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Why are some pakistanis calling themselves as "Desi"?

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Now I am also starting to doubt if you are really Pakistani or just a troll.

Your silly rant is ignored.
Poe's law strikes again.

There are Pakistanis on this forum who sincerely think all that, though.
Interestingly, only part of Indians are desis.South Indians call themselves only Indians.. not Desis.
And also "Desi" so Pakistanis just call themselves pakistanis and connect with all pakistani ethnic groups especially pashtun, kashmiri and baloch.
You are specifically trying to detach yourself from your roots mate.
Well that's what Desi means. I think it's appropriate. Like

Desh = Country && Desi = Countrymen
Mulk = Country && Mulki = Countrymen.

You're not wrong. But, while i'd say desi cheez (desi thing) or mulki cheez (Pakistani thing/thing from my country), I wouldn't say mulki log (people from my own country). Just doesn't feel right. Words like hamwatni or even 'apne' sounds more appropriate.
All the Indians instantly attracted to a Pakistani topic. Shoo, buzz away :disagree:

They indeed are. But desi is an umbrella term for Subcontinentals; just as white is an umbrella term for Europeans, and black for African/Caribbeans.
In the UK I've never really heard anyone use it, 'Asian' is more commonly flung about. Might be more popular in the US though since 'Asian' over there mainly refers to the Eastern Asian populations.
I've only heard desi being used once here, like you said it's mainly Asian that's used.
"Stan" is a persian word like in Afghani"stan" or Tajiki"stan".
In Pashto we don't say "stan". We say "khwa" like in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. (Land of Khyber-Pashtuns).
So "Stan" is no problem. It is familiar. Even in Afghanistan and central asia.
Urdu vocabulary is mainly arabic and persian. Grammar is indo-aryan though.
I am just saying we can replace certain words in urdu, especially english words. And also "Desi" so Pakistanis just call themselves pakistanis and connect with all pakistani ethnic groups especially pashtun, kashmiri and baloch.
But Desi is the wrong direction, as you can see some pakistanis using the term and also referring to indians and bengals.
Thats wrong in my opinion.

People don't go around speaking heavily loaded Urdu. :girl_wacko:
"Stan" is a persian word like in Afghani"stan" or Tajiki"stan".
In Pashto we don't say "stan". We say "khwa" like in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. (Land of Khyber-Pashtuns).
So "Stan" is no problem. It is familiar. Even in Afghanistan and central asia.
Urdu vocabulary is mainly arabic and persian. Grammar is indo-aryan though.
I am just saying we can replace certain words in urdu, especially english words. And also "Desi" so Pakistanis just call themselves pakistanis and connect with all pakistani ethnic groups especially pashtun, kashmiri and baloch.
But Desi is the wrong direction, as you can see some pakistanis using the term and also referring to indians and bengals.
Thats wrong in my opinion.

OK, if I understand you right, you are saying that Urdu is weighted too much towards Punjab/Sindh and doesn't include Pakistan's western/northern ethnicities. That's a fair point and I would agree that we should incorporate more words from these under-represented groups in the language.
OK, if I understand you right, you are saying that Urdu is weighted too much towards Punjab/Sindh and doesn't include Pakistan's western/northern ethnicities. That's a fair point and I would agree that we should incorporate more words from these under-represented groups in the language.


Damn, I should be studying right now, why did he have to open this thread today..
You're not wrong. But, while i'd say desi cheez (desi thing) or mulki cheez (Pakistani thing/thing from my country), I wouldn't say mulki log (people from my own country). Just doesn't feel right. Words like hamwatni or even 'apne' sounds more appropriate.
True. LOL word "muli" also struck my mind as "h" is omitted from desh the same way "k" from mulk. But then i thought it's already in use. :lol:
OK, if I understand you right, you are saying that Urdu is weighted too much towards Punjab/Sindh and doesn't include Pakistan's western/northern ethnicities. That's a fair point and I would agree that we should incorporate more words from these under-represented groups in the language.

You understand what you saying. :o::o:
tell me something ,after pulling all of that stuff that you so conveniently listed , where will be the time for work, study, & marry for Pakistanis expatriates , & even more important question is, if one is so damn sensitive & rigid about ones roots, then tell me why go to another country in the first place ?

Because of bad politics in the country. But that doesn't mean you abandon your own country. People in foreign countries call you still Pakistani. Because you are Pakistani.

You accuse others of diluting Urdu with English words, while you yourself haven't bothered to learn Urdu to an extent that you don't even know the meaning of Desi. What's the Urdu word for Hypocrite? Know it, coz you're one.

My urdu is bad and also my pashto is bad unfortunately. Thats because of living in Germany. But that doesn't mean anything. Even in Pakistan many pakistanis can't speak Urdu, because they never visited school. Especially in Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. They speak only their mother tongues.

>Lives in Germany

I don't see any problem in that. Does a German call you a German or a Pakistani and a foreigner?
You are from Pakistan. Thats your watan. And it always will be. No matter how bad the politics are.
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