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What would you do if there were peace between India and Pakistan?

Not more then your comment. It is possible but people like you are...

Judging by your statement one day you will say Lion and goat can drink water from the same pound, Fire and water can be same..
Dear look at the facts and the fact is there is no ture peace between these two nation until the dooms day
Judging by your statement one day you will say Lion and goat can drink water from the same pound, Fire and water can be same..
Dear look at the facts and the fact is there is no ture peace between these two nation until the dooms day

Once upon a time people used to say the same thing for Europe but look at them now.
Irrespective of the situation between the countries,i would certainly visit Karachi,Islamabad & Lahore someday,this forum does have a magical influence. :pdf: :tup:

I tell you: A river starts in a trickle--or even from a few drops-- and often becomes powerful enough to carve Grand Canyons.

Same is with ideas. When one Rosa Parks refuses to abide 'the law' or 'conventional wisdom' it can become a positive force for change for millions.

We are all blessed to reach out to each other via the internet and get a better understanding of 'the other'. In that 'dialectics' we come to some kind of 'synthesis'.

To this day, mercifully, Indians and Pakistan have not slaughtered each other after 1948 like the Europeans did to each other for centuries, up to 1945. And now they can go from Belfast to Athens without immigration. They were much more parochical and violent in their not-to-distant histories than what India and Pakistan have been. If they can do it, then so can Pakistan and India. Germany is still 'Germany' and France is still 'France' but look at the amazing peace-dividends between them and between the various other European nations.

Now, I will share a personal account: When I came to the States 19 years ago, I was all for peace. But then I got turned off from the arrogance of almost all Indian students (not the older Indians--they were/are okay) around me as soon as they found out I was Pakistan. I tried to ignore that. To this day I avoid Indian students/youngsters in real life but older Indians are okayfor me. But then, reading the hate in Bharat Rakhshak, almost pushed me to the point of no-return. But I have managed to get over my reservations. I also instinctively know that peace between India and Pakistan is good for both countries and the whole of South Asia (including Afghanistan) except for China and Western powers.
For Indians only(not that it will deter anybody else reading it):
The problem for Pakistan's integrity started in Ayub's time.. the mistreatment of Bengali's by the Two larger ethnic groups created a general fear in most of the populous that the two upper provinces could dominate the government and military(as they have till recently..owing to the feudal system that gave them power)..this after 71 has become a reality.. and now even just requirements by Punjab are bickered upon by Sindh...it is only in the present setup that the first NFC was passed... an achievement for the corrupt civilians if anything... yet.. very little cohesion remains..and almost all Pakistani's are combustible to ethnic disparities... a result of the feudal system. After all.. admit it or not.. people tend to emulate what the big fish is doing.
Previously Kashmir and India were issues that tended to outweigh concerns in civillian and military rule when compared to inter-provincial and inter-ethnic tensions. There is however a certain uniting factor these days which is the war against the Taliban.. it had united the Pakistani in the northern part of the country.. but that lasted till the ANP showed its true colors and drove a sword into Pakistan's spine with its Khyber Pakhtunkhwa stunt.. also.. Pakistani's and especially those from KP are too afraid to question clergy.. fear of being expelled from Islam's circle and dishonoring their families...while the other two populous provinces cannot decide what to do about the Taliban.. and while they will be blown to bits by a 15 year old from FATA.. they don't have the guts to ask the government to implement a scorched earth policy and remove the problem.. fearing a backlash from the general population in KP.. since the deaths will be seen as targeting one ethnicity only. So.. that leaves India as one enemy a Pakistani has no doubts about.. and one reason he is willing to tolerate his fellow countrymen to deal with...
Take India out of the picture.. and one by one.. we will tear ourselves apart over everything.

Take a little cue.. every time the national cohesion seems to go down...it is saved only by India.. in other words.. if India wants to destroy Pakistan.. back down on Kashmir and make peace.... we'll be gone in less than ten years.

its all off topic..

On topic..
I have to see goa..the Anadaman and nicobar islands.. and meet the dalai lama(dunno why.. he just looks like a nice man).

