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What kind of Nation we are ?

typical martial law thread...

and @VCheng no, we are not somalia, pakistan fulfills the complete definition of a nation-state with federal system in place, but its not manged by rule of law, it still is a car at cross road, static yet fully functional, ready for someone to drive.
have you ever been to karachi ??
kati pahari , banars , safora goth , afghan basiti , liyari , purani sabzi mandi , etc ?
i dont think so .. if you do go there you would have change your thinking , if still you think that way i feel sorry for you...
for highlighted part , " ager mai bura hun tu tum bhi bure ban jao ? yeh kon si theory hai bhai ?

do you have any idea how many supporters MQM have ? are you saying all these peoples are cancer to Pakistani ? if yes than i must say Pakistan is going towards a bloody civil war
Mr this all crap started when MQM came into existence Sir have you ever been to other parts of countries why political parties don't fight like mad dogs their why only in Karachi what is the difference in rest of country and Karachi the difference is a snake in Karachi known as MQM they first started the killing other party people they started bhatta they started establishing no go areas their people were involved in street crimes and after facing these thing finally every party started forming militant groups and the situation got out of control this was gonna happen @Aeronaut @Areesh @A.Rafay
Mr this all crap started when MQM came into existence Sir have you ever been to other parts of countries why political parties don't fight like mad dogs their why only in Karachi what is the difference in rest of country and Karachi the difference is a snake in Karachi known as MQM they first started the killing other party people they started bhatta they started establishing no go areas their people were involved in street crimes and after facing these thing finally every party started forming militant groups and the situation got out of control this was gonna happen @Aeronaut @Areesh @A.Rafay

well you are highly mislead by someone sir ... first of its not me i think you are blind to see other parties fight in other parts of pakistan ? who is fighting in FATA , peshawaar ? MQM ? hahahah that would be biggest joke no ?
you didnt answer my question ? you never been to any of the places i mentioned in my post? do you ?
in karachi if the fight is political , in KPK the fight is for religion but the killing is after all killing no ? if i go to your theory i mus say that all PAthans are AIDS to pakistan ? a non cure disease ? does it hurt right ??
sir first visit those areas and than judge ? MQM headquarter is not a no go area for anyone , you are welcome to visit there anytime , i have seen pathan , sindhi , balouch , punjabi living and working there peacefully , and i will let you free to do some research before making such huge comments , are you sure only MQM is taking bhatta ? you must be kidding ? Talibans , Balouch amaan comity , PPPP, Religious parties are taking bhatta too , and how east is to make fool out of your kind of peoples by just sending a letter that , i am a MPA of MQM and i am asking for bhatta and you believe hahahah ?
go and ask sher shah market and ask peoples who come and take money from them ? go and ask peoples in purani sabzi mandi ?
you still didnt answer me if MQM is cancer that means 7-8 million peoples who are supporters of MQM are cancer ? are you drink any kind of thara ?? i highly recommend you to quit ...
answer my question and than we will talk further . and if you read my post i say MQM is involved in Criminal activity but others are no saints ,
anyway i know your mind wont change because my reason to start this thread was i wanted to know how biased peoples can be ? and what kind of double standard life we are living :)
i am not angry on you but i feel pity on you and your kind of peoples ... and i appreciate those bastard politicians who wanted us as Pakistani to be divided in different sects . and they are successful......
brava! So which one are you? the dead donkey, broken cart or the one sleeping under the cart?

I am one of the bricks holding up the axle on one side. :D

typical martial law thread...

and @VCheng no, we are not somalia, pakistan fulfills the complete definition of a nation-state with federal system in place, but its not manged by rule of law, it still is a car at cross road, static yet fully functional, ready for someone to drive.

