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Expelled Diplomat Wore Bias on Sleeves

Well, if we don't know if and how the "typical American" is racist, we surely know where you stand.

400 years of subjugation of Native Indians ...
300 years of slavery of Africans ...
Murder of millions of innocents of world wide ...
Thousands of wars in last 400 years since its bloody birth to expand its territory and annexe several countries ...

and yet to deny all these and believe America is only God's own country ....

that is the real identity of typical americans ....Hypocrites and racist to the core !!!

This is bound to happen since very foundation of US is based on blood and flesh of 100 million red Indians ...and sweat of millions of African slaves .... and the very founding fathers of US likes of George Washington , Thomas Jefferson were crooks ,racist , hypocrites ....

go and study history of your country first !
Typical American Retards .


what a racist bunch ,cant believe these clowns represent america .shame on them ..:tsk:
Racist American Diplomats

Guys!!.. I dont understand the this context here...what is the offensive in this picture and comments, can any1 tell me??
American diplomat Wayne May, who was asked to leave India, may be secretly relieved since he has previously talked of “challenges” of living in India. His wife, Alicia Muller May, also a US embassy staff, had shown prejudice while talking about India on her Facebook page.

On November 18, 2012, Alicia had shared a link to an article about an Indian textbook claiming non-vegetarians were inclined towards violence and sexual crimes. On the discussion to the post, Alicia wrote, “I’d like them to do a follow-up article on how many vegetarians rape women here every day!” After the reply of a friend, Alicia pushed her theory forward. “It’s the vegetarians that are doing the raping, not the meat eaters — this place is just so bizarre.” When another commentator replied jokingly that he had never raped anyone, Alicia persisted, “Applies only to Indians… not westerners!”

The diplomat, Wayne May, had announced the start of his tenure in New Delhi by posting a picture of two cows in the middle of an Old Delhi lane. “The adventure begins! Welcome to India…” posted May on June 30, 2010. In an interview on his professional life in March 2011, he had said, “Challenges include unhealthy living conditions like air and water pollution, threat of disease and sickness, bad traffic and everything else that one would associate with a developing country with a population of over 1.2 billion.”

Expelled Diplomat Wore Bias on Sleeves -The New Indian Express
so just because he said this u kicked him out??
Guys!!.. I dont understand the this context here...what is the offensive in this picture and comments, can any1 tell me??

The idea is that he/she/they are complaining about their life in India, whilst attending balls etc
Guys!!.. I dont understand the this context here...what is the offensive in this picture and comments, can any1 tell me??

You got to read their other comments ...

In one of the pictures of their dog with Indian gardner

They say .." .Look our Dog looks healthier than Indian gardner

He gets more proteins to eat ...."

and so on ....
India has slavery that is worse than underpaying, you don;t have to scratch too far to see the true India exposed.
Guys!!.. I dont understand the this context here...what is the offensive in this picture and comments, can any1 tell me??

about that particular picture nothing really , just wanted to share the pic of the the racist couples ,....
go through the tumblr link ..
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American diplomat Wayne May, who was asked to leave India, may be secretly relieved since he has previously talked of “challenges” of living in India. His wife, Alicia Muller May, also a US embassy staff, had shown prejudice while talking about India on her Facebook page.

On November 18, 2012, Alicia had shared a link to an article about an Indian textbook claiming non-vegetarians were inclined towards violence and sexual crimes. On the discussion to the post, Alicia wrote, “I’d like them to do a follow-up article on how many vegetarians rape women here every day!” After the reply of a friend, Alicia pushed her theory forward. “It’s the vegetarians that are doing the raping, not the meat eaters — this place is just so bizarre.” When another commentator replied jokingly that he had never raped anyone, Alicia persisted, “Applies only to Indians… not westerners!”

The diplomat, Wayne May, had announced the start of his tenure in New Delhi by posting a picture of two cows in the middle of an Old Delhi lane. “The adventure begins! Welcome to India…” posted May on June 30, 2010. In an interview on his professional life in March 2011, he had said, “Challenges include unhealthy living conditions like air and water pollution, threat of disease and sickness, bad traffic and everything else that one would associate with a developing country with a population of over 1.2 billion.”

Expelled Diplomat Wore Bias on Sleeves -The New Indian Express

Well, what he described about India is accurate. If the place is a sh*t hole and you call it as such, you are not being prejudiced.

so just because he said this u kicked him out??

And guess who is the idiot here. Indians are looking or someone to blame when their own diplomat commit a crime. Indians should hang their head in shame instead of defending their criminal diplomat. But after reading all the posts from Indians in here, I'm not too surprise by the action of Indian government.
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I have a solution for India and Indians, since they live in a perfect country why don't you cut all ties with the USA, Europe, Australia etc as all these nations are so racist and only want to put India and Indians down all the time. Cut ties with all of them and then just go about your own business, while you are at it maybe all those Indians living in Australia who cause problems here and then lie and accuse Aussies of being racist can all go back to their perfect India. I think that is good compromise for all of us, the Indians will be happy and so will we,
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.....good, that they are sent back to their homeland where 'rapes don't happen'.......only cavity and strip searches happen....:laugh:
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I have a solution for India and Indians, since they live in a perfect country why don't you cut all ties with the USA, Europe, Australia etc as all these nations are so racist and only want to put India and Indians down all the time. Cut ties with all of them and then just go about your own business, while you are at it maybe all those Indians living in Australia who cause problems here and then lie and accuse Aussies of being racist can all go back to their perfect India. I think that is good compromise for all of us, the Indians will be happy and so will we,

British invaders who invaded the US and Australia and colonized should leave these countries and return to Britain ...then Indians will think of returning to their land ...

Well, what he described about India is accurate. If the place is a sh*t hole and you call it as such, you are not being prejudiced.

And guess who is the idiot here. Indians are looking or someone to blame when their own diplomat commit a crime. Indians should hang their head in shame instead of defending their criminal diplomat. But after reading all the posts from Indians in here, I'm not too surprise by the action of Indian government.

He was kicked out of India ....and US couldn't do anything about it. that's why some slave- immigrants like you are cribbing and cringing on behalf of your masters . We are happy with getting rid of bigot and racist diplomat ...!!!
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Well, what he described about India is accurate. If the place is a sh*t hole and you call it as such, you are not being prejudiced.

You are just being racist, right?
Well, enjoy the company of your masters till those burger eating idiots turn on you too.

And guess who is the idiot here. Indians are looking or someone to blame when their own diplomat commit a crime. Indians should hang their head in shame instead of defending their criminal diplomat. But after reading all the posts from Indians in here, I'm not too surprise by the action of Indian government.

Yeah sure, sneaking out people via T-Visas is no crime at all.
I guess you people are so neck deep in shame that you all don't even bother hanging a thing any more.
Enjoy denial.
@Shatterpoint i can be biggest racist and bring down every race. Europian and yankeestan is a new race compared to we BRAHMINS THE ARYAN RACE. Even hitler use to have fantasy about it. Idiot forgot to name it. What he did? He named it Aryan race. Aryan is a sankrit name which means noble. now u been talking about rapes in india. Go read who ranks top in Rape. Its yankeestan aka amrikan aka kalyug idiots. They got 4 times more rapes than india. About france.... Werent there news how old french males raping their own grandson and grand daughters and their parents knew it but still dont do anything about it? France is so much diff.... Sex is like bfast, lunch and dinner (with anyone). Italy and france are two jokers. Both presidents been caught shagging womens. France always went for women who had kids and italy went for youngest.... Europe was built by looting world. I can get offensive but it was just a trailor. Go search go0gle to find so much about perver.t europian nations.

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