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What kind of Nation we are ?

Oh there is always a future. Just how bright or dark it is, is the debate. :D
Well then only a fool goes around claiming it is dark and continuously invest soo much time in commenting...

While a visionary person will make a vision and invest time in pushing people in that area...You see where you stand :agree:
Oh come on madam, i thought you would have learnt the lesson by now, never to depend on any one and never to expect others to do thing for you..... One thing we need to establish as a nation and as an individual is to use criticism in a positive manner, use the anger in a positive way, if we have the power to beat the crap of the next man then why not use energy to get up and fix our cart..... On a small scale, i try to do when ever i get the chance, whenevr i see people put of line, but that is not gping to work on its own..... More people need to wake up rather then gping with the flow,
Oh yea he isnt part of Pakistan nor Pakistani...so whats he doing on this thread I think OP told others to back off...

You see we have many of these on lookers...Instead of lending a helping hand in some form they stand, criticize/ laugh shake their heads and walk away....What exactly is the use of such people or defending them? Exactly, the word is nothing....

Why should they get a say when there is a small group trying even if they saw all this meaning this small group has hope and maybe a stronger will so this small people dont need no negative energy of the onlooker thank you very much!

I am one of the bricks holding up the axle on one side. :D
Aah! I wonder if the brick is foreign made or something made at desi bhatti because as i have been told bricks being made are of c quality, how long its going to take, until it bricks?????

Its simple rule of management, Change has to come from the top, from the leadership, how are we going to achieve that is by electing right candidate.... Seems like we are on the right track, but we just need to give it some time....
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Oh come on madam, i thought you would have learnt the lesson by now, never to depend on any one and never to expect others to do thing for you.....
Where am I depending on someone and where am I expecting from others...Was that intended for @VCheng by any chance who is the one who is viewing everything as a spectator and actually doing the waiting for someone to do something....rather than helping in

One thing we need to establish as a nation and as an individual is to use criticism in a payphone manner, user the anger in a positive way, if we have the power to beat the crap of the next man then why not use energy to get up and fix our cart..... On a small scale, i try to do when ever i get the chance, whenevr i see people put of line, but that is not gping to work on its own..... More people need to wake up rather then gping with the flow,
Again this should be for @VCheng not me as I am the one saying we should get up while @VCheng is going on and on about broken cart and others flying planes! He is impressed in being part of the crew who pushes the plane to fly rather than helping build workable cars in his own nation! So kindly look at what I wrote, he wrote and decide where what you wrote fits!

Oh yea he isnt part of Pakistan nor Pakistani...so whats he doing on this thread I think OP told others to back off...

You see we have many of these on lookers...Instead of lending a helping hand in some form they stand, criticize/ laugh shake their heads and walk away....What exactly is the use of such people or defending them? Exactly, the word is nothing....

Why should they get a say when there is a small group trying even if they saw all this meaning this small group has hope and maybe a stronger will so this small people dont need no negative energy of the onlooker thank you very much!

That on looker I was talking about was @VCheng who comes online to complain and discourage though belonging from Pakistan (as his flags suggest)

So how am I asking "others" to help...if on lookers like him are others then they have no right to comment as post 1 already asks them to stay clear! And on top of that he wants to be the brick holding the axle by breaking every hope and painting everything to the extreme pitch of darkness how is that even conceivable? :unsure:
Where am I depending on someone and where am I expecting from others...Was that intended for @VCheng by any chance who is the one who is viewing everything as a spectator and actually doing the waiting for someone to do something....rather than helping in

Again this should be for @VCheng not me as I am the one saying we should get up while @VCheng is going on and on about broken cart and others flying planes! He is impressed in being part of the crew who pushes the plane to fly rather than helping build workable cars in his own nation! So kindly look at what I wrote, he wrote and decide where what you wrote fits!

That on looker I was talking about was @VCheng who comes online to complain and discourage though belonging from Pakistan (as his flags suggest)

So how am I asking "others" to help...if on lookers like him are others then they have no right to comment as post 1 already asks them to stay clear! And on top of that he wants to be the brick holding the axle by breaking every hope and painting everything to the extreme pitch of darkness how is that even conceivable? :unsure:
As insaid above, we cannot expect anything from an onlooker whether hes pakistani or not pakistani, a critic will critisize regardless of the fact who he is and where he stands..... Everyone has their own perception, if he sees a dark future for us then he has his reasons, sometime i loose the hope too does not mean i should not be commenting here???
All am saying is he is in his right to criticize us, it is for us to prove them wrong.... Am not going against you over here just trying to explain another perspective
@balixd Many nations had a set back before they went flying....Germany, Japan are 2 examples and S.Korea is another victor...

