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Why are some pakistanis calling themselves as "Desi"?

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Subhanallah, brother.
I say just refer as Pakistani first. Work for more unity. Get know our great cultures and languages like pashtun, baloch, sindhi, punjabi and kashmiri.
Be Pakistani first. We have to know each other.

Subhanallah I don't have any words why you are calling me as non pakistani and calling me stupid.

You are asking people to drop an Urdu word 'desi' because you don't like it. That's silly.
I agree with some of your other points in that post, though.

I think videsh is foreign.

That may be true in Hindi.

Perdes and perdesi are common words in Urdu.
You are asking people to drop an Urdu word 'desi' because you don't like it. That's silly.
I agree with some of your other points in that post, though.

Ok, brother. I apologize if you got insulted if i said something wrong.
I myself are a pashtun/Kashmiri and I am not that familiar with eastern Pakistan (Punjab and Sindh).
And I'm sorry but I personally dislike it if my pakistani brothers are starting calling themselves as "Desis" and are building a bridge with foreigners. Because Pakistan needs more unity first all of us especially western, nothern and eastern Pakistan.
And Urdu language is changing my brother. Pakistanis are using more and more english words in Urdu. It is incredible.
Pakistanis are also using full english sentences while speaking in Urdu.
So why is it a problem to replace such words as "Desi" with just Pakistani. And other foreign words in Urdu with pakistani words in our mother tongues.
People have no problem with english. But problems to make our languages more Pakistani.
All the Indians instantly attracted to a Pakistani topic. Shoo, buzz away :disagree:

Well Pakistanis should not use these terms. Because many Pakistanis are referring "desis" also on Indians and bengalis who are foreigners.

They indeed are. But desi is an umbrella term for Subcontinentals; just as white is an umbrella term for Europeans, and black for African/Caribbeans.
In the UK I've never really heard anyone use it, 'Asian' is more commonly flung about. Might be more popular in the US though since 'Asian' over there mainly refers to the Eastern Asian populations.
indians started calling themselves desi and Pakistanis always follow Indians they started using the term for themselves too. Pakistani can call themselves hamvatni, mulki, habibi whatever they like.
indians started calling themselves desi and Pakistanis always follow Indians they started using the term for themselves too. Pakistani can call themselves hamvatni, mulki, habibi whatever they like.
I Suggested the bold part already. :yes:
Ok, brother. I apologize if you got insulted if i said something wrong.
I myself are a pashtun/Kashmiri and I am not that familiar with eastern Pakistan (Punjab and Sindh).
And I'm sorry but I personally dislike it if my pakistani brothers are starting calling themselves as "Desis" and are building a bridge with foreigners. Because Pakistan needs more unity first all of us especially western, nothern and eastern Pakistan.
And Urdu language is changing my brother. Pakistanis are using more and more english words in Urdu. It is incredible.
Pakistanis are also using full english sentences while speaking in Urdu.
So why is it a problem to replace such words as "Desi" with just Pakistani. And other foreign words in Urdu with pakistani words in our mother tongues.
People have no problem with english. But problems to make our languages more Pakistani.

I agree that we should drop English words from Urdu. It may not be possible fully, but at least some effort should be made to use pure Urdu wherever possible.

Desi is a pure Urdu word and I don't see the need to drop it.

Pakistan also has the root -stan which we share with Hindu -stan. Should we change Pakistan's name because it has something in common with India? There's no need to be so sensitive on the matter.

We can build a Pakistani identity, and Urdu can be a part of it.
Yup, the enlightened ones who know that Pakistan is a pure oasis in the deserts of Arabia will never call themselves "desis".
You do know he was being sarcastic and actually insulting the OP?
Yes, I am.

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan since British occupation before that it was Persian.
So before British occupation Pashto, Balochi, Punjabi, Sindhi and Kashmiri + Persian, and now it is Pashto, Balochi, Punjuabi, Sindhi and Kashmiri + Urdu + English.

Pakistanis should not use English words in Urdu and especially not in our mother tongues in the first place.
And if we want to keep Urdu as the national language. Then we have to make Urdu language more pakistani.
For example don't say "Pathan" say Pashtun or Pakhtun. And replace english words in Urdu with our words in our languages.
And don't refer yourself as a "Desi".
Just say Pakistani.
Work for pakistani unity. Get know all our ethnics, languages, cultures.
Pakistan first!
tell me something ,after pulling all of that stuff that you so conveniently listed , where will be the time for work, study, & marry for Pakistanis expatriates , & even more important question is, if one is so damn sensitive & rigid about ones roots, then tell me why go to another country in the first place ?
Pakistan also has the root -stan which we share with Hindu -stan. Should we change Pakistan's name because it has something in common with India? There's no need to be so sensitive on the matter.
True when we know we and our language have originated from same roots, what's so fuss about it.
Ok, brother. I apologize if you got insulted if i said something wrong.
I myself are a pashtun/Kashmiri and I am not that familiar with eastern Pakistan (Punjab and Sindh).
And I'm sorry but I personally dislike it if my pakistani brothers are starting calling themselves as "Desis" and are building a bridge with foreigners. Because Pakistan needs more unity first all of us especially western, nothern and eastern Pakistan.
And Urdu language is changing my brother. Pakistanis are using more and more english words in Urdu. It is incredible.
Pakistanis are also using full english sentences while speaking in Urdu.
So why is it a problem to replace such words as "Desi" with just Pakistani. And other foreign words in Urdu with pakistani words in our mother tongues.
People have no problem with english. But problems to make our languages more Pakistani.

You accuse others of diluting Urdu with English words, while you yourself haven't bothered to learn Urdu to an extent that you don't even know the meaning of Desi. What's the Urdu word for Hypocrite? Know it, coz you're one.
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