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You must watch it....highly recommended. Hehehe
Watch it for the pretty gal in the video. :P
it seemed like octopus is very intelligent creature, when she first tried to pick it, it resisted and the way it gave look at her LOL
it seemed like octopus is very intelligent creature, when she first tried to pick it, it resisted and the way it gave look at her LOL
Octopus is a genius. It has a network of brains.
And you know what?
Octopus and humans shared a common ancestor (some million years back), some work with 2 eyes.

after eating like her, imagine someone kissed you LMAO
You dirty mind!

Thanks for tip ... it really worked .. especially her dirty talk. :ashamed:
What?? Anyway such things whoosh over my head.
Yeah they whooshed over me head too when I was a kid ... no offence :p:


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