Their people didnt sit in 1 corner and start crying or discouraging others sorry...but I dont understand this mindset at all...You are successful but you discourage others? That is not the mindset of a successful person! It is the one of a sadist man who wants to see others going down a sinking ship!

As insaid above, we cannot expect anything from an onlooker whether hes pakistani or not pakistani, a critic will critisize regardless of the fact who he is and where he stands..... Everyone has their own perception, if he sees a dark future for us then he has his reasons, sometime i loose the hope too does not mean i should not be commenting here???
All am saying is he is in his right to criticize us, it is for us to prove them wrong.... Am not going against you over here just trying to explain another perspective
Sometimes I too lose hope but do I discourage those with hope? Nope because I aint no sadist!

He has the right to criticize but he has no right to make a mockery! I would understand if he was IK and making a mockery...someone who has his hands full in Pakistan rather than one who is sitting overseas, watching and then discouraging ...such a person only gets to criticize but not make a mockery! That is values he should have learnt at least by being in America...No one discourages you or is it passive aggressive nature? He cant do it there so come online and do it?

@balixd I dont care whose side you choose but if someone is doing a wrong the least I can do is point it out that he is doing a wrong so ignore him and continue being hopeful coz you are in Pakistan and its your land! If you start ignoring the very land you are on how are you different from the politicians who are sitting at the top on their seats ?? I cant even equate it to a hen sitting on her eggs coz at least she is producing her next generation by incubating them...

learn to call a spades a spades... A sadist is a sadist no matter how successful he is...he could be the son of a King but if his behaviour is of a sadist how useful is such a person to society?
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I would also like to point out the maturity at which you champion pivotal brick here answers if there is a thread about America ... @balixd you should see those threads and then tell me about accepting positive criticism!

All I am saying:

If you get to pass positive criticism like giving out flyers learn to take some too
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As insaid above, we cannot expect anything from an onlooker whether hes pakistani or not pakistani, a critic will critisize regardless of the fact who he is and where he stands..... Everyone has their own perception, if he sees a dark future for us then he has his reasons, sometime i loose the hope too does not mean i should not be commenting here???
All am saying is he is in his right to criticize us, it is for us to prove them wrong.... Am not going against you over here just trying to explain another perspective

Rather than talking about who is saying it, why not talk about WHAT is being said.

Look at the evidence and then decide fairly. Where are those who championed IK / PTI blindly? Where are those who want Martial Law? Where are those who follow PML-N blindly? Everybody promotes their own camp to the exclusion of everything else.

The truth is that IK / PTI was a predictable failure. Those who want Martial Law are totally oblivious to the true disaster that is military rule. PML-N followers tout the achievements, which are more imagined than real. And all of them will spout forth hypocritical hate against the only country that helps out the most with money, material and management assistance.

It is only the dispassionate interested observer who does not have their own horse in the race, but who understands the true nature of all those in the running, that can call out the results fairly.

But wait, it is more fun to criticise the observer rather than pay attention to what is being said. :D
Get going? Into the ditch, if at all. The going has been tough for decades, and getting tougher. We have claimed to get going all this time, but never did. Empty claims, that is all.
Isn't that what the American THICK Tanks were predicting many moons ago.
A wiseman once said that successive leaders have been eating Pakistan away for over 60 years but each time it rebounds back, if there is any doubt in your mind Mr Geo Cheng, just look back and comprehend the list of natural calamities and man made disasters Pakistan had faced but still managed to pull through on the contrary one Hurricane Katrina must have hurt your pride.
some one once said...."we are not a nation but peoples". one can make their own minds.
Rather than talking about who is saying it, why not talk about WHAT is being said.

Look at the evidence and then decide fairly. Where are those who championed IK / PTI blindly? Where are those who want Martial Law? Where are those who follow PML-N blindly? Everybody promotes their own camp to the exclusion of everything else.

The truth is that IK / PTI was a predictable failure. Those who want Martial Law are totally oblivious to the true disaster that is military rule. PML-N followers tout the achievements, which are more imagined than real. And all of them will spout forth hypocritical hate against the only country that helps out the most with money, material and management assistance.

