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Why cant we just mind our own business??

@Spring Onion

Because our prime minister is more loyal to the Saudi royalty than he is loyal to his own people.

Could be but that's an emotional phrase and I don't think so a shrewd man like him will kill his political future by going against the defence planners and approving something on KSA behest
so Saudi "Arabia" are hiring terrorists from Pakistan to train terrorists in Syria... so I wonder if my Pakistani friends get the message, that Saudi "Arabia" are training and paying terrorists in Pakistan, which means that terrorist in Pakistan will increase, which means more bloodshed in Pakistan, which means destroying Pakistan...
What\s wrong with friends helping each-other out? Saudi Arabia helped you in many cases and so did you.

When you have brothers on both sides of the conflict you cant side with any.

Leave them fighting each other or reconcile
What\s wrong with friends helping each-other out? Saudi Arabia helped you in many cases and so did you.

Iran is Pakistan's neighbor, it won't be good for Pakistan to meddle in something which may irk Iran. Moreover, about a quarter of Pakistan's population are Shias.
1. Syria attack has failed .

2. Saudia does not know anything about Pak nukes .

3. There is no direct war in that region where we can think over sending such instructors. We at State level cant intervene in internal rifts in a country.

4. Though they can hire individuals

1. there was no attack in the first place but saudi "badmashi" to unsettle a peacefull Arab nation just because its a "Shia" ruled state

2.lolzzz well thats what a thief says when cought red handed .... lolzzz saudies are realli smart

3.well that thing is just helarious and no one beleaves in it now specialli if we look into pakistani history

4.well pakistani army has been killing innocent people in name of ummah "remmber when ZIA killed thosands of paletenians in jordan on king abdullas orders" and //khair jane do
Not our headache . we cant force individuals. Even Westerners joined al-Qaeda.

It will become your headache (as it is) when you and your non state actors become too big a headache for those that can really become a huge headache. Migraine would be an understatement then. Difficult to have a headache when there is no head remaining.
Not our headache . we cant force individuals. Even Westerners joined al-Qaeda.
mazerat ke saath kahunga jana ji per if you will send you "instructors"/PA regulars to Fight/train along side rebels in syria do you think syria and Iran will keep quite ...dont forget hizbullah(who knows even Israel /India even might take interest in it to settle there old scores with pakistan)
time for a new 'muhawara'.........."begane phadde me pakistan diwana":taz:

lolzzzz looks like pakistan is ready toAxe its own feet again and as history stands wfter the job will be done pakistan will again see itself where it saw itself after the afghan war... good luck pakistan :pop:
KSA recruiting Pak instructors to train Syrian rebels
November 08, 2013

NEW YORK - Saudi Arabia has enlisted the help of Pakistani instructors to train Syrian rebel forces in a new push to topple President Bashar al-Assad’s government, according to a report in the Foreign Policy magazine.

Quoting three sources, David Kenner, the magazine Middle East Editor, said that the Saudi Arabia took the step after having largely abandoned hope that the United States will spearhead international efforts to oust the Syrian government. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, alongwith the CIA, also supported the Afghan rebels against the Soviet-backed government during the 1980s, the report pointed out. “That collaboration contains a cautionary note for the current day.

The Afghan rebels were unable to govern after the old regime fell, paving the way for chaos and the rise of the Taliban. Some of the insurgents, meanwhile, transformed into al Qaeda and eventually turned their weapons against their former patrons,” it said.

While the risk has been discussed in Riyadh, the report said that the Saudis with knowledge of the training programme describe it as an antidote to extremism, not a potential cause of it.
They have described the Kingdom’s effort as having two goals — toppling the Assad regime, and weakening al Qaeda linked groups in the country.

Prince Turki, the former Saudi Arabian intelligence chief and envoy to Washington, said in a recent interview that the mainstream Opposition must be strengthened so that it could protect itself “these extremists who are coming from all over the place” to impose their own ideologies on Syria.
The ramped up Saudi Arabian effort has been spurred by the Kingdom’s disillusionment with the United States, according to the report.

A Saudi Arabian insider with knowledge of the programme described how Riyadh had determined to move ahead with its plans after coming to the conclusion that President Barack Obama was simply not prepared to move aggressively to oust Assad. “We didn’t know if the Americans would give [support] or not, but nothing ever came through,” the source said.

