down there in the process !

If its the latter i.e send in the Army Personnel to train the Syrian Rebels : Between tensions with India on the LOC, a separatists insurgency in Baluchistan that goes undercover & then strikes back, a worsening law & order situation in Karachi & the rest of the country, a belligerent Afghanistan now proven to be in bed with the TTP (something that we've been saying for a few years now), a US Withdrawal from Afghanistan & the ensuing sh*t storm about to hit that country along with a toxic nexus of criminal elements, sectarian basterrds & the usual TTP operating in the country - I think we could be forgiven for saying that calling us a wee bit 'pre-occupied' would be a massive understatement !

Besides it goes without saying - Why would we want anything to do with whatever is happening in Syria ? Whats it to us ?

Sectarianism is ripping the country apart & we go & support not only sectarian vermin but rebels who often are accused of double-timing as the Al-Qaeeda when both of them are creating hell for us back home ?

And lastly Pakistan has opposed the Libyan Invasion & the Syrian Interventionism because we believe that Iraq & Afghanistan are testament to the fact that these things don't do sh*t !

Plus our relation with China would suffer if we were to take part in such a misadventure against the current Syrian Regime when both China & Russia are supporting it - One does not go against ones own friends & strategic allies without justifiable cause to it - Over here there is none !

SA hasn't funded our program per say, as far as nuclear protection is concerned we can have a NATO like agreement. Delivering nukes to SA would be a diplomatic suicide. We will be named a terrorist state.

I support training the saudi military because they protect their nation. However i don't support training rebels because we cry wolf when other people train rebels in our country.
Whats new in it.. Pakistani Mercenaries have killed thousand of Palestinian Muslims. Similarly Pakistani mercs are working for money with USA in Yeman...

Nothing is hidden.. War is a business for Pakistani.. I can't see anything new here...

Haha these Palis have been snakes everywhere. Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria. Turncoats, what they get is what they deserve. You follow the rule of the land that hosts you not run your own militias.

Stop this Indian smug attitude. I have plenty of Indian friends, i only find such smug retards like you on the internet.
These articles are in the same vein as the Nuclear assets and seem more to be planted to drag Pakistan into a conflict it has decidedly stayed out(or tried to play neutral even if leaning towards SA) of for the time being. Again, our policies of playing bodyguard to the Saudis for funding(generally.. no specific use specified for nuclear program or otherwise) are already biting us in the form of sectarian violence in the country. That being said, Iran hasnt been very diplomatic about it either and played its own proxy war against Saudi influence and otherwise. However.. we are stuck between a rock and hard place.. with Iran we share our border and cant jump away from it or allow Indian influence to reach a level where they place forces in Iran...nor can we leave the Saudis entirely as the Saudi government eventually is a good investor when no one else is around. We have practically kept the SA Army and Air Force trained throughout the 90s so clearly our lean is evident. When Nawaz Shairf heads to Saudi Arabia he is received with hugs(perhaps less than the Bush family) that make him feel like he has been touched by god himself. He probably ends up making promises beyond what he can deliver. When he lands in Pakistan the advisor dawn reality on him as to what he can actually deliver on which he cajoles and compromises. So perhaps there are no trainers from the PA or any active personnel training these rebel forces, but that does not rule out the effect of money on retired officers that may be able to offer training.

But this article omits details given in other news.. which are.

Following what it regards as the “defection” of the U.S. administration from the coalition of countries willing to support the Syrian opposition militarily, Saudi Arabia has turned to Pakistan to provide training for the new army. But this may prove difficult, given the major national security challenges facing the Pakistani armed forces ahead of the NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan and the uncertainty of the country’s civil-military relationship during the selection of a new chief of general staff. Sources with good access to the Pakistani Ministry of Defense and military intelligence services confirm that the armed forces were already reluctant or unable to meet a previous Saudi request to provide special forces training to the Syrian rebels. They regard the scale of the new Saudi proposal as unmanageable.

Unifying Syria's Rebels: Saudi Arabia Joins the Fray / ISN

Hence, it is not that the Pakistani military is not willing to be mercs for Saudi Arabia.. it is because they cannot undertake the new headache with all that is already going on. Saner minds will argue as to why we lean to the Saudis knowing that the Iranians are at our doorstep and we were finally moving ahead on certain relationship building projects as the IPP.

Pakistan is committed to building a multi-billion-dollar gas pipeline from neighbouring Iran but the threat of international sanctions makes the task difficult, the South Asian nation's petroleum minister said on Friday.
Pakistan committed to completing Iran gas pipeline project| Reuters

Yet, the problem with Iran is that allegedly when the Saudi Pakistan Nexus deepened in the 90's..the Iranians allowed the Indians to operate against Pakistani interest from their soil and allowed them to infiltrate and undermine Pakistani interests in lieu of the sectarian violence that was the highlight of the 90s.
Moreover, there were rumours of the Iranians allowing Indian aircraft safe haven in Iran while ignoring their Baloch independence groups in an effort to let the ones in Pakistan have breathing room. So essentially.. the issue of choosing Saudi Arabia over Iran is not founded only on the Saudi advantage of having the holy cities as part of its territory; but also on preferential treatment given by the Saudis to Pakistan. Look at it this way, when the Chinese offer Pakistan money.. it is procedural...they either grant loans with small print on its usage or give us loans but these are restricted for use in China only..i.e the money circulates in China itself. The Saudis hand us a cheque and then look the other way. They dont ask as such where it went and what it did. All they care for is the service the cheque was supposed to get in return. Be it the protection of the Royal family or helping them set up their purchased SRBMs.

