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what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

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For short term, we have the only realistic option of upgraded F-16s from different countries, plus some new block 52 vipers from USA if Congress allowed us to have them. For the time being i personally think PAF is in a much much better position as compared to 7 years ago at time of Mumbai attacks crises...! Thunders plus more than double the number of vipers in our inventory along with replacing old mirages and F7s, PAF is getting better every year. In a long term perspective...lets say after 5 or 6 years, we should seriously consider inducting some new state of art platform of some heavy class. Our economy would be massively improved than and having some good hard cash would really help us to expand our options which nowadays seems difficult..!
For short term, we have the only realistic option of upgraded F-16s from different countries, plus some new block 52 vipers from USA if Congress allowed us to have them. For the time being i personally think PAF is in a much much better position as compared to 7 years ago at time of Mumbai attacks crises...! Thunders plus more than double the number of vipers in our inventory along with replacing old mirages and F7s, PAF is getting better every year. In a long term perspective...lets say after 5 or 6 years, we should seriously consider inducting some new state of art platform of some heavy class. Our economy would be massively improved than and having some good hard cash would really help us to expand our options which nowadays seems difficult..!

sir i dont think pak economy is really gonna improve that much in 5-6 years because it has very bad gdp growth rate just above 3% its only after china pak corridor is completed that pak can see some real developmemts :)
Why you buy Rafale when you bluff MKI as the God of fighter? Weird logic of Indian type.
Ground Role:
The Su-35 is a predominantly Air Interdiction/ Air Superiority Fighter.. Although it can also undertake ground missions, it will be a very over performing asset for a ground missions. It will be very effective to shoot invading aircraft out of the sky. But for ground attack missions, its cost of operating per flight hour will be expensive compared to that of the Rafale. Also, India already operates 272 Su-30MKI which is similar in performance capabilities to the Su-35.... The Rafale is easier to maintain, it has a lower RCS compared to the Su-35 which means it can undertake Hi-Lo-Hi missions. The comparable aircraft in Ground attack capabilities to that of the Rafale would be the Su-34...

India already operates the High End Sukhois and is also going to induct the Light Spectrum LCAs... It needs to fill in the intermediate role for a combat aircraft which has both Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground capabilities.... The Rafale is the best aircraft in this unique category and it beats all of its competitors by a comfortable margin.

Air Role:

Rafale’s placement of canards, which are close coupled to the wing, means that outboard canard vortices energize wing tips regardless of the angle of attack. This results in excellent roll onset rate at all flight conditions, allowing aircraft to be flown with rapid reversals of flight directions instead of rolling pulls. Canards also create an area of low pressure on forward part of the wing, which results in a significant pitch-up tendency and consequently in rapid pitch onset rate. climb rate is 305 m/s, indicating very good acceleration, while wing loading of 275 kg/m2 at combat weight gives it instantaneous turn rate unmatched among Western fighters, especially when combained with close-coupled canard’s favorable effects on wing lift at high angles of attack. Thrust-to-weight ratio is 1,2 at combat weight, and allows it good sustained turn rate, especially when combined with its very high lift to drag ratio.
Su-35's climb rate is 280 m/s, indicating acceleration inferior to the Su-30 as well as Rafale, Typhoon, J-11, J-10. Wing loading at combat weight is 377 kg/m2, indicating comparably low but still borderline adequate instantaneous turn rate. Thrust-to-weight ratio of 1,24 indicates an adequate sustained turn rate.
It has large visual and IR signatures harm its ability to surprise the enemy, while its own ability to detect surprise bounces is limited due to inadequate rearward visibility.
The Rafale has low-wing loading capability when compared with the Su-35 and even with Typhoon, this results in good turn performance; as low wing loading results in high gust sensitivity and is thus undesireable for strike aircraft. Very low wing loading makes them obvious to be optimized for air superiority.
Su-35's large size and high weight results in inferior maneuverability in air combat when compared to Rafale. Although Su-35 is equipped with TVC, it will not make it more maneuverable than Rafale
Su-35 has better aerodynamics than F-15 or F-16, yes it maybe the best in its class, still inferior to the Rafale.

I hope this satisfies your query...
su 35 is less manuverable to rafael even with tvc.. sorry sir was that a joke :D
Lol....man I can't stop laughing. French had you believe they are giving it cheap? Man they are good!
Stupidity at Best If Don't Know the Technical stuff Don't Try To be Expert Here Now Let me explain As Simple Term for you
Both Qatar and Egypt Paid Popping 5.9 billion $ and 7.2 Billion $ For Just 24 Aircraft without Offset or TOT grantee from Dassault

But In India Case India through IGA Get 36 aircraft with Full Weapons Package And Spare in 9.6 Billion $ with the guarantee of 50 % offset Value of the Amount Will be Invested into India Itself

So Actual Cost of the Deal is 9.6 Billion $ - 50% offset Amount = It Will Cost Us 4.8 Billion $ Lesst than Both Egypt And Qatar And So you Challenging Baniya Mind Here :azn:

Now You Say Why French Compromised Kid There Is Lot Other things France is Hatching Through MII(Make in India)
One of 13 agreements Sign Yesterday
Mahindra by forging a tie-up with Airbus to manufacture defence choppers as the government readies to place $10 billion worth of helicopter orders for reconnaissance, surveillance and naval utility.


Meanwhile other Deals on Cards



Few more Sweets
French companies are likely to invest almost $10 billion in India in the next five years and a major portion of this will be in the industrial sector making France an important player in the Indian government’s Make in India initiative to boost the manufacturing sector, the visiting French Minister for Finance and Public Accounts Michel Sapin said on Monday.


