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Why cant we just mind our own business??

Pak Army instructors(active servicemen) training rebels.. doesnt mix up...... hired individual Former Army vets?

Whatever the case maybe?...... Its a stupid decision!.....

We shouldnt get ourselves into Saudi vs Iranian issues.. (they are not just being an enemy of themselves... but the entire muslim(if they even care abt them) world)...
Thankx for the word rusty that shows how ungrateful you are.

I no gratefulness for help that was of no use. I would rather be grateful for the funding that helped us by fighters. What use are rust buckets even with the best of intentions?
@Arabian Legend @JUBA @Yzd Khalifa @BLACK EAGLE

You folks grossly overestimate our ability to conduct warfare.

My pain is simple.

3/10 primary school aged Pakistani kids [my kids] are working as 'child labourers' .. they come home with 20 cents a day and blisters on their tiny hands instead of books.


We have 27 million childern out of school, which is more than the total Saudi Population.


We are the 2nd worst nation on planet earth in Child education.


12 Million Pakistan children are engaged in labour - one of the worst child labor countries in the world.


We have one of the worst literacy division in society anywhere on the planet.



Those are my people, they are not nigerians or fijians - when i see above facts and then i look at my lunatic piece of shitt govt and delusional generals and their grand plans to project power and poke our nose into other nation's affairs, it makes me angry beyond control. We have more issues at home to take care off. I support the syrians, i hope they flourish but i'd rather spend our resources in fixing my own nation's vast issues, if i had that authority.
I no gratefulness for help that was of no use. I would rather be grateful for the funding that helped us by fighters. What use are rust buckets even with the best of intentions?

Tht was some deep shix paa ji!

Words of wisdom..lol
@Arabian Legend @JUBA @Yzd Khalifa @BLACK EAGLE

You folks grossly overestimate our ability to conduct warfare.

My pain is simple.

3/10 primary school aged Pakistani kids [my kids] are working as 'child labourers' .. they come home with 20 cents a day and blisters on their tiny hands instead of books.


We have 27 million childern out of school, which is more than the total Saudi Population.


We are the 2nd worst nation on planet earth in Child education.


12 Million Pakistan children are engaged in labour - one of the worst child labor countries in the world.


We have one of the worst literacy division in society anywhere on the planet.



Those are my people, they are not nigerians or fijians - when i see above facts and then i look at my lunatic piece of shitt govt and delusional generals and their grand plans to project power and poke our nose into other nation's affairs, it makes me angry beyond control. We have more issues at home to take care off. I support the syrians, i hope they flourish but i'd rather spend our resources in fixing my own nation's vast issues, if i had that authority.

I share your feeling bro and I hope Pakistan will soon overcome not only this issue but all the difficulties and obstacles it faces from energy to health and education.

The problem with the Syrian issue didn't come ours till the lunatic Assad started shelling his own people. It is our moral duty to stand against him or else the Saudi people will raise against the government. You know the northern part of KSA share a lot with Jordan and Syria families related by blood etc. Also form political prospective, Syria Assad has along history of acting against KSA interest in the region for example the Israel-Palestine peace mission, Lebanon unity and so on.

If you ask me I would highly suggest that Pakistan should stay away from getting involved and watch from a distance. I think KSA, Jordan and Turkey can provide all support the to Syrian opposition financially and logistically to put an end to this.
@Arabian Legend

I know its off topic , but isn't your moral duty to stand with your " Palestinian brothers " as well too . Still I do not see no hostility towards Tel Aviv , just towards Damascus and Tehran , so what exactly should I understand from it ? Admit it or not , its more of a personal vendetta rather than genuine sympathy for the Syrian people actually , just protecting your interests .
@Arabian Legend

I know its off topic , but isn't your moral duty to stand with your " Palestinian brothers " as well too . Still I do not see no hostility towards Tel Aviv , just towards Damascus and Tehran , so what exactly should I understand from it ? Admit it or not , its more of a personal vendetta rather than genuine sympathy for the Syrian people actually , just protecting your interests .

See the problem with Palestine is the disunity within the Palestinians themselves. So you can't actually arm one side and leave the other for the fact that both parties Fateh and Hamas are killing each others fighting for power ignoring the core of their issue. So any arms will get into Palestine will be used against them by either party. Once peace prevail and settlement among these people is reached then arms will flow. As for now KSA and other GCC states are providing financial support that benefit the Palestinian people as well as providing medical and goods supplies, building infrastructure, housing units, schools, hospitals etc. You will also find Saudi Arabia fighting inside todays political arena raising the case in every international gathering. Recently, Saudi arabia has ignored the UN non permanent seat protesting against the UN double standers in dealing with the world issues stating the failure of the UN in solving the Palestine case as well as the Syrian issue.

I hope that helps.
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D. This should answer your question:

Syria crisis: Saudi Arabia to spend millions to train new rebel force | Pakistan Defence

E. That will not happen, the moderate FSA have more than enough manpower, all they need is arms and training.

F. The answer is yes. We were under much more worse conditions and we helped you.

& you are probably the Leader of Moderate FSA

Mind you if the Assad Govt falls you will see the biggest shit storm since Iraqi Invasion

Do you really think that West or Gulfies give a Shhit about Syrian people
No they want to break the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Leabanon highway
To break the Shia alliance nothing more
& Isreal wants to be a part of it so Hamas will also starve to death

& the & Why are Chinese & Russians are supporting Assad
Bcauz if he falls Syria will become a launching pad for Terrorist
To Chechnya,Xingchan,Kashmir & to the Af-Pak border
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