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Why Pakistan Needs Language Laws

Your privilege is no excuse for the current dismal Pakistani education system. I just gave you 5 sources above which state that education in mother tongues helps them progress and excel.

pAk nUClEaR sCiEnTiStS all came from abroad….what does that tell you?

Meanwhile, Japan and Germany, two of the most advanced nations on earth, teach their children everything in Japanese and German from nursery to post-secondary.

That’s why they’re able to innovate and lead in R&D because students don’t memorize A B C and 1 2 3 like in Pakistan.

They understand why A is A and why 1 is 1.

Your privilege means nothing to me. Being post British bootlickers literally proves me point about you using your privilege to claim everything is perfectly fine in Pakistan.

And what does that have to do with Pakistan‘s education system?

And what does that have to do with Pakistan’s education system?

And what does that have to do with Pakistan’s education system?

And where were those F16s when American drones were murdering Pakistanis between 2002 and 2015? Where were these English speaking F16 pilots when the Americans raided Abbottabad and made a mockery of your military?

vEe sPeAk EnGliSh.

Look at pictures of Israel and South Korea….and then compare it to Pakistan Mr. Kiwi e Mart 7/11.

That’s the whole point. They should have been….if Pakistanis were taught in mother tongues, we would have MORE competent doctors, MORE competent engineers, MORE competent lawyers.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?

The children of all judges, politicians, generals all come from a long line of British bootlicking BC’s like you who sucked off the British and took control of Pakistan in 1947. They are maintaining their ELITE SOCIETY at the expense of Pakistanis remaining poor and uneducated.

Not being able to read or write in your own language = illiteracy. Simple as that.


Tell that to the Japanese, Germans, Chinese, Koreans and literally every self respecting nation on earth. Chutiye.


Because you’re all doing do well right now. Pakistan is LUMBER 1 in the world. Everyone is coming to Pakistan from all over the world!

That’s becausE they live in the United States you f***king idiot. English is the official language. If they lived in Spain, they’d learn Spanish. If they lived in France, they’d learn French. If they lived in China, they’d learn Chinese.

TF is wrong with you?

Go take your pills budday.

I know how the world works well. You old budday destroyed Pakistan and did nothing to make any changes.

Sit TF down in the corner and don’t ever reply to my topics again. The day your generation all DIES off is the day I will dance on all your graves and Pakistan will finally be free.

Japan and germany have had their language for thousand years---. All their literature, research in science is in their mother tongue.

Punjabi has no scientific history---and neither does sindhi baluchi or pashtu---.

Pak nuc scientists were born, raised and educated in pakistan in the pakistani education system of the 50's & 60's----which you have no clue how good it was. Other than urdu & Islamyat teaching---all books were in english in pretty much all high schools.

In the USA---white / chinese / rich people have governesses for their children teaching them spanish---french---german---chinese as a supplemental language right from babies---.

That’s becausE they live in the United States you f***king idiot. English is the official language. If they lived in Spain, they’d learn Spanish. If they lived in France, they’d learn French. If they lived in China, they’d learn Chinese.

TF is wrong with you?


In your anger---you have lost comprehension of what is being said.

They are teaching their children multiple languages right from craddle---.

An average european speaks a minimum of 2 languages---a well versed european would learn to speak 3 or 4 languages to get ahead of others.

Japan and germany have had their language for thousand years---. All their literature, research in science is in their mother tongue.

What thousands of years? Modern science is universal and in German and Japanese languages are all translated in this century alone.

Science is universal…languages translate knowledge from other languages to their own languages all the time. The ones who don’t get left behind….Pakistan is a perfect example of that.

What in the hell are you even talking about?

How different is a Japanese medical school textbook from a British medical school textbook. None whatsoever…they all teach the same thing….one in English, one in Japanese.

Punjabi has no scientific history---and neither does sindhi baluchi or pashtu---.

There is something called translation. Hebrew has no scientific history at all, and look what Israel has done in 75 years ALONE. This excuse is preposterous.

You just prove everything wrong with Pakistan today.

Pak nuc scientists were born, raised and educated in pakistan in the pakistani education system of the 50's & 60's----which you have no clue how good it was.

If it was so good then why are we the way we are? Pakistan’s education system was adopted from your colonial overlords. The entire education system of British India was to make good, productive, brown sahebs for the ruling elite and that tradition continues today.

Pakistan’s school enrolment in the 50s and 60s was less than 30%…meaning 70% of Pakistani students didn’t even have a chance to go to school between 1947 to 1970.

This is what you’re proud of?