Let me get a few things straight.

A. I fully support the Syrian people, as their struggle is just.

B. I don't think Pakistan needs to extend anything but moral and material support. Maybe we can bring some refugees from Jordan and settle them here.

C. Pakistan itself is fighting a brutal war, we need ALL of our resources to win.

D. We have been stung by playing with jehadees in the past, why should we not learn?

E. Pakistan sends trainers to train the FSA, tomorrow the saudis are going to ask our uniformed troops or special operators to be sent to Syria. Our involvement is going to make Syria much more dangerous than making it peaceful.

F. If we fight for Syrians or Saudis or Jordanians today, are they likely to fight India if we get attacked again.....we both know the answer is no.

Let me get a few things straight.

A. I fully support the Syrian people, as their struggle is just.

B. I don't think Pakistan needs to extend anything but moral and material support. Maybe we can bring some refugees from Jordan and settle them here.

C. Pakistan itself is fighting a brutal war, we need ALL of our resources to win.

D. We have been stung by playing with jehadees in the past, why should we not learn?

E. Pakistan sends trainers to train the FSA, tomorrow the saudis are going to ask our uniformed troops or special operators to be sent to Syria. Our involvement is going to make Syria much more dangerous than making it peaceful.

F. If we fight for Syrians or Saudis or Jordanians today, are they likely to fight India if we get attacked again.....we both know the answer is no.
D. This should answer your question:

Syria crisis: Saudi Arabia to spend millions to train new rebel force | Pakistan Defence

E. That will not happen, the moderate FSA have more than enough manpower, all they need is arms and training.

F. The answer is yes. We were under much more worse conditions and we helped you.
Where and when did the Saudis ask Pakistan to help the FSA? There is no official announcement, only insane people would pick that article and believe in it to be the case. The FSA need some air-craft/tank missiles and they are good to go. Why would KSA ask Pakistan to train the FSA when KSA, Jordan and Turkey are military experienced. Indeed pakistan need to mind its own business otherwise it will pass the buck if failure took place. Have a grip over the situation inside pakistan before giving a look to geo-political issues happening around. I would like to hear that word when its for the benefit of Pakistan. :disagree:

To those who wonders, The Saudi navy was present in the 1971 war. The Saudis took the risk faced international pressures when Pakistan was under sanctions. Saudi Arabia is financing Pakistan arms deals and will always be there for Pakistan and its people, have the Saudis say anything in that regard. No. Have we complained No.

Also to those who says they will not take aside in whats happening b/t Muslims have you read this Ayah if you call yourself a Muslims.


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@Arabian Legend

The request has been placed, now that its in the media a pandoras box is open. Pakistanis need to stay the fukk out of wars that have zero implications for our safety. We already have enough warfare on our own plate which requires our resources. Training Saudi military is something that we have done for decades because it helps a friendly nation, however training a rebel movement is a whole different ballgame we cannot afford to be a part of.
F. The answer is yes. We were under much more worse conditions and we helped you.

Thank You For the F-104s ! What worst conditions ?

We sent our boys in every one of the Arab-Israeli Wars & yet we were under US Sanctions throughout the time !

To those who wonders, The Saudi navy was present in the 1971 war.

The Saudi Navy in '71 War - Whatever were they doing there ? :what:

I've read about the '71 War History but I can't recall reading anything about any Saudi Naval Contingent taking part in any Operation ? :undecided:

Maybe @Oscar can shed some light on this !
Thank You For the F-104s ! What worst conditions ?

We sent our boys in every one of the Arab-Israeli Wars & yet we were under US Sanctions throughout the time !

The Saudi Navy in '71 War - Whatever were they doing there ? :what:

I've read about the '71 War History but I can't recall reading anything about any Saudi Naval Contingent taking part in any Operation ? :undecided:

Maybe @Oscar can shed some light on this !

Unless we sunk them Saudi boats? No, they weren't part of any active operations, hell the Pakistani navy itself was not part of any operations after op trident and python.

As for the topic, Tind is doing his benefactors proud. One wonders what will happen when all these well trained fundoos are done in Syria which other middle eastern country will they grace with their presence...
Unless we sunk them Saudi boats? No, they weren't part of any active operations, hell the Pakistani navy itself was not part of any operations after op trident and python.

So what were they there for - Picnic ? :unsure:
@Arabian Legend Saudis gave active support to Pakistan in 1971 war but there was no Saudi navy involvement, only foreign navy tried to interfere was America's 7th fleet.
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