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Pakistan offers India to take advantage of multibillion-dollar CPEC project

That is Afghanistan.
There were quite a few celebrations when ISI Chief went to Kabul and had that famous cup of tea with a smirk saying - We have done it. It was declared as an end to all Paksiatn problems. Till then any act of internal violence was blamed on RAW, plotting them out of Afghan soil. That appears true at that time. But not now. The roots as well as the perpetrators appear to be completely different.

There were a minority of posters here, who cautioned against those premature celebrations of US leaving Afghan soil. Talibans with their ideology would pose a formidable challenge to Paksiatn. The porous borders and a population that associates with Taliban ideology would remain a headache that wasn’t considered by quite a few. RAW propagated (if at all) violence should have ended long back.

But here we are. That cuppa of tea has turned quite sour for quite a few.

CPEC is a promising project with immense possibilities. It seems though that the terms of loans etc are quite against Paksiatn. Chinese money hasn’t been easy on anyone. Counting in the debt burden, it doesn’t appear to be as viable as it should have been if the loan terms were easier. India isn’t touching that trouble with even a long long pole. It hasn’t much to gain from it.

Bro what they do in their home is not a problem for us.
The population in the border areas of Afpak has strong links to each other. They associate with each other in many ways that includes culture and language. This influence is likely to prove a trouble for both.
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The only joke here is you and your irrelivant countrymen. LOL so obsessed with CPEC and Pakistan. Your opinion means absolutely nothing. It is like a Greek hanging around in Pakistani section and lecturing Pakistanis what is good and bad for them.

Don't you sometimes feel ashamed for being so rude and obsessive with topics that have absolutely zero relevance with you? Obviously you don't.

It is a great sin in Hindu religion to engage with Pakistanis. You know that, right? It is better for you to repent for your sins and leave.
you call yourself Dalit ...what more need I say ! You should atleast be true to your country and religion and not insult them
They once offered to name this CIEC. Industry and infrastructure is viable only if a large enough market is there to absorb the produce. India is not going to touch that project. Good luck to both parties involved. Both will need loads of luck for that to work.

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