Other than urdu & Islamyat teaching---all books were in english in pretty much all high schools.

And what’s your point?
every new comers language will get bastardised over time when introduced to other local languages it’s a natural course a language will take. It’s been happening thru out history..

No it hasn’t.

And that’s why countries adopt language laws.

Nations with ZERO self respect don’t.
No it hasn’t.

And that’s why countries adopt language laws.

Nations with ZERO self respect don’t.

Language evolves, I'm not saying whether it's good or bad but it does
Language evolves, I'm not saying whether it's good or bad but it does

Languages evolve NATURALLY by being influenced by neighboring languages over a long period of time. Those neighboring languages are usually similar and so the language doesn't end up sounding like a dumpster fire.

Languages do not evolve by its speakers suffering from a massive inferiority complex and insisting on replacing words which already exist in the language.

No wonder Urdu today is a dumpster fire of a language.

This is evolution?
During 1837 British India made Urdu the official language of the empire by getting rid of the old language Persian. I wonder why?
To make us all pajeets for eternity and break our connection to Muslims of Persia, Afghanistan and Central Asia as well as to rich persian literature and knowledge base.
Languages evolve NATURALLY by being influenced by neighboring languages over a long period of time. Those neighboring languages are usually similar and so the language doesn't end up sounding like a dumpster fire.

Languages do not evolve by its speakers suffering from a massive inferiority complex and insisting on replacing words which already exist in the language.

No wonder Urdu today is a dumpster fire of a language.

This is evolution?
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Most Pakistanis CAN speak some level Urdu ! But it's just not their first language. Put your pitchforks down and stop with the racist comments. It's disgusting!
So that there can be more division between people. Urdu is one of the things that unites the nation. If there's no national language then the chances of division between people rise exponentially. There's a reason why China made its entire population learn a standardized version of Mandarin. Most of China's coastal belt used to speak Cantonese and look at them now. The reason why India to a significant extent gets away with not having a national language is that they have forged a strong national identity by calling itself the "Indian Civilization" and they consider all South Asian civilizations to be part of its "Indian Civilization". Now let's compare China with India, currently, China has more unity than India can ever dream of, even when China was poorer than India, it was more united and having a single national language and a single culture dominate the entire country was an extremely important reason for that. We have an extremely weak national identity and without Urdu, it would be even weaker.

@Valar. @villageidiot @Goenitz @AlKardai
That's why we would have been better off building our identity based on either Farsi or Arabi from outset, do a clean break from gangu civilization and language.
Most Pakistanis CAN speak some level Urdu ! But it's just not their first language. Put your pitchforks down and stop with the racist comments. It's disgusting!

Don’t comment on stuff you don‘t understand.

Seriously Pakistanis really are a shameless people. Look at the examples above and tell me how this is acceptable.

Just adopt English 100% and ban all other languages in Pakistan.

F**k off and remain slaves.

I’m so done with this country man.

To make us all pajeets for eternity and break our connection to Muslims of Persia, Afghanistan and Central Asia as well as to rich persian literature and knowledge base.

Making Persian the official language of Pakistan could have occurred in 1947. At this point it’s way too late and I personally think it’s the wrong move, since Persian isn’t native to this land either.

HOWEVER, I do accept the fact Persian played a huge role in the development of Pakistan’s indigenous languages - and for that when having to choose between Persian and English, I’d choose Persian.

But in this day in age, it’s not possible.

Israel resurrected Hebrew from the dead in 1948 and look at them now. They modernized the language and constantly update the language with new words so the language doesn’t become a dumpster fire of foreign words.

Seriously, listen to Urdu spoken before and listen to Urdu spoken now by Pakistanis. It sounds horrible…a dumpster fire of poor Urdu grammar with English words.

Pakistan can do the same with Urdu, while the provinces exercise their 18th Amendment right.

Language boards in Pakistan should actually do their jobs and language laws should be enforced.

This is what all other countries do except Pakistan

It really comes down to inferiority complex.
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Most Pakistanis CAN speak some level Urdu ! But it's just not their first language. Put your pitchforks down and stop with the racist comments. It's disgusting!


Here’s a Persian news channel

Here’s a Pakistani Urdu news channel

Despite the fact the word for News and Headlines already exist in Urdu, they write HEADLINES by transliterating it into Udrug.

LOL Pakistanis.

Even Afghanistan has a little self respect.


Meanwhile in Pakistan

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Don’t comment on stuff you don‘t understand.

Seriously Pakistanis really are a shameless people. Look at the examples above and tell me how this is acceptable.

Just adopt English 100% and ban all other languages in Pakistan.