It is only the dispassionate interested observer who does not have their own horse in the race, but who understands the true nature of all those in the running, that can call out the results fairly.

But wait, it is more fun to criticize the observer rather than pay attention to what is being said. :D
Its always very interesting to see how you get criticized here.

And rarely do people respond with countering the content of your posts. 99% of the time they respond by denigrating you as a person. Always focused focused criticism of the messenger, rarely the message in that atypical Pakistani way of insinuations like 'Geo Cheng'

Talks a bit about the kind of people in Pakistan. And talks a bit about you too. Hats off for taking so much and still posting. It shows that you want so much for Pakistan to improve.

And yes, I am sure my post would add to one of your criticisms no doubt.
so who should we support as our rulers if not Politicians? i will never want/support a military intervention...i dont want dynastic politics either...so the choices are very limited.....since nobody can be free of faults ever...so ill definately go for the one who hasnt been in the centre as a ruler before...who is less corrupt...more competent...more trustworthy....who wouldnt run away abroad with his family when he is more needed here....or the one who would just sit in the President house as a showpiece and does nothing substantial and lastly neither the one who if convicted,would run cowardly from city to city and hospital to hospital to get a safe exit..etc etc

or i wouldnt support anyone at all!

PS ....on the title of the thread....along with other Positive traits,we surely are a Hypocrite and Confused nation ....no doubt about it!:enjoy::p: tut tut

im sure @Akheilos will regret after quoting me here for the response haha

yaar kahen kisi gali mai Pakistani nelson mandela ho ga... dhoondo tu khuda mil jata hai , ek leader tu mil hi jaye ga :D
The day i join this forum , i do realize that the misconception about a certain people or parties are stuck in our hearts , every Pakistani is living a double standard life , as nation where we are going ? no where ?
i include myself on this too because my own review about a particular race is much more worse than anyone can imagine .. and certain peoples will agree with me here, but lots of peoples are just retards ? or they dont want to understand ? or they do such stuff on purpose to create hateness amongst us ? are we dividing as a PAkistani ? i will not as a muslim because we divide as muslims long time ago .. peoples who understand religious difference will agree with me , this is something we cant change and we dont even need to try ... " apne Aqiday ko choro nai , aur dosre ke aqiday ko chero nai " ...

but why some members here are so hateful ? i ask this question to myself too , but at least i dare to put my self here in front of my other pakistani brothers , i accept my mistake , but why not others ?
specially on case of Karachi , peoples from punjab and KPK keep blaming one certain party for all the mess in karachi ? what are they feeding the peoples in punjab and kpk ?
yeah you guess it right i am talking about MQM ... lets not talk about the leader of MQM , but why those peoples cant understand that millions of peoples Support and consider this guy as their leader ...can anyone say that all the workers of MQM are killers ? terrorists ? land grabber ? bhatta khor ?

they hardly know about the situation of karachi and they try to show themselves as a expert , and sounds like they know more than any other ?
i know MQM has been continuously involved in criminal activity , but can we say that others are angels ?
even there are thousands of proves availible against them , but there many proves which proves a certain hateness amongst peoples for MQM ....

i have life my whole life here in karachi , and as my life is right now , i can say that karachi situation effect me a lot . but what i want peoples to understand that its not just MQM ... from 2002-2008 karachi was very peaceful , and i know because i used to be in University and daily i hangout with my friends with no fear ... i even go to places with my friends where today i will think 100 times to go ...
how and why suddenly karachi situation changes ?

Uzair balouch the leader of Amaan comity that guy openly accept that Zulfiqar miraza and PPPP govt give them free license to used force against MQM , and target muhajir to start a civil war , i dont remember that there was any fight between Muhajir pathan ? pathan sindhi ? than what happen after 2008 ?

as educated peoples try to understand the the real problem of Karachi , if you keep blaming one certain Party , so all the peoples associated with them Good or Bad will hate you ..and they will create a mindset that they are getting discriminated. for MQM supporter they should realize that if you All know that who is behind karachi mess , try to explain peoples with peaceful way ...and for those who still believe that only MQM is behind the mess , please you guy need to change your mentality . because the 92 operation was not something our Armed forces are proud of .... and our country cant effort such operation again ? we are already have many problems to tackle ...
karachi is a chicken who lay Gold eggs , and everyone is trying to get this chicken no matter what it cost ....

