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Which countries eat the most meat?

I love my meat, particularly the Chapal kebab ( I eat kilos at a time), the mutton/beef karais, tikkas etc. its a good thing I dont have a tendency to be fat otherwise I would have been morbidly obese by now..... :-)
These days I am not eating non veg because of poojas and all ........ For me it has become difficult. I am substituting Meat with Paneer and Hot spicy stuff.


I love my meat, particularly the Chapal kebab ( I eat kilos at a time), the mutton/beef karais, tikkas etc. its a good thing I dont have a tendency to be fat otherwise I would have been morbidly obese by now..... :-)

Is it Chapli Kebab which is famous in Pehswar??
In the early 21st century, the biggest meat-eating countries were Luxembourg, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Spain. The average annual meat consumption for Luxembourg residents was more than 300 pounds (136.5 kg) per person.

Hate Luxembourg!
Is it Chapli Kebab famous in Pehswar??
Yeah its a local delicacy, trust me you have not eaten Chapal kebab until you have eaten our Kebab, we have wannabe Kababchis (people who make kebabs) everywhere but the kebabs made by a Peshawari have no equal....:-)
If I have high blood pressure or something in the future my Kebab habit will be to blame....:lol:
I would invite you to a meal but that doesnt seem viable to me, for obvious reasons, I mean its not like you would cross the border just to have a meal with me....:-)
Just a quote from one of your sources settles it "Plants do not actually scream in pain. But different sounds are heard when the gas they emit, ethylene, is bombarded with lasers."
Without central nervous system, things can't feel "pain", they might react to being attacked/external stimuli as in touch me not plant, but it is not due to pain...

We are yet to decide conclusively, nature is very complex, check the video in the first link. Plants do not have vocal cords though.
lol..u didn't get that chart......

yes for growing cereals and veges u need water and then that vege and cereal is fed to the cattle.....
now just think over it.....how much cereals and veges does a cattle need to grow 1 Kg of meat on its body.....
now u will eat that 1 kg of meat in 2 days ..but the same cereal or veggies will last for atleast 2 month for ur ration requirement....

as for processing and packaging yes there is waste of water but u can buy directly from ur local veggies seller instead of packaged product......
again even if u go for packaging u need less water...then meat as packaged meat need to be washed and clean too....u need to keep clean the packaging unit and wash away the blood and all other animal stuff...
Like I said the halal butcher we go to butches in the country while the veges are imported...soo veges use more water in developed countries...or were you talking about in India?! :unsure:
U kill plants. They are also living things and feel the pain. :disagree: Not done. :disagree:
I know they can feel pain....
but humans don't eat the plant itself everytime....except in case of saag ......
we mostly consume cereals they are living or dead....no one can say.....we eat fruits which are being disposed off by tree for its reproduction and germination.....
so, nothing wrong in it......and the most imp fact....
I never denied the fact that we don't kill and I am nt a brutal plant eater.....:p:
but I believe in minimum damage amd minimum killing......
if i eat the plant its only one degree killing.....but if I eat animals....its 2nd or 3rd degree killing.....because veg animal eats plants and then we eat that animal and if we consume nn veg animals then it kills plants and animal consume it then that animal is consumed by that carnivore and then we eat that carnivore to become omnivore.....
so min, damage to mother nature.....

Look at a chicken, it can't fly well, can't run fast, and can't even fight back the predators, still it is the most successful bird species on the planet in terms of numbers, all because of the noble people like us. :D

Chickens will go extinct the day everybody become vegetarians. :fie:
ohh..my birdy chicken.......
I like it when it run and do puk...pukk sound.....:lol:
but we domesticated it just to eat it....that is ...I don't know good or bad.....
chicken will go extinct ...I think they will grow in size if humans do not interfere in their living...:D:D

Like I said the halal butcher we go to butches in the country while the veges are imported...soo veges use more water in developed countries...or were you talking about in India?! :unsure:
hw come veg will use more water be it india pakistan or america.......:lol:
oh,thanks for doing that.i am gonna start studying right now :ashamed: :D
hmm,so suggest a new avatar..
why dont you choose this smiley(the below one) as your avtar:police:



haha ....nah choose any other just anything that shows your a man!
In Pakistan chicken mean is consumed much more than Mutton and now even Beef since the latter are expensive compared to chicken
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