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What kind of Nation we are ?

At first if you dont succeed.. pay commission. :p:

The try part will happen only if there is a whole old man rut removed from the top. Literally, like shot in the millions.. everybody over 40.. out of the government.. out of private organizations.. and into forced labor. Our families too.

The culture of corruption, of nepotism, of fanaticism.. is being passed down to us. Remove that hereditary factor, and you going to be the most effective country in South Asia.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Good one ...

butt still if we just clean the top leadership , and fix the law order , 70% of issues will be solved ..what do you think ?
At first if you dont succeed.. pay commission. :p:

The try part will happen only if there is a whole old man rut removed from the top. Literally, like shot in the millions.. everybody over 40.. out of the government.. out of private organizations.. and into forced labor. Our families too.

The culture of corruption, of nepotism, of fanaticism.. is being passed down to us. Remove that hereditary factor, and you going to be the most effective country in South Asia.
I agree with this bit....There should be a mass retirement scheme sub ko andoun par ghar bhitana na paray ga!! Or send them to their kids or their apartments overseas!
Kya phadda banaya hoa yahan :what:.....
My dear you are right, no party is angel and have equal share in destroying the city and we do criticize them w when it comes down to that, but you cannot turn a blind eye to the mess mqm and ppp has created in Karachi either...... There are some reports i have with me on my laptop, will share with you in the mooring, i will leave it for you answer after that.... Mqm is the not the angel you think it is....

i never say MQM is angel yaar , read it again, my problem is that peoples only blame MQM , which is wrong ... can you say the terrorism is only because of FATA peoples ? no because everyone know cross boarder afghan talibans and tajik and uzbiks . so similar in karachi its not just one party , every one is playing in pig shit pool

Car? It is more like a cart with a dead donkey at the front, and a few bricks where the wheels once used to be. It is not going anywhere. Oh, and the people are sleeping under the cart, without any interest in fixing it.

Relax buddy , if it comes to that , we will bury the dead Donkey and put that Cart on our shoulders and continue our journey ... but we will never accept a foreign tattto to push our cart :D
Car? It is more like a cart with a dead donkey at the front, and a few bricks where the wheels once used to be. It is not going anywhere. Oh, and the people are sleeping under the cart, without any interest in fixing it.
brava! So which one are you? the dead donkey, broken cart or the one sleeping under the cart?
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Good one ...

butt still if we just clean the top leadership , and fix the law order , 70% of issues will be solved ..what do you think ?
And how do you propose we do that??? Those sitting at the top are from us, they used to be among us, that Commisioner sb sitting in that office and roaming around with protocol and doesnt sign a single damn paper unless presented with some baba g notes, is the same guy who use to run in hot summer to study, to find a job.......
He has been through all, he has seen it all, he knows problems faced by a common citizen, yet you ask him to do you a favor and see what happens, will he understand your problem???? If he doesn't work for you, who in simple words is meant to be a civil servant and his salary is payed by me then how cool you expect pasta to care for you?

brava! So which one are you? the dead donkey, broken cart or the one sleeping under the cart?
Hes the one looking at this all, and wondering, if the people will is broken or the cart???
Hes the one looking at this all, and wondering, if the people will is broken or the cart???
Oh yea he isnt part of Pakistan nor Pakistani...so whats he doing on this thread I think OP told others to back off...

You see we have many of these on lookers...Instead of lending a helping hand in some form they stand, criticize/ laugh shake their heads and walk away....What exactly is the use of such people or defending them? Exactly, the word is nothing....

Why should they get a say when there is a small group trying even if they saw all this meaning this small group has hope and maybe a stronger will so this small people dont need no negative energy of the onlooker thank you very much!
And how do you propose we do that??? Those sitting at the top are from us, they used to be among us, that Commisioner sb sitting in that office and roaming around with protocol and doesnt sign a single damn paper unless presented with some baba g notes, is the same guy who use to run in hot summer to study, to find a job.......
He has been through all, he has seen it all, he knows problems faced by a common citizen, yet you ask him to do you a favor and see what happens, will he understand your problem???? If he doesn't work for you, who in simple words is meant to be a civil servant and his salary is payed by me then how cool you expect pasta to care for you?

