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Why cant we just mind our own business??

our army played games greater than their size, thats why I say they should have visited aukat.com before taking the country for a ride !!
It doesn't seem Pakistan will ever learn from the follies it has committed. From nurturing the Taliban to oust the Soviets, to the present state of affairs in Afghanistan due to its support to the Taliban (Haqqani) and its unending quest for the mirage of taking Kashmir by indulging in a proxy war against India through its cohorts - LeT, JeM etc, all of which has brought Pakistan to what it is today. 50,000 soldiers and civilians killed as a result....and counting.

And to add to this chaotic and volatile mix, they're now sending trainers to help the Syrian rebels to oust Assad's regime!! This is sure to get Iran's goat which would result in another front opening up for Pakistan. As it is, Iran's ideology is in direct conflict with Pakistan's as the former is Shia dominated as opposed to Pakistan's which is largely Sunni. The twain can never meet, whatever platitudes they may mouth in the open. And now it's going to hasten the process of confrontation by proxy.

And then there is the danger of Syria paying back Pakistan with the same coin! It seems Pakistan is headed for more bloodshed in Pakistan. The TTP just got another benefactor!
What\s wrong with friends helping each-other out? Saudi Arabia helped you in many cases and so did you.

Is it help? - By making the war in Syria more worse and dedicating our nation's vital security manpower to another country when we ourselves need them the most? - We cant donate blood, when we ourselves are on a life support. 
It doesn't seem Pakistan will ever learn from the follies it has committed. From nurturing the Taliban to oust the Soviets, to the present state of affairs in Afghanistan due to its support to the Taliban (Haqqani) and its unending quest for the mirage of taking Kashmir by indulging in a proxy war against India through its cohorts - LeT, JeM etc, all of which has brought Pakistan to what it is today. 50,000 soldiers and civilians killed as a result....and counting.

And to add to this chaotic and volatile mix, they're now sending trainers to help the Syrian rebels to oust Assad's regime!! This is sure to get Iran's goat which would result in another front opening up for Pakistan. As it is, Iran's ideology is in direct conflict with Pakistan's as the former is Shia dominated as opposed to Pakistan's which is largely Sunni. The twain can never meet, whatever platitudes they may mouth in the open. And now it's going to hasten the process of confrontation by proxy.

And then there is the danger of Syria paying back Pakistan with the same coin! It seems Pakistan is headed for more bloodshed in Pakistan. The TTP just got another benefactor!

Our intervention in Afghanistan to fight and defeat the soviets was absolutely justified in a fact that Afghanistan is our strategic belly and affects our security. We had a vital strategic interest in that war and everything we did to defeat the USSR had purpose and substance.

On the contrary, Syria is irrelevant to Pakistan, it doesn't harm us, it doesn't benefit us, why should we be poking nose in a country that is at war with itself and offers next to zero strategic value to our country! This is the height of lunacy. 
Looks like Nawaz sharif saab paying back his gratitude to Saudis when they mediated for his safe exile with Gen. Musharaff

AND their funding for his election rigging campaign.
Looks like Nawaz sharif saab paying back his gratitude to Saudis when they mediated for his safe exile with Gen. Musharaff

I believe such reports are more like media gimmicks by other players.

I don't see any reason why Pakistan will cut its own feet. The time is NOT suitable for such a foolishness
Is it help? - By making the war in Syria more worse and dedicating our nation's vital security manpower to another country when we ourselves need them the most? - We cant donate blood, when we ourselves are on a life support. 

Our intervention in Afghanistan to fight and defeat the soviets was absolutely justified in a fact that Afghanistan is our strategic belly and affects our security. We had a vital strategic interest in that war and everything we did to defeat the USSR had purpose and substance.

On the contrary, Syria is irrelevant to Pakistan, it doesn't harm us, it doesn't benefit us, why should we be poking nose in a country that is at war with itself and offers next to zero strategic value to our country! This is the height of lunacy.
well pakistan will have send its soldiers to fight in syria and will casll it as instructers...dont forget "hate begets hate" now iran-syria seriousli thinkin to arm Pakistan shia militia and likes will be a fair game ...but there is no way pakistan can say no to SA
I believe such reports are more like media gimmicks by other players.

I don't see any reason why Pakistan will cut its own feet. The time is NOT suitable for such a foolishness

Neither the time is ripe for such adventure nor these things are done under public eyes, so this news might be subject to speculation or truth
We MUST stay neutral - maybe Saudis can hire S.Africans to train them. What benefit would this war bring to Pakistan? - ZERO!

