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We need to bring the Biharis left behind To Pakistan

Richard Harris on twitter tweeted about this. I think it is something we need to re-focus on, especially since we have a Prime Minister who displays empathy towards those who have been wronged.

As a Pakistani Punjabi, I would be in favor of (at least initially) settling them in various parts of Punjab. We are a massive province of 100 million people and can easily absorb them without causing any kind of demographic imbalance.

The goal would be to spread out the settlements in various cities and towns, rather than one large settlement, to reduce the impact on any one town or city.

It's too late for that now; a whole generation has grownup in Bangladesh of biharis and vice versa of banglis in Pakistan. An agreement with Bangladesh; to grant citizenship to bangali population in Pakistan and similarly bihari population in bangladesh to grant citizenship of respective countries is the way forward. Generations of those bangalis are living in Pakistan. So they need to be regularized.

Similarly with regards to Afghanistan situation, it's also important to devise an immigration policy; and the criteria should be birth and place of main residence in Pakistan, education, assimilation with culture and language, no criminal background or activities with anti-state actors, giving up afghan nationality. If a person fulfill those criteria he should be given nationality. As long as such individuals who are in millions stays out of system; Pakistan is doing itself no favor.
I know your Punjabi nationalism is running high at the moment but do note that Punjabis form close to 20% of the population of Karachi. Same with Pathans. The largest population of Pathans in any city isn't Kabul or Peshawar but Karachi. Karachi also has lakhs of Bengalis, Biharis who moved here after 1971. There are millions of Afghans in Karachi as well.

So while it is good to be nationalistic about your own province don't make it seem that Punjab is the only one that is handling the burden.

Fyi I am not a Punjabi or son of soil.

Punjabi-Pathan nexus has been dominating bureaucracy and state institutions since late 60s , so it makes sense why they have presence in Karachi. Funny thing is , they were able to get into Khi because it is 75% Muhajir and not sindhi... They have been accepted not by Sindhi but rather Urban residing Muhajirs.

Ethnic sindhis are still unhappy with their presence.
Fyi I am not a Punjabi or son of soil.

Punjabi-Pathan nexus has been dominating bureaucracy and state institutions since late 60s , so it makes sense why they have presence in Karachi. Funny thing is , they were able to get into Khi because it is 75% Muhajir and not sindhi... They have been accepted not by Sindhi but rather Urban residing Muhajirs.

Ethnic sindhis are still unhappy with their presence.
Sindhis were very happy when Non-Muhajirs were settling to change the demographics. i would love to have Biharis settle in Sindh's Cities
I know your Punjabi nationalism is running high at the moment but do note that Punjabis form close to 20% of the population of Karachi. Same with Pathans. The largest population of Pathans in any city isn't Kabul or Peshawar but Karachi. Karachi also has lakhs of Bengalis, Biharis who moved here after 1971. There are millions of Afghans in Karachi as well.

So while it is good to be nationalistic about your own province don't make it seem that Punjab is the only one that is handling the burden.

Not trying to sound like i want to carve a new country out of Punjab but, Karachi is a city while Punjab is a province. Go figure who's handling more burden. Actually i wouldn't refer to others living in Punjab or Karachi as "burden" but the other provinces should lessen their "ethnic nationalistic" tendencies too.
Richard Harris on twitter tweeted about this. I think it is something we need to re-focus on, especially since we have a Prime Minister who displays empathy towards those who have been wronged.

As a Pakistani Punjabi, I would be in favor of (at least initially) settling them in various parts of Punjab. We are a massive province of 100 million people and can easily absorb them without causing any kind of demographic imbalance.

The goal would be to spread out the settlements in various cities and towns, rather than one large settlement, to reduce the impact on any one town or city.

Hear, hear. More should have been done a long time ago, better late than never. But if I'm honest, I don't think the state has any spare change lying around, and certainly has a huge list of pressing problems on which their wits and means are already exhausted. It's hard to see anything materialising in the near future. We've taken millions of Afghan refugees before, and just at the start of Zarb-e-Azb, I think we had something like one million IDPs. So it can be done, but I think we'd all hope that it's done with better planning and funds.

They should be brought back but won't this make the Punjab province more over crowded?

Not the province, but major cities? Sure. Migrants and refugees almost always concentrated in large cities, you can see this in the West, you can see it with Afghan population in Pakistan etc. Karachi especially and Lahore will probably host a majority of any such newcomers.
Those who want to come should be repatriated. I doubt Sindh will be accepting any but Punjab should (i am Punjabi). Having said that this BBC article implies that the younger generation of Biharis see themselves as Bangladeshi (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2941974.stm). Can anybody else expand on this?

10 people got citizenship out of 300k and you are talking as if their fortunes have changed...

I think this thread is useless because there is an official ban on anymore migration and we all know this will never be uplifted for reasons I explained in one of earlier posts in this thread.

Sindhis were very happy when Non-Muhajirs were settling to change the demographics. i would love to have Biharis settle in Sindh's Cities

Lol No... Sindhis are only accepting of baloch settlers ... Everyone else can take a hike.
We need some critical reforms first to stabilize the country. Then we can talk about migration. Present federal system with provinces which was masterminded by ZA Bhutto in 1973 to break up PAKISTAN even further , must be reversed first. We need to go back to original unitary government system by dissolving all the provinces. There will be only divisions and municipalities(small, medium and large) as administrative units.

Provincial governments are the breeding house for mismanagement, separatism, looters and local thugs. Current provincial system will ultimately destroy PAKISTAN which everyone must realize.
We need some critical reforms first to stabilize the country. Then we can talk about migration. Present federal system with provinces which was masterminded by ZA Bhutto in 1973 to break up PAKISTAN even further , must be reversed first. We need to go back to original unitary government system by dissolving all the provinces. There will be only divisions and municipalities(small, medium and large) as administrative units.

Provincial governments are the breeding house for mismanagement, separatism, looters and local thugs. Current provincial system will ultimately destroy PAKISTAN which everyone must realize.


I remember that it was one of the proposals to split pakistan into counties like in the UK to make it into manageable smaller units and to break the ethnic / linguistic barriers---.

Splitting the nation into 4 major provinces based on language was either a long term destructive planning of Pakistan or sheer incompetence---.

Yes, we should bring them back. Punjab can accommodate these people and yes i am a punjabi, would proudly like to contribute.


Once we resolve the afghan issue and send the 4 1/2 million afghans back to afg sooner---we can look into bringing the real sons and daughters of he nation 'the biharis' back to the homeland---.
10 people got citizenship out of 300k and you are talking as if their fortunes have changed...

I think this thread is useless because there is an official ban on anymore migration and we all know this will never be uplifted for reasons I explained in one of earlier posts in this thread.

Lol No... Sindhis are only accepting of baloch settlers ... Everyone else can take a hike.

and which part of my comment is discussing their fortune pray tell? My question is in relation to their identity. If the younger generation see themselves as Bangladeshi and want to stay there then that makes this issue more complex.

@Avicenna , can you expand on this, in your experience do the younger Biharis want to stay and become Bangladeshi citizens or do they want to move to Pakistan?
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