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what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

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Think twice before post such BS .
Dassault Rafale is a multi role advanced fighter .Both ground role and air role .And for competing the IS ,even though they dont have any AF , they need to use the maximum potential of Rafale at its ground attack role .
For us we have SU and Mig as air superiority .

And thus you assume that the J-10C doesn't have multirole capability, and hence that all photographs of it carrying air-to-surface weapons were photoshopped? I'd like to know as to how you arrived at that conclusion.

Russian Su and Mig is still way better than your J series .

What an insightful and thoughtful technical argument.

F series Ok .And I already conceded that .
But your planes I dont think so .They are still far better than any products Chinese developed until now .
Best example is their Spectre avionics developed by Thales.

"Better" should never be a term used to compare military platforms of such technical complexity.
rafale is not the start of war nor end of war neither success in a heavily nuclear missile embedded neighbourhood. Its a mere tool like many other equivalently good tool. With same amount some other can do better and multiple war jobs.
And thus you assume that the J-10C doesn't have multirole capability, and hence that all photographs of it carrying air-to-surface weapons were photoshopped? I'd like to know as to how you arrived at that conclusion.

What an insightful and thoughtful technical argument.

"Better" should never be a term used to compare military platforms of such technical complexity.

That is the real problem my friend .Your J 10 C is still makes its PR through photographs and Rafale making its PR through real time war , using their advanced systems for killing insurgents .

There is something that you can never replace with money .That is experience and decades of knowledge.West and Russia is still ahead than rest of the world in developing weapons .Because they were already in this field when rest inlcuding China fighting their own inherent problems like poverty and development .
Why are British pilots flying Gripens if their Typhoon are sufficient?

Or, conversely, why are the Chinese only purchasing 24 aircraft if their J-11 series wasn't?

you are not checking what I wrote in my post, Grippen is single engine light fighter, Typhoon is a medium fighter.
It is hard to discuss logic with chinese, J11 is supposed to be the heavy weight and twin engine category copied from su 27, if chinese have copied it well .... then why you people need to buy sukhoi 35 is the question.

Try to understand the question dude !
Regarding Rafale ... this fighter is medium category , this fighter will change the Indian aerospace industry for good.

Aaah ... that swagger of chinese as if they are the big guys here in Asia .... Lol

And therein likes the fault in your argument. The Su-35 was never meant to replace or even augment the J-11, but rather serve alongside the J-11B and J-11D like any other component of the PLAAF's Flanker force. The quantity being purchased (24) and the persistent rumor that the Chinese are retrofitting them with Chinese avionics/subsystems are indicative of that.
The final deal for rafaels has still long to go.... as no financial close yet
and that final deal will be for a lot more Rafales than just 36
That is the real problem my friend .Your J 10 C is still makes its PR through photographs and Rafale making its PR through real time war , using their advanced systems for killing insurgents .

And hence you assume that, because an aircraft hasn't been in combat before, it is not capable of doing so, despite years of flight trials and weapons integration. Would you be so bold as to assume that the Su-30MKI is incapable of serving in a war just because of a lack of combat experience?

There is something that you can never replace with money .That is experience and decades of knowledge.West and Russia is still ahead than rest of the world in developing weapons .Because they were already in this field when rest inlcuding China fighting their own inherent problems like poverty and development .

Each country or entity advances in a certain technical field at a different pace; having a head start doesn't mean one country will maintain that proportionate lead forever.
and that final deal will be for a lot more Rafales than just 36

I have been hearing this since 2008.... 8 years later i m actually hoping that rafael does not become another tejas
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you are not checking what I wrote in my post, Grippen is single engine light fighter, Typhoon is a medium fighter.

And you are checking neither the purpose of my post nor the reason why the UK purchased the Gripens (training/support).

Purchase of combat aircraft need not be due to a technical need.
Think twice before post such BS .
Dassault Rafale is a multi role advanced fighter .Both ground role and air role .And for competing the IS ,even though they dont have any AF , they need to use the maximum potential of Rafale at its ground attack role .
For us we have SU and Mig as air superiority .

J 10 C dont have anything like and Chinese dont have any 4 + gen aircraft exports .
Russian Su and Mig is still way better than your J series .
F series Ok .And I already conceded that .
But your planes I dont think so .They are still far better than any products Chinese developed until now .
Best example is their Spectre avionics developed by Thales.

India divided Pakistan in to two in 1971 .Chinese was not even in their border :sarcastic:
He forgot, china is not democratic, their govt doesn't even listen to its people, let alone his rants.
Why exactly has China bought Su-35. You have J 10, 11 and god knows what other extensions in this series. You yourself don't have confidence in your platforms and just trashtalk

LO-friggin-L !!
What happened with the Japanese? They have done and dusted you quite thoroughly i believe. Just because you got some toys now, you are a war machine and that too a ' naturally born' one. What a bombast of a joke
Off topic again, we beat you down easily in 1962. You are always loser when it comes to china.

He forgot, china is not democratic, their govt doesn't even listen to its people, let alone his rants.
Democracy is few things leftover that Indians can brag about. If democracy brings in poverty, starvation,and decision malfunction, I don't wanna it.
Read the post by our Chinese Friend next to yours, that what could be the outcome of talks. Have more like J-20 in J-31 for future. Get J-10Cs if very needed for now. Leave the Low and Mid tier to current F-16s and JFT Block-II and produce more JFTs till block III and then more changes will make it like new block with twin engines which ultimately will become a new J-10.

I did not say anything about S-400 for Pakistan, did i? Indeed there are other options in that subject alone.
What J-10 is twin engine heavy fighter:hitwall::crazy:grow up kid, J-10 is mid tier fighter
And as for S-400 i was not answering to you but my indian fellow, i think that the cheapest way to counter RAFALE and other threats from india is to get high quality long range SAM like HQ-9 or ASTER
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