Hes the one looking at this all, and wondering, if the people will is broken or the cart???

Sir we have a whole box full of problems but can we just leave our country like this ? those who have money or get chance go to UK, USA , Canada , and while sitting there joining the forum and say " oh man our country is fucked by politicians and peoples " ?
or by just updating a status on Fb ? thats it? who will fix our country ? Obama ? no sir one of us would have to take the lead ....

brava! So which one are you? the dead donkey, broken cart or the one sleeping under the cart?

can i make a guess ? :omghaha:
i didnt start this thread to hear some " hopeless " comments yaar ... i wish that we can come out with a solution which can help us and our country ...
I respect your opinion my friend and thank you for writing such a detailed post.

I cannot comment on others but for me I don't treat myself affiliated with any political party although I did vote for PTI back in 2013. For me nobody is angel and as you said people knows shit about Karachi and pretend to be expert. I can say from experience on PDF and few other forums that there is indeed natural support of MQM in Karachi. They have an organisation based system very different to political parties but it somewhat satisfies the needs of many Karachiites. I don't like MQM but it doesn't mean the MQM supporters are all wrong. I feel the elements of militancy within MQM and even their strict behaviour as popularly liked by MQM followers is somewhat violent behaviour in my eyes. I heard that they are only allowed to hear a phone call by speakers. This is the height of strict rules in my opinion.

All i want to say is there are good and bad people in every party and I agree with your post nobody being an angel.
I respect your opinion my friend and thank you for writing such a detailed post.

I cannot comment on others but for me I don't treat myself affiliated with any political party although I did vote for PTI back in 2013. For me nobody is angel and as you said people knows shit about Karachi and pretend to be expert. I can say from experience on PDF and few other forums that there is indeed natural support of MQM in Karachi. They have an organisation based system very different to political parties but it somewhat satisfies the needs of many Karachiites. I don't like MQM but it doesn't mean the MQM supporters are all wrong. I feel the elements of militancy within MQM and even their strict behaviour as popularly liked by MQM followers is somewhat violent behaviour in my eyes. I heard that they are only allowed to hear a phone call by speakers. This is the height of strict rules in my opinion.

All i want to say is there are good and bad people in every party and I agree with your post nobody being an angel.

i agree with you , and i also vote for PTI :)
"I heard that they are only allowed to hear a phone call by speakers " i honestly didnt kknow about this rule
to me everyone is responsible for karachi mess, PPP, MQM , ANP , religious parties ... mostly peoples dont even want to talk about those shia sunni mess? fighting between duebandi and other sects of firqa ?

Same here I also said this many times in real life and here at this forum as well.

this stereotyping exists because Karachi is not just a city, its a 'market' where every power segment/mafia markets its product & services be its political, social, religious or ethnic.

the problem of Karachi is neither ethnic, nor political, social or religious but clash of interest ... political interest, social interest, ethnic interest etc.

Just as an example Katai Parahi issue if you people remember a furious fight b/w MQM and ANP few years back in which both the parties claim to be oppressed by other ethnic community, was started because of the tassel b/w the two land grabber groups unfortunately one was Urdu speaking and the other was Pashtoon hence both were extracting support from respective political parties. now you people don't listen any such news from Khatti Parahi, want to know why ..... ??? because the other grouped has 'captured' all that land and sold it to common people.

same was the case with Baloch/Layari issue, former interior minister Sindh on record justified the collection of Baatha by 'Aman Committe' on ethnic grounds.

I just don't want to debate about religious groups, otherwise i can point number of Masjid/Imambargah, Mazar which are built illegally or on the grabbed land.

this is the city of Mafia, Political Mafia, Religious Mafia, Water Mafia, Education Mafia, this mafia that Mafia

MQM being the most powerful every other competitor curse them, if someone associated with this party he secure certain benefits just because of association, it does not make other less harmful but as you said MQM is also not angel

Kis Se Faryaad Kre Kis se Munsafi Chahay.
IIS Sher ko ujjar Diya IIs Sher ke looga ne

Same here I also said this many times in real life and here at this forum as well.

this stereotyping exists because Karachi is not just a city, its a 'market' where every power segment/mafia markets its product & services be its political, social, religious or ethnic.

the problem of Karachi is neither ethnic, nor political, social or religious but clash of interest ... political interest, social interest, ethnic interest etc.

