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How will we know that India is about to attack

In Sha Allah the attacks will continue until a single cow piss drinking pajeet exists.

try the adventure and you will be begging more and more in IMF street . As a result of your misadventure four new countries will come on the map .
Where do you people come from? I mean which planet? In your mind, which stats suggests that Pakistan is in any position to attack and win over India?
So I was born on Saturn.
Where do you people come from? I mean which planet? In your mind, which stats suggests that Pakistan is in any position to attack and win over India?
So you had no stats right? Nothing to actually predict that Pakistan can go to war against India and come out a winner.

And why do some of you always dream of war and destruction? Why not diplomacy and constructive co-existence for a change?
Not just into India, I am talking about inside the country in unstable areas like Balochistan, etc, where anti-state forces with Indian sponsorship operate - and inside Afghanistan going after leaders and bases of TTP.

Read my message above. Our response to TTP/BLA doesn't have to be formal military based. Nationalist Sufi militants can be armed and sent after Indian proxies - they would be high morale and low cost, and state name stays out of it
The first issue is - Counter literature is there to subdue extremism but what you are not getting is that action speak louder than words. Dushman k bachon ko parhanay se koi nateeja nahi nikal raha.

Secondly, Militia/proxy/militant etc do not give the Desired results. Once the rampage starts, no one can control it. The mujahideen of 80s, 90s could never be controlled.

It’s the highly trained forces on government payroll which have due to certain liabilities can become accountable to a degree more than mercenaries and brainwashed gun bearing men.
What's the group called? It needs to be created

Also what sect, were they Barelvis/Sufis?

I've noticed religious Sufis in Pakistan are very nationalistic and despise India, and whenever they hear groups like TTP/BLA making alliances with India it angers them a lot

I am telling you militants from this ideology would be very high morale - Sufi militants fighting against Indian proxies, military should sit back on the defensive but use non-state religious nationalist to hurt these proxies and their supporters

Pakistan must reinstate this - groups like these are also easy to control and don't really backfire - you can activate and deactivate at will.

Pakistan must understand that we are in a tough region and tough environment, we cannot cave in to the cries of westerners who demand you to protect yourself in ways that aren't possible just to please them. Everything must be on the table.
There was many Sufi groups on lower level like village militia type.
But I was referring to LeT.

try the adventure and you will be begging more and more in IMF street . As a result of your misadventure four new countries will come on the map .
Your breed will go extinct before you break Pakistan.
We don’t care about imf. It’s you who whore for whites for some dollars.
Our satisfaction is in killing pajeets.
Your breed will go extinct before you break Pakistan.
We don’t care about imf. It’s you who whore for whites for some dollars.
Our satisfaction is in killing pajeets.
Try to attack India , we will send you to begging streets of IMF , China, Saudi Arabia ,Qatar , UAE , .

Your breed will go extinct before you break Pakistan.
We don’t care about imf. It’s you who whore for whites for some dollars.
Our satisfaction is in killing pajeets.
Try to attack India , we will send you to begging streets of IMF , China, Saudi Arabia ,Qatar , UAE .
We will create four new states out of Pakistan .
4 trillion dollors ki worldclass economy hai India... damagh mai gobaar hi bhara hooga kisi kai wahan kai Pakistan jaisi fail state pai attack karkay saab kuch multiply by zero karday... they just have to wait us out. We don't need their attack... an evil terrorist organization has taken our country hostage... we are doomed anyway.
Guys lets be realistic, India won't go to war unless it is imposed upon them this is what the common sense says but we can't say that India will start a false flag operation to blame Pakistan and use it as cause for action.
They have done it before.
That has been their Modus Operandi for the last few decades or so.
What I personally look for is.
Election Season in India.
IAF flights (any kind) near the IB.
Large Scale Military Exercises near the IB.
Internal Rift.
4 trillion dollors ki worldclass economy hai India... damagh mai gobaar hi bhara hooga kisi kai wahan kai Pakistan jaisi fail state pai attack karkay saab kuch multiply by zero karday... they just have to wait us out. We don't need their attack... an evil terrorist organization has taken our country hostage... we are doomed anyway.
You are right sir .very few sane persons are left on this forum .
Try to attack India , we will send you to begging streets of IMF , China, Saudi Arabia ,Qatar , UAE .
We will create four new states out of Pakistan
And we will send you in stone age and will become nuclear waste land if will to create four new states of pakistan lol
You are right sir .very few sane persons are left on this forum .
And you're most paranoid and racist poster here on PDF
Well I highly doubt that India will ever directly and militarily attack Pakistan. But it's not Pakistan that stops India from attacking it's the global response that prevents that.

For attacking Pakistan, India would need a great chaos in other parts of the world, for example Middle East. If a scenario builds where countries are attacking each other and it becomes ok to attacks any Muslim country then will strike India. And India will push her non-military assets first, and for that Pakistan should restart NCC and allow civilians to have arms. The more arms people have the less is the chance of civilian attack on Pakistan.

Secondly, all cantonment in Pakistan are situated in cities. And if after any national issue, people turn against army, army will not be able to leave. So the first thing that military should do is to move away from cities asap.

But these are just my views.
well india will attack pakistan without any hesitant but when they will think that they can overpower us then they will attack simple

India would never attack Paksiatn.

Attacking Paksiatn should have an end state and the primary one would be a stable neighbourhood. Which is an unlikely outcome of a full fledged conflict due to nuclear factor.

Currently, Paksiatn is digging its own grave by the establishment controlling the nation on all fronts and excellence and merit in institutions being shoved under the carpet. Wouldn’t an adversary also try to do that? Why fight a war when they are doing it themselves.

Only possibility of a war is due to a misadventure of the Establishment, like in the past. PA might try to liberate Kashmir to divert attention from its domestic policy failure. Even, that is a remote possibility.
Wrong Start .. India doesnt need to attack Pakistan because ( rest of your 3 paragraphs ).......
And you're most paranoid and racist poster here on PDF
you are a frustrated pakistani .

well india will attack pakistan without any hesitant but when they will think that they can overpower us then they will attack simple

Wrong Start .. India doesnt need to attack Pakistan because ( rest of your 3 paragraphs ).......

Nobody is going to attack pakistan , we have bigger problems back at home .
you are a frustrated pakistani .
I'm talking about facts that's shows in your posts you hate Pakistan/ Islam and Muslims overall

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