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Why are some pakistanis calling themselves as "Desi"?

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I noticed some Pakistanis calling themselves as "Desis"?
What does that mean, and it apparently also includes Indians and Bengalis.
It sounds very stupid and nonsense to me especially because it includes foreigners.
unka dimagh kharab ha iss lea.
i believe desi means local.
By desi they are probably referring to local Pakistanis,Not indians or bengali

Well unfortunately I heard Pakistanis calling themselves as "Desis" and were literately saying if you are pakistani, or indian or bengali.

@Jaanbaz Yes I know that.

'des' means domestic or local. The opposite is 'per-des' or foreign country.
The corresponding terms, which you may have heard, are 'desi' and 'perdesi', for a local person and a foreigner, respectively.

Well Pakistanis should not use these terms. Because many Pakistanis are referring "desis" also on Indians and bengalis who are foreigners.

Pakistanis should only call themselves Pakistanis and should get familiar about pashtun, kashmiri, baloch, punjabi and sindhis. Hence Iranian-Dardic-Indo-Aryan people, languages and cultures.
Pakistanis alone are not the same. So Pakistanis have to work to get familiar with all pakistani ethnics first. Instead of that nonsense "Desi" which is stupid.
I noticed some Pakistanis calling themselves as "Desis"?
What does that mean, and it apparently also includes Indians and Bengalis.
It sounds very stupid and nonsense to me especially because it includes foreigners.

Are you a Pakistani for real. :omghaha::omghaha:
Well Pakistanis should not use these terms. Because many Pakistanis are referring "desis" also on Indians and bengalis who are foreigners.

Pakistanis should only call themselves Pakistanis and should get familiar about pashtun, kashmiri, baloch, punjabi and sindhis. Hence Iranian-Dardic-Indo-Aryan people, languages and cultures.
Pakistanis alone are not the same. So Pakistanis have to work to get familiar with all pakistani ethnics first. Instead of that nonsense "Desi" which is stupid.

Urdu is the national language in Pakistan. Why shouldn't Pakistanis use our own national language?
Word derived from Sanskrit. Means "one from our country"; a national opposed to a foreign. Usually refers to people from India, Pakistan, & Bangladesh.

For Indians/Pakistanis/Bengalis abroad, it has become a term that mainly identifies another fellow Indian/Pakistani/Bengali
Yo that guy must be desi, he's brown and hes speaking punjabi!

The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)..... take your pick.
Yup, the enlightened ones who know that Pakistan is a pure oasis in the deserts of Arabia will never call themselves "desis".

Are you a Pakistani for real.

Yes, I am.

Urdu is the national language in Pakistan. Why shouldn't Pakistanis use our own national language?

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan since British occupation before that it was Persian.
So before British occupation Pashto, Balochi, Punjabi, Sindhi and Kashmiri + Persian, and now it is Pashto, Balochi, Punjuabi, Sindhi and Kashmiri + Urdu + English.

Pakistanis should not use English words in Urdu and especially not in our mother tongues in the first place.
And if we want to keep Urdu as the national language. Then we have to make Urdu language more pakistani.
For example don't say "Pathan" say Pashtun or Pakhtun. And replace english words in Urdu with our words in our languages.
And don't refer yourself as a "Desi".
Just say Pakistani.
Work for pakistani unity. Get know all our ethnics, languages, cultures.
Pakistan first!
Urdu is the national language of Pakistan since British occupation before that it was Persian.
So before British occupation Pashto, Balochi, Punjabi, Sindhi and Kashmiri + Persian, and now it is Pashto, Balochi, Punjuabi, Sindhi and Kashmiri + Urdu + English.

Pakistanis should not use English words in Urdu and especially not in our mother tongues in the first place.
And if we want to keep Urdu as the national language. Then we have to make Urdu language more pakistani.
For example don't say "Pathan" say Pashtun or Pakhtun. And replace english words in Urdu with our words in our languages.
And don't refer yourself as a "Desi".
Just say Pakistani.
Work for pakistani unity. Get know all our ethnics, languages, cultures.
Pakistan first!

Now I am also starting to doubt if you are really Pakistani or just a troll.

Your silly rant is ignored.
I noticed some Pakistanis calling themselves as "Desis"?
What does that mean, and it apparently also includes Indians and Bengalis.
It sounds very stupid and nonsense to me especially because it includes foreigners.
Try using "Mulkis"
Now I am also starting to doubt if you are really Pakistani or just a troll.

Your silly rant is ignored.

Subhanallah, brother.
I say just refer as Pakistani first. Work for more unity. Get know our great cultures and languages like pashtun, baloch, sindhi, punjabi and kashmiri.
Be Pakistani first. We have to know each other.

Subhanallah I don't have any words why you are calling me as non pakistani and calling me stupid.
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