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What would you do if there were peace between India and Pakistan?

In all honesty and with no foul intent,i have to meantion here tha its he enmity between India and Pakistan which is keeping the two countries united.
Get it?

Partially correct & applicable to Pakistan only.

Not that I am intending to euologise India but other than N India no one really gives a hoot about Pak in other parts. In any case in todays day & age all of us are so engrossed in the business of staying afloat no one has the time for anything but himself.

But No, India is not staying united due to its enmity with Pak.
Partially correct & applicable to Pakistan only.

Not that I am intending to euologise India but other than N India no one really gives a hoot about Pak in other parts. In any case in todays day & age all of us are so engrossed in the business of staying afloat no one has the time for anything but himself.

But No, India is not staying united due to its enmity with Pak.

He doesn't mean unification of different nationalities under one country (either India or Pak) but as in the inevitable relationship between them; the type we see in this thread. If it were applicable in the sense you are saying, we wouldn't have problems with Balochistan. This is only applicable to the Indian side of Kashmir...

Let's keep politics out of this thread though.
Grudges seem to bring us together whether it be through war or just passing evil remarks to each other :agree:

Let us leave some room for optimism as well.

Emotions can be impediment sometimes,but then they can also be a motivator.One of the oldest and strongest form of emotional motivator is hope.I will not talk about the other one here...So let us hope for the best!!!:cheers::cheers:
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As for what I will do, I have been to India but would like to visit other cities, namely Chandigarh and Bangalore.
BBq tonight started out under an asbestos shed..
Now look at the place.

The simple fact is.. Peace with India is going to be disastrous for Pakistan's integrity.. simply.. there isnt much holding the 4 provinces together. The only time they shut up is when India decided to act belligerent..
Otherwise its usually my water, his water.. Sindh to Punjab.. Punjab to Balochistan.. etc.
Peace with India means we cut the army in half.. and people will start questioning why they get plots for free in DHA... and the whole military economy. So its also a matter of survival for a large employment bloc.
Unless... we ditch India and start a fight with Israel.. now that would be excellent at keeping everybody together.

Still.. for the sake of fantasy.. I want to visit my ancestral house in Lucknow, visit a few shrines..and window shop in Bangalore.
And have a particular type of yogurt desert only found in UP.
BBq tonight started out under an asbestos shed..
Now look at the place.

The simple fact is.. Peace with India is going to be disastrous for Pakistan's integrity.. simply.. there isnt much holding the 4 provinces together. The only time they shut up is when India decided to act belligerent..
Otherwise its usually my water, his water.. Sindh to Punjab.. Punjab to Balochistan.. etc.
Peace with India means we cut the army in half.. and people will start questioning why they get plots for free in DHA... and the whole military economy. So its also a matter of survival for a large employment bloc.
Unless... we ditch India and start a fight with Israel.. now that would be excellent at keeping everybody together.

Still.. for the sake of fantasy.. I want to visit my ancestral house in Lucknow, visit a few shrines..and window shop in Bangalore.
And have a particular type of yogurt desert only found in UP.

The truth put plainly for once.

A nation born out of a sense of persecution must keep the persecution complex going to retain itself.

Hatred towards India is a large industry that keeps the military machine lubricated - in more ways than one .
To be Honest What can we do?

Except Watch our Countries rise faster and bring power to South Asia.

Oh and i'll go to Mumbai and New Delhi, to be honest i can do that anyway even without Peace and Indians will be able to see Karachi, it will be nice to have tourists in Karachi.
BBq tonight started out under an asbestos shed..
Now look at the place.

The simple fact is.. Peace with India is going to be disastrous for Pakistan's integrity.. simply.. there isnt much holding the 4 provinces together. The only time they shut up is when India decided to act belligerent..
Otherwise its usually my water, his water.. Sindh to Punjab.. Punjab to Balochistan.. etc.
Peace with India means we cut the army in half.. and people will start questioning why they get plots for free in DHA... and the whole military economy. So its also a matter of survival for a large employment bloc.
Unless... we ditch India and start a fight with Israel.. now that would be excellent at keeping everybody together.

Still.. for the sake of fantasy.. I want to visit my ancestral house in Lucknow, visit a few shrines..and window shop in Bangalore.
And have a particular type of yogurt desert only found in UP.

