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What would you do if there were peace between India and Pakistan?

Is there anything else other than going there and here , that the members can think of??

We are in peace with BD, has anyone of the participating Indian members traveled there yet??

Please dont come up with stories like i had last year's new year party at Chittagong and rode a motorcycle in Dhaka.
If there was a ever a peace between Indo-Pak....I would love to visit India, Go to Ajmer Sharif and other parts of Rajasthan, Delhi, Agra, Goa, Kerala and Bangalore.

Then come back....no need to go Mumbai sorry :lol:
Partially correct & applicable to Pakistan only.

Not that I am intending to euologise India but other than N India no one really gives a hoot about Pak in other parts. In any case in todays day & age all of us are so engrossed in the business of staying afloat no one has the time for anything but himself.

But No, India is not staying united due to its enmity with Pak.

I was not talking about people, i know all that as i been to Bombay in late 90s and i know how difficult life is for the ordinary people,in an over crowded country with over stretched resources and wealth concenteration in a few hands.I was on about politicians and Army..
Without an external enemy , what will your army do ?
Is there anything else other than going there and here , that the members can think of??

We are in peace with BD, has anyone of the participating Indian members traveled there yet??

Please dont come up with stories like i had last year's new year party at Chittagong and rode a motorcycle in Dhaka.

Language barrier ;) , Hindi belt of India and Punjab/Sindh face no difficulties when communicating with each other.

Heck I can decode Urdu into Punjabi flawlessly. :agree:

The young generations hardly understands 'theth' (Pure, Original accent) Punjabi, It has lotsa Urdu influence.

Plus North Indians have shared history, Maharaja Ranjit Singh's Empire, The royal Punjabi palaces, historic battle sites, shrines, temples and examples of Sikh architecture are notable attractions.

How you can forget food ? The main masala in a Punjabi dish consists of onion, garlic and ginger. Naan, Tandoor, Parantha, Kheer, Saag, Pakora derive from the Punjab only. Also Punjabi food in very rich is calories (liberal amounts of Desi Ghee used).

Plus shopping, God has given Muslim brothers amazing hands, They are best in Kadaai (Embroidery) on Punjabi salwaar Kameez.

Originally Posted by safriz
"Without an external enemy , what will your army do ?
Think. "

@ safriz
Great deal of things that keep them gainfully employed. Among things that they already have experience of: building roads and infrastructure, running hospitals and schools; even (believe it or not ) running afforestation campaigns.
These are the kind of things that the Armies on both sides of the border can do without throwing the soldiers in to unemployment.

But coming back to the topic, if we are able to do as outlined above, we will be free to move all around the two countries. Right now, neither you nor i can do so.
If there is peace between Pakistan and India, then i would like to drive from Lahore to Delhi and see old Delhi. I am not very much fan of Indians but then peace will be better than war
For Indians only(not that it will deter anybody else reading it):
The problem for Pakistan's integrity started in Ayub's time.. the mistreatment of Bengali's by the Two larger ethnic groups created a general fear in most of the populous that the two upper provinces could dominate the government and military(as they have till recently..owing to the feudal system that gave them power)..this after 71 has become a reality.. and now even just requirements by Punjab are bickered upon by Sindh...it is only in the present setup that the first NFC was passed... an achievement for the corrupt civilians if anything... yet.. very little cohesion remains..and almost all Pakistani's are combustible to ethnic disparities... a result of the feudal system. After all.. admit it or not.. people tend to emulate what the big fish is doing.
Previously Kashmir and India were issues that tended to outweigh concerns in civillian and military rule when compared to inter-provincial and inter-ethnic tensions. There is however a certain uniting factor these days which is the war against the Taliban.. it had united the Pakistani in the northern part of the country.. but that lasted till the ANP showed its true colors and drove a sword into Pakistan's spine with its Khyber Pakhtunkhwa stunt.. also.. Pakistani's and especially those from KP are too afraid to question clergy.. fear of being expelled from Islam's circle and dishonoring their families...while the other two populous provinces cannot decide what to do about the Taliban.. and while they will be blown to bits by a 15 year old from FATA.. they don't have the guts to ask the government to implement a scorched earth policy and remove the problem.. fearing a backlash from the general population in KP.. since the deaths will be seen as targeting one ethnicity only. So.. that leaves India as one enemy a Pakistani has no doubts about.. and one reason he is willing to tolerate his fellow countrymen to deal with...
Take India out of the picture.. and one by one.. we will tear ourselves apart over everything.