Fully functional car? Okay, I can accept that if we agree that other comparable nations are flying about in jets. :D
well to be honest the problem is collective & its huge , but the good news is, that the answer lies in an magic wand with just four magical words ! yes you heard it right, well let me help you out here, guess what, the magic wand is you the people of Pakistan & the four magical words are

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The day i join this forum , i do realize that the misconception about a certain people or parties are stuck in our hearts , every Pakistani is living a double standard life , as nation where we are going ? no where ?
i include myself on this too because my own review about a particular race is much more worse than anyone can imagine .. and certain peoples will agree with me here, but lots of peoples are just retards ? or they dont want to understand ? or they do such stuff on purpose to create hateness amongst us ? are we dividing as a PAkistani ? i will not as a muslim because we divide as muslims long time ago .. peoples who understand religious difference will agree with me , this is something we cant change and we dont even need to try ... " apne Aqiday ko choro nai , aur dosre ke aqiday ko chero nai " ...

but why some members here are so hateful ? i ask this question to myself too , but at least i dare to put my self here in front of my other pakistani brothers , i accept my mistake , but why not others ?
specially on case of Karachi , peoples from punjab and KPK keep blaming one certain party for all the mess in karachi ? what are they feeding the peoples in punjab and kpk ?
yeah you guess it right i am talking about MQM ... lets not talk about the leader of MQM , but why those peoples cant understand that millions of peoples Support and consider this guy as their leader ...can anyone say that all the workers of MQM are killers ? terrorists ? land grabber ? bhatta khor ?

they hardly know about the situation of karachi and they try to show themselves as a expert , and sounds like they know more than any other ?
i know MQM has been continuously involved in criminal activity , but can we say that others are angels ?
even there are thousands of proves availible against them , but there many proves which proves a certain hateness amongst peoples for MQM ....

i have life my whole life here in karachi , and as my life is right now , i can say that karachi situation effect me a lot . but what i want peoples to understand that its not just MQM ... from 2002-2008 karachi was very peaceful , and i know because i used to be in University and daily i hangout with my friends with no fear ... i even go to places with my friends where today i will think 100 times to go ...
how and why suddenly karachi situation changes ?

Uzair balouch the leader of Amaan comity that guy openly accept that Zulfiqar miraza and PPPP govt give them free license to used force against MQM , and target muhajir to start a civil war , i dont remember that there was any fight between Muhajir pathan ? pathan sindhi ? than what happen after 2008 ?

as educated peoples try to understand the the real problem of Karachi , if you keep blaming one certain Party , so all the peoples associated with them Good or Bad will hate you ..and they will create a mindset that they are getting discriminated. for MQM supporter they should realize that if you All know that who is behind karachi mess , try to explain peoples with peaceful way ...and for those who still believe that only MQM is behind the mess , please you guy need to change your mentality . because the 92 operation was not something our Armed forces are proud of .... and our country cant effort such operation again ? we are already have many problems to tackle ...
karachi is a chicken who lay Gold eggs , and everyone is trying to get this chicken no matter what it cost ....

to me everyone is responsible for karachi mess, PPP, MQM , ANP , religious parties ... mostly peoples dont even want to talk about those shia sunni mess? fighting between duebandi and other sects of firqa ?
what about those afghans who are sitting on all exists of karachi ? they have weapons there , police and even rangers are afraid to go there ?

its still not to late to start rebuilding our mentality , not based of punjabi , sindhi , balouch or muhajir but as a Pakistani ... All leaders are Pigs, yeh sale " apne baap ke sagge nai hote , tu hmare kia hon gay ? "

i feel sad when i see educated peoples here talking so biased.. including myself ...I am trying to make myself better as Pakistani ..but will others do the same ?? will this ever end ? or we will keep following the agenda of traitors ? and those pig politicians will just sit in their fancy house and laughing at us by saying " Pakistanio se zaida Chutiya Awaam puri duniya main nai ? bar bar humain hi elect kr le aten hai "

Change ka nara lagane na change aye ga ... na hi tsunami ...if you want to change pakistan start from yourself . remove the garbage from your hearts ...stop trusting those retards politicians who are good for nothing ... if in future ( may Allah forbid this ) any country Attack us , how will we defend this country ?
Azaadi ke nai nasal ne kuch nai kia is liye qader nai hai .....

we are still bearing the hateness of our balouchi brothers who think they are neglected by all govts . they were victimized , do we need another situation like Baluchistan ?
when someone become a Soldier in Pakistan army , he forget about his race, he dont care about punjabi , sindhi , pathan or etc, he is just a soldier ..why cant we think as a Soldier if we cant become one ? is it to hard for us to be ? a true Pakistani ?

think Guys think ...

