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What would escalate war with Iran?

Best interest of the region is no more invasion of a regional country, but its not so easy because of opportunities that could be gained for Arabs, Azeris, and other groups who would benefit from a collapsed and defeated Iran.
Dude on a serious note - Why didn't you guys think of a unified command back then ?

You could have defeated Israel every single time & yet one missed opportunity after another (kinda like us) !
Like I said Egypt betrayed Syria and made a cease-fire treaty... if it wasn't for Egypt treaty with Israel... Israel could have been gone like time ago...
@Abii : What happened to our Iranian Moderator ? Where is he...he was a nice fellow ? :what:

@BLACKEAGLE : Where is Mosa ? :what:
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Would you want a middle-east armed to the teeth with nukes? I wouldn't want that, neither does the rest of the world. Iran shouldn't be allowed to have nukes because they will use that to threaten other country's. Even without nukes, Iran is threating a lot of countries. Just imagine them with couple of nukes. This will cause even bigger problems, Iran will continue its support of terrorist organisations and other unheavenly things. That is why I say it is worth it and I support an strike which will set their nuclear problem 4 years back. In the mean time we will have a lot of time to prepare an offensive after softening them up with air strikes. Azeri in Iran also don't want Iran to have nukes. This is not matter of power, conquest or anything. This is about peace in the middle-east. And peace in the middle-east can't be with Iran having a nuke. Everybody knows this and is working towards stopping it at all cost.

They will be deterred by nukes, so no worries. No other country except KSA will go for nukes. Only KSA has the manpower and infrastructure to do it. Turkey can do it too if she wants to.
Ouch ! :eek:

I dunno what to do here - Hes a Turk (brothers) & you're a Pakistani (brother) ! :undecided:
He is not pakistani, he is Iranian pretending to be something else to gain pseudo reliability.

Don't trust iranians. Turks were neutral, in fact the only neutral player and we supported Iran with talks etc, what was there response? They stabbed us in the back with supporting PKK and opening PKK camps recently. I don't understand why Turkey is not joining US, Israeli camp and being more assertive to Iran. Iran is also making regular threats against others who done notthing other than being friendly.
Pakistan cooperates with West and US but unlike some Arab states isn't a slave nation to West. It was Pakistan who blocked NATO supplies for months, because it was in Pakistan's interest. So when Pakistan needs to it will go against western coalition but cooperate when it benefits.

Several Arab countries have US bases, KSA pleaded for US troops in Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Arab dictators have traditionally been backed by US. Egypt has changed, but Gulf is still western backed puppets.

Come on, if I was you I won't ever talk about slavery, KSA fought along with 33 countries which is called a coalition, it's more like saying that USA was a slave because it needed Australia and UK in invading Afghanistan, or France and UK when they got help from USA in WW2. However, GCC armies were weak at the time and this is no secret as they didn't expect an invasion from an Arab country forcefully uniting Arabs.
Oh I have no doubt that it is possible if one is willing to put in the effort but you don't conjure up a nuke out of thin air no much how much you sweat & bleed ! It requires a proper industrial base for that, extensive technical expertise & years & years of refining them before you can even conduct the first 'cold test' ! Pakistan began her program in the '70s & it took us more than a decade to be in possession of a nuke.

Then you've got the delivery mechanism as well to worry about !

What I'm trying to say is - Its a fairly time intensive process & Iran is already on the cusp of making a nuke whereas KSA hasn't even begun.

Does that include me too ? :undecided:

You are right. They are ahead of us, but we will get less or no sanctions.
Late better than never though.

I think Iran will not make nukes. They will probably agree to confine the enrichment to 5%. My Argument is for when they make the bomb.
He is not pakistani, he is Iranian pretending to be something else to gain pseudo reliability.

Don't trust iranians. Turks were neutral, in fact the only neutral player and we supported Iran with talks etc, what was there response? They stabbed us in the back with supporting PKK and opening PKK camps recently. I don't understand why Turkey is not joining US, Israeli camp and being more assertive to Iran. Iran is also making regular threats against others who done notthing other than being friendly.

Hes an Iranian who was born in Pakistan - Thats Pakistani enough for me, brother ! :tup:

On the PKK thing - Indeed that is regrettable & I don't understand why Iran is supporting them; that is if Iran is indeed supporting them !

Plus I don't like their 'isolationist policies' either - Iran should learn from China; keep a low profile all the while building yourself up & then assert yourself when you need to !

But I don't favor a conflict with Iran because it would destabilize the whole region; if a foOked up Afghanistan wasn't enough imagine what a messed up Iran would do to Pakistan ! We need peace, stability & time to lick our wounds & recover so I do hope the situation stabilizes !
Come on, if I was you I won't ever talk about slavery, KSA fought along with 33 countries which is called a coalition, it's more like saying that USA was a slave because it needed Australia and UK in invading Afghanistan, or France and UK when they got help from USA in WW2. However, GCC armies were weak at the time and this is no secret as they didn't expect an invasion from an Arab country forcefully uniting Arabs.

Agreed Iraq should have been allowed to take Kuwait and unite the Arab nations, that's what Saddam was trying to do, his next stop was to unite with his brothers in Saudi Arabia and Gulf and then eventually with his brothers in Jordan and elsewhere. He was a uniter of the Arabs. Though unfortunately Saudi Arabia was against Arab brotherhood and unity and called for US troops to fight Saddam.
You are more than welcome to say this in streets of Tabriz, center of Iranian Azerbaijan and you will be a good sample for others.