Take a little cue.. every time the national cohesion seems to go down...it is saved only by India.. in other words.. if India wants to destroy Pakistan.. back down on Kashmir and make peace.... we'll be gone in less than ten years.

its all off topic..

On topic..
I have to see goa..the Anadaman and nicobar islands.. and meet the dalai lama(dunno why.. he just looks like a nice man).
For Indians only(not that it will deter anybody else reading it):
The problem for Pakistan's integrity started in Ayub's time.. the mistreatment of Bengali's by the Two larger ethnic groups created a general fear in most of the populous that the two upper provinces could dominate the government and military(as they have till recently..owing to the feudal system that gave them power)..this after 71 has become a reality.. and now even just requirements by Punjab are bickered upon by Sindh...it is only in the present setup that the first NFC was passed... an achievement for the corrupt civilians if anything... yet.. very little cohesion remains..and almost all Pakistani's are combustible to ethnic disparities... a result of the feudal system. After all.. admit it or not.. people tend to emulate what the big fish is doing.
Previously Kashmir and India were issues that tended to outweigh concerns in civillian and military rule when compared to inter-provincial and inter-ethnic tensions. There is however a certain uniting factor these days which is the war against the Taliban.. it had united the Pakistani in the northern part of the country.. but that lasted till the ANP showed its true colors and drove a sword into Pakistan's spine with its Khyber Pakhtunkhwa stunt.. also.. Pakistani's and especially those from KP are too afraid to question clergy.. fear of being expelled from Islam's circle and dishonoring their families...while the other two populous provinces cannot decide what to do about the Taliban.. and while they will be blown to bits by a 15 year old from FATA.. they don't have the guts to ask the government to implement a scorched earth policy and remove the problem.. fearing a backlash from the general population in KP.. since the deaths will be seen as targeting one ethnicity only. So.. that leaves India as one enemy a Pakistani has no doubts about.. and one reason he is willing to tolerate his fellow countrymen to deal with...
Take India out of the picture.. and one by one.. we will tear ourselves apart over everything.

Take a little cue.. every time the national cohesion seems to go down...it is saved only by India.. in other words.. if India wants to destroy Pakistan.. back down on Kashmir and make peace.... we'll be gone in less than ten years.
its all off topic..
On topic..
I have to see goa..the Anadaman and nicobar islands.. and meet the dalai lama(dunno why.. he just looks like a nice man).

how can a country survive on hostility alone ? come on u've got to change the mindset..
If there is peace between Pakistan and India, then i would like to drive from Lahore to Delhi and see old Delhi. I am not very much fan of Indians but then peace will be better than war

forget the peace than. :coffee:
In India i would like to:

1. Visit Indian punjab. Mothers family is from Jalandhar pre partition.

2. Delhi (Lal Qila, Humayon ka Makbara aur eik namaz Jamia masjid mein)

3. Visit other historical places like Agra, Panipat, Ajmer Shareef etc. :)
Hmmm. I have a LONG-HELD fascination with visiting southern parts of India, especially the hilly areas of Kerala. After being there, I will take the train from there all the way to Torkhum near the Afghan border (if that train is still open).
Guys. I will tell you this much for certainty: One day there will be peace between India and Pakistan. And that day will probably come within next 50 years, at the most. The issues are issues of ego. But, starting Musharraf, Pakistani army is putting the ego aside and so peace may come much sooner than we think.
Okay, back to the topic: Yes, visit to Kerala is high on my agenda. More northern India is good but been there and done that (Rajasthan-many realtives; Mumbai/Ahmadabad/Delhi--all been there, done that).
Irrespective of the situation between the countries,i would certainly visit Karachi,Islamabad & Lahore someday,this forum does have a magical influence. :pdf: :tup:
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