Just as an example Katai Parahi issue if you people remember a furious fight b/w MQM and ANP few years back in which both the parties claim to be oppressed by other ethnic community, was started because of the tassel b/w the two land grabber groups unfortunately one was Urdu speaking and the other was Pashtoon hence both were extracting support from respective political parties. now you people don't listen any such news from Khatti Parahi, want to know why ..... ??? because the other grouped has 'captured' all that land and sold it to common people.

same was the case with Baloch/Layari issue, former interior minister Sindh on record justified the collection of Baatha by 'Aman Committe' on ethnic grounds.

I just don't want to debate about religious groups, otherwise i can point number of Masjid/Imambargah, Mazar which are built illegally or on the grabbed land.

this is the city of Mafia, Political Mafia, Religious Mafia, Water Mafia, Education Mafia, this mafia that Mafia

MQM being the most powerful every other competitor curse them, if someone associated with this party he secure certain benefits just because of association, it does not make other less harmful but as you said MQM is also not angel

Kis Se Faryaad Kre Kis se Munsafi Chahay.
IIS Sher ko ujjar Diya IIs Sher ke looga ne

i agree each an everything you said .. your post deserve a positive rating ... how i can give it ?
The day i join this forum , i do realize that the misconception about a certain people or parties are stuck in our hearts , every Pakistani is living a double standard life , as nation where we are going ? no where ?
i include myself on this too because my own review about a particular race is much more worse than anyone can imagine .. and certain peoples will agree with me here, but lots of peoples are just retards ? or they dont want to understand ? or they do such stuff on purpose to create hateness amongst us ? are we dividing as a PAkistani ? i will not as a muslim because we divide as muslims long time ago .. peoples who understand religious difference will agree with me , this is something we cant change and we dont even need to try ... " apne Aqiday ko choro nai , aur dosre ke aqiday ko chero nai " ...

but why some members here are so hateful ? i ask this question to myself too , but at least i dare to put my self here in front of my other pakistani brothers , i accept my mistake , but why not others ?
specially on case of Karachi , peoples from punjab and KPK keep blaming one certain party for all the mess in karachi ? what are they feeding the peoples in punjab and kpk ?
yeah you guess it right i am talking about MQM ... lets not talk about the leader of MQM , but why those peoples cant understand that millions of peoples Support and consider this guy as their leader ...can anyone say that all the workers of MQM are killers ? terrorists ? land grabber ? bhatta khor ?

they hardly know about the situation of karachi and they try to show themselves as a expert , and sounds like they know more than any other ?
i know MQM has been continuously involved in criminal activity , but can we say that others are angels ?
even there are thousands of proves availible against them , but there many proves which proves a certain hateness amongst peoples for MQM ....

i have life my whole life here in karachi , and as my life is right now , i can say that karachi situation effect me a lot . but what i want peoples to understand that its not just MQM ... from 2002-2008 karachi was very peaceful , and i know because i used to be in University and daily i hangout with my friends with no fear ... i even go to places with my friends where today i will think 100 times to go ...
how and why suddenly karachi situation changes ?

