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what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

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Why you buy Rafale when you bluff MKI as the God of fighter? Weird logic of Indian type.

It is hard to discuss logic with chinese, J11 is supposed to be the heavy weight and twin engine category copied from su 27, if chinese have copied it well .... then why you people need to buy sukhoi 35 is the question.

Try to understand the question dude !
Regarding Rafale ... this fighter is medium category , this fighter will change the Indian aerospace industry for good.

Aaah ... that swagger of chinese as if they are the big guys here in Asia .... Lol
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Dear... did i claim for any chances exists. i said we can talk if the bird fits our inventory, however J-31 is more feasible.
you forget about kaveri , none of your business . read my reply and then reply , fou ze wo ye keyi da zi zhongwen , ru guo ni bu dong yingwen
S-400 is not viable opiton for pakistan because of indian influence, best choice is either HQ-9 series of SAM or ASTER series of SAM in my opinion
Let them over spend their money and by the time they take deliveries of 36 jets, we will have JF-17 Block 4, more F-16 Block 52s and the options of J-10C / D, J-31, and SU-35.

And who knows there might be Chinese copies of S-300 and S-400. Anything we want from China we get it.
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PAF should wait for the attack of India. When PAF had f 6, f 7 f 86 mirage3 at that time India had Mig 25 su 27 Mig 21. IAF has always been more advance aircraft than PAF. We should not worry of rafail but try to match PAF with IAF.
PAF should wait for the attack of India. When PAF had f 6, f 7 f 86 mirage3 at that time India had Mig 25 su 27 Mig 21. IAF has always been more advance aircraft than PAF. We should not worry of rafail but try to match PAF with IAF.

By the time we phase out Mirage III/V and F-7pg Indian Mig-21, Mig-27s, and Jaguars would still be flying.
i dont know if i could write chinese ,i mean 汉语 in pakistani section 。 顺便一提 我自学汉语 . and i never mention anything about su-35 and why china wants to buy the su's as their failed radars are not good enough like the engine , as this will be an off topic and . and as far as being rich or something like that sort , i know the history ( 25 years back state of affairs and economy and after math of recession ) .
Su35对中国来说是可有可无的。中国主要想获得F117s的推力矢量技术。我们只想要四架,俄罗斯非要我们买48架。最后买了24架。国产的发动机表现的非常好,已经使用单晶叶片和整体粉末冶金盘技术,发动机的涡轮前燃烧温度大幅提高。我们和印度在发动机领域已完全不在一个水平上了,中国领先。may it can help you.

yes middle kingdom used to think like that, historic facts show India and China are neck to neck !
Rafale is bought to deal with China, so no need worry for PAF as of now.
did US provide ISRAEL F-22?its closest friend, forget about J-20 and J-31 for stop gap J-10b, J-10c is the best choice

Read the post by our Chinese Friend next to yours, that what could be the outcome of talks. Have more like J-20 in J-31 for future. Get J-10Cs if very needed for now. Leave the Low and Mid tier to current F-16s and JFT Block-II and produce more JFTs till block III and then more changes will make it like new block with twin engines which ultimately will become a new J-10.

S-400 is not viable opiton for pakistan because of indian influence, best choice is either HQ-9 series of SAM or ASTER series of SAM in my opinion

I did not say anything about S-400 for Pakistan, did i? Indeed there are other options in that subject alone.
what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

Focus on strengthening economy and power sector and lay down the long term foundation for a future domestic industrial complex to become independent off other countries.
Sir! one of them or all ? If all then tell me Rafail is a fighter or giant?
obviously sir one of these options , sorry forgot to put or in there ,

