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Expelled Diplomat Wore Bias on Sleeves

Wayne’s world: Was expelled US official a bleeding heart or an ugly American? - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: The US official who was expelled in a tit-for-tat diplomatic battle over Devyani Khobragade was nearing the end of his posting in India, scheduled to leave New Delhi in February. But in their three years in India, Wayne May, who headed the US embassy's security team in New Delhi, and his wife Alicia Muller May, who worked as the embassy's community liaison officer, revealed conflicting impulses and contradictory outlook towards the people and country they served in.

On the one hand, it was evidently their bleeding heart concern for housekeeper Sangeeta Richard, whose in-laws worked with them and a succession of US embassy officials, that led them to "rescue" the nanny's husband and children from the strong-arm tactics of the Indian judicial and police system that diplomat Devyani Khobragade unleashed on them after Sangeeta fell out with her. On the other hand, their facetious comments about a stereotypical India abounding in chaos and filth, which some might see as offensive, shows them as the archetypal "ugly Americans".

They laid out their opinions and views quite guilelessly on social media through photographs and comments that were quickly seized on and distributed by bloggers and trolls ever sensitive to any perceived insult of India. Although the comments are often flippant, the kind many people make on social media without fear of consequence, they sound extremely offensive now given the fraught context of the diplomatic spat. Their profiles, pictures and comments were removed and their social media presence sanitized soon after they were discovered, but not before the online warriors had saved and uploaded them on other social media sites, portraying them as "racist American diplomats". :lol:

The Indian "holy cow" is a recurring theme in their entries, starting from the time Wayne May was posted in New Delhi in 2010. The first of the pictures appears in June 2010 with a comment from Wayne saying, "No eating the sacred cows". A little later, he adds, "one week in country and I already miss steak".

His wife Alicia captions another photo "Stupid Cow". A friend comments, "You just insulted their god," to which May responds, "Not the first time, not the last time". But a short time later, she shows the kind of frustration that many Indians might also share: "Just wait till you have to dodge these beasts in your car because they are laying in the middle of the road blocking traffic — they lose their 'holiness' real fast. And, as holy as they are supposed to be, most of them are bodyline starved. It's awful to see. Everything is a contradiction here ..."

There is other banter in which enraged nationalists see signs of Indian laws being broken by the meat-loving diplomats. "Had real American Hamburgers for dinner last night. A friend smuggled them in his suitcase last night," Alicia Muller May writes in September 2010, soon after their arrival in India, adding, "water buffalo burgers just aren't cutting it. Oh, the simple pleasures of life ..." Another time, she alerts her friends in Delhi to "a good friend in Beijing who is coming to the CLO office with beautiful pearls for sale ..." — which some see as evidence that embassy premises were being used for commercial activities.

The biggest irony: Alicia Muller May is the US embassy's community liaison officer.

This retarded red neck filth was US embassy's community liaison officer, and the husband was the security officer (Read CIA).
@Shatterpoint i can be biggest racist and bring down every race. Europian and yankeestan is a new race compared to we BRAHMINS THE ARYAN RACE. Even hitler use to have fantasy about it. Idiot forgot to name it. What he did? He named it Aryan race. Aryan is a sankrit name which means noble. now u been talking about rapes in india. Go read who ranks top in Rape. Its yankeestan aka amrikan aka kalyug idiots. They got 4 times more rapes than india. About france.... Werent there news how old french males raping their own grandson and grand daughters and their parents knew it but still dont do anything about it? France is so much diff.... Sex is like bfast, lunch and dinner (with anyone). Italy and france are two jokers. Both presidents been caught shagging womens. France always went for women who had kids and italy went for youngest.... Europe was built by looting world. I can get offensive but it was just a trailor. Go search go0gle to find so much about perver.t europian nations.

I don't understand how people like these even end up in the profession of a diplomat ? I mean isn't it a basic requirement that you need to be culturally sensitive and not a racist to become a diplomat ?

