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What kind of Nation we are ?

Its always very interesting to see how you get criticized here.

And rarely do people respond with countering the content of your posts. 99% of the time they respond by denigrating you as a person. Always focused focused criticism of the messenger, rarely the message in that atypical Pakistani way of insinuations like 'Geo Cheng'

Talks a bit about the kind of people in Pakistan. And talks a bit about you too. Hats off for taking so much and still posting. It shows that you want so much for Pakistan to improve.

And yes, I am sure my post would add to one of your criticisms no doubt.
ahh lovely the friendly neighbour coming to poke his nose :enjoy:

Well Mr. neighbour learn to read post 1 where it says people like you are not welcome here!

Secondly we were discussing Pakistan, but he was shining his darkness its only fair to call a spade a spade!
I lived all my life in Karachi too before i moved to US then Canada, I lived thru the horror days of MQM,, I had many many friends who were influenced by MQM in those days and later when they found out the reality they were hiding all over Pakistan and even some had to leave the country, two of them were killed by MQM when they refused to kill on the orders of higher ups.
MQM may not be as ruthless now since a lot of other powers as a reaction to MQM has risen up.

Nothing in the world is unipolar there is always someone or something that stands in front of terror, some people idealize the power of terror and decide to use that for themselves since they have seen the fruits of power.

as far as 2002 to 2006 is concerned, the whole power of the city was in MQM's hands and they didnt have to use terror for their benefit. This should make a sane person think why so much peace when MQM gets power and as soon as they loose power people start to die. I remember AH's address when PTI was doing dharna at teen talwar..."main kehta hoon Karachi abhi tuk sukoon se kun hay"

so you want to make your mind on some bunch of criminals which exists in every part of our political and society ? so collectively our society is dead ? and here we are not talking about leaders , as i said many times all leaders in Pakistani are dirty as pig;s shit ...
ahh lovely the friendly neighbour coming to poke his nose :enjoy:

Well Mr. neighbour learn to read post 1 where it says people like you are not welcome here!

Secondly we were discussing Pakistan, but he was shining his darkness its only fair to call a spade a spade!

It is impolite to have a house party and not invite the neighbors :D
leaders are generally reflection of society you live in.

:what: than i afraid all indians are mass murders ? you choose your leader not me.....
anyway that;s discussion is not about india .. so please dont bother to reply

ahh lovely the friendly neighbour coming to poke his nose :enjoy:

Well Mr. neighbour learn to read post 1 where it says people like you are not welcome here!

Secondly we were discussing Pakistan, but he was shining his darkness its only fair to call a spade a spade!

why i am not surprised to see some indian coming out to reply when i clear says " indians dont need to reply to this thread "
kia karen yaar neighbors milay bhi tu ese :rofl:
so you want to make your mind on some bunch of criminals which exists in every part of our political and society ? so collectively our society is dead ? and here we are not talking about leaders , as i said many times all leaders in Pakistani are dirty as pig;s shit ...

no budd I am out of Pakistan for 22 years, my mind was already made up when I left, in fact I was advised to leave because I was friend with some people that MQM was after, mind you all my friends were university students some NED some medical college and they were no criminals. all you teen agers can believe what you want to believe i dont give a fcuk I am telling you what I have seen. I dont care for you to believe it.
no budd I am out of Pakistan for 22 years, my mind was already made up when I left, in fact I was advised to leave because I was friend with some people that MQM was after, mind you all my friends were university students some NED some medical college and they were no criminals. all you teen agers can believe what you want to believe i dont give a fcuk I am telling you what I have seen. I dont care for you to believe it.

first of all i am not teenager , secondly i am not firing my guns on empty targets , i have been living in karachi since i birth .. i am also talking here with my personal experience ..
identifying our mistakes and finding solution is not rona dhona , if thats the case than Imran khan is the biggest roto right ? :d

flatter not yourself by comparing what Imran Khan is doing.. log in to aukat. com for realization :D
flatter not yourself by comparing what Imran Khan is doing.. log in to aukat. com for realization :D

do you really have anything positive to share here or just come here to promote your incompetent leader ? i said this many times and to remind you all leaders in Pakistan are dirty as pig shit .. including your leader :)
if you have some positive so please share with us , but if dont than please dont waste your and others time
Back to OP what kind of nation are we:

1) We have people like @Leader @darkinsky @cb4 who work their asses off to promote the parties of their choice (pure respect no sarcasm)!