We must mind our own business !
if world leaders followed @Aeronaut mind set of "minding our own business" Syria's crisis would have ended long time ago... all this bloodshed in Syria is because of others interefering in Syria's internal affair... other countries are sending terrorists and weapons to Syria which is only prolonging the war, and causing more bloodshed, more weapons and more terrorists = more bloodshed...

I for sure agree with Aeronaut attitude when it comes to Syria, Syria is for Syrians, let Syrians only decide their fate, if Syrians wanted to get rid of Alasad, we should and be able to do it by ourselves, however, Syrians don't want to get rid of Alasad now, thus he is still in office, I just can't understand how would some people call it "Syrian Revolution" when the whole world is involved in that "Syrian Revolution".. it is not "Syrian Revolution" since the day outsiders interfered and destroyed the country with their support to war and terrorism...

this conflict can easily END IN ONE MONTH, if foreign countries end their support to terrorists and end supplying them with weapons and start encouraging peace and dialogue not war...
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On the contrary, Syria is irrelevant to Pakistan, it doesn't harm us, it doesn't benefit us, why should we be poking nose in a country that is at war with itself and offers next to zero strategic value to our country! This is the height of lunacy. 
But then sending trainers is on the orders of the King of Saud! After all he is Pakistan's benefactor, pumping in billions of dollars worth of aid. Then the PA is there in the great palace of the kingdom of Saud to protect the king and his subjects.

You guys are beholden to the Arabs. So, when the king of Saud says 'jump', you guys have no other alternative but to jump! You don't have a choice. Don't believe me? Go ask Nawazji. He's not so 'Shareef' as made out to be! :cheesy:
its just news blunder Talibs are already in Syria so no need to train rebels
But then sending trainers is on the orders of the King of Saud! After all he is Pakistan's benefactor, pumping in billions of dollars worth of aid. Then the PA is there in the great palace of the kingdom of Saud to protecting the king and his subjects.

You guys are beholden to the Arabs. So, when the king of Saud says 'jump', you guys have no other alternative but to jump! You don't have a choice. Don't believe me? Go ask Nawazji. He's not so 'Shareef' as made out to be! :cheesy:

This is Nawaz's pivot to his masters, he's making our nation participate in a war thats not ours to fight!
if world leaders followed @Aeronaut mind set of "minding our own business" Syria's crisis would have ended long time ago... all this bloodshed in Syria is because of others interefering in Syria's internal affair... other countries are sending terrorists and weapons to Syria which is only prolonging the war, and causing more bloodshed, more weapons and more terrorists = more bloodshed...

I for sure agree with Aeronaut attitude when it comes to Syria, Syria is for Syrians, let Syrians only decide their fate, if Syrians wanted to get rid of Alasad, we should and be able to do it by ourselves, however, Syrians don't want to get rid of Alasad now, thus he is still in office, I just can't understand how would some people call it "Syrian Revolution" when the whole world is involved in that "Syrian Revolution".. it is not "Syrian Revolution" since the day outsiders interfered and destroyed the country with their support to war and terrorism...

this conflict can easily END IN ONE MONTH, if foreign countries end their support to terrorists and end supplying them with weapons and start encouraging peace and dialogue not war...
whole world knows how he is still in the office and how much oppressive he is.. he is backed by Iran and Hizbul shaitans help.
whole world knows how he is still in the office and how much oppressive he is.. he is backed by Iran and Hizbul shaitans help.
alright lets use you logic... so the Syrian people are "against" Alasad, in addition to the west, "Arab" countries and others.. and yet he survived? well guess what?? Alasad, Iran, an Russia are doing great job for surviving against almost the whole world for three years...

Alasad is still in power because of Syrian people... if Syrian people were against him he would not last a minute... 
Syria: Questions that can not be Answered? | Pakistan Defence
This is Nawaz's pivot to his masters, he's making our nation participate in a war thats not ours to fight!
Mere Huzoor "agar jaan ki aman poon to"................ mazerat ke saath araz karoonga mods ji jo gay dhoodh deti hai uski laat bhi khani perti hai ...nawaz or anybody in his place would have done the same cause if pakistan says no to saudies then saudies can kick owt hundred of thusands of so called "haza maskin" & "taal rafique" pakistani nationals in SA and there will be no free oil aswell ...inme nawaz ka koi dosh nahi
alright lets use you logic... so the Syrian people are "against" Alasad, in addition to the west, "Arab" countries and others.. and yet he survived? well guess what?? Alasad, Iran, an Russia are doing great job for surviving against almost the whole world for three years...

Alasad is still in power because of Syrian people... if Syrian people were against him he would not last a minute...
he will meet his fate whatever it is very soon. lets leave syrians on their own . and see what they want.. all other countries should back off including KSA, russia, turkey ,Iran and Hizbul shaitan.
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