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Why cant we just mind our own business??

he will meet his fate whatever it is very soon. lets leave syrians on their own . and see what they want.. all other countries should back off including KSA, russia, turkey ,Iran and Hizbul shaitan.

Why can't you people understand that Alasad CAN NOT LAST A MINUTE IF SYRIANS WERE AGAINST HIM.... all it takes it just the majority to rise up against him and he is done... however Syrians are behind their Army and the Syrian government war against international terrorism...

again you might want to look at this

Syria: Questions that can not be Answered? | Pakistan Defence
Is it help? - By making the war in Syria more worse and dedicating our nation's vital security manpower to another country when we ourselves need them the most? - We cant donate blood, when we ourselves are on a life support. 

I didn't expect this from you, you in specific as you know from the very beginning of Syrian revolution the right and wrong and you knew that Syrians had no way possible but to pick up arms and fight. It's true that there are terrorists got involved but that doesn't change the fundamental issue which is ousting the regime and to let Syrians choose their destiny. All of this mess wouldn't have happened if the regime stepped out. Bashar has been trying all of his best to make Syrian lives as worse as possible to make them regret his days, as his supporters say either Bashar or nobody.
Why can't you people understand that Alasad CAN NOT LAST A MINUTE IF SYRIANS WERE AGAINST HIM.... all it takes it just the majority to rise up against him and he is done... however Syrians are behind their Army and the Syrian government war against international terrorism...

again you might want to look at this

Syria: Questions that can not be Answered? | Pakistan Defence

Ok I am no fan of Assad
But I a secular,sane,Dictator is far better than the
Al queada scum
Which are just hiding behind the FSA flag
10-15 years down the road the west will be so sorry that it commuted such an act
I didn't expect this from you, you in specific as you know from the very beginning of Syrian revolution the right and wrong and you knew that Syrians had no way possible but to pick up arms and fight. It's true that there are terrorists got involved but that doesn't change the fundamental issue which is ousting the regime and to let Syrians choose their destiny. All of this mess wouldn't have happened if the regime stepped out. Bashar has been trying all of his best to make Syrian lives as worse as possible to make them regret his days, as his supporters say either Bashar or nobody.
We would have to help Syrian people we can't let our Muslim brothers murdered but yes we need to sort out our problems to and they also started when we decided to betray our brothers in Afghanistan and become an ally of USA but instead of sending fighters All Muslim Military powers should take out Assad with full force full Air Force attack with help our cruise missiles and ballistic missiles would have done the job long ago if our leaders had shown gutts instead off asking USA to do something
Syria is in the midst of civil war, with divided population supporting opposite sides. I had known about the tensions that have been the cause of this war. But the way this war has unfolded is an exhibition of shameless meddling and selfish encouragement. The net beneficiary is Israel in all of this.

I do not want Pakistan to have anything to do with this civil war. I can not condone any effort that results in strengthening Israel's position and entrenches Gulf kingdoms with Western help.

The proponents of rebels are undoubtedly indirectly helping Western interests. The Assad loyalists are supporting a murderous regime. How can one take sides?

Moreover the sectarian character of this war is worrisome. Pakistan can not afford to butt into this conflict. I am sure we would spurn any incentive. Saudis may be benefactors, but we can not commit suicide for their secondary interests.

Indian posters are touting a half-baked report and making tall statements with glee. Have they no shame?

GOP would never support any misadventure. Saudis have enough contacts inside Pakistan to lure a few people on their own. GOP might turn a blind eye in the beginning, but we can not afford to stay enmeshed in a protracted civil war in a far-away country, even on an unofficial level.
One thing I have learned on PDF from Pakistani posters.

If the general consensus amongst Pakistani posters is to do one thing, their state and leadership and polity/military/mulla nexus will do exactly the opposite.

Safe to say then that Pakistan will surely be getting embroiled deeply into the Syrian mess.
I believe we should give a polite but firm 'no thank you' to anyone involving us beyond our own region as we must settle the affairs on our own soil first. Being inducted into a conflict with these players has not worked out well for us in the past and would continue to haunt us as we would always be the labourers rather than the minds behind the strategy.
Why can't you people understand that Alasad CAN NOT LAST A MINUTE IF SYRIANS WERE AGAINST HIM.... all it takes it just the majority to rise up against him and he is done... however Syrians are behind their Army and the Syrian government war against international terrorism...

again you might want to look at this

Syria: Questions that can not be Answered? | Pakistan Defence
well u must admit a fact that sunnis were being pressed by alawite minority.that is the reason behind the sunni upraising.
I believe we should give a polite but firm 'no thank you' to anyone involving us beyond our own region as we must settle the affairs on our own soil first. Being inducted into a conflict with these players has not worked out well for us in the past and would continue to haunt us as we would always be the labourers rather than the minds behind the strategy.

We also need to take it easy within out own region, and think about things and plan them carefully. We tend to lose ourselves a bit too much in what's morally right and for the greater good of the Ummah.

Take the 80's, Zia set a great example of how it shouldn't be done. Sure we were doing the right thing.
But what we got in return? From the Afghans themselves, they showed up by the millions, they bought lots of guns, drugs and crime. Before they showed up, Karachi was relatively peaceful. I'm not blaming Afghans as a people, but these sort of things come along with poverty, refugees and illiteracy. We also became reliant on an unfaithful power and let that power do as it pleased to get what it wanted, this also led to extremism.
Totally agree with you Sir @Aeronaut . @OnTopic. Nawaz sharif is stooge of SA, what would you expect from him?
I absolutely agree with you. We should do away with the 'Ummah' politics, yes, there is a brotherhood of Muslim states but that does not escape political and diplomatic wisdom. The blow back of the Afghani influx was a clear indication even at that time of what was going to happen. We're in a country where our own people cannot find satisfactory employment and quality of life how were we going to deal with a large refugee population? Had we listened to the sociologists and opposition to the campaign we'd have saved ourselves from the decay of the 80 onwards that we still face today.

I believe that all those people who think that the army taking over is a good thing should take that into account. Unfortunately, people close their eyes when they see any religious terminology but realities have a tendency to bite back those who deny them the hardest.

We also need to take it easy within out own region, and think about things and plan them carefully. We tend to lose ourselves a bit too much in what's morally right and for the greater good of the Ummah.

Take the 80's, Zia set a great example of how it shouldn't be done. Sure we were doing the right thing.
But what we got in return? From the Afghans themselves, they showed up by the millions, they bought lots of guns, drugs and crime. Before they showed up, Karachi was relatively peaceful. I'm not blaming Afghans as a people, but these sort of things come along with poverty, refugees and illiteracy. We also became reliant on an unfaithful power and let that power do as it pleased to get what it wanted, this also led to extremism.
@Aeronaut : tell it to your fellow countrymen who 'believe' SA has given you money out of good heart, and doesn't demand anything in return. Tell it to your countrymen who believe not only Pakistan should give nuclear weapons to KSA, but to even enter a war for sake of 'brother Sheikhs'.
Brace yourselves, KSA wants to reap what it has sowed in Pakistan, it wants a portion of its easy oil money back.
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We just can't learn anything from our past mistakes.
Whats new in it.. Pakistani Mercenaries have killed thousand of Palestinian Muslims. Similarly Pakistani mercs are working for money with USA in Yeman...

Nothing is hidden.. War is a business for Pakistani.. I can't see anything new here...
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