F**k off and remain slaves.

I’m so done with this country man.

Making Persian the official language of Pakistan could have occurred in 1947. At this point it’s way too late and I personally think it’s the wrong move, since Persian isn’t native to this land either.

HOWEVER, I do accept the fact Persian played a huge role in the development of Pakistan’s indigenous languages - and for that when having to choose between Persian and English, I’d choose Persian.

But in this day in age, it’s not possible.

Israel resurrected Hebrew from the dead in 1948 and look at them now. They modernized the language and constantly update the language with new words so the language doesn’t become a dumpster fire of foreign words.

Seriously, listen to Urdu spoken before and listen to Urdu spoken now by Pakistanis. It sounds horrible…a dumpster fire of poor Urdu grammar with English words.

Pakistan can do the same with Urdu, while the provinces exercise their 18th Amendment right.

Language boards in Pakistan should actually do their jobs and language laws should be enforced.

This is what all other countries do except Pakistan

It really comes down to inferiority complex.

Excuse me .... no one is being racist here. People are saying it how it is - both sides. You say we don’t speak Urdu . You know do you? Listen, if these Pakistanis do speak urdu I'm sure the problem wouldn't be quite so great when it comes to your beloved Urdu language skills. There's no pitchfork here , but the parents converse in their own language in the homes and province , be it to adults or their children. it is considered quite rude and I think it fair to say, that most would speak Urdu where possible outside of their province . Why would we Pashtuns speak Urdu home or on our street be fair now …. And you are being naïve. And don’t tell us F off cos we disagree on this. I cannot imagine any other nation did what Pakistanis did That had displaced local ones for yours show some gratitude.,punk
Excuse me .... no one is being racist here. People are saying it how it is - both sides. You say we don’t speak Urdu . You know do you?

People are saying what? How illiterate you all are. I mean at least be ashamed of your illiteracy at the bare minimum!

Listen, if these Pakistanis do speak urdu I'm sure the problem wouldn't be quite so great when it comes to your beloved Urdu language skills. There's no pitchfork here , but the parents converse in their own language in the homes and province , be it to adults or their children. it is considered quite rude and I think it fair to say, that most would speak Urdu where possible outside of their province .

Donkey. Read what I wrote in the first post.

I am not only talking about Urdu, I’m talking about regional languages. If you read what I wrote you would see I advocate for MOTHER TONGUE in primary schools.

Sindh is the only province which exercises its right to teach children in Sindhi language - and very poorly too - but it’s a start.

Why doesn’t KP do this for Pashto or Punjab with Punjabi? The 18th amendment gives you that right.

Why would we Pashtuns speak Urdu home or on our street be fair now ….

Never said you should. Why don’t KP schools have Pashto as the official medium of instruction then?

This is exactly what I’m talking about when I say Pakistanis are illiterate.

You don’t know Urdu.
You don’t know English.
You don’t know your mother tongue.

So what are you then?

And you are being naïve. And don’t tell us F off cos we disagree on this. I cannot imagine any other nation did what Pakistanis did That had displaced local ones for yours show some gratitude.,punk


You people can’t read anything (because you’re illiterate) and then make accusations.


Teaching in mother tongue is a fraud and deceptive---.
It is only done for those races & ethnic groups who are INFERIOR in MENTAL CAPACITIES---.

Pakistani community either be Blauch---sindhi---punjabi or pashtun has no diminished mental capacities either for them or for their children---.

We are a very sharp people---this mother tongue learning is to keep us down and backwards---and you fools fall for it---.

This is what MASTAN KHAN wrote about your Pashto language. I’m the one who said he was wrong.

And you’re getting MAD AT ME?
That's why we would have been better off building our identity based on either Farsi or Arabi from outset, do a clean break from gangu civilization and language.
If you want Pakistan to adopt a foreign language then why adopt Farsi, a language that's useless for us? Why not adopt English instead as it actually offers immense benefits over both Arabic and Farsi?
Language is the soul of a people. A nation that surrenders its language is beneath contempt.

Recently the Italian government introduced a policy of banning English word in government.

Have you noticed that not a single white country has surrendered its language. I was in Lithuania a few year ago. Population about 3 million.

Official language= Lithuanian
Medium of education = Lithuanian
Language on media= Lithuanian.

All signs = in Lithuanian

The darker skinned a country, the more important English becomes.
Average Urdu skills of Pakistanis
Saying موسم is so difficult…so they say VEHTHER….lmfao

This is why the word laughs at Pakistanis for sounding like 7/11 Kwik e Mart employees.

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