French are Not Stupid Who Compromise Long-term Goals For Cheap Short Term Deal
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adding on to what cerberus said don't forget additional rafeal N jets france hopes to sigh for ins vishal and additional scorpion subs ;)
Why you buy Rafale when you bluff MKI as the God of fighter? Weird logic of Indian type.
well j11 and su35 are in same category while su30mki and rafele are not.
so much for great chinese logic.
My boy,

I have been searching for the same for the last 30 years as well---since I admitted to myself that PAF was not the right 'god' to worship---.

They are a bunch of liars who have cheated and deceived the nation since 1970---for their one time glory of the 1965 war----.

An air force is not only a conglomerate who has the excellent pilots---but also an organization that procures its weapons systems in a timely manner---and those weapons with the least amount of constraints.

This organization wants to strut around in self-agrandizement---creating a myht of man behind the machine and making other believe that the enemy pilots are idots and incompetent nincompoops.

If you challenge their claim---they yell that they are ready to die for their country----.

Not realizing that a dog also is also ready to die for its master and the master's children without creating a fanfare.
Sir g i asked for the links of those threads/Posts........
Stupidity at Best If Don't Know the Technical stuff Don't Try To be Expert Here Now Let me explain As Simple Term for you
Both Qatar and Egypt Paid Popping 5.9 billion $ and 7.2 Billion $ For Just 24 Aircraft without Offset or TOT grantee from Dassault

But In India Case India through IGA Get 36 aircraft with Full Weapons Package And Spare in 9.6 Billion $ with the guarantee of 50 % offset Value of the Amount Will be Invested into India Itself

So Actual Cost of the Deal is 9.6 Billion $ - 50% offset Amount = It Will Cost Us 4.8 Billion $ Lesst than Both Egypt And Qatar And So you Challenging Baniya Mind Here :azn:

Now You Say Why French Compromised Kid There Is Lot Other things France is Hatching Through MII(Make in India)
One of 13 agreements Sign Yesterday
Mahindra by forging a tie-up with Airbus to manufacture defence choppers as the government readies to place $10 billion worth of helicopter orders for reconnaissance, surveillance and naval utility.


Meanwhile other Deals on Cards



Few more Sweets
French companies are likely to invest almost $10 billion in India in the next five years and a major portion of this will be in the industrial sector making France an important player in the Indian government’s Make in India initiative to boost the manufacturing sector, the visiting French Minister for Finance and Public Accounts Michel Sapin said on Monday.


French are Not Stupid Who Compromise Long-term Goals For Cheap Short Term Deal

21 guns salute to French diplomatic skills and PR campaign. I thought India will never meet its match. I take bow to French. You guys are really really good not only at building weapons but also selling them. Cheers mate!
21 guns salute to French diplomatic skills and PR campaign. I thought India will never meet its match. I take bow to French. You guys are really really good not only to at building weapons but also selling them. Cheers mate!
Its Not PR Campaign but the Signed Agreement that two BTW Govt. Do you Even Know Retracting From Which Cost Dassault Penalties And Ramifications.French and India Relations are Matured One Don't Forget they Even Supplied Us with Equipment's During Sanctions in Kargil War.And Retracted From Selling Avionics to Pakistan for Thunder
Sit calm enjoy the popcorn. India buys Rafael not for the superiority but having nightmares of J-10Cs indeed and China is well aware about her equation. Rest about us to be worried for Rafael or not so i would take it as we know what and how we have to do it. If Rafael are superior to anything we have then I am waiting for them to come and flyover Pakistan like few days back No Fly Zone was established on Pakistan Air Space in PDF by Indian members for having S-400 and they were shooting everything with Pak-FA. No need to create hype and to get into trap of economical loss. Let them run for everything they see as available for money. We will go as per our strategies. Stick to the developments like CPEC and make sure of internal security first while considering most for better economy. India is not attacking us by these Rafaels, we need to worry about proxies and their supporter first. Rest about Air Security, if Rafael are those super duper then they should give it a try and we welcome them with everything we have and a smile indeed. It isn't necessary to disclose every decision of planning before time though everyone would have a surprise or at least the feed of the reasons not going in rush soon but IMO nothing like an urgent is happening sooner so we are playing what suits us. Definitely, there will be addition but what it would be? is all about patients especially. JFT has given us a strong base for future and will be indeed helping too. J-10C is preferred to adopt at the moment and later can be turned into twin engine even as our friend China is always here to help and cooperate, we know. There could be J-16 but after little bit of more then usual talks but not impossible if needed. J-31 will grow indeed and i hope we will participate in such program or we can go for some flexible policy in J-20 after all we are friends indeed so we can talk the possibilities. Engine problem is almost over with J-10 i think as much as i know and there is WS-10 installed on recent planes of J-10 and for J-20 most probably its going to be WS-15 soon so J-31 engine issue later would be resolved as well once the track is aligned and smooth (our Chinese friends here can tell more in detail).
well j11 and su35 are in same category while su30mki and rafele are not.
so much for great chinese logic.
As some of you mate claimed that Su30MKI on par with Su35, actually we buy it to simulate MKI. Happy?
21 guns salute to French diplomatic skills and PR campaign. I thought India will never meet its match. I take bow to French. You guys are really really good not only at building weapons but also selling them. Cheers mate!

that was kind of rude ;) it was an answer to previous question.
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