Oh My God.........
For Indians only(not that it will deter anybody else reading it):
The problem for Pakistan's integrity started in Ayub's time.. the mistreatment of Bengali's by the Two larger ethnic groups created a general fear in most of the populous that the two upper provinces could dominate the government and military(as they have till recently..owing to the feudal system that gave them power)..this after 71 has become a reality.. and now even just requirements by Punjab are bickered upon by Sindh...it is only in the present setup that the first NFC was passed... an achievement for the corrupt civilians if anything... yet.. very little cohesion remains..and almost all Pakistani's are combustible to ethnic disparities... a result of the feudal system. After all.. admit it or not.. people tend to emulate what the big fish is doing.
Previously Kashmir and India were issues that tended to outweigh concerns in civillian and military rule when compared to inter-provincial and inter-ethnic tensions. There is however a certain uniting factor these days which is the war against the Taliban.. it had united the Pakistani in the northern part of the country.. but that lasted till the ANP showed its true colors and drove a sword into Pakistan's spine with its Khyber Pakhtunkhwa stunt.. also.. Pakistani's and especially those from KP are too afraid to question clergy.. fear of being expelled from Islam's circle and dishonoring their families...while the other two populous provinces cannot decide what to do about the Taliban.. and while they will be blown to bits by a 15 year old from FATA.. they don't have the guts to ask the government to implement a scorched earth policy and remove the problem.. fearing a backlash from the general population in KP.. since the deaths will be seen as targeting one ethnicity only. So.. that leaves India as one enemy a Pakistani has no doubts about.. and one reason he is willing to tolerate his fellow countrymen to deal with...
Take India out of the picture.. and one by one.. we will tear ourselves apart over everything.

Take a little cue.. every time the national cohesion seems to go down...it is saved only by India.. in other words.. if India wants to destroy Pakistan.. back down on Kashmir and make peace.... we'll be gone in less than ten years.

its all off topic..

On topic..
I have to see goa..the Anadaman and nicobar islands.. and meet the dalai lama(dunno why.. he just looks like a nice man).

well really strange analysis. You mean people of all provinces are only tolerating each other because of their hate for India. I seriously doubt that. Tensions exist in every country but believe me all provinces have more reasons to stick together rather than hating India. People from all provinces want peace with India and still want to be Pakistanis. What this tells you?

I would like to visit Jalandhar (land of my forefathers), Mumbai (heard a lot about it) and off course Delhi.:smitten:
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I would visit Karachi a second time to visit some of my relatives there.

I first went when I was only 4 yrs old, so I don't remember anything and it doesn't count :P

Oh and apart from peace, I would also require money and time-off from work :D
Come to think of it, you Indians know a lot more about Pakistan than we
(atleast I) do about India! I just cant think of something () that I'd like to visit or do in India and I blame my ignorance for it, not that there aint anything worth seeing there. Oh wait, I'd definitely like to do Katrina Kaif :D
hitch hike to K2.. ogle at countryside.. burn rubber on M1.. pay obeisance at sufi shrines..explore swat, KKH and Pakistani Kashmir on one axis and KP, Chitral and neighboring Afghanistan on the other.. explore ruins of Temples and
Harappan Civilization..

sample tastiest meat in streets of lahore.. admire islamabad.. sink in the chaos of Karachi.. make friends with some of the waderahs and enjoy hunting trips on lush properties..

explore opportunities.. maybe start with trading cosmetics, black tea, tyres, and pharmaceuticals..import cement & leather..

traditional as well as the underground rock scene..

..and make some good friends along the way.

India-Pakistan Trade: What Could Be Achieved - India Real Time - WSJ


Uae A Clandestine Route For Indian Exports To Pak

DAWN.COM | Business | Transit to Indian goods: Pakistan turns down Kabul?s demand

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

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I want to visit a sandal wood forest...Are there any remaining in India?
Personally i would like to meet Taliban's leaders(if possible:D) and try to understand their ideology and beliefs as an Islamic group,cuz i m myself a muslim.
Do visit GOA!!
I have been there!
The beaches are as good as any you ll find in the world,be it Hawaii Bahamas or any place!,Goa can match em all.
I really wanted to visit Lahore with my friends (few of them migrated from there after partition)... and chomp down on Kebabs and Tandoors...
and Isloo during the winter when there is light snow... beautiful city surrounded by Margalla hills.
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