“Now we know the President just didn’t want it.” Pakistan’s role, according to the report, is so far relatively small, though another source with knowledge of Saudi Arabian thinking said that a plan was currently being debated to give Pakistan responsibility for training two rebel brigades, or around 5,000 to 10,000 fighters.

A State Department official declined to comment on the Saudi Arabian training programme.
Saudi Arabia’s decision to move forward with training the Syrian rebels independent of the United States is the latest sign of a split between the two longtime allies. In Syria, Saudi Arabian officials were aggrieved by Washington’s decision to cancel a strike on the Assad regime in reprisal for its chemical weapons attack on the Damascus suburbs this summer.

A top Saudi Arabian official told the Washington Post that Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan was unaware of the cancellation of the strike. “We found about it from CNN,” he said.
As a result, Saudi Arabia has given up on hopes that the United States would spearhead efforts to topple Assad and decided to press forward with its own plans to bolster rebel forces, it said, adding, that that effort relies on a network of Saudi Arabian allies in addition to Pakistan, such as Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and France.

Given the increased Islamisation of rebel forces on the ground, analysts say, it only makes sense that Saudi Arabia would throw its support behind Salafist groups, the report said. These militias “happen to be the most strategically powerful organisations on the ground,” said Charles Lister, an analyst with IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre. “If Saudi Arabia does indeed follow such a strategy... it could well stand to become a major power player in the conflict.”

In calling on Pakistan to assist in toppling Assad, it said, Saudi Arabia can draw on its deep alliance with Islamabad. The two countries have long shared defence ties: Saudi Arabia has given more aid to Pakistani than to any non-Arab country, according to former CIA officer Bruce Riedel, and also allegedly helped fund Islamabad’s nuclear programme.

In return, Pakistan based troops in Saudi Arabia multiple times over three decades to protect the Royals grip on power, according to the report. The current Pakistani government, in particular, is closely tied to Saudi Arabia, Foreign Policy magazine said. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was ousted from power in 1999 by a military coup - the Saudis allegedly brokered a deal that kept him from prison.
“For Saudi Arabia, Nawaz Sharif is a key partner in a key allied State,” Arif Rafiq, scholar at the Middle East Institute, was quoted as stating.

Pakistan is already grappling with its own sectarian bloodshed and must mind its relationship with Iran, while its foreign policy is focused on negotiations with the Taliban over the future of Afghanistan and its longtime rivalry with India, Foreign Policy said. “They have their hands full,” the source said. “And even if they want to, I don’t think they will be able to give much concrete help.”

KSA recruiting Pak instructors to train Syrian rebels 
Here we go again :rolleyes:
Our people are really good at fighting and training Gurraila fighters and wars and this would have happened and I wouldn't we be surprised if several Pakistanis are found fighting in Syria what should have been done is Muslim governments should have taken out this Assad guy long ago if USA would do it that would make him hero once again we have to take him out or he would destroy everything and this could lead to sectarian tensions in all Muslim countries 
Our priorities are well placed - we cant send 25 million of our children to school but we can train rebels in a country that has zero strategic value to our own interests. Good going Pakistan, this is another Sharif gift !
Sir this is not sharif gift which every government would have been their they would have done same they had no other choice and weather you like it or not we would have to get involved in issues of Muslim world
we have taken 'thakey dari' of the entire muslim world. this is our convoluted mindset.

Spreading fitna among Muslims is NOT "thakay dari" of entire ummah. Its in fact the complete opposite. If anything. The Saudis gave money for the services of Pakistani professionals, and the Pakistanis did it, without thinking of the consequences to the "muslim ummah". This is business, not charity.
Spreading fitna among Muslims is NOT "thakay dari" of entire ummah. Its in fact the complete opposite. If anything. The Saudis gave money for the services of Pakistani professionals, and the Pakistanis did it, without thinking of the consequences to the "muslim ummah".
Sir we should have done this on state level and taken out Assad other wise he would destroy every one in Syria and this could also lead to escalation in tensions among Muslims
Looks like Nawaz sharif saab paying back his gratitude to Saudis when they mediated for his safe exile with Gen. Musharaff
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