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Vegetarians live longer, study says

146 years ?? Yeah right! Older than the oldest person ever known....

Bibi Ahsan.

That was her name.

She was blind in her older years, and even at her age she looked very well.

People can call me a liar, but that doesn't bother me at all.
Old age is a curse. What does one achieve by living that long anyways?

I'd rather eat meat than live that long.

If we were meant to be eating ghaas foos, we would have had wider molars, longer incisors, and no canines.

Not to mention two stomachs and a gut two and half times the present length.

Take a hint. :cheers:
My grandfather's half sister lived to be 146 years old eating meat. All I can is that these studies are bullshit.

And YES. She was there before partition. I will eat meat, because I love it.

yes, because one Pakistani year equal to 10 English calendar years or something like that ?..only rajani kanth can beat that record..rajani's one year is equal to hundred years:p::p::p:
I am cutting down on red meat, but not a single day of my pass by without non-veg food. But I eat in moderation and try to maintain a balanced diet along with regular exercise(mostly cardio).
My bibi Ahsan lived in a remote dusty village of Cholistan. She was a very, and I mean very old woman.

People can criticize me, but it doesn't matter. She was a very old woman.

She would drink Lassi from a Lota. Also she used to smoke cigarettes after every meal. I am just sharing something personal, whether people believe me or not.

I catch every episode of Nigella's Kitchen. And its not for the recipes.
Here you see the Canine teeth, They are there as part of evolution (Or God creation) for the sole purpose of chewing on meat. Humans are Omnivores by nature and it is the reason why we came on the top of the food chain and won the evolution game (Or created by God to be the best whatever you believe).

Meat (and fish) are denser in nutrients than are vegetables. There is a theory that anything higher in the food chain is denser in nutrients than something lower because the middleman has done the work to process and concentrate the nutrients. Many of us have grown up being told that fish is brain food -- maybe it's true.

Secondly, cooked food is easier to digest than raw food, so you get the same amount of calories quicker by eating cooked food.

So, meat eating and cooking are considered an important factor in helping human evolution. Of course, one can argue that the equation has changed in modern society (getting enough calories or nutrients is hardly a problem for most people) and 'processed food' is a different matter altogether.
Lion kabhi Ghash nahi khata...Aur Sabhi Vegetarians ki Lion se Phat ti hai. :cheesy:
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