Uzair balouch the leader of Amaan comity that guy openly accept that Zulfiqar miraza and PPPP govt give them free license to used force against MQM , and target muhajir to start a civil war , i dont remember that there was any fight between Muhajir pathan ? pathan sindhi ? than what happen after 2008 ?

as educated peoples try to understand the the real problem of Karachi , if you keep blaming one certain Party , so all the peoples associated with them Good or Bad will hate you ..and they will create a mindset that they are getting discriminated. for MQM supporter they should realize that if you All know that who is behind karachi mess , try to explain peoples with peaceful way ...and for those who still believe that only MQM is behind the mess , please you guy need to change your mentality . because the 92 operation was not something our Armed forces are proud of .... and our country cant effort such operation again ? we are already have many problems to tackle ...
karachi is a chicken who lay Gold eggs , and everyone is trying to get this chicken no matter what it cost ....

to me everyone is responsible for karachi mess, PPP, MQM , ANP , religious parties ... mostly peoples dont even want to talk about those shia sunni mess? fighting between duebandi and other sects of firqa ?
what about those afghans who are sitting on all exists of karachi ? they have weapons there , police and even rangers are afraid to go there ?

its still not to late to start rebuilding our mentality , not based of punjabi , sindhi , balouch or muhajir but as a Pakistani ... All leaders are Pigs, yeh sale " apne baap ke sagge nai hote , tu hmare kia hon gay ? "

i feel sad when i see educated peoples here talking so biased.. including myself ...I am trying to make myself better as Pakistani ..but will others do the same ?? will this ever end ? or we will keep following the agenda of traitors ? and those pig politicians will just sit in their fancy house and laughing at us by saying " Pakistanio se zaida Chutiya Awaam puri duniya main nai ? bar bar humain hi elect kr le aten hai "

Change ka nara lagane na change aye ga ... na hi tsunami ...if you want to change pakistan start from yourself . remove the garbage from your hearts ...stop trusting those retards politicians who are good for nothing ... if in future ( may Allah forbid this ) any country Attack us , how will we defend this country ?
Azaadi ke nai nasal ne kuch nai kia is liye qader nai hai .....

we are still bearing the hateness of our balouchi brothers who think they are neglected by all govts . they were victimized , do we need another situation like Baluchistan ?
when someone become a Soldier in Pakistan army , he forget about his race, he dont care about punjabi , sindhi , pathan or etc, he is just a soldier ..why cant we think as a Soldier if we cant become one ? is it to hard for us to be ? a true Pakistani ?

think Guys think ...

May Allah protect our Country from all internal and external threats ,
Pakistan Zindabad ...:pakistan:

this thread is not for indians , so please dont bother to reply or turn it into a trolling thread. ... i would like to see reply from some senior members ...

@Aeronaut @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Leader @Zarvan @WebMaster @cb4 @Major Sam @Windjammer @DESERT FIGHTER @Aether @BATMAN @batmannow @Spring Opinion @tarrar @dexter @HRK @hasnain0099 @Manticore @Akheilos @jaibi and everyone else .....
Sir I am really sorry to offend you but in Karachi its only MQM which is the problem other parties are all over Pakisan too have you ever heard of their militant groups fighting each other or taking bhatta from people no sir but what happens to same parties when they come in Karachi sir what happen is that they have to face the gunda known as MQM who for past 30 years is involved in killing of thousands of people of other parties and civilians and taking bhatta threatening people so as result of these actions other parties in Karachi also started forming militant groups they had to respond to other wise MQM would have eliminated them not through its ideology but buy Gun so Sir in Karachi their is only one cancer that is MQM
Sir I am really sorry to offend you but in Karachi its only MQM which is the problem other parties are all over Pakisan too have you ever heard of their militant groups fighting each other or taking bhatta from people no sir but what happens to same parties when they come in Karachi sir what happen is that they have to face the gunda known as MQM who for past 30 years is involved in killing of thousands of people of other parties and civilians and taking bhatta threatening people so as result of these actions other parties in Karachi also started forming militant groups they had to respond to other wise MQM would have eliminated them not through its ideology but buy Gun so Sir in Karachi their is only one cancer that is MQM

have you ever been to karachi ??
kati pahari , banars , safora goth , afghan basiti , liyari , purani sabzi mandi , etc ?
i dont think so .. if you do go there you would have change your thinking , if still you think that way i feel sorry for you...
for highlighted part , " ager mai bura hun tu tum bhi bure ban jao ? yeh kon si theory hai bhai ?

do you have any idea how many supporters MQM have ? are you saying all these peoples are cancer to Pakistani ? if yes than i must say Pakistan is going towards a bloody civil war
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