I have a solution for India and Indians, since they live in a perfect country why don't you cut all ties with the USA, Europe, Australia etc as all these nations are so racist and only want to put India and Indians down all the time. Cut ties with all of them and then just go about your own business, while you are at it maybe all those Indians living in Australia who cause problems here and then lie and accuse Aussies of being racist can all go back to their perfect India. I think that is good compromise for all of us, the Indians will be happy and so will we,

You will have to work harder to get your job which you lost to that Indian back. This won't be of much help.
lol my job is very safe thanks for the concern, considering Indians are too busy raping women and calling it eve teasing, Indians have far too many other concerns.
lol my job is very safe thanks for the concern, considering Indians are too busy raping women and calling it eve teasing, Indians have far too many other concerns.

Since you claim you are not jobless and I am inclined to believe you , get busy with whatever it is that you do. 1.2 billion Indians are enough to be bothered for the country.
Typical American Retards ..:usflag:



what a racist bunch ,cant believe these clowns represent america .shame on them ..:tsk:
Racist American Diplomats

Just read through it. It's shocking. Not only these two diplomats stationed in India but also their buddies stationed in other developing countries are so openly and unabashedly racist.

I have never been to America and not known many Americans , but if this is the cream of Americans society which diplomats usually are , then it reflects very poorly on America. Shame ! :tsk::disagree:
lol Americans are just the dumbest creatures on earth

They must be from the South though. The Northerners and people in the West Coast aren't nearly as stupid and clueless as the typical Southerner/republinut redneck.
Most of them are dumb and stupid...
They really think world revolves around them...

lol my job is very safe thanks for the concern, considering Indians are too busy raping women and calling it eve teasing, Indians have far too many other concerns.
Last i heard that america is the leader in rapes...
Stop fooling around pervert...
We all have concerns...
Ya that's why we kicked them out...
If you and your country have guts then then kick out the american who bomb you and your people day and night...
I dare you....Pakistan can even think of it in this century...:coffee:
we r those who starved them in afg for abt 9 months when stopped their supply. And we r the reason why they r not a super power anymore.
Normal banter on social media, usually pretty harmless but looks extremely stupid when it gets put out like this and in such context. However I must say that I'm surprised that "diplomats" seem to be behaving like the average Joe & Jane, reasonably sure that there are plenty of red faces at the embassy now ( the fact that they took it all down means that even they realised that this was pretty stupid). Unlikely to see more candid chatter from any American diplomat. Rap on the knuckles is guaranteed.
Well, what he described about India is accurate. If the place is a sh*t hole and you call it as such, you are not being prejudiced.

And guess who is the idiot here. Indians are looking or someone to blame when their own diplomat commit a crime. Indians should hang their head in shame instead of defending their criminal diplomat. But after reading all the posts from Indians in here, I'm not too surprise by the action of Indian government.
so you are ok with your wife your sister being stripped for an alleged crimes!!!
@Shatterpoint i guess you married? And live in france? Than i would recommend u to hire a spy.... Who knows your wife doing same u doing behind her back. France, italy, germany, uk all are disgusting nations who wives get laid with anyone they want.... Yuck. Wont ever marry a europian or yankee women. I heard german and british women smell. I heard french and italy womens get laid with many. France really capital of world.... I mean read this
Paris: pervert capital of the world? - Telegraph
At least my wife and kids are safe from disgusting Indian men, who rape ,sexually assault, molest, women and kids and get away with it. Because Indian police are corrupt just like Indian society, corrupt from the top all the way to the bottom.

Since you claim you are not jobless and I am inclined to believe you , get busy with whatever it is that you do. 1.2 billion Indians are enough to be bothered for the country.

Obviously 400 million of those 1.2 billion do not care about the poor, the slaver trade, the human and child traffickers etc in India and I guess that is why also India is the most corrupt of countries, no wonder Indians beat their chest when a Indian is caught for a crime in another country they always play the racist card.
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