How old are you?
i asked for suggestions that for which platform PAF must go , aint here to give interview to you ,

may be some F16V along with JF17 block 3 should do the job :)

rafael is at no.4 and F22 at 1 f18 at no.2 and eurofighter at no. 3 PAF has these three option to give better reply to india
Do you not see the futility of this argument. Where is the money that we need to make an appropriate purchase. Secondly which two nuclear armed countries have ever had a spat that you can remember. War or at least full blown war in the subcontinental arena is out of the question now. All that will happen is that your capacity to wage conventional war will increase by a couple of days if you get more planes. But then what? secondly do you think you want to wait for India t toss a few Nukes towards you before you respond? What is the trust element between the 2 countries and what assurance do you have that the first missile hurled towards you is not nuke tipped? If Sri Dhaanay ram ring ganja Sharif and tells him we are only using non nuclear missiles today, will you believe him?
Before we indulge in this what will we get we need to consider where are we going to get the money for the purchase we want to make? No one pays their taxes, the politicians and the parliamentarians eat up every last penny of the developmental budget. the awam sell their votes based on Biradary and locla Wadera/Jageerdar. We repeatedly get screwed by the same old faces coming out of the same old rat holes. Sometimes i wonder whether we as a Nation have a masochistic tendency.
In order to improve the plight, please talk about:
A. Widening the tax base and ensuring that every haraamzada who steals money is tried and hung from the nearest pole/tree.
B. Education( no person wheher a bhangi or chief Exec ot be employed retained without matriculation. Older people exempt but under 40s given 5 yrs to get their certificates with supportof evening educational instittutions/ TV aided learning{ one indirect solution to limiting population as well;;;; ie too tired to do anything but sleep at home}
C. the energy deficit which is crippling the economy.
D. Rampant corruption needs to be curtailed (police under judiciary and separating Police form Protection of politicians duties).
E. Indigenous projects with as much as possible component of internal build up with armament industry to firstly cut the costs and secondly increase the employment base.
F. Peace within the country to allow hte industries to run and people to go to and return from their work.
After 20 years of these steps rigorousy implemented , talk about procurements. Half the stuff will already be built in house and you may only need subcomponents to keep upto date.
G. Industrial officers with each and every foreign office( if they cant buy, they steal).
H. Sell shares in the big projects for expats and inhouse buyers , then get those projects going and give them honest returns.
To name a few.
India has very strong purchasing power that Pakistan don't have. Rafale is very advanced platform but the number is very limited to only 36 of it. The most important is what Indian can learn by inducting rafale? Wait and see.
Manoeuvrability king is su 35 not rafale.
Avionics and radar is much better in J16.
J10c with aesa is good for rafale.
F16 v with aesa radar etc is also better.
More over some options may be available earlier than bottle jin rafale.
So let the india taste the high price deal of rafale there are many counters and better options at competitive price.
Indians are in a habit of going sky high like small brainless kid.
"Combat experience", especially against an opponent with little viable air power, isn't exactly a goldmine of a testament to its combat capabilities. Engineering simulations and acceptance trials take care of that for any nation unwilling to devote to a war just to validate their military equipment.

The Rafale has plenty of "rivals" in Asia, if you so wish to leave its definition vague: F-15K, F-15SG, F-15SA, J-11D, J-10B/C, J-16, F-16Q, etc.

Think twice before post such BS .
Dassault Rafale is a multi role advanced fighter .Both ground role and air role .And for competing the IS ,even though they dont have any AF , they need to use the maximum potential of Rafale at its ground attack role .
For us we have SU and Mig as air superiority .

J 10 C dont have anything like and Chinese dont have any 4 + gen aircraft exports .
Russian Su and Mig is still way better than your J series .
F series Ok .And I already conceded that .
But your planes I dont think so .They are still far better than any products Chinese developed until now .
Best example is their Spectre avionics developed by Thales.

We ready to provide aid to Pakidtan anytime you ask. Just take your time. As long as China stays strong, India don't stand a chance to bully.

India divided Pakistan in to two in 1971 .Chinese was not even in their border :sarcastic:
Why you buy Rafale when you bluff MKI as the God of fighter? Weird logic of Indian type.

Why exactly has China bought Su-35. You have J 10, 11 and god knows what other extensions in this series. You yourself don't have confidence in your platforms and just trashtalk

China is a robust natural born war machine, don't ever never irritate it.

LO-friggin-L !!
What happened with the Japanese? They have done and dusted you quite thoroughly i believe. Just because you got some toys now, you are a war machine and that too a ' naturally born' one. What a bombast of a joke
Let them waste money on expensive toys while keeping billions in poverty.....

No need to match weapon on weapon basis...

Acquire 5th gen fighter in a timely manner....

The final deal for rafaels has still long to go.... as no financial close yet
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