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Vegetarians have strong hearts

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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A great deal depends I think on the live style. Upto 40 there is no problem, thereafter the system starts slowing down. For the record, I am a die hard NV but have chosen to go slow on Red Meat.

In moderation I think every thing is ok.

Vegetarians have strong hearts - bdnews24.com

Vegetarians are one-third less likely to be hospitalized or die from heart disease than meat and fish eaters, according to a new UK study.

Earlier research has also suggested that non-meat eaters have fewer heart problems, researchers said, but it wasn't clear if other lifestyle differences, including exercise and smoking habits, might also play into that.

Now, "we're able to be slightly more certain that it is something that's in the vegetarian diet that's causing vegetarians to have a lower risk of heart disease," said Francesca Crowe, who led the new study at the University of Oxford.

Still, she noted, the researchers couldn't prove there were no unmeasured lifestyle differences between vegetarians and meat eaters that could help explain the disparity in heart risks.

Crowe and her colleagues tracked almost 45,000 people living in England and Scotland who initially reported on their diet, lifestyle and general health in the 1990s.

At the start of the study, about one-third of the participants said they ate a vegetarian diet, without meat or fish.

Over the next 11 to 12 years, 1,066 of all study subjects were hospitalized for heart disease, including heart attacks, and 169 died of those causes.

After taking into account participants' ages, exercise habits and other health measures, the research team found vegetarians were 32 percent less likely to develop heart disease than carnivores. When weight was factored into the equation, the effect dropped slightly to 28 percent.

The lower heart risk was likely due to lower cholesterol and blood pressure among vegetarians in the study, the researchers reported this week in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Meat eaters had an average total cholesterol of 222 mg/dL and a systolic blood pressure - the top number in a blood pressure reading - of 134 mm Hg, compared to 203 mg/dL total cholesterol and 131 mm Hg systolic blood pressure among vegetarians.

Diastolic blood pressure - the bottom number - was similar between the two groups.

Crowe said the difference in cholesterol levels between meat eaters and vegetarians was equivalent to about half the benefit someone would see by taking a statin.

The effect is probably at least partly due to the lack of red meat - especially meat high in saturated fat - in vegetarians' diets, she added. The extra fruits and vegetables and higher fiber in a non-meat diet could also play a role.

"If people want to reduce their risk of heart disease by changing their diet, one way of doing that is to follow a vegetarian diet," Crowe told Reuters Health.

However, she added, you also don't have to cut out meat altogether - just scaling back on saturated fat can make a difference, for example. Butter, ice cream, cheeses and meats all typically contain saturated fat.

veggies miss out too much... (Chicken fry, beef fry, fish fry....) I will never forget those US style ribs in a hotel in Mumbai....


PS: I have an excellent stamina. Like in everything else, you need to know your limit.
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ohhh nooo..
but I like non veg.
sure I had this debate with my vegetarian friends.They say that an animal has to be slaughtered to serve your taste glands and thats cruelty.I guess it is.I just console myself by telling that the World is not a perfect place and this is the way the human civilization across the World has developed.
ohhh nooo..
but I like non veg.
sure I had this debate with my vegetarian friends.They say that an animal has to be slaughtered to serve your taste glands and thats cruelty.I guess it is.I just console myself by telling that the World is not a perfect place and this is the way the human civilization across the World has developed.

Thats nature............
fundamentally what i find to be the most attractive thing about vegetarianism is that when u eat non veg ur body has to do work to digest it,even if u r a born non vegetarian.

with veggie food,u feel lighter,ur brain seems sharper,more agile and body feels lighter.

fish can be the only exception,even eggs onwards it gets crazy.

i feel,fish and boiled egg whites are cool.

otherwise,veggie food does it for me.

but yeah if someone has a lot of physical work to do like a blue collar person eating a lot of emat makes sense but even then beef and all is not necessary.
ohhh nooo..
but I like non veg.
sure I had this debate with my vegetarian friends.They say that an animal has to be slaughtered to serve your taste glands and thats cruelty.I guess it is.I just console myself by telling that the World is not a perfect place and this is the way the human civilization across the World has developed.

very true.

true indeed.vegans are even better in this department.

but ultimately,it is our choice.
fundamentally what i find to be the most attractive thing about vegetarianism is that when u eat non veg ur body has to do work to digest it,even if u r a born non vegetarian.

with veggie food,u feel lighter,ur brain seems sharper,more agile and body feels lighter.

fish can be the only exception,even eggs onwards it gets crazy.

i feel,fish and boiled egg whites are cool.

otherwise,veggie food does it for me.

but yeah if someone has a lot of physical work to do like a blue collar person eating a lot of emat makes sense but even then beef and all is not necessary.

I ve lived on a veg diet for 5 months and I felt terrible and even my performance dropped ( I am a big cardio fan and doing resistance training 2-3 times a week). When ever I got out with family members or friends I always had this BS (sry) veggie food and usually had to eat tons of egg whites and nuts to get proteins.
I then get back at my vegetarian friends who order eggs for breakfast and argue that eggs can be considered veg,because of the way they are mass produced.They never carry life in them.Well,things become very complex for us to comprehend when all of a sudden some stupid rookie stands up and asks what is life...

Nowadays,after prolonged discussions,debates and fights,we guys in office have unanimously agreed not to speak about it again.
We have added veg. vs non-veg to the long list of banned topics that features some curious topics like :
1.Chuck Norris vs Rajhnikant
2.Hema Malini or Sridevi
3.Dhoni or Ganguly
4.Michael Schumacher or Ayrton Senna
etc. etc. not in any particular order.
It really depends on how much meat is being eaten. If you're going to take it to an extreme and neglect plant -based foods, eventually, you'll develop acidosis and cholesterol issues. Take it another step further and you'll get gout and renal problems.

I do 30-45 minute sessions at 5 days a week on the treadmill. I usually do interval training and alternate from 50 to 75 percent of my maximum speed. I found that going at that regularly is difficult on a purely vegetarian diet. My recovery time and endurance was affected. If I was injured, it took a lot longer to get back to normal. Now, I've added egg whites, fish, protein powder, and the occasional red meat. Its helped a lot. I notice my heart rate, energy and breathing is much better than on a purely vegetarian diet.

I've known some vegans that can do it though. There's a guy that I've trained with in MMA and he's been on a vegan diet for most of his life. That to me is insane. If you do absolutely nothing, vegetarian diets are alright but for anything outside is difficult to keep it up.

Plus pulled pork sandwiches is the food of the gods.
Humans developed the way we did after meat was added to our diet. Screw vegetarians.

yeah.. I tried that argument with my vegetarian friends.Someone came up with a quick and short reply that back in those days,a man used to choose his female partner to copulate based on his physical might.Nowadays we call it rape.
yeah.. I tried that argument with my vegetarian friends.Someone came up with a quick and short reply that back in those days,a man used to choose his female partner to copulate based on his physical might.Nowadays we call it rape.

Our body is made to be non vegetarian, we dont have a long gut like cow, even veggies use animal supplement like milk.
Why is it cruel to eat animal for food?
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