2) Then we have people like @batmannow who will choose any party doing good and question any doing something silly (though bending a little towards MQM but his choice)

3) Then we have people like @RescueRanger @Irfan Baloch who serve their nation

4) We have people like myself who invest and try to start on grassroots level hoping that the people will benefit...and we start at education coz that is 1 field we know a bit about (we meaning me and my friends)..Next stop is social services and economics lets see where we will have enough resources... @RazPaK and @qamar1990

5) We have the common people who lead their lives but are purely concerned with the situation of the nation @HRK @Slav Defence @Secur @mafiya @JonAsad @Jazzbot @balixd @rockstar08

6) Then we have the broken hearted people @Imran Khan @Hyperion @Oscar who keep advising others to move out...

7) Then we have those in foreign lands who want help @PWFI @KingMamba @Darth Vader @Aeronaut @Windjammer (sorry forgot to add you)

8) Then we have talented sadist like @VCheng sitting abroad and just watching the show...and helping out in giving out criticism dipped in sadist remarks of a bystander and as a cherry on the top break the few bits of hope we as a Nation are striving on!

Then of course we have 2 more categories a) destroyers which are from the elite as well as other classes and then those who are living there complaining yet doing nothing (many fit this bill) and b) those who are just living their lives complaining coz they cant do anything else...

Unfortunately we have more of the last type...and second masses are the critics and discouraging lots!

Sorry If I put you in the wrong category...this is just my perception from reading your posts!

This I believe is what basically this nation is made of!!!
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Back to OP what kind of nation are we:

1) We have people like @Leader @darkinsky @cb4 who work their asses off to promote the parties of their choice (pure respect no sarcasm)!

2) Then we have people like @batmannow who will choose any party doing good and question any doing something silly (though bending a little towards MQM but his choice)

3) Then we have people like @RescueRanger @Irfan Baloch who serve their nation

4) We have people like myself who invest and try to start on grassroots level hoping that the people will benefit...and we start at education coz that is 1 field we know a bit about (we meaning me and my friends)..Next stop is social services and economics lets see where we will have enough resources...

5) We have the common people who lead their lives but are purely concerned with the situation of the nation @HRK @Slav Defence @Secur @mafiya

6) Then we have the broken hearted people @Imran Khan @JonAsad @Hyperion @Oscar who keep advising others to move out...

7) Then we have those in foreign lands who want help @qamar1990 (not so sure but you do sound like so) @PWFI @KingMamba @Darth Vader @Aeronaut

8) Then we have talented sadist like @VCheng sitting abroad and just watching the show...and helping out in giving out criticism dipped in sadist remarks of a bystander and as a cherry on the top break the few bits of hope we as a Nation are striving on!

Then of course we have 2 more categories a) destroyers which are from the elite as well as other classes and then those who are living there complaining yet doing nothing (many fit this bill)

Unfortunately we have more of the last type...and second masses are the critics and discouraging lots!

Sorry If I put you in the wrong category...this is just my perception from reading your posts!
Normaly I wont get into the fire fights, but when it comes to pakarmy & it s institutions im , & I will be against anyone?
I dont support any one going agianst pakistan?
MQM is a middle class party,facing all the hate from all of the other political groups , when I feel , they cant defend themselves against onslaught, only then I , give them the push, because I think they are pakistani, s & they should be given fair chances?
Bieng said that, i never have voted to any politaical party, but I support thier right full issues, which can serve pakistan better?
I guss, we as nation should pick & chose the issues , which can change pakistan becoming a better place ?
i completely agree with your point .. MQM needs to change their mentality from my karachi to my Pakistan... but Windjammer what i notice and probably you notice too that peoples from KPK and punjab are so mislead about MQM so they hate them as collective , if that comes to any other party , they say its individual but when it comes to MQM they become "cancer " to all pakistan ..do you think its fair ?
I think the fault again lies within MQM as they have confined themselves within Karachi or Sindh, after the 2005 earthquake, the MQM for their work and effort won praise from across the country, they never capitalised on that.
The other drawback is AH delivering speeches from London, where as people like to see their leaders amongst them.
Normaly I wont get into the fire fights, but when it comes to pakarmy & it s institutions im , & I will be against anyone?
I dont support any one going agianst pakistan?
MQM is a middle class party,facing all the hate from all of the other political groups , when I feel , they cant defend themselves against onslaught, only then I , give them the push, because I think they are pakistani, s & they should be given fair chances?
Bieng said that, i never have voted to any politaical party, but I support thier right full issues, which can serve pakistan better?
I guss, we as nation should pick & chose the issues , which can change pakistan becoming a better place ?
Hence I had put you in category 2 away from the rest :angel:
Isnt tht, matters friend?
Only if it can serve my nation, in any way?
I know but the question on the thread was what kind of nation are we so I pointed a few of people that makes our nation...

There are some sinking it even helping it die, some watching it sink and even when they see this instead of helping they just watch and then go someplace and criticize and a small handful pushing it and giving it CPR everynow and then :P
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