Isnt it sad to see the integrity of an entire nation based on hating its neighbour????

I intend no sarcasm here..........

What has led to this juncture??What went wrong???Based on whatever I have read so far,I consider Zia-ul-Haq to be mostly responsible for this mess.
The simple fact is.. Peace with India is going to be disastrous for Pakistan's integrity.. simply.. there isnt much holding the 4 provinces together. The only time they shut up is when India decided to act belligerent..
Otherwise its usually my water, his water.. Sindh to Punjab.. Punjab to Balochistan.. etc.
Peace with India means we cut the army in half.. and people will start questioning why they get plots for free in DHA... and the whole military economy. So its also a matter of survival for a large employment bloc.
Unless... we ditch India and start a fight with Israel.. now that would be excellent at keeping everybody together.

India has learned to live with Pakistan but Pakistan cannot do the same with India - time for introspection?

When Pakistan was formed in 1947 on the basis of religion, many westerners gave their opinion that India will disintegrate but Pakistan will get even stronger because their religion will bind them together. It seems both India and Pakistan are determined to prove them wrong.

The above post clearly shows that the only way Pakistan can stay united is to get into an anti-India OR anti-Israel mode, that is Pakistan's functioning is based on religion and only religion.

To assume that Pakistan can ever get India-friendly (or Israel-friendly) is nothing but fallacy.

Talks of friendship look good on discussion forums but their actual implementation is far from reality on ground.
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Hi guys, let's share what we would do if there were to be peace and friendship between India and Pakistan?

I for my part would love to visit lahore, have some street food (but no beef for me chicken is yo baby :cheesy:), karachi(i do not know what is there in karachi for tourists), swat (it looks really beautiful in pics), go to some gun market like they show on youtube and fire a few rounds (it will be fun).

Let us share our views with each other.:cheers:



You would all first have to learn how to actually speak to each other civilly without the use of the word WAR!
India has learned to live with Pakistan but Pakistan cannot do the same with India - time for introspection?

never seen this on any Indian forum so far.

When Pakistan was formed in 1947 on the basis of religion, many westerners gave their opinion that India will disintegrate but Pakistan will get even stronger because their religion will bind them together. It seems both India and Pakistan are determined to prove them wrong.

The above post clearly shows that the only way Pakistan can stay united is to get into an anti-India OR anti-Israel mode, that is Pakistan's functioning is based only on religion and only religion.

To assume that Pakistan can ever get India-friendly (or Israel-friendly) is nothing but fallacy.
Going by posts about here and other Pakistan forums and also on Indian forums it will not happen because it would appear no one on either side actually wants to do anything about it. That is go forward and actually find a way to become peaceful neighbors.

Talks of friendship look good on discussion forums but their actual implementation is far from reality on ground.

The idea is possible but you have to make an effort, but its a lot easier to do nothing and have status quo.
The idea is possible but you have to make an effort, but its a lot easier to do nothing and have status quo.

Efforts have to be from both sides.

Pakistan has to decide what it wants - continue as it is or change its way of thinking, get rid of religious lunatics and enter a fruitful and mutually beneficial friendship with India.
From your implied point of view India seems to have to do little cf Pakistan.
From my view point I believe there is a lot to do both sides of the fence and that includes India and Pakistan.

Some of it could actually start here in these forums but as I have said its easier to keep the stats quo and argue over the same topic again and again.

Surprisingly many topic lend themselves to finding a solution to a situation, but this is ignored fast and the bickering leaps in with the thread degenerating to meaningless drivel. A case of throwing salt in old wounds that are never allowed to heal.
From your implied point of view India seems to have to do little cf Pakistan.

I didn't get the point.

From my view point I believe there is a lot to do both sides of the fence and that includes India and Pakistan.


Some of it could actually start here in these forums but as I have said its easier to keep the stats quo and argue over the same topic again and again.

Peace discussions on forums is happening for quite some time now. What do we do that it actually starts showing on the ground?

Surprisingly many topic lend themselves to finding a solution to a situation, but this is ignored fast and the bickering leaps in with the thread degenerating to meaningless drivel. A case of throwing salt in old wounds that are never allowed to heal.

Indeed, but you need to understand that not all people on both the sides of the border really need peace. If peace is achieved, they will have to shut their shop. The challenge is how do we bypass such people.
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