May Allah protect our Country from all internal and external threats ,
Pakistan Zindabad ...:pakistan:

this thread is not for indians , so please dont bother to reply or turn it into a trolling thread. ... i would like to see reply from some senior members ...

@Aeronaut @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Leader @Zarvan @WebMaster @cb4 @Major Sam @Windjammer @DESERT FIGHTER @Aether @BATMAN @batmannow @Spring Opinion @tarrar @dexter @HRK @hasnain0099 @Manticore @Akheilos @jaibi and everyone else .....
so who should we support as our rulers if not Politicians? i will never want/support a military intervention...i dont want dynastic politics either...so the choices are very limited.....since nobody can be free of faults ever...so ill definately go for the one who hasnt been in the centre as a ruler before...who is less corrupt...more competent...more trustworthy....who wouldnt run away abroad with his family when he is more needed here....or the one who would just sit in the President house as a showpiece and does nothing substantial and lastly neither the one who if convicted,would run cowardly from city to city and hospital to hospital to get a safe exit..etc etc

or i wouldnt support anyone at all!

PS ....on the title of the thread....along with other Positive traits,we surely are a Hypocrite and Confused nation ....no doubt about it!:enjoy::p: tut tut

im sure @Akheilos will regret after quoting me here for the response haha
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I am one of the bricks holding up the axle on one side. :D

Fully functional car? Okay, I can accept that if we agree that other comparable nations are flying about in jets. :D

in a race, they are ahead.. but Pakistan is also a viable nation.. this rona dhona threads, crying about problems, blah blah is for the weak..
Albeit not of any political nature but i said this before, what Mustafa Kamal did to Karachi back then, he would get my vote any day to do that all over Pakistan, if one can ignore their violent side, the MQM is probably the most organised and disciplined of all others but their ''I own Karachi'' banner is selective and concerning.... why not ''I own Pakistan''.
As said before, I visited Pakistan late last year after a decade, all i witnessed a vibrant confident society and the thing that impressed me most was the increase in level of tolerance. There are 101 faults in our society but you can't deny that it's content and determined. A nation of lions led by lambs.
This question has always confused various parties about Karachi scenario:
"Why so much love for MQM?"
A party which is lead by a man named Altaf Hussain; who sings and cries and sometimes issues awful statements? such as tearing Karachi apart etc.
Then why so much love for him?young generations with normal IQ do ask to each other that what is so cool about this round, yellow confused looking leader.?
Damn it...let me finish..before getting mad at me read the whole post first.. I mean no offense...
The answer lies by studying his autobiography. According to sources,Mr.Hussain stood up and established this party for the rights of muhajirs ,as they were unable to get addmissions and seats on reputable institutions in Karachi.Same sources tell us that he used to clean streets with his own hands. Mr.Hussain by qualification is also fine...as he has done graduation in pharmacy and he has joined baluch regiment and left it later on.So this post which is intended to sketch stuff in neutral manner actually means that other parties should stop demonizing and mocking single party as they have failed to alleviate or solace the insecurity of people of Karachi or specific sect of Karachi city while MQM appears to understand this very well and that is why it wins despite of this fact that it is involved in various criminal activities and is charged or accused of various murder cases.Hence there are three categories of people in Karachi.
1)Those who are insecure
2)Those who are neutral;but remain silent due to fear of getting killed.
3)The oppurtunitist;those who are seeking benefits of any situation which appears to benefit them somehow.
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Great! Let us pretend there are no problems, and that we are strong. :D
The thing here is Mr Geo Cheng, do you get embarrased to drive your Toyota only because your neighbour has a Beamer or do you strive to get one one day. You Americans say something to the effect, when the going gets tough....well this Nation does gets going.
The thing here is Mr Geo Cheng, do you get embarrased to drive your Toyota only because your neighbour has a Beamer or do you strive to get one one day. You Americans say something to the effect, when the going gets tough....well this Nation does gets going.

Get going? Into the ditch, if at all. The going has been tough for decades, and getting tougher. We have claimed to get going all this time, but never did. Empty claims, that is all.
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