to me everyone is responsible for karachi mess, PPP, MQM , ANP , religious parties ... mostly peoples dont even want to talk about those shia sunni mess? fighting between duebandi and other sects of firqa ?
what about those afghans who are sitting on all exists of karachi ? they have weapons there , police and even rangers are afraid to go there ?

its still not to late to start rebuilding our mentality , not based of punjabi , sindhi , balouch or muhajir but as a Pakistani ... All leaders are Pigs, yeh sale " apne baap ke sagge nai hote , tu hmare kia hon gay ? "

i feel sad when i see educated peoples here talking so biased.. including myself ...I am trying to make myself better as Pakistani ..but will others do the same ?? will this ever end ? or we will keep following the agenda of traitors ? and those pig politicians will just sit in their fancy house and laughing at us by saying " Pakistanio se zaida Chutiya Awaam puri duniya main nai ? bar bar humain hi elect kr le aten hai "

Change ka nara lagane na change aye ga ... na hi tsunami ...if you want to change pakistan start from yourself . remove the garbage from your hearts ...stop trusting those retards politicians who are good for nothing ... if in future ( may Allah forbid this ) any country Attack us , how will we defend this country ?
Azaadi ke nai nasal ne kuch nai kia is liye qader nai hai .....

we are still bearing the hateness of our balouchi brothers who think they are neglected by all govts . they were victimized , do we need another situation like Baluchistan ?
when someone become a Soldier in Pakistan army , he forget about his race, he dont care about punjabi , sindhi , pathan or etc, he is just a soldier ..why cant we think as a Soldier if we cant become one ? is it to hard for us to be ? a true Pakistani ?

think Guys think ...

May Allah protect our Country from all internal and external threats ,
Pakistan Zindabad ...:pakistan:

this thread is not for indians , so please dont bother to reply or turn it into a trolling thread. ... i would like to see reply from some senior members ...

@Aeronaut @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Leader @Zarvan @WebMaster @cb4 @Major Sam @Windjammer @DESERT FIGHTER @Aether @BATMAN @batmannow @Spring Opinion @tarrar @dexter @HRK @hasnain0099 @Manticore @Akheilos @jaibi and everyone else .....

I lived all my life in Karachi too before i moved to US then Canada, I lived thru the horror days of MQM,, I had many many friends who were influenced by MQM in those days and later when they found out the reality they were hiding all over Pakistan and even some had to leave the country, two of them were killed by MQM when they refused to kill on the orders of higher ups.
MQM may not be as ruthless now since a lot of other powers as a reaction to MQM has risen up.

Nothing in the world is unipolar there is always someone or something that stands in front of terror, some people idealize the power of terror and decide to use that for themselves since they have seen the fruits of power.

as far as 2002 to 2006 is concerned, the whole power of the city was in MQM's hands and they didnt have to use terror for their benefit. This should make a sane person think why so much peace when MQM gets power and as soon as they loose power people start to die. I remember AH's address when PTI was doing dharna at teen talwar..."main kehta hoon Karachi abhi tuk sukoon se kun hay"
in a race, they are ahead.. but Pakistan is also a viable nation.. this rona dhona threads, crying about problems, blah blah is for the weak..

identifying our mistakes and finding solution is not rona dhona , if thats the case than Imran khan is the biggest roto right ? :d

@rockstar08 bhai- its time to leave Pakistan i guess-

nai yaar ... no way mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, i spend 3 months in UAE ,and i realize the importance of my country ... we can go for study or research but " apna mulk after all apna hi hota hai "

Albeit not of any political nature but i said this before, what Mustafa Kamal did to Karachi back then, he would get my vote any day to do that all over Pakistan, if one can ignore their violent side, the MQM is probably the most organised and disciplined of all others but their ''I own Karachi'' banner is selective and concerning.... why not ''I own Pakistan''.
As said before, I visited Pakistan late last year after a decade, all i witnessed a vibrant confident society and the thing that impressed me most was the increase in level of tolerance. There are 101 faults in our society but you can't deny that it's content and determined. A nation of lions led by lambs.

i completely agree with your point .. MQM needs to change their mentality from my karachi to my Pakistan... but Windjammer what i notice and probably you notice too that peoples from KPK and punjab are so mislead about MQM so they hate them as collective , if that comes to any other party , they say its individual but when it comes to MQM they become "cancer " to all pakistan ..do you think its fair ?
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