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We need to bring the Biharis left behind To Pakistan

This would be a good opportunity to settle people in areas where no one wants to go. Something like the Canadian system of immigration, where you get immediate entry if you want to settle in some rural area.
If anyone of you ever met Bengalis and Biharis who came after 71 to Karachi and you hear their stories you would be shocked at what they went through for this country

We are from KPK but a significant portion of my distant family is settled in Karachi since 60s.

Reminds me of a lady who married a relative from my cousin's side.

She was from bengal/E Pak and came to Karachi during those times after marrying the relative in E Pak. The relative died of natural causes and she lost her connection to Bangladesh after 71.

She still lives in Karachi.

Another story is of my maternal cousin's uncle's/grand father.

They had a good business set up in E Pak. During the civil war they got butchered by the bengalis. Only one survived by jumping into river/canal.

He was given refuge by a behari family who knew the grand father, who then helped the last survivor escape the country.

I do agree with OP.

We need to bring back the biharis.
and which part of my comment is discussing their fortune pray tell? My question is in relation to their identity. If the younger generation see themselves as Bangladeshi and want to stay there then that makes this issue more complex.

@Avicenna , can you expand on this, in your experience do the younger Biharis want to stay and become Bangladeshi citizens or do they want to move to Pakistan?

I don't know man.

I haven't been to Bangladesh in decades.

I would say, as an idealist, whatever actions taken if any should be done amicably by all parties.

As someone completely unfamiliar with this, I see this as unsettled business.

What is the approximate number of people in question?
If anyone of you ever met Bengalis and Biharis who came after 71 to Karachi and you hear their stories you would be shocked at what they went through for this country

No one cares..

First they got really fucked during the migration of 1947 and then again in 1971....

Is this how state treats the loyal subjects, all because sons of soil couldn't accommodate a mere 300k people ?
Punjab is the only accommodating and liberal province in truest sense. I truly regret that my forefathers settled in Sindh. I have one other family who settled in Punjab and they are doing incredibly well... None of them ever reported of any ethnic or racial tensions with natives of Punjab.

Urdu speakers who settled in Punjab, esp in Lahore and Islamabad, eventually became Punjabis over a generation or two. They became completely absorbed into the society. No one even knows them as Urdu speakers anymore, they are Punjabi.

Fyi I am not a Punjabi or son of soil.

Janab, you are a son of the soil. Every Urdu speaker is the son of the soil. You helped us make Pakistan great, and are part of our country.

If anyone says otherwise, let me know. I have khussey and latti waiting for them.

It's too late for that now; a whole generation has grownup in Bangladesh of biharis and vice versa of banglis in Pakistan. An agreement with Bangladesh; to grant citizenship to bangali population in Pakistan and similarly bihari population in bangladesh to grant citizenship of respective countries is the way forward. Generations of those bangalis are living in Pakistan. So they need to be regularized.

Similarly with regards to Afghanistan situation, it's also important to devise an immigration policy; and the criteria should be birth and place of main residence in Pakistan, education, assimilation with culture and language, no criminal background or activities with anti-state actors, giving up afghan nationality. If a person fulfill those criteria he should be given nationality. As long as such individuals who are in millions stays out of system; Pakistan is doing itself no favor.

We should normalize Afghans, Bengalis, and Rogingya living here first. They have the first rights to a path to citizenship. Why not use that manpower? Put them into military service, etc.

As for Biharis in BD, does anyone have an accurate number of them?
Richard Harris on twitter tweeted about this. I think it is something we need to re-focus on, especially since we have a Prime Minister who displays empathy towards those who have been wronged.

As a Pakistani Punjabi, I would be in favor of (at least initially) settling them in various parts of Punjab. We are a massive province of 100 million people and can easily absorb them without causing any kind of demographic imbalance.

The goal would be to spread out the settlements in various cities and towns, rather than one large settlement, to reduce the impact on any one town or city.

This is the kind of unknowledge able people around. Bhai you have twice the size of bangladeshi in your country. You totally forget to mention that.
Bhai ap apna bangaldeshi ko legal ker dain aur wo behari ko. Pakistan ke bangladeshi bought buri galat main hain. Migration nhn ho skati.
Yeah pakistani bangladeshi wahan set nhn hoon gay as they have different culture now and yeah bangladeshi bihari yahan settle nhn hoon ga as they are bangladeshi.
As a non-Punjabi....Why do Punjab has to burden itself every time ... Why can't other province step up to the plate ?

Exactly, Punjabis shouldn't be the only ones accepting of other ethnic groups within our land. Others should take notes too. We already have a lot of population density in the province while vast and large provinces like Balochistan are empty.

Indeed it wouldn't make that great of a impact. But there's still the problem of other provinces being unfriendly to their non-natives though.
If they want, they are more then welcome, but dont impose all of them on Sindhis who are already living in fear of being outnumbered by non Sindhis, take them to Punjab, KPK or Balochistan along with alien bengalis.
I'm apologizing in advance for the generic and trite comment that will follow: it should NEVER be a question of 'what can someone else do for the country', it should always be 'what can I do for the country'.

As a Pakistani, it shouldn't matter if or why the other provinces won't accept them - by as a resident of Punjab, I (and other Punjabis) need to focus on US accepting them.

It was an extremely shameful moment when the PMLN government was basically begging the TTP to 'spare Punjab' at the height of their terrorist rampage. That is the kind of thing we need to move away from and criticize our political leadership for.
Isn't nationalism strong in Punjab?

Nationalism is not the same as being an ethno-pussy. Plenty of politicians milk the insecurities of retards who think thier existence is threatened by the presence of others.

I have zero respect for anyone who created divisions in Pakistan.

If we can send the afghan refugees back to afg---and then we should look into getting the biharis into pakistan.

Now the problem of settlement---. They won't settle in punjab---they will all run towards karachi---after promising to settle in punjab.
Unlike Afghans who aren't and were never Pakistani citizens. Those Biharis were Pakistani passport holders as of November 1971.
They were abandoned by Bhutto same as the entire military was also abandoned by him.
This is a closed chapter. Most of the Bihari's are now third, fourth and fifth generation, they are born in Bangladesh and are Bangladeshi's. They should be loyal to the country there were born in. If they are not loyal to Bangladesh, they will never be loyal to Pakistan.
Biharis of Bangladesh should be settled in Bihar India, not in Punjab at any cost, Punjab koi haram da maal nai.
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Well, as a Pakistani Punjabi, thank you for the compliment.

But it's not like we don't have our faults or some degree of racism as well. And going by some of the village politics that my father would discuss with me and that I experienced first hand, they can be as cunning, vindictive and petty as anyone out there.

Onj e Kothy tappi jana ain haytha'n vyhra v takk - - -.
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