I knew from very first moment you created this thread that what you wanted fascist grey wolf.
Thread reported.

Dude , Calm down . Let them dream and write their wishes .

These people have forgotten that most Iranians , even the opponents inside are thirsty of Americans blood .
Why can't Iran just be like Turkey? When I look at Iran, I see all the elements of a strong nation, abundant national resources, Vast and fertile land, large population, strategic location, history and educated people, which is very few nations have. But you got lunatics to govern you...

You answered your own question

we have oil and gas and till 79 that meant the West didn't allowe democracy in Iran. Nobody cared about Turkey. They were allowed to do whatever the fuu they wanted. You haven't read much about Iran's histrory in the early 20th century. In WW1 Brits and Russiand attacked the country and carved the nation in two. Russians controlled th North and Brits the South. Prior to this the Brits had bought off the kings of the previous rulling dynasty (Qajar dynasty) and they had gotten complete control over Iran's entire oil. Till 1950's not a cent went to Iran and Britain industrialized, fought two world wars and developed its part of the world with 100 percent Iranian oil that it got for free. In WW1 Iran lost half of its entire pop'n (an event that isn't known by many people). The Southern half of the country that was being controlled by the Brits experienced a drought and the Brits stopped all grain imports into the nation. Half the country died off. By 1954 people had started to rise up and finally, after 2500 years of continuous monarchy Iran finally destroyed the system and we elected a PM. At the same time we kicked out the Brits and got control over our oil. The response is well known. The Brits and the Americans moved in and that was that. They put M. Rezs Shah in power and got control of Iran. This time they gave a share of the oil to Iran, but still only a share. While all this was going on in Iran nobody cared what the Turks were up to.

In any case, the 1979 revolution helped in some ways. We became fully industrialized as a nation, all foreign influence was cut and nationalism rose. In other ways we've suffered (economic, social and political). When the mullahs are ousted Iran will be fully independent as it was under the mullahs, and we'll finally be able to duplicate Turkey's system in Iran without foreign interference.
You are right. They are ahead of us, but we will get less or no sanctions.
Late better than never though.

I think Iran will not make nukes. They will probably agree to confine the enrichment to 5%. My Argument is for when they make the bomb.

Dude the time frame those trigger happy Americans & Others give is that Iran would be in a position to build nukes in a year or so should they wish to ! Thats sooner than we think.

But yet better late than never ! Do a couple of JVs with China, Russia or even India (they're making some cheap ones) to build nuclear reactors in the Kingdom & come up with a trained work force for it ! The nukes would come later.

Dude , Calm down . Let them dream and write what their wishes .

These people have forgotten that most Iranians , even the opponents inside are thirsty of Americans blood .

Dude who is the person as your avatar ?
You answered your own question

we have oil and gas and till 79 that meant the West didn't allowe democracy in Iran. Nobody cared about Turkey. They were allowed to do whatever the fuu they wanted. You haven't read much about Iran's histrory in the early 20th century. In WW1 Brits and Russiand attacked the country and carved the nation in two. Russians controlled th North and Brits the South. Prior to this the Brits had bought off the kings of the previous rulling dynasty (Qajar dynasty) and they had gotten complete control over Iran's entire oil. Till 1950's not a cent went to Iran and Britain industrialized, fought two world wars and developed its part of the world with 100 percent Iranian oil that it got for free. In WW1 Iran lost half of its entire pop'n (an event that isn't known by many people). The Southern half of the country that was being controlled by the Brits experienced a drought and the Brits stopped all grain imports into the nation. Half the country died off. By 1954 people had started to rise up and finally, after 2500 years of continuous monarchy Iran finally destroyed the system and we elected a PM. At the same time we kicked out the Brits and got control over our oil. The response is well known. The Brits and the Americans moved in and that was that. They put M. Rezs Shah in power and got control of Iran. This time they gave a share of the oil to Iran, but still only a share. While all this was going on in Iran nobody cared what the Turks were up to.

In any case, the 1979 revolution helped in some ways. We became fully industrialized as a nation, all foreign influence was cut and nationalism rose. In other ways we've suffered (economic, social and political). When the mullahs are ousted Iran will be fulle independent as it was under the mullahs, and we'll finally be able to duplicate Turkey's system in Iran without foreign interference.

I don't think we will. What reason does the greater powers have to not interfere?
Agreed Iraq should have been allowed to take Kuwait and unite the Arav nations, that's what Saddam was trying to do, his next stop was to unite with his brothers in Saudi Arabia and Gulf and then eventually with his brothers in Jordan and elsewhere. He was a uniter of the Arabs.

Yes uniting them by displacing, killing their people....:lol: I can't say I don't like him, but we got to admit that he missed up Iraq and the whole region for decades. he used to give Jordan all it's oil needs and some of our army equipment was bought by Iraq. But what a mistake he did by invading Kuwait... very stupid mistake
Yes uniting them by displacing, killing their people....:lol: I can't say I don't like him, but we got to admit that he missed up Iraq and the whole region for decades. he used to give Jordan all it's oil needs and some of our army equipment was bought by Iraq. But what a mistake he did by invading Kuwait... very stupid mistake

He was a generous murderer. What would you think of Assad had he been generous to Jordan?
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