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Being rugged and tough doesnt mean they should look shabby. Dirty shoes, unkept hairs (like your's :P) and dirty nails 're a huge turn off. Lolzz

I am very hygiene conscious ! :argh:

There 're some scientific studies that prove wearing metals like gold have certain health benefits(add accessories like ear studs also in that list).

What scientific studies ? :what:

Besides who cares ? People don't wear jewelry because its got scientific benefits they wear it because they think it makes them look good; otherwise they might as well hang a bushel of camomile from their ears ! :crazy:

When loosely translated it should mean "I expected him to look like a samurai instead he looks like a chocolate boy"...or something to that effect. :)

Not a samurai.....a SUMO !
I am very hygiene conscious ! :argh:
I wont be surprised even if you told me that you have some sort of OCD. :coffee:

What scientific studies ? :what:

Five health benefits of wearing gold you never knew before

Besides who cares ? People don't wear jewelry because its got scientific benefits they wear it because they think it makes them look good; otherwise they might as well hang a bushel of camomile from their ears ! :crazy:
Accessories like waistlets 're not worn because they make you look good(infact those 're not even visible to others) but according to traditions girls 're supposed to wear them. Waistlets 're usually made up of silver, another metal which has some health benefits.
I wont be surprised even if you told me that you have some sort of OCD. :coffee:

Five health benefits of wearing gold you never knew before

Accessories like waistlets 're not worn because they make you look good(infact those 're not even visible to others) but according to traditions girls 're supposed to wear them. Waistlets 're usually made up of silver, another metal which has some health benefits.

Talk about male fashion eh ;)

I wont be surprised even if you told me that you have some sort of OCD. :coffee:

I am not OCD; I just like to be clean....I just can't stand bad odor.

Five health benefits of wearing gold you never knew before

A slide made by Jewelers suffices for Scientific Studies ? :what:

Accessories like waistlets 're not worn because they make you look good(infact those 're not even visible to others) but according to traditions girls 're supposed to wear them. Waistlets 're usually made up of silver, another metal which has some health benefits.

That is just one item of jewelry out of countless many others and does not take anything away from the argument that jewelry is worn for aesthetic purposes not with health benefits in mind.

And posting stuff by jewelers making a sales pitch to the tune of 'health benefits' is exactly that - just a sales pitch; nothing more.
I am not OCD; I just like to be clean....I just can't stand bad odor.
Same pinch!

A slide made by Jewelers suffices for Scientific Studies ? :what:
You cartoon! :hitwall:
I am using mobile right now, will posts more links tomorrow.

That is just one item of jewelry out of countless many others and does not take anything away from the argument that jewelry is worn for aesthetic purposes not with health benefits in mind.

And posting stuff by jewelers making a sales pitch to the tune of 'health benefits' is exactly that - just a sales pitch; nothing more.
Accessories 're worn for a purpose, I will post some links tomorrow...or may be not.
You're so stubborn that its really hard to drill sense into you amyyy. Now pls don't get angry. Lolzz
Ear studs...no ear studs is your wish.But I think some guys look really cool with